Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey guys. I kind of went MIA for the last three weeks. I just work so much. But I'll be going missing for another two weeks because I'm going on vacation. I wanted to give you guys this before I left. So enjoy this extremely unedited chapter :)

It doesn't take long for my dad to bring Roman back up. Thankfully, I briefed my two younger brothers on what to say if he happens to ask them. So on Monday night when we're all seated at the dinner table and my father nods at me while chewing, I'm not surprised at the words that follow. "Did you figure everything out with Roman?" my dad starts out curiously and my mother perks up.

"Roman?" she asks in slight interest. "Who's Roman?"

"My lab partner," I answer casually as I move around the food on my plate. "Yeah, I did, dad. We handed in the project this morning, actually."

"Do you guys know Roman?" my father asks and Nate shrugs. Benji gives a weak shake of his head.

"I do," Calum pipes up and my dad turns to him with a wondrous gaze on his face. I match his expression while silently swearing at myself for not covering all the bases.

"Is he a good kid?" my dad questions.

"Does it matter?" I blurt with narrowed eyes.

"You spend time with him so yes," my father answers dismissively as he keeps his gaze on Calum.

"Yeah, he's a good kid," Calum assures my dad. I feel gratitude towards Calum, though I'm not sure if I should. He could've easily admitted that his brother throws wild parties every now and again. But he may not know that a lot of the time, Roman is involved in planning them. Regardless, I feel relief well through me as he unknowingly covers for me. "I know his brother."

"That's good," my dad confirms before allowing a silence to fall over the table. "You know you're not allowed to date, right?"

"Dad, I know," I all but snap. Shock falls over everyone's faces and my father narrows his gaze at me. I awkwardly avert my gaze and stare at the half empty glass of water in front of me. My voice grows quiet as I shift around the corn on my plate. "You tell me all the time. I'm not dating anyone."

"Well, I want to know when you're hanging out with Roman and where you're going to be," my father insists. "I'd rather you study here than at his house."

"Whatever, dad," I mumble in response before pushing my plate away from me. "Can I be excused? I have a lot of homework."

By Wednesday, my father seems to have forgotten about Roman. For once, he seems more concerned about my brothers. Benji's practically failing Geometry and Nate's grades aren't failing but just aren't up to par. I pardon myself from that conversation and wait in the car with Calum, who's tapping away on his phone.

"You don't work today, right?" he asks and I shake my head. "Good."

"Why?" I ask as I glance up from my phone.

"We're going over to Greg's house after work to watch the game," he explains and I assume 'we' means all of my brothers.

"Cool," I mutter just as my brothers pile into the car. We start in the direction of the school and I contemplate asking Diana to hang out.

I manage to avoid Roman for most of the day. I see him in passing in the halls and he'll give me a small smile or a nod, which I awkwardly return. The only thing I can think about is the way he looked at me in the car and how I really don't want him to look at me like that again. After lunch, I'm transferring textbooks to my locker when I notice him advancing towards me, as opposed to my usual gang of friends. I quietly start to panic as his footsteps grow closer.

"Hey," he greets. I slowly shut my locker and offer him a small smile.

"Hello," I exhale as I awkwardly rock back and forth on my feet. He seems to sense my discomfort because he rubs at the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Is everything alright between us?" he wonders. "We haven't talked much since the other day."

"Uh yeah, we're cool," I fib as I glance over his shoulder. What am I supposed to say? 'Well, it seemed like you were going to kiss me. I know you didn't but it felt that way and I just want to let you know that I don't want you to kiss me again, ever.'

"Did your dad get off your back?" he wonders and I give a slow nod, trying to drag out the small talk. Where the hell are Diego and friends? They'd usually be strolling down the hall by now.

"Yeah," I vocalize after an awkward intermission.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab a bite to eat," he proposes. "Or just hang out for a bit."

"I'm actuallllly," I draw in an attempt to think of a lie, "studying with Diego."

"Oh..." he says in slight surprise, "okay."

A little later than anticipated, Sage, Quincy, Webster, and Diego come up beside us and hesitate awkwardly. I turn to Diego and nod. "Ready for our study session?" I wonder, praying and hoping that he catches on.

"When you are," he confirms without skipping a beat.

I offer Roman a small smile before slowly backing in the direction of my friends. "I'll catch you another time, yeah?" I say and he gives me a short nod. I immediately turn and trail closely behind Diego, who gives me a curious glance.

"Are you okay?" he wonders.

"Yeah," I confirm quietly as I stare at the pavement.

"So...a study session?" he wonders with raised brows.

"It was the first thing to come to mind," I confess with a short nod.

"Actually, can we study together?" he questions.

"Sure," I confirm with a slow nod. "Today?"

"Yeah," he agrees. "I actually have to go home and do a few things but I'll be done around 4. Does that work?" I give a slow nod, which gets a smile from him. "Cool."

We part ways, with me following after Sage, Quincy, and Webster, and him heading towards his bike. I join in on their conversation and make jokes, growing slightly nervous to hang out with Diego later.


At half past three o'clock, I decide to clue my mom in as to my plans with Diego. I assumed she'd have left for work but when I hear her clanking around in the kitchen, I figure she's not leaving until later. I jog down the steps and peek my head into the kitchen, where I see her preparing herself a dinner for tonight.

"Hey mom?" I start as I join her at the counter.

"Yes?" she responds with a raised brow. I watch as she pours spinach into the container.

"Can Diego come over? We're going to study together," I wonder and she looks slightly hesitant.

"Your father and I aren't going to be home," she announces as if that's supposed to translate to a yes or no answer. I know the point she's trying to make; she doesn't really want me alone with Diego. I pretend not to understand as I stare at her expectantly.

"What?" I ask when she doesn't further explain herself. I feign a shocked gasp as I contort my face to one of slight disgust. "Mom! We're just going to be studying. Diego is my friend."

"Okay," she replies with a slow nod. "What time is he coming?"

"Uh, around four," I answer. "Anyway, I'm going to go get started on my homework now. I told him to just let himself in so you don't have to lock up."

A half hour later, I get a text from Diego claiming that he's on his way. Ten minutes after that, I hear his motorcycle revving down the street and cutting off in the driveway. I'm not surprised when I hear the front door opening in the otherwise silent house. I wait for the sound of his boots to reach the stairs but five minutes pass and I don't hear a sound. I get up and leave my room, wondering what's taking him so long. I hear conversation once I reach the bottom of the steps and I enter the living room and find my mother talking to him.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I ask as I come up behind her. Diego looks slightly uncomfortable as he shakes his head at something she says.

"Oh, I was just catching up with Diego," my mom replies as she hoists her bag over her shoulder.

"We're going to go upstairs and study, okay?" I mutter as I eye her suspiciously.

"Your dad should be home around 9," she assures me as she opens the front door.

"Okay," I reply awkwardly and she blows me a kiss as she leaves. I turn and lead the way upstairs to my room after locking the door. I listen as Diego trails behind me and it isn't until I close the door that I notice his narrowed gaze.

"You introduced him to your parents?" he inquires as he sheds his backpack. I tilt my head at him and he further clarifies. "Roman- your mom literally just interrogated me about you and him. She wanted to know if you said anything about liking him. She even asked if I had a picture of him."

I gape at him and immediately feel my face redden. "I didn't introduce him to anyone. He dropped me off on Saturday after we hung out and my dad pulled up at the same time we did. You know my dad. You know how he is. He basically forced an introduction out of me and Roman was no help."

"Oh," Diego comments awkwardly. I pace around my room a bit as the events of Saturday night replay in my head. "How did hanging out with him go?" he wonders aloud and I turn to him with a flat look on my face.

"I thought we'd just be hanging out at his house like we normally do but he insisted we go out to dinner. I forgot my money so he paid. And he basically tried to advertise himself to me, which was so awkward," I rant as I walk back and forth in front of my bed, which he's made himself comfortable on.

"Advertise himself?" Diego asks with wide eyes.

I stop and sit in my desk chair. Releasing a quiet huff, I sigh. "I may or may not have told him about last know, how we talked and almost...kissed," I start and before he can ask why I told him about it, I interrupt. "I just needed advice from a guy. It was stupid, I know. I didn't realize he seriously had a thing for me until Saturday but now I know and I'm just...ugh."

"Orion, slow down... " he insists as he pulls his feet from his boots. I watch as he tucks his feet underneath himself in a cross-legged position.

"I also told him about the whole J.D. thing and he basically told me he wouldn't make me second guess his feelings for me and that he wouldn't leave me hanging for a kiss," I confess awkwardly, which gets a noisy scoff from Diego.

"That's not it at all, Orion-," he attempts but I cut him off.

"I know! I defended you! I told him that it's not like that. It got awkward but I said it. Then, when we pulled up to my house..." I twirl side to side on the chair as I stare at him, "I think he wanted to kiss me."

"You think?" he questions with a raised brow.

"Yeah, he was just staring at my mouth and licking his lips and I had the feeling. But my dad came before he could do-," I start but Diego cuts me off.

"Were you going to kiss him?" he wonders quietly.

"No! Been there, done that, regret it very much," I remark with a roll of my eyes. I shake the memory from my mind as I grab my textbook. "Time to study."

I turn around in my seat and return to my homework, which I was doing before he arrived. "You know I didn't leave you hanging with the kiss, right?" he blurts after ten minutes of silent studying. "We just got interrupted."

"I know, Diego," I confirm with my back turned.

We study for a little over two hours before he stretches out on my bed and groans. "I don't feel like doing this anymore," he complains quietly, which I definitely agree with. "I just want to go to sleep."

He successfully ends our study session when he starts to doze off in my bed. Though I like the sight of him snuggled up in my sheets, I figure it's time to wake him up after ten minutes pass. I walk over to my bed and nudge his shoulder. He blinks awake, locks eyes with me, and rolls over. "Diego, you need to wake up," I insist.

"Can't I just spend the night here?" he questions, which makes my stomach jolt a bit. I wish.

"Nope," I say. "You need to wake up."

"I'm so tired. What if I doze off while driving?" he questions me and my eyes widen.

"Diego!" I snap as I slap his arm. He grins widely at me.

"You'd care?" he presses as he stares up at me from my own bed.

"Of course," I retort with a huff as I walk back to my desk. "Now get up."

He sighs noisily and heaves himself out of bed. I watch as he stretches and gives me a sleepy smile, which makes my heart flutter. Slowly, he gathers his belongings and approaches my bedroom door. "Are you going to be a gentleman and walk me outside?" he questions when I don't make a move to get up from my desk chair.

"You lived here for a month. You're perfectly capable of letting yourself out," I grumble as I return to my homework.

"Come on," he whines, drawing it out until I get up and trail behind him. We're silent as we descend down the steps. I walk him out to the porch, per his request, and he offers me a small smile as he stops a foot away from his bike.

"So...can I kiss you goodnight?" he asks, which catches me completely off guard.

I decide to stay strong and narrow my gaze. "Not until you decide what you want," I mumble, which gets an understanding nod from him. "Until then, you can get a friendly hug or nothing at all."

"Got you," he says with a quiet chuckle. "When do you want to study again?"

"We're falling back into this habit?" I wonder with raised brows. I untie my arms across my chest and shove them in my sweater pockets.

"Yeah," he agrees.

"I'm free on Friday," I mumble back, slowly hating myself for giving in so easy.

"Friday works for me," he confirms. "Same time?"

"Yeah," I announce with a slow nod. We stare at each other for a few seconds and he lifts his arms a bit.

"Permission to hug you?" he asks. I sigh loudly as I fall into his arms. I feel him tighten his grip around me, which makes me feel relaxed. I return the hug, though much weaker. He holds me for a few seconds longer than normal before releasing me. In a quick motion, he leaves a light kiss on my forehead and I stare at him with slightly wide eyes. His grin doesn't falter as he backs up and gets on his bike. "Sorry."

"Just don't die on the way home," I grumble as my face burns. I watch as he revs up the bike, places his helmet on, and backs out of the driveway. He offers me a wave before taking off down the street. I let out a sigh as I walk back into my house.

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