Chapter 9

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I was still trying to get over that sexy reverberating sound that had managed to reduce me to nothingness. This girl was dangerous. She had this power, unknown to her that had the potential to unearth me. She was definitely a witch. She just didn't know it, I was now partly convinced

With a lot of coaxing and ridiculous distractions and the determination to focus on everything but her helped me maneuver the urge to grab and kiss her senseless

We dove into our food, falling into some senseless banter that kept me rooted to my seat but in reality, it was slow torture. How do you capture something as complicated as this 'friendship' or whatever this was into simple words? I wanted to be there for her but at the same time felt this need to run as far away as I could before I did something I would regret

We finished the food and I instantly regretted that the night was over. And as much as I knew that I could meet her anytime I wanted now that we were friends, a part of me craved to spend more time with her. As if sensing my thoughts, she turned to me and asked "Are you up for a drive?"

My joy knew no bounds. I wanted to run away from there, sneak into a corner and jump with happiness but kept myself in check as I shrugged in nonchalance. "Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere. Am not really familiar with Mumbai but Marine Drive is really beautiful"

"Marine Drive it is" I mock saluted her and she giggled as she settled into the passenger seat. That seat was meant for her I thought and I was surprised as it passed my mind. I was over analyzing every little move of hers. she had me hooked and how! Get a grip, Parth!

As we drove to our destination, she started telling me stories about her childhood, taking me down her memory lane and I listened in rapt attention. I liked knowing more about her, however trivial she thought it was.

"And then we skipped that stupid college function and went out to watch a movie instead" she was proudly beaming as if she had just won a Nobel Prize

"No way. That is soooo wild" I mocked her but she didn't seem to get it since she was too lost in her own little bubble

"I know right?!. Our parents had no clue" she continued, still quite proud of herself "What's the craziest thing you have done?" she asked me now and I noticed she had a slight challenge edge to her tone

"Nothing as crazy as that, I am sure" I played along and as I watched, her expressions finally changed into some form of realization. It took her a whole of five minutes to figure

"PARTH" she shot me an annoyed look and I laughed again, parking my car as we reached beautiful landscape of the sea.

"You cant come to Marine Drive and not spend time here" I said as I opened the passenger door for her. She smiled and nodded, taking the hand I had offered

"Of course. Its amazing here"  

As we walked along the promenade, I didn't let go. I didn't feel the need to. It felt right. Her tiny hand entwined in mine, her fingers perfectly in between my large ones, her soft touch against my rough skin

"I didn't have the luxury of doing wild things. My parents are very protective" she offered me an explanation to my earlier mocking

"So they let you come here, on your own?"

"You had no idea what it took me to convince them" she drawled out "It was a nightmare, trust me"

As if trying to prove a point, her phone rang just then. She sighed as she glanced at the number flashing and answered "Hi Mom"

"Hmmm...Yes... Am out with a friend now" she looked at me with a smile as she spoke on the phone "Not anyone you know, Mom" she rolled her eyes at me and I laughed,  suddenly wondering just what her parents might think of me! Just as the stray thought was crossing  my mind, I felt a sudden jerk on my hand as she let go and stopped walking, her eyes going wide.

"He did? When?" her tone was harsh now and it didnt take a genius to figure who that "he" was  "I don't care. Please ask him not to get in touch with me and you please dont talk to him either" she was saying now, still edgy

I was concerned now and I took her hand back in mine, squeezing it. She looked at me then, her eyes holding mine and the tears that threatned to appear, seemed to stop. She squeezed my hand back and her tone considerably softened when she spoke again

"Ma, he isnt important anymore, at least in my life" and smiled at me. I returned it right back. then she looked away, again disturbed by something her mom said and her next words made me realize why

"I'll come soon, Ma" 

My heart stopped beating for a second. She was thinking of leaving!!!! NO! I couldnt let her and invountarily, held her hand a little tightly. She took to my eyes again, her eyes expressing a whole of emotions as she held my gaze . And I felt a certain emotion tug my heart. Something huge. Something i couldnt place. Did she? Did she feel something too? Was she as bothered about her leaving as much as me?!

She mumbled some incoherent words on the phone and hung up, not letting go of our eye lock. I moved in closer, encouraged by her response, holding her other hand, bringing my face against hers. I could feel her breath – her minty freshness, her fragrance which I was sure belonged to her and not some perfume, feeling her soft skin, observing her parted lips, getting lost in her intense eyes

"Parth" she whispered against my breath  

"Niti..."I managed to say back

A sudden honk from a passing car managed to break into our moment. Suddenly aware of our surrounding with some oldies throwing us disgusting looks, we moved away a little awkwardly. She tried to pull her hand away from mine but I was having none of that. I wasn't letting her go, especially now, when that thought of her leaving for Bangalore still lingering at the back of my mind, especially now that we had shared that moment

I started walking again, tugging her along beside me but avoiding her gaze. I had to get my thoughts and emotions in place. The way she had looked at me, if she was feeling the same strong pull that I was feeling, if she was really going to leave

She walked along quietly beside me, not saying a word, probably trying to figure her own thing. We found a place to sit and quietly looked far away into the horizon, neither of us willing to break the silence

"Mom wants me to come soon" she finally said

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak and we went quiet again

"Parth" she nudged me


"I...I don't...I...Will you please say something?

"What do you want me to say? Do you want to go back" I said a little too harshly looking directly into her eyes

She looked down and I think I saw a flash of hurt pass through her eyes

SHIT! Great going, Parth.

I lifted her chin up so she could look at me

"I don't want you to go" I told her confidently, my voice dropping down a bit

"I don't want to go back either" she said softly

"Then don't. Stay" I urged her, immensely pleased by my answer

"I am so confused, Parth" she looked away and I could see tears forming in her eyes "Bangalore in my home. I have grown up there. Everything I want, everything I know is there"

"But you still want to stay here" I persisted "There is a part of you that wants to stay back" Hopefully for me but I didn't say those words aloud. I wasn't sure if I should..yet

She went back into her quiet zone again and though I wanted to say a million things to convince her, I stayed quiet. She had to make this decision on her own. Besides, yes, I wanted her to stay but on what grounds – what did she mean to me? I knew that there was a strong pull, an attraction perhaps and somewhere, I knew that she probably felt it too but was that enough for her to stay back? And for how long? What was I going to offer her if she did stay back – friendship?! Was that she wanted? Was that what i wanted?

 This was too much of a chaos and I didn't have all the answers yet but I knew one thing for sure. I didn't want her to go back

"Ok" I heard her say

"Ok what?"

"I'll stay"

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