Just You and Me and Us

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"I am moving to New York," I announced.

He was definitely taken by surprise but he didn't let that show evidently. Instead, I saw the corner of his lips curl into a smile. He stood up and came and sat on my couch, not very far from me but not too close either.

"That's great news," he said.

"You don't want to know why?" I enquired.

He held my hand and stared into my eyes.

"Because I'm invading your space and you want to run from me?" He seriously said.

"No, not at all," I replied.


"I'm tired. I'm so tired. I think this city isn't that charming anymore. I don't know why exactly," I blurted.

For some reason, after a very long time, I felt comfortable beyond my understanding. It felt like I could truly say what was going on in my heart. I don't know why I felt that way but I genuinely wanted to tell him what was going on in my mind.


"And I desperately need a change. I think so much has happened recently and I haven't had time to process anything properly. One after the other things just kept happening," I confessed.

"Come closer," he softly commanded.

I complied and shifted more towards him, still facing him. He held me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. I rested my arms on his arms as I continued to talk like there was no steam between us.

"And I have this collab going on in New York and that's where the other brand has their headquarters. I think kids would like that place too you know. I know it's super crowded and the life there is insanely fast but I think I'll be able to cope up well,"

He tugged a hair strand behind my ears and said, "Why are you explaining so much?" It literally sent shivers down my spine.

"Because you are the father of our children and you should know what I'm up to and where your kids are going," I justified my explaining.

"I trust you with whatever decision you make," he said.

"So you don't have a problem with this?" I asked, surprised.

"No objection,"


"Because I'll follow you to New York," I was just too stunned to speak.

He'll actually follow me to New York?

Why does that feel oddly comforting? Like half of my fear is just dead.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" He asked.

I nodded in an affirmative 'no'.

"Can I hug you?" He asked, gently.

I nodded in a yes because I could feel a weird sensation in my belly. I was too close to Arjun and it made me dizzy.

He pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and while I was nuzzled in him, I realised I so needed this embrace. I needed him.

And that was a very bad thought. Arjun and I were nothing but co-parents. We were never going to get back to each other the way we used to be. It was a partially said and mostly unsaid rule between us.

He stroked my hair and back and tightened his grip on me. I did the same and just felt his body against mine.

We broke the embrace and he put both his legs up on the couch facing me and automatically I wrapped my legs around his waist. We looked into each other's eyes and wrapped our arms around each other once again.

I felt a lingering kiss on my ear and my body felt a shockwave travel through my ear to the tip of my foot.

I instinctively kissed behind his ear as a return gesture. I soon felt another kiss below my ear and I was about to do the same to him when he broke the embrace.

He kissed me on my forehead and asked, "Are we allowed to do this?"

"I don't know," I replied in a raspy voice.

He leaned in and kissed the corner of my lips. I just closed my eyes until he spoke again.

"And this?"


"And this?" He leaned in again and captured my lips with his.

He broke the deep peck within a few seconds and looked into my eyes.

Fuck - Every - Rule

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed him back on his lips. I broke it within a few seconds, just like he did and said, "Yes,"

As the warmth of his touch enveloped my trembling body, memories flooded back, igniting an electric spark deep within me. It had been six long years since I last felt the sensation of his lips against mine, and the anticipation sent shivers down my spine.

His hand cupped my cheek gently, his thumb caressing the soft skin, as if cherishing the moment before our lips met. His eyes locked with mine, a mixture of longing and desire swirling in their depths, revealing the depth of his emotions. I couldn't help but melt under his gaze.

I didn't even want to question myself at that moment. What was happening to me? Why was I allowing this? Etc etc.

With each breath shared, the weight of the years faded away, replaced by a hunger for one another. The electricity between us grew, crackling like a tempestuous storm ready to unleash its passion.

In that stolen moment, time stood still, and all that mattered was the intoxicating connection we shared.

My phone suddenly went off but I ignored it. I just didn't want to get out of that moment.

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer, erasing the distance that had separated us for far too long.

The phone rang again and he broke the kiss.
"It must be important," he said.

"I don't think-" Oh! Ruhaan.

Timing Ruhaan timing.

Arjun saw the caller's name and his body stiffened.

"I know we aren't dating or anything and I totally respect that and this call isn't related to any of that," he said it in a go in the first line itself.

"Okay, and?"

"I just need a little favour from you," he sounded really nervous.

"Yeah tell me," I said.

"I have an invite from this annual gala ball and I have to bring a date with me. I would have asked Meera but she's going with Taahir so will you be my date for the night?" He asked.

I looked at Arjun and tried to frame an appropriate answer. He didn't seem to show any expressions other than his body communicating it to me in a thousand different tones that this made him uncomfortable.

"Can you not take someone else?" I enquired.

"I wish I could. It's important and the ball is tomorrow. I had thought I'd ask you out for the ball on our date but you know how that went so-"

"Fine, I'll come with you," I replied.

"Gosh thank you, thank you so much Amaya," he sounded over joyed. Me? Not so much but I think I could do a ball for a night.

"It's okay. Send me the theme and all," I said.

"I will send it right away,"

"Bye," I said and I hung up.

"You're going to a ball tomorrow?" He asked.


"With Ruhaan?"

I nodded.

"Do you like him?" He enquired.

"He's a nice guy," I said.

He nodded.

"He is,"
"And is he good with kids?" He asked.

Oh my God, he has really got it wrong.

"Arjun, I'm not-"

"Like, I know it's your life and all but has he had any experience with kids? I don't want Ahaana and Aryan to-"

"Gosh Arjun he's not my boyfriend," I clarified cutting him off midway.

He took a second to process that information.

"It looks like he's really into you," he said.

"I'm not explaining myself here,"

"You don't have to. It's just that, you two were, you know, kinda kissing that night at Kabir's,"

"We didn't. It is not like that," I countered. "Are you being jealous?" I asked.

"No, not at all! I just want to know who becomes a part of my kids' life and if you were seeing him or whatever, I'd want to make sure I know the guy too," he explained.

"I understand,"

"We have a little girl too you know. I don't trust strangers," he said.

"Yeah I get it," He had a valid point.

"Is he a friend?" He started questioning once again.

What the hell?

"Barely," I replied.

"Well, then I'm glad he's just an acquaintance," he said and cupped my face again, bending in for another set of deep kiss.


Yesss!! This was the surprise. A double update.

How was the chapter?
Did you like it?

Do you guys remember the voice recordings Arjun and Amaya made back when they were together? We heard Amaya's note but we never got a chance to listen to what Arjun has to say. Am I giving you hints related to the next chapter?

Let me know how you feel about it and I'll see you with another update.

P.S - please do check my new book out. You'll love it. It's called "Whispers of Desire"

Thank you and happy reading!

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