Chapter 1: The Perfect Hosts and a Snake

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I want to say that this Perfect Cell is just a reincarnation of the Original Perfect Cell, just like how Piccolo is a reincarnation of the Demon King Piccolo, so this Cell is much different from the Cell we come to know about.

Cell, well Cell Jr, doesn't know how he got here. It all happened to him a couple of months ago. At one point he was born to avenge his father, the Original Cell, but later found out he is another world or universe where Dragon Balls are not a thing. After all, he did question, Kuroko Smith, about it and got his answer when she denies any of its existence.

Speaking of which, Kuroko Smith was an odd human in Cell's opinion. At first, she looks like she would take her job seriously and is an inferior life form. He's surprised that she is lazy based on the fact she rarely does her paperwork. Then again, Cell never experienced what it feels like to do paperwork. But that's beside the point, when Cell told her of his origins that he is the offspring of the Bio-Android, Cell, created by Doctor Gero to be the perfect being to defeat Son Goku, she tells him that there is no such thing as a Son Goku which confirms he's in another universe of sorts. But she is skeptical by the whole thing so Cell Jr. did what he would do, he showed her his memories of his father via memory transfer or some kind of technique like that.

When he showed her his memories by letting her read his mental state he showed her the horrors of what his father has done to the other earth and what atrocities were committed. Smith was horrified to learn of this person before her is a literal walking death machine that should be stopped at all cost. But if he is evil as Smith believe at first, why didn't he do any harm to her or anyone else when he arrived here? Surely someone like powerful like Cell Jr. here could do the job and end her? Right? Well, she was reminded that this Cell Jr. is an offspring and only remembers his father's mission to him which is already impossible and he has no purpose anymore. At first, she doesn't want anything to do with this monster but after thinking how dangerous to leave a powerful being unsupervised it could be catastrophic.

Plus, if Smith has to assume that this Cell Jr. might need a moral compass; know what it is kindness and love. Value life and stuff. As far she has seen from the memories Cell Jr. is only partially what his father is like, the only difference is he's not overconfident or evil like his father. After all that had happened if someone young like him doesn't know what is right or wrong, might be dangerous. While he is mature in his own right, his moral compass is lacking which is evident when he threatened to kill a guard who tries to annoy him only for Smith to come in and tell him not to do it. So Smith knew in her heart that she had to help him.

The fact he's technically extraterrestrial makes him the first alien on their earth. So he was given special care and surprisingly the human rights, well Alien rights.

They gave him his own house, this surprises him by the sudden kind gesture and also basic needs though he did explain he doesn't require that much food to eat they insist which is something Cell Jr. can't help but find endearing, probably the first type of kindness he ever felt since he was spawned from his father. He might as well, read into this book that talks about morality and philosophy that Smith provided him.

Speaking of Morality, Cell Jr. has been getting used to doing good than bad. After all, he has never thought anything of good when he spawned from his father and only knows about revenge against Son Goku. Well, nurture is beating nature. Cell Jr. became a good person about ten months ago since he got here. But he still retained his arrogant and narcissistic personality but it's mitigated significantly. He also has Frieza's polite mannerisms though without the snide sarcasm and some ruthlessly sadistic personality, relishing in seeing people terrified of him to an extent.

However despite all this, in a few months, he came around to be a well-rounded person. And Smith was always there to check up or visit him which is something the pair fall into a routine. Though Cell won't admit it, he does find himself attracted by the Exchange Program Director, he might confess but for another time. He's not sure if she feels the same way.

But despite all that, he also did some research on the world he found himself in. Though, to him, everything of it remains the same, except the technology and lack of Ki users or fighters. He doubts he would find any form of entertainment that would motivate his Saiyan Cells but he is getting used to this type of lifestyle of not fighting much.

Speaking of which, he did further research and found something interesting. Something called Demi-humans and the Inter-Species Cultural Exchange, something about a bill that allows many extra-species to successfully integrate into human society through the guise of a "Cultural Exchange Program." A form of immigration he thinks.

He knew that someone like him can't join such ridiculous because for one; he's not a Demi-human, he's a Bio-Android and an offspring of his father, Cell. And two; he's not human therefore he can't care for a bunch of lesser Demi-humans life forms- Wait..that was the Frieza within him talking. It's best he would ignore it, for now, he has no interest in caring for other species.

...well that would have been the case if it weren't for what is happening to Cell Jr. of right about now. Like literally.

Cell Jr. at the moment is in the front yard of his house and he stared at Kuroko with an expression of disbelief while looking at the other guest beside her.

"H-hello m-my name is Mia, it's nice to meet you, please take care of me." the lamia said as she bowed her head, but small blush is seen on her face when she saw the handsome look of Cell Jr. His current homestay host is a lamia, she has long bright red hair and amber eyes with slitted snake pupils. Her ears are large, pointy, and red, and she has fangs and a long tongue. She also has small scales on her cheeks and wears a yellow 'D' clip on each side of her head. She also has large breasts and a curvy figure. Her most noticeable physical trait is her long, red snake tail. Her full length is said to be 8 meters, suggesting her tail is approximately 7 meters long.

Cell Jr. didn't say anything but invited both Smith and Mila into his house as he led them to the living room and once they were inside the Cell Jr. looked at Smith.

"You can't be serious..." Cell Jr. manages to say.

"Oh, but I am serious."

"No really, you're going to have me, the offspring of the Perfect Being and dangerous creature known to exist to take care of...her?!"

Cell Jr. manages to say while he's gestured to the beautiful lamia, who immediately hides behind the Director.

Kuroko merely replies with a small smile, "Cell-kun, I'm merely trying to help you get accustomed to people. Plus you're applications for the Interspecies Cultural Exchange Program were accepted."

Cell Jr. cringes slightly at her words, "Okay, first all don't call me that. And secondly, I don't recall signing up anything."

"Well honestly Cell-kun now that she's here I can't be bothered taking her back to live with another host. Besides, you are the Perfect Host."

'Smith's laziness at its finest.' Cell Jr. thought as he rolled his eyes. He was starting to get more and more annoyed at Smith for the fact she brought a liminal to his house unannounced from a program that he didn't even apply for. It's an annoyance for someone like the offspring of Cell to take care of somebody lesser than him... oops, that's the Frieza within him talking.

"But there is another reason why I brought her here." Putting a hand on the Cell Jr.'s shoulder Smith explained to him the real reason Mia was there.

"You need someone, you can't just stay cooped up in your home all the time. Look, I understand what you're going through, living on an Earth different than the one you know where you're surrounded by peace." Smith then took off her sunglasses as she stared deeply into the Cell Jr.'s eyes, "Even though you're different, but you still need companionship with other people other than me, now I'm not doing this because I'm lazy."

"...I highly doubt that." Cell Jr. deadpans ruining the moment a bit.

"Okay, well partially because of that but I'm doing it for you Cell-kun, just give her a chance, please? Just view this as a new purpose in life." Kuroko said to him.

Cell Jr. stares at Smith before looking at Miia, who hides again behind Smith. Cell Jr. wouldn't admit it, a little company would be nice to have and to have a new purpose and do something about it. After all, he's in another world with nowhere else to go and the only place he ever finds tolerance with is with Smith, and perhaps things will go smoothly as he thought. Well, he will give this a shot.

"Very well, I'll give her a chance." Cell Jr. said with a small smile, which got Kuroko and Miia to blush. They won't lie, he is just goddamn handsome.

"A wise choice Cell-kun, though you should probably go talk to Miia, you know to get to know her a bit," Smith said as she walked out of the house and closed the door behind her, leaving both Cell Jr. and Miia alone.

Cell Jr. looks at Miia, who stiffens at his sight, then gestures her to the living room. She complied without question and when they both sat at opposite seats from each other as they stared at each over.

'Big.' The Lamia thought staring back at Cell Jr., 'He's so big, handsome.' Intimidating was an understatement when seeing the Perfect Being for the first time Mia was as nervous as can be, even worse now than they were now completely alone together. Slowly and slowly Mia started to feel detected, her host hadn't said anything since he sat down

'Maybe he doesn't want me here.' Mila said in her thoughts 'Maybe Smith made a mistake.' 'Maybe he hates Lamias or maybe he hates liminal in general.' Miia began to feel unwanted even more now that those thoughts crossed her mind. Miia was brought out of her thoughts at the sight of Cell Jr. sighing and getting up and leaving the room without a word, with that Mila felt like she didn't belong there even tears started to form in her eyes.

'He doesn't want me here.' Miia thought to herself while trying to hold back her tears.

Miia was surprised when she felt something touch her tail, turning to check whatever the feeling was she was shocked to see the Bio-Android place multiple blankets on her tail.

"You're welcome." Cell said with a small smile on his face which got Miia to blush. Once he was done he approach headed to the thermostat and turned it up to the right temperature for his homestay guest, the Bio-Android then walked towards the kitchen where Mia could hear the clanging of pots and pans.

"D-does he want me here?" Mia whispered to herself until the voice of Cell is heard inside her mind, which knocked Mira out of her current shock.

'Yes, I do want you here. Didn't mean to hurt your fragile feelings, girl.'

"KYAH!" Mia yelped as she jumped from her seat as she tried to look around to find the source of the voice "C-cell?"

'Yes, it's me. And before you ask, I'm talking to you through in your mind. I'm telepathic.'

Miia thought at first this was her hallucination but it doesn't seem to be the case Cell then says to her, 'Look, before you feel dejected again or I'm some nonexistent voice in your head, it is me! Cell Jr. or Perfect Cell, whatever you will stick within. I don't mind you being in the house.'

"Y-you really, don't mind me staying with you?"

'Of course, I don't mind at all. This could be a fun experience for both of us. After all, I am the PERFECT Host.' She can hear the pride of being the Perfect Host, which gets her to giggle but be glad that Cell wants her to stay.

"What are you doing now?" Miia can't help but ask through the psychic link.

'I'm currently preparing a pot of hot tea for the both of us, considering that Lamias are cold-blooded and require heat.'

"Wait so he knows about how Lamias need to stay warm?" Miia said in shock.

"Of course I do!" His real voice is heard, which got her to snap at the doorway of the kitchen where Cell is now holding a pot of hot tea on a tray, "I took the time to learn more of different liminal species including Lamias."

Cell Jr. returned from the kitchen holding a teapot which he poured the tea into Mila's cup. "Enjoy your drink, my dear scale friend."

Miia looks at her tea before back at Cell Jr. Finally gaining the courage to talk to the Perfect Being, Mia finally asked him, "Mr. Perfect Cell."

Cell Jr. looked over to Mila as he placed the teapot on the table and sat back down, "Yes?"

"D-do you honestly, really want me here?" Mia finally asked.

Silence surrounded the room after Mia's question Mia truly hoped for the Perfect Being to say yes. To her surprise and joy Cell nodded in response smiling at her. Cell was surprised too when Mila began to cry. Cell Jr. thinks he might have messed up, "Oh shit, did I hurt your feelings or something?"

"No, no it's okay." Mila said while drying her eyes, "I'm just so happy. At first I thought you didn't like me but now, I'm so glad to be with you."

"Oh, why thank you-AAAAAAH!!!" Mila then launched herself towards Cell knocking them both down as Mia pulled Cell Jr. into a tight embrace, while said bio-Android has a blush on his face.

"Thank you for letting me stay... Darling."

Oh... things got a whole lot interesting.


To Be Concluded.

*teleports in*

Well I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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