Heart to Heart

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I rushed upstairs, ignoring everything that was going in my mind.

This is the time...clarify everything you have in your heart. Every fucking thing that has been clouding your mind ever since all this has begun...from the time of the rape incident.

Taking baby steps towards the bedroom made me nostalgic.

"Ughh...Arjun! Curtains man," I grumbled as I pulled the sheets over my head and tossed in the opposite direction of the direct sunlight.

"It's afternoon Amy," he said.

"Oh" I frowned and kept my eyes shut.

"I've to leave. I have three meetings lined up so I won't be taking your calls. I will be coming home late so don't wait for me," he said and that is when I turned around and looked at him. He was dressed in his formal wear, wearing his summer blazer.

I wanted to tell him about my pregnancy. I didn't know how he'd react but I was pretty sure he would be happy about it.

He came forth and kissed my forehead. I just loved these forehead kisses. It made me feel so beautiful!

"Bye," he mumbled against my forehead.

"Hmm...," I snuggled into him and kissed him on his cheek.

"Amy, don't make it difficult for me to go to the office," he smiled as he said and gave me a tight morning hug.

"Then Mr Malhotra..."

"I really need to go...but I'll miss you too," he literally looked at me with those puppy eyes and that made me kiss his nose.

"Stop acting like we were married off yesterday," I said as I laughed at him.

"I don't mind marrying you everytime I feel like missing you love," he said and kissed me deep on my lips. A proper wake up kiss.

Who knew that the beautiful morning would turn into a storm in the night. The day, Zara lost her pride and I lost my baby.

Why does my stupid mind drive me towards all those beautiful memories which has turned into a nightmare for me?


While getting through the private passage, I noticed changes which couldn't be ignored. He had removed everything that was related to me in someway or the other. Be it, my hand made oil paintings or those glittery chandeliers...he had removed everything and all that remained was a simple plain white wall with Sanskrit texts inscripted neatly in horizontal lines. 


I pushed the main door of our...okay, 'his' room open. The sensor lights brightened the room and it was brighter than I expected. It was not at all the way I liked. When I used to stay here, it was more of natural light in the day time and subtle, soft lightings in the evening. It was our personal space and I wanted to keep it as romantic as possible.

Shit! Why do I have to compare it to our life? It's Disha and Arjun now.

The moment I was about to call out for Arjun, I found the tall frame standing near the life size glass door, facing his back towards me.

"Arjun, why have you called me here?" I asked as I started walking close to him.

No matter what Amaya...just clear your doubts today.

My inner self reminded me.

He turned around and I noticed his facial features were all tensed and he looked stressed about something.

"Preet gave me this pendrive. She asked me to give it to you," I said as I forwarded that pendrive to him.

He took the pendrive in his hand and looked at it with teary eyes.

He somehow managed to mask the same stern face once again, holding back his tears and easing down his tensed expressions.

"I'm getting married tomorrow," he asserted. I chuckled bitterly and looked away.


"I didn't know that I am a father of two and you are raising them all alone," he said with regret evident in his voice.

What's the point Arjun? Come straight.

"I'm not alone...I have my family," I shot back and looked straight into his eyes.

He called me for this stupid talk?

Ask him what was Preet here for and how the fuck does she know that we aren't divorced??

"You hate me, don't you," his deep husky voice roared like a swift blow of wind making the hair of my nape stand erect. It brought me out of my thoughts and that's when I realised he was standing some two inches away from me.

"Yes," I breathed and was about to leave the room which was beautifully decorated for Disha and Arjun's wedding night. I felt suffocated standing there, breathing the smell of beautiful red roses and aromatic candles.

I turned on my heels and started pacing away from him when in a blink of an eye, he swirled me around and pulled me towards him.

I crashed with a thud on his hard as rock chiseled chest and his six pack abs rubbed by bare belly through a thin layer of white shirt that he was wearing. It send chills down my spine and the aroma of his signature spicy cinnamon cologne filled my nostrils making it difficult for me to stand straight.

It was after six long years he was so close to me. I wanted to get rid of all this now.

I took a fist of his shirt and clutched it tight to make myself stable to which he reciprocated by sliding his hand around my bare waist making me gasp in shock. I looked up to his tall, six feet frame and then noticed his eyes which were burning with anger, fervor, desire and...love?
His eyes spoke so much. I really wanted to read them but I knew I wasn't getting it right.

His hands travelled dangerously upwards making way towards the knot of my red gown. He pulled me as close as he could and I tried wriggling out of his strong grip.

"Leave me Arjun," I sternly said. I couldn't take it again. Not in any case.

"Why should I leave you?" He enquired while teasing me with his long index finger, tracing the edge of my arms all the way from my neck with it.

He really didn't change a bit. He had the same effect on me years later. He still could make me wet just by touching me. This effect...this love effect was over powering my brain that I had tamed for years and made it so strong or what I think so that it won't ever give up.

I was proved wrong in a minute by Arjun. I still missed him and his mind blowing touches. I still missed his teasing that made my core dripping wet for him. Nothing of the attraction has changed between us...infact, I feel it has grew stronger and more powerful.

"Don't act innocent Arjun. This place is full of people. Your wedding is going to take place tomorrow morning. Leave me," I tried reasoning him but Arjun being what he is, posed another question in front of me.

"So what if there was no one in this house, if the house would have been empty...just you and me, would you have stayed?" My mind went haywire after this question was thrown on me by him. He was so soft and it reflected so many emotions.

Don't mistaken this man Amaya. He is one heck of a manipulater. He will hurt you again.

My brain continuously warned me but my heart was so into Arjun's words that it stopped receiving any signal my brain gave and made me so emotionally vulnerable that tears formed into my eyes.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered and felt my throat forming lumps there. This is the Arjun I missed like a mad woman.

I loved him with all my mind,  body and soul and all I got was pain, hatred and spite from him.

"Why do you hate me Amy?" He questioned making me snap my eyes to meet his red, tear filled vulnerable eyes. He didn't leave me, except that he started planting wet kisses on my bare shoulders. Above all, he called me by the name only he had used when there was what I call love between us.

I withered under his soft kisses and secured touches. He knew all the right places of my body and I regretted coming to this room to meet him. I didn't want to cry again...not in front of him.

Push him away Amaya. This man is the last thing you want to have...you cannot let him break your heart again...

"You know the answer Arjun. Now jus-just leave me," I stuttered as he was just an inch apart from my face. I pushed him with a greater force this time and managed to escape from his grip but as I posed my little stunt, he started boiling hot in anger and being scared that he might do something we may later regret, I tried running out of the room but unfortunately he dragged me back to the wall and caged me inside his tall frame and strong muscular arms.

Tears started rolling down my eyes as this was it. I was broken and he was trying his level best to get me back to the same condition he left me six years ago. 

"Why did you cheat on me?" He asked my question...the same question that swirled in my brain everyday since he left me. His eyes were burning with rage.

"Don't act as if I cheated on you. You did that to me. You left me...not I," I claimed while tears failed to stop.

He humorlessly chuckled and kissed me on my neck making me cry a little louder. Why is he doing this to me? What does he get by hurting me?

"How can I forget that Amaya? That night when I finally mustered up the courage to let go what was never mine?" As he said these words, his eyes were fixed with mine and I saw tears forming in his eyes too.

Am I dreaming? Is it really Arjun?

"Fu-fuck you Arjun. It was one at n-night and you threw me out. Hats off to your courage," I could hardly speak between my hiccups that came along with my weeping. This weight of telling him how he hurt me then kept ringing my heart and today I was letting them come out.

"And what was m-my fault?" I asked yet again, still believing that there was more to what Arjun made me believe.

"Your fault was that you were a whore. You could neither make your boyfriend happy nor your husband happy,"

Aah! He said it...about my affair. The one I never had! He said that just once and it ended everything between us and it was going to begin something this time...something I never wish should come true.
All these years he made me feel miserable...he left me for all those reasons I was never into. It made me think always. Why wasn't I enough.

"I want to go Arjun," I pleaded but instead of leaving me, he made way through my back and untied my gown's knot. The clothing that held my breasts firm, in a second let my breasts fall free under his hot stare.

The gown fell down and spread at my ankles leaving me almost naked and emotionally vulnerable infront of the man who knows each and every inch of my body.

I squeezed my eyelids shut and cried as he kissed my forehead. He unbuttoned his while shirt as I avoided any further eye contact with him. I had never felt so lost. Finally, there we stood, half naked in front of each other.

"I know I can't leave now," I accepted my defeat as I let my eyes shut for all the time I could.

In just a moment he claimed my lips with a sense of urgency and need...with lots of passion.

I didn' t respond. I didn't want to respond. It was pointless. He had already had what he wanted always...and he was going to have me again.

"I will hate you Arjun...always," I mumbled as I let him kiss the soft point of my neck. His actions stopped and he looked at me.

I don't know what was his feeling then but the next moment he wrapped his arms around me and took me into a bone crushing hug I missed since forever. Our burning skin collided with each other and it felt as if our bodies were just one since eternity.

"But I loved you so much Amaya," his voice sounded broken and he let out a tear that fell on my shoulder making me gasp in shock.

Arjun was crying? That is impossible!

"Arjun," I was speechless.

"I loved you more than myself," He sobbed hugging me tighter than before.

"Then what drifted us apart? Your stupid decision or your baseless assumptions?" I asked trying to hold back my tears.

He remained quite, not uttering a single word. I don't know what got into me right then and I just wrapped my arms around his neck and held him closer than  before, burying my face into his bare chest.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"For what?" My voice was a barely audible but I knew he had heard me.

"For hurting you," he whispered.

"I don't want your sorry. That word cannot change a single thing that I went through," I said in and all I got in a reply was silence.

"I want us together but I know you love someone else," he said.

"WHAT?" I almost threw him away from my body.

"Neil..." he mumbled.

"Arjun, I've only loved you," I said.

And where did Neil come from?

"Oh, really?" His eyes were back to burning with anger.

The sudden shift in his emotions scared the shit out of me. He moved his slender fingers through his soft hair and sighed in disappointment.

How did he get to know about Neil?

"Have you fucking lost it?" I shouted.

"Don't you dare raise your voice," he warned leaning close to me.

"What a whore you are and what an actor!" he left me with a jerk making me hit my back to the wall and he started clapping. I fixed my dress almost immediately and looked at him with teary eyes.

"Didn't you cheat on me Amaya?" He asked, hurt was evident in his voice.

Neil was the damn reason he played so much with me?

"I-I never- I don't know," I started weeping.

"How did he dare kiss you in front of entire college?" He hissed and I shot up at him.

The question just made the floor slip from beneath my feet. How does he even know this?

Some seven years, two months back...

It was yet another, usual morning and college was as it is, boring as fuck.

I was completing an assignment after which I had promised a friend of mine to help her with some upcoming college event.

I completed the work on time and was helping my friend with the designs when I got a message from an unknown number.

Waiting at the gate. Come soon love!

I checked my watch and found it was time to leave. Ofcourse I knew it was Arjun.

I wrapped up all the work and descended down the main building, walking towards the entrance, happy that I was going to see him after a week.

"Amaya," a voice called me from behind. I turned around to find Neil.

"Thanks for coming," he said and I realised the message was sent by him. I regretted coming downstairs thinking it was Arjun.

I mentally cursed myself.

"See, I think we're over all this and practically we had nothing in between us so..." I tried to shoo him away but Neil...shit dude.

"Amaya...you'll regret loving that Arjun. Just because he's rich you can't just leave me. Your feelings towards me changed in one night? Amaya don't you think you've been a bitch to me?" He asked and I was baffled with his audacity.

"I would have regretted loving you...not him," I spat and made my way towards the exit.

He held my arms tight and pulled me closer with a jerk and the next moment I knew he was kissing the life out of me.

The entire student body, staff members, teachers, everyone looked at us as if we'd lost it.

Actually, he had lost it, completely...I mean who does that?

I started pushing him away the minute I realised what was going on. I placed my palms on his chest and tried to throw him off me with all the force I possessed.

Finally, I won and got out of his hold. I truly felt disgusted and humiliated.

A tight slap followed, which was witnessed by everyone present on the scene and a threat that I believe didn't affect him much.

"If Arjun ever gets to know about this, he'll destroy you. Don't you dare show me your face again," I shouted and left, not forgetting to slap him once again.

His shameless reply arrived the very next moment but I didn't take it seriously.

"Let's see who destroys who...Arjun destroys you or me or all three of us..."

I had decided to narrate the entire incident to Arjun but then I got to know that he isn't coming back for next five days and I was already hell mad at him. There was again another pang of guilt building inside me...

He called me a bitch and a cheat. He kissed me in front of everyone. I was a subject of gossip for the entire week to follow. The faculty didn't give a shit about it and the Dean was last interested in hearing out the matter.

I couldn't tell Arjun about this incident because he wasn't even talking to me properly after returning. I was scared that if Id tell him everything then he wouldn't talk to me ever so I decided to keep shut. Things turned out to be normal after a while and so I tried to forget this incident.

Did Arjun witness the entire scene? Fuck!


"Arjun, you saw us?" I asked, the colour of my face had drained out.

He looked into my eyes, pain evident in them and then said, "Do you think I am a fool to not talk to you without any reason?"

"Why didn't you clarify everything with me?" I asked.

"What was the need to clarify? I kept on ignoring this Neil for like so many days...I saw his texts over your phone," he confessed.

"You checked my phone?" I asked.

"Only once and it was unintentional!" He clarified. "I'm not interested in reading love chats of my wife,"

"You tortured me emotionally because you thought I was cheating on you?" I asked trying to reminisce the torture I went through when he thought I had an affair. "You did all this, from creating a fake news about Parth and me to not talking to me when I needed you the most...from making me feel like a piece of shit to moving to another apartment just to take revenge from me. You planned it all Arjun. Why?" I had burst into tears by now, yet another time and for the first time I knew, Arjun and I were going to clarify all that we had in our hearts and end this.

"I couldn't unlove you Arjun...I tried a lot and now I know why, because I never wanted to," I confessed. "Why did you do this to me?"


Sorry for the late update and the cliff hanger, but again, it's a long chapter.
So, Arjun's side is almost revealed. Next chapter has a surprise for you all!

So, how was the chapter?
Neil and Amaya's past? Want to know more about how their story began?

Upcoming chapters will tell you their tale too.

I actually, don't have any questions for you all! Just wait for the next chapter.

Let me know what you think about the characters, the revelation and the book. I love to read your comments even if I don't get the time to answer each one of you. I'm so sorry about that but I just can't help it. School...*okay, I don't want to rant about that horrible place*

Please let me know if you find any mistakes in the chapter *not grammatical or spelling errors* Like anything that contradicts earlier incidents.

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