Chapter 1

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The club was already buzzing with people and booze and music by the time we reached. Thanks to my now-known face, we had no problem getting in inspite of the hoard of a crowd that was waiting outside.

We ordered for our drinks, swaying to the music; taking in the ambience which honestly wasn't different from any other clubs in the area but new places always got the people drooling and we were no different.

"Charlie is supposed to join" Ayaz managed to scream across to me and I nodded. I always like the company of this quirky femme fatale and she was one of my closest friends. Ayaz tried to fill me in on his auditions but he couldn't manage to get a single sentence across without shouting so we left it at that and I settled myself to check the girls around. They weren't any different from any other night. The same skin tight short dresses that were always a size smaller than what would suit them, laden with more-than-their-face-could-take-it make up, screaming and shouting and giggling as they tried to attract the attention of the many single men around. I huffed as I scanned the room for some freshness and thats when i spotted her.

She stood out, well, because she was breathtakingly beautiful for sure but also because she wasn't doing the usual drill. She just sat on a bar stool, twisting a glass in her hand, looking around nervously as if she didn't belong here.

Who the hell is she? was my first thought as I continued staring at her, taking in every little of her movement. She had now starting mouthing the words of the song that was playing, bobbing her head to the beats but she still looked extremely uncomfortable. Her other hand was twisting the hem of the skirt she was wearing and her eyes had now taken some fascination to the floor. Just then, another girl walked up to her and took her into a hug. As recognition dawned in, I shouted out her name, a little too loudly "CHARLIE"

A lot of heads turned to me then I let out a curse. Why did I have to draw attention to myself. I really wanted to have a fun night but it was too late by then. Girls had already started whispering and chattering amongst themselves, pointing fingers at me. Awesome going, Parth. You clearly know to handle things!

Fortunately for me, Charlie had spotted me as well and motioned both Ayaz and I to come over. But even though the distance to be covered would have taken a little less than a few seconds, I took sometime before I reached them. Thanks to my disastrous blow up of keeping -a-low-profile, I was forced into clicking a thousand million selfies, each demanding that I give the best of my now-mastered fake smiles. And by the time I reached Charlie and Ayaz, my cheeks were already exhausted.

"Aaah! The heartthrob decides to grace us with his presence" Charlie said sarcastically

"And a hello to you too" I grunted back as i hugged her.

"Ok ok. I get it that you are excited to meet me" she laughed "But I have someone I want you to meet"

And I pulled back only to look into the most mesmerizing pair of brown eyes which did absolute justice to the gorgeousness of her face

"Parth, meet my cousin Niti. Niti, this is the man of every girl's dream - Parth"

I grimaced at her choice of words cause that is not how i wanted to meet this girl. If she was amused by it, she didn't show it. She just smiled warmly and shook my now extended hand

"Hi" she purred in a voice which more than suited her petit little self

"She is from Bangalore and here to spend a few days with me" Charlie offered since no one had bothered to ask her anything more. I was too taken by the eyes and Ayaz, well, he was the never the one to pry

"Come Niti, lets dance?" Charlie asked as the song tempo picked up.

"No you go ahead" the nervousness was back on her face

"Comeon, Niti" Ayaz tried to convince her. "This is my favourite song" and i groaned. That meant that Ayaz was well on his way of getting drunk. Drunk Ayaz loved each and every song that was played anywhere in the world, irrespective of the language

"You please enjoy. I don't want to make a fool of myself" she smiled at us

"Oh you wont since you clearly haven't seen these two dance" i told her pointing at Charlie and Ayaz

"Hey" Charlier smacked me on my arm "We rock the floor with our groovy dance moves"

"I'd like to see that then" Niti turned to look at Charlie, the smile not leaving her face

"You got it, girl" Charlie said as she dragged Ayaz and I to the dance floor

"So whats her story?" Ayaz asked as soon as we reached the floor. I looked at him surprised. Ayaz didn't really concern himself with people apart from his friends. Neither of us did but Niti had certainly caught our attention

"Ummm.." Charlie seemed to hesitate

"What? Top level secret? You need to kill us after?" I chided her "Comeon. Its us" and Ayaz nodded

"Fine. Remember I had been to Bangalore a few days back? For my cousin's engagement?" she asked us

"For which you literally dragged us from one store to another trying out a zillion outfits till you got the right one? Sure we remember" I tried to sound nonchalant but shuddered anyway thinking off that horrible day

No prizes for guessing Charlie's expression to my rant!

"Anyway" she continued once she was done glaring "She is that cousin"

"She is engaged?" I couldn't help but scream out. My heart just stopped for a millisecond there. It just couldn't be

Thankfully, neither of them noticed by horrific expressions. Charlie sighed and said "No. It didn't happen. Her jerk of a fiancé called it off at the last minute. Something about falling in love with someone else"

Ayaz whistled and my eyes automatically went out to that heart-broken girl. She was now facing the bar, her back to us so I couldn't really see her expressions

"That's a low blow" Ayaz said and Charlie nodded "She was a wreck, obviously. She had apparently known the guy for quite sometime. Anyway, I thought she could do with a change so I got her here. It hasn't really helped a lot but at least she has stopped crying"

I could honestly feel my fists rolling up as the heat of my blood took over my senses. That bloody asswipe of a guy had the audacity to do that to a girl and that too a girl like Niti. She oozed of innocence and I was sure it would be weeks and months before she would get over this.

"She will be fine" Charlie said, mostly to herself than to any of us "The trick is to be happy and then hope that it rubs off on her" she told us and even if that didn't make sense at all, we just nodded our heads and started to dance to the music.

How that was going to help that girl, we really didn't know

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