Chapter 3

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The next few weeks went in a blur. My shoot schedule kept me on my toes and I had no time to ponder over anything, well except Niti. She was the only one who managed to stay in my thoughts. The last conversation had somehow made me extremely uncomfortable. I had tried asking her again on the way back from the pub but Charlie and Ayaz wouldn't let us be in peace.

She shouldn't be blaming herself for that jerkass leaving her. Surely she knew that. It was his choice. I knew I had to talk to her and I had to know she was okay but how! I could message Charlie and bring in Niti somehow but I never ever messaged Charlie on my own and the sharp girl that she was, she would have surely caught on! ARGH! Why did I have to overthink things?!

Well, I would have to worry about that later. For now, I had an entire script to go through. Sighing, I got back to the paper on hand and got so engrossed that I didn't even notice my phone beep until someone brought it to my notice.

"Party at my place at 7. Don't be late" that was all the message said. That was Charlie I knew, always to the point

Just when I was happy to be drinking again, I realized we had a late night shoot today. Groaning I replied "Cant. Shooting till late"

After a minute or so, she responded "Please dude. It's for Niti. She is still depressed and I am hoping hanging around with some people will cheer her up. I need you"

My mind instantly got to working. NITI! Of course, I had to be there! I walked up to my director and made up some random excuse. He was against it at first but when I threw in a deal "a few extra hours for no extra money" on any other day except today, he relented. I could leave by 8 if I could wrap up my part of the shoot.

"Am in. Will be a little late but will be there" I messaged Charlie back

"YAY! MWAH. Ayaz also said he will drop in. And have called some other people as well"

"Cool will see ya"

Well, a little late got a lot late and it was almost 9.30 by the time I reached Charlie's place. The party was on in full swing and her place was swarmed with people; smelling of alcohol and cigarettes when I entered. As soon as I stepped in, my eyes immediately started searching for that loner of a girl I had come to see but she was nowhere to be seen

"PARTTHHHH. YOU MADE IT" Charlie emerged from the crowd and ran to hug me

"I told you I would" I laughed at her

"That's why you are my bestestestest friend. That idiot Ayaz still hasn't come" she pouted as she led me to the make shift bar she had created "Now fix a drink for you and me" she ordered

I sighed. I handed over her drink and made myself a stiff one! After all, I would spending a good time of the night handling a drunk Charlie and a reclusive Niti. PERFECT!

Charlie had disappeared and I used that opportunity to search for Niti but it was almost like she didn't want to be found. Dammit. I should have just asked Charlie! Just then I spotted a figure in white standing in the balcony. NITI! She looked nothing less than an angel standing there; gazing out into the horizon; deep in some thoughts

"Hey you" I said softly when I got to her

She stiffened and turned but smiled as soon as she recognized me


"Err...yes. Are you okay?" She was being weird

"Of course. I am not drunk" she said and I knew then "God! You have been drinking?"

"NO" she shouted again and then giggled "Yes" she said sheepishly "But don't tell anyone"

Correction. I had to handle a drunk Charlie and a very DRUNK Niti!

"Hey. I think I have seen you somewhere" she was now staring at me "You are famous, aren't you?"

"Yeah, well" I shrugged modestly, almost smiling to myself

"Oh yeah! You come on tv. I watch your show"

"You do?" I was genuinely surprised. She didn't look the kinds who would watch my show "Good to know" I was beginning to like this drunk Niti

"Yes. You are horrible"

"Thanks. WAIT. WHAT?"

"Yes. I like the other guy better. What's his name?" she stared into space, presumably trying to recollect my co-actors name "Dev? Darshan? Drew?"

"Dhruv" I offered

"YES! DHRUV" she exclaimed "He is hot"

"And I am not?" OK. Drunk Niti wasn't so fun anymore but she just laughed

"You know who I think is hot?" she randomly asked

"Well, it's clearly not me so I don't really care" I murmured but she didn't seem to hear

"Hugh Jackman" she sighed as she went into her own fantasy land

There went by opportunity to ask her anything about her fiancé, no EX-fiancé now! I really wanted to know and clear the mystery around it but she definitely wasn't going to get sober before tomorrow. Wonder just how she had drank

"OH I LOVE THIS SONG" she again shouted, making me jump "LET'S DANCE"

"No. I am okay"

She huffed and went in to join some people who had now gathered in the middle of the living room. I smiled as I saw her jumping around, trying to imitate the dance moves from the original song, a smile permanently plastered on her face. I wished she could be this carefree and this chirpy even otherwise.

Just then I spotted a guy making his way towards her. I instinctively started to walk that way but then stopped. Why was I so bothered? I didn't own her and she had the freedom to dance with whoever she wanted to. Reprimanding my own self, I turned away, making my way to the bar for another drink.

"Oh Parth. Long time no see" a girl walked up to me; with a seductress smile as I tried hard to recollect how I knew her but smiled anyway. Hey, if Niti could flirt so could I

"We need to meet often" she said as she traced her finger across my arm and leaned in to hug me

"We sure do" I whispered in her ear and I felt her shuddering against my breath in her ears

Just then my eyes involuntarily went up to where Niti was dancing and I lost my smile instantly. The guy from earlier had his hand on Niti's butt and had pressed his body against hers. But what cheesed me off was the expression on his face. That look I was more than familiar with. Hell, I had mastered that look.

It was that off – I AM GOING TO TAKE THIS GIRL TO BED TONIGHT! And now way in hell was I going to let that happen to my Niti

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