Family Time

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When I got into my car, I heard my phone ping twice.

I pressed the home button and saw two new messages from an unknown number.

Private number - Hey Amy😊

Private number - Ruhaan here. Thought we should catch up a bit. You left so soon.

I saved his number on my phone and before I could think what I should reply to him, he send another message.

Ruhaan - I got your number from Meera. I don't want to come across as a stalker so just told you.

I glanced at the text messages sent to me by Ruhaan. It felt really good to connect with an old friend.

I replied back quickly.

Me - Hey! I'm happy that you remember this devil.

I waited for his reply.

Ruhaan - Ikr. Someone who was such a fat bully...turned into someone so gorgeous.

I giggled as I typed my reply.

Me - I looked beautiful back then too, okay?

Ruhaan - Nah. You were cute but dangerous😂

Ruhaan - Coming tomorrow right?

Me - Yes. You'll love the night.

Ruhaan - I hope so...

Me - See you tomorrow. Bye.

Ruhaan - Bye

And then I listened to some music after keeping my phone back in my bag.

I reached my office and completed the important work I was called for. It was actually a model that I needed to approve of before finalizing the shoot dates.

Once done with the work, I had to attend a meeting with designers from a big lingerie house since I was planning to invest in their company and it seemed like a super profitable deal.

I got over with all the work by seven in the evening and set for home.

While going back I decided to call Kabir and inform him about all this Arjun scene.

I dialed his number and he answered within a second.

"Hey Amaya," he chirped.

" are you?"

"Good and you?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I replied.

"Amaya don't forget we have a party tomorrow,"

"I remember yaar," I said. "I need to tell you something," I added.

"Arjun. I know," he asserted.


"Meera!" He replied.

"I don't know what to do Kabir...I have-"

"Amaya, you don't need to explain a shit to me or to anyone else here. Literally. And I am not being sarcastic. Arjun has been an asshole but that doesn't mean he cannot change. I agree he has caused you a crazy amount of pain and I will break his bones if I even sniff anything fishy but until then, if not trust him, trust your instincts. If you feel Arjun should be a part of Ahaana and Aryan's life, let them be. You can't change the past now but you can certainly mould your future. Think wisely. I'm always there for you," Kabir explained.

How can a person be so sensible and mature.

"You deserve a watermelon for this," I laughed.

"I love watermelons...yumm," he made a sound and we both started laughing.

"Also, I heard someone is texting you and all! Who's he?" He teased.

"Gosh that's Ruhaan and its nothing," I shushed him.

"I can sense that," he sarcastically said and laughed more.

"Go get a life Kabir and by the way who told you about this texting thing?" I enquired.

"What do you think, who's mind runs at a speed faster than the bullet train when concerning your love matters?" He threw a counter question.

"Fucker Meera ofcourse!" I declared.

"Not just Meera but Zara as well," I was taken aback in a jiffy.

Zara being a part of these stupid what even.

"Really?" I was excited and happy knowing Zara planned something fun.

"Yeahh...I don't know how to express but for the first time I felt I saw her smiling for real in six years. I don't know Amaya, I would replay this moment a thousand times just to see her that way. She is healing...,"

"God this is such a news. I want to meet her now," I said.

"No way, you're going back home. Go spend time with Arjun. Talk to him about your kids. Mend ways. Remember I'm not asking you to go back to him in any way but I'm just asking you to become a team and focus towards good parenting," he gave me a very precious piece of advice which I knew would help me.

I nodded and said 'hmm,'

"Also, bring Arjun to the bonfire tomorrow please. We'd love to forget the past and start again," he offered.

"Kabir are you serious?" I asked.

"Dead serious. I want him to know how and with whom you and your children have lived for so many years. What's your way of living and your comfort zone and everything. He needs to know. You saw his messed up life, now show him your life. Don't think about the past anymore," he made me understand but I was still skeptical about getting Arjun to the party.

"But that's a very intimate affair!"

"So what. Even Tahir and Ruhaan are joining us isn't it? Plus Ruhaan and you...something is brewing huh!" He won't stop teasing me now wtf.

"Ugh...please No Ruhaan and Amaya pleaseee," I said. "And about Arjun, I need to think. Please understand," I replied.

"You think about this but I would suggest you to bring him along," he said.

"Okay. Bye now. I'm going to reach home," I said.

"Bye," he hung up.

I laid back and rested my head, closing my eyes and thinking about it.

I just want to go back and cuddle to my babies and sleep. It's all good one moment but the mere mention of Arjun makes me dead tired.

Arjun and I have sorted things out on the level of words but not actions. I will try to make an effort from now on. We need to be on the same page if he wants to be a part of Ahaana and Aryan's life and I will make this happen.


I reached home in some time and the moment I opened the door, I could get the aroma of something really delicious. Pyali was standing with a very anxious look on her face.

"Ma'am he's cooking. I tried to stop him but-" a smile appeared on my face and I ran into the kitchen.

"Hii," I said and looked at him in amusement.

He was stirring some veggies and he looked at me and returned my hii with  a Hey.

"You raided my kitchen," I smilingly said.

"And you seem pretty happy about it," he asserted.

"You didn't have to do all of this. You should have rested," I said.

"While Ahaana and Aryan were doing their homework, I was wondering what to do,"

"Work! Your favorite thing to do in this entire world," I sarcastically said.

"Priorities change with time," he asserted.

So work isn't topping the charts anymore?

I so wanted to ask this question to him but fuck it.

"Yeah they do," I mumbled.

"I thought you'll be very late," Arjun said.

"Work got over soon," I replied.

"You know I hardly get time to cook. Whenever I do, I cook whatever on earth they wanna have. Atleast I try," I tried to change the topic and focus on food.

He smiled but I saw something in his eyes which seemed to me like a feeling of regret.

Pyali gave me a glass of water and stood by my side.

"So Pyali had a holiday today right?"

"I thought you'll scold me for letting him inside the kitchen," Pyali confessed.

Arjun smiled and continued doing his chore.

"He cooks really well," I indirectly complimented him and walked out of the kitchen.

"Ma'am your hot tub is ready and I cleaned your study today. It was quite cluttered," she said.

"Oh okay. What about Aryan and Ahaana? Did they do their homework? Where are they?" I enquired.

"They are upstairs doing some drawing," she answered.

I went upstairs and opened their room door. They were drawing something on a chart paper and the moment they saw me, they were alarmed and hid it.

"Mummaaaaa...go right now," I was taken aback when Aryan said this.

"What are you two hiding?" I asked.

"Nothing gooooo," I got a little suspicious.

"Show I want to see what are you two upto," I walked inside their room.

"'s a surprise and you only told us it is meant to be a secret until the right time," Ahaana said.

I raised my left eyebrow at both of them and narrowed my eyes following that.

"Better be a good surprise," I kept a straight face and walked out of the room into my room.

I took a bath and wore my night dress.
I went downstairs after about half an hour and saw nobody there.

I called for Pyali and she led me upstairs again and towards the private terrace of my home.

It was decorated for a dinner for four.
Ahaana and Aryan were helping Arjun set the table and make everything look perfect.

The moment I entered, they all stood straight. I couldn't stop smiling quite literally.

Ahaana and Aryan rushed to pick the chart and displayed in front of me.

It read: Its family time with the best mommy and dadda ever!

"Awww...cuties," I said and looked at Arjun who was standing there waiting to be acknowledged.

"Thanks for all of this," I said.

"I would love to do this everytime if it makes you all happy," he replied and we all got seated.

Arjun had cooked a really delicious meal and we talked a lot. I even shared the 'Santa Clauz is dead' story of Aryan and we had a hearty laugh over this. 

It was mostly me telling about Ahaana and Aryan to Arjun while he just kept listening, laughing, smiling and passing cute looks.

Once done, both of us made sure that Ahaana and Aryan were tucked in bed and were sleeping, not trying to sneak out of the room to play like they always do.

We went to the living room and I told him to go take some rest but he insisted that he didn't feel like sleeping and if I want to sleep, I can.

I told him I'll go and sleep after half an hour.

We started talking about life and all.

"Arjun I've let you enter our lives but be very careful. One wrong step and you'll never get to see us," I warned.

"I won't ask you to let your walls down but don't have any misconceptions. I know you think very low of me and I have done things to make you feel that way but I promise I won't fuck up this time," he said.

"Okay," I mumbled. "Oh and I forgot to tell you, there's a small party at Kabir and Zara's place tomorrow and they want you to come," I have no idea why and how I blurted this.

I was going to think about this.

Holy fuck!

"Are you sure about this invitation?" He asked.

I don't fucking know...


Hey everyone!

Here we go with the newest chapter of the book.

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I know it has been really really long since I have updated but I'll finish this book this time for sure.

I love you all soooo much.

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