It Never Remains the Same

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Boards over...


Well, not really. (Read the Author's Note to know why)


Anyway, back to the update.


"So, your list is over Miss Vanishree?" He asked.

"Pretty much, why?"

"Now, it's my turn to ask questions," he announced.

"That was not the part of our plan I guess," I was taken aback.

"Yeah, but plans do change!"

I rolled my eyes at him and let out a sigh. "Fine," I said.

"Cool," he sat upright and we looked straight into each other's eyes. "Amaya, why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant?"

I was kinda expecting this from him.

"Arjun I was strictly against not letting you know about my pregnancy but then you had to be a bastard to me so here you go with the repercussions," I shrugged.

"It's about our children Amaya. I had all the right to know about them," he voiced.

"But you lost them all after that night," I calmly replied.

"You dragged our children into it," his body tensed and as much as he didn't want to let those words out of his mouth, he did because that's exactly what he thought of me. A bitch. Someone who would give ego more importance over love.

"You are so right Arjun. You know how to put the entire blame on me-"

"No Amaya. I'm not accusing you for anything except this. I accept my mistake, you need to accept yours too,"

"I'm sorry Arjun but I'm not sorry for keeping Ahaana and Aryan away from this mess. Our lives were messed up. We were literally miles away from each other in terms of emotional attachment. How can you expect me to come back running to you when all you did was to throw me out of your life? Just like that! As if I meant nothing to you," I seethed as I kept my eyes locked with him.

"Can you please stop taking every conversation back to that incident?" He temper started to rise.

You gotta face this Arjun.

"I wish. You might hate that day or do whatever with it but the truth will never change. That fucking night changed our lives," I pointed towards him and then me, forming a full circle.

"Why do I feel there's more to this pregnancy incident?" He suspiciously looked at me.

I nodded and chuckled.



"What is it Amaya?" He asked.

I nodded negatively as I picked up my phone and started fiddling with it.

"Phones aren't allowed in this conversation," he said.

I just needed a reason to look down. I didn't want to look at him. The reason why I never told him about my pregnancy might just blow his mind. Yes, Arjun was responsible for not knowing about his children but there was someone else in the picture too. Someone I don't understand why I can't hate. Or let's say, I know and I understand what's wrong with her and that's why I can never bring myself upto that position to hate her with all my heart.

It was my mom.

"Amaya," he called out my name softly. My palms started sweating. I hated this. It was after so long I was feeling like this again.

I kept my phone aside, stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Amaya is everything fine?" He sounded damn concerned as he followed me.

No Arjun. You aren't supposed to follow me like this. I'm fine.

I poured myself a glass of water and gulped it down my throat.


"You don't look good. You are sweating," he slowly walked closer to me and pushed my hair aside. He wiped my forehead with his thumb and cupped my face in his large palms.

I felt comforted and didn't want him to go away but at the same time I knew he couldn't be so close to me. A part of me didn't want him to go away but my conscious self knew he was a sign of danger. Funny isn't it? I wanted him yet I didn't want him.

I pushed him aside and walked back to the living room. He followed and waited till I seated my ass on the couch.

"Amaya, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Take your time," he squeezed my hand and gave me an assuring smile.

There was a moment of silence between us - a short span of time during which I just looked at him and felt as if the old Arjun was somehow coming back but I brushed those thoughts away as I didn't want to go back to that life again.

I don't know why but even after having a long mental battle, I started talking about the other half of the story which he didn't fully know - my part of the story.

"You know Arjun, I never knew why my mother used to be such a bitch to me. Sorry for using that word for someone who have birth to me but you know, I just didn't understand what was wrong with her until I met Kabir. I was under him for like too long after our divorce. Emotionally, I used to feel I had lost it completely and I would never be able to live all those chirpy, happy, feel-good  moments again but then Ahaana and Aryan came into my life and things changed for good. I was living my dream life but with a responsibility and I liked it. I used to feel I could never ever take up all those maternal responsibilities and you know, manage myself and stuff but I did and I was happy," I looked at him and smiled and he returned the gesture, motioning me to continue.

"I went back to my mother's house on that night hoping that she would understand me but she didn't and I told her that I was pregnant, not on that night but over the phone. I told her I was at Kabir's place...explains how you showed up at his doorstep to find me but that was a month later and I told her about my pregnancy and where I was the next day itself. I was hoping that you would come and take me back and I know I was stupid. Why would you come? You hated me. You told me she was helping you right? I see, she really did but she also made sure that I never return and she succeeded," Arjun's facial reaction confirmed my mother's deeds. She never told him about my pregnancy.

"Amaya I swear the moment she told me about your whereabouts I was just...shit...why would she do that?"

I chuckled which made him even more confused. 

"I cannot even say that she's not my mother...sad," My eyes started watering thinking about what must have Arjun gone through at that moment when I refused to meet him. I had my children with me and he had no fucking body.

Wow mom! Wow Disha! You people just nailed it.

"Kabir told me that my mother and I used to share this Disorganised Disoriented Attachment. I was confused between the two types of extreme behaviour my mother used to display. One of extreme understanding and one of extreme rejection. And those highs were so beautiful that I always ended up forgiving my mother for the lows in our relationship. She would beat me severely as a child. I stood up for myself. She changed. As I grew older she would party a lot, leave me alone and always spy on me. She would end up being over protective of an extent that I was not even allowed to make friends. Can you imagine?"

He didn't have words. Perhaps, he was still in shock. Mom deceived him.

"I think it's just me talking talking and talking," I sighed. "Let's take a break," I hit him slightly on his arm but he didn't budge.

"Arjun? Coffee?" I asked again.

"I'm sorry Amaya. I hate myself for making you go to through all of this. I understand Disha wanted me, Neil wanted you but your mom? Why didn't she tell me?" Arjun looked frustrated beyond explanation.

"I don't know, ask her. I don't talk to her," I shrugged.

He again went back to being quiet. I really wanted to know what was going on in his mind but I'm no magician and I couldn't figure out the reason of his silence. After about ten-fifteen seconds, he stood up and said, "I have to go. I'm sorry Amy, I'll see you very soon,"

That's it. He paced towards the main door and I followed him silently. I would just shut the door and start my packing.

Yeah, I'm going back to Paris and it feels so good. Things are finally sorted. Everything that bothered me is off my chest now. I feel so effing good.

But...This guy always has to surprise me. He turned around and looked into my eyes. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked away. I smiled seeing actions and was sort of confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I hug you?" He asked and I gave him an amused look, not giving him an answer. I just threw my arms open, signalling him that a hug wouldn't do any harm to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tried to fully wrap my arms around his back but I couldn't. He buried his nose in my neck and the expectedly friendly hug grew a little intense. He tightened his grip around me and squeezed my body, pushing himself into me.

I felt good and wanted to remain like this for sometime but I pulled away. Things weren't the same anymore between Arjun and me.

"Bye Arjun," I whispered before pulling away and he gave me a tight lipped smile.


Hey everyone!

I'm back.
Well hopefully.
I qualified the first phase of NIFT and I'm preparing for my second phase which is on 4th May. I'm happy as well as nervous. The preparation process is so exhausting. I work I don't know how many hours a day and I go through a rigours test schedule that takes place thrice a day along with a number of assignments so yeah, it's frustrating.

Wish me luck readers. I need to get into a good college.

And, back to the update - So, how was it?
Liked Amaya-Arjun moments.
And no, Amaya ain't going back to Arjun so easily. The girl has got some plans for him.

Please do comment and vote. I love you all like tons.

Also people, do you want to know the new story idea? Like, on a serious note. What after perfect match?

So I plotted this really good story and I'm damn sure you're going to like it...just like this book.

No, I'm not bringing it right away but I can just introduce you to the lead characters...The cast and names and maybe a character sketch!
Comment if you would like to see them in the next chapter!!!
At least 20 people need to tell me that they want to know about the new book, only then I'm going forward with it

Bye for now.

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