The Cover Girl

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"Umm...Amaya beta(child)," I heard a familiar nervous female voice on the other side of the call and it didn't take me another second to check the number.

It was from India and I knew who it was. Oh! So she remembers that she has a daughter who isn't dead.

"Hmm..." I couldn't think of a reply. I wanted to disconnect the call that instant but something didn't let me do so. Some inner voice that asked me to hold on to the conversation.

Just her sweet voice from which she called me her child made painful lumps float in my throat.
So today is 'make Amaya cry' day. But I won't cry. I promise this to myself.

"How are you?" Her voice sounded broken from the other side of the call. It seemed as if it took a whole lot of effort to call me. But that wasn't as if she sounded interested in doing so. It sounded as if she was completing some duty.

How am I? Terribly not fine. Atleast not after the dream!

"Good," I replied after a moment of silence. I succeeded in subsiding the lump in my throat. I felt I was becoming strong.

I don't understand one thing. How did she find me? I mean, I kept myself so isolated. I had no connection with India except for some of business meetings I attended there. But that was just twice...then how?

"Where are you?" She asked making me throw another question on her. "Why do you have to ask that now?" I sounded rude, I know but I didn't want to face her wrath again.

"Amaya...come back," she said it. Come back. These two words made my head spin and tiny pixels of anger started overpowering the blood flowing in each and every vein of my body.

"Come back? Where?" I shot back her command. Where should I go? My home is in Paris and this is where I have my whole family residing.

Meera, Sarah, Kabir, Aahil, Aahana, Aryan and Tiara. This is my family and they love me for who I am. They don't question what I wear, how I party, how I do my shit! They just care for me and I know that.

After about five seconds of uncomfortable silence, she replied, "Come back to Delhi,"

"Why?" I snapped back at her. There was no fucking chance I was going back to that place which took everything away from me.

"Disha is getting married," she replied. Oh! So the bitch found someone. Great! Holy fuck.

"So that's an invitation to her wedding," I hurtfully spoke as I thought my mother called me to know how I was. I thought she realised her mistake. I thought she cared. I knew it since childhood that she couldn't show her love but this was really not what I had expected from her side.

But no Amaya, how can you mistaken your mother? That lady who never cared? She has her son to care for. You are no one to her. Don't forget that.

"See Amaya, we have been telling the whole society the same lie for years that after your divorce, you have been living in US all alone and we are in touch with you. We have lied that you are doing very well in life but I know the truth. A failure like you can do nothing except failing. A person who cannot take along her family with her, forget that, a person who cannot can she have a future. Above all, you haven't even completed your higher education in fashion. You left that also mid way. You got your name out of NIFT. So now do as I say. Come back. Attend her wedding and then go wherever you want to," she said those spiteful words again.

Failure...loser, infertile...
Her 'come back' sounded so authoritative as if she still had rights on me. Did she forget what happened that night? The night when Arjun threw me out of his house, his life...

She is a selfish lady...I knew this. But she is so mean and self-centered, I knew this today. For the fucked up society, she is calling me back and the humorous part of the story is that she feels I will come back.

I knew how to answer her. I had the answer prepared in my mind. She will know this today that I am not the same nineteen year old girl whom she manipulated and not that twenty one year old woman whom she threw away like a fly floating over the surface of the tea.

"Do you know where have you called?" I enquired sounding like 'come darling...take your answer'.

"Paris," she replied instantly, confusion evident in her voice.

"And do you know Paris is in France and not in USA?" I snapped at her. She has been telling people that I live in USA and that I am doing good in life. Great! I will show you how great I am doing in life.

"What do you mean to say?" She enquired sounding confused.

Poor mom!

"I mean to say that the person you are trying to reach is currently out of your reach," I said that in a complete mechanical voice. "You should try calling in the USA. Maybe the person you want to contact would be living there," I added. "Wrong number," I said it with a great emphasis and disconnected the call.

I had a hearty laugh after whatever I did to her. It was buried deep inside my heart that one day I will just ignore her me. I couldn't ever do that because of her intense fear instilled in my mind. I always wanted to say something mechanical over the phone to her and I did it!

I felt I had achieved something really great in life. It felt so relaxing. I mean, I can have a nice sleep but no...this lady was all behind me. The phone buzzed again and I just simply ignored it.

See, practically I didn't give her any hint that I am Amaya or something. I replied like a normal stranger having a fun-time with the wrong call person and then cut the call after everything is over saying wrong number. Fuck! She is really behind me now.

I ignored her call and put my phone on silent after which I had a very nice sleep with no, absolutely no Arjun dreams! It was a relief. Though the start of my morning wasn't great but the following events were of some fun.

Mumma...this word! Oh, how much I hate this word as well as how deeply I love this word. Irony of life. The character in my life that I hate the most is the character I am playing myself. This is how life changes.

Ten years back.
Class 11 Humanities

"Amaya wake up, ma'am is coming to the back bench side," Mahira continuously shook me and tried waking me up.

"Which period is it," I asked, still stirring in my sleep in the corner most place of the class.

"Moral science," she said. "Jaya Ma'am is coming Amaya...wake up," she whisper shouted at me and shook me hard and not to forget, she pinched me on my left thigh to wake me up.

"Oouchh," I yelped in pain as I jumped out of my sleep and looked at her with the most deadly expression I could.

"Bitch," I murmured.

She didn't reply but kept her eyes still on Jaya Ma'am who was dangerously moving towards us.

Moral science...I felt like crying when I heard the name of this subject. Though the topics were interesting, they didn't catch my attention. I mean who discusses on wars and economy...and what I feel about her is that she is herself confused as hell. Moral science and history periods meant happy sleeping time.

She stood at the edge of Kiara's chair and looked at us who were just two chairs away from her dreadful looks.

"Yes, you-" she threw her hands in the air in a peculiar way and asked me to stand up.

"My bad day" I muttered as I stood up and looked at her face with a blank expression.

"What is going on in the class. Which topic am I teaching?" She asked.

Being unaware of what's happening in the class, I stuttered in answering and obviously told the wrong answer for which I gained a hearty laugh from the whole class.

"Don't doze off in the classroom Amaya. What we are studying is fear and so, pay attention," she said and walked back to her teacher's table.

I drank water and didn't dare shut my eyelids in the class...

That class on the topic fear was ringing in my head ever since I slept. Fear from what? Why are we scared? From whom are we scared?

"If we show that we fear losing someone, we end up losing that someone...never show your fears. No one owns you. You came alone on this planet and you will go back all alone,"

Her golden words...I never realised what that meant but these painful years have taught me why we should not be afraid of fear.

It stopped raining at twelve noon and the sun was out, shining bright...I felt like having a bath and so I did have a long hot shower and again stripped back to my sports bra and hot pants getting some black coffee for myself from the kitchen which is downstairs.

Duplex is what I own. A six room lavish duplex apartment in Paris. I am successful and I am happy. So what if I couldn't keep up with my husband and my doesn't mean I will also fail as a person in my other relationships.

I put over my headphones and sat in the library which is just next to the gaming room in my house on the thirty ninth floor. I mistakenly forget to get my I-pod from upstairs and felt really lazy to go upstairs to get it so I ignored my I-pod and switched to my phones playlist.

Initially, I didn't want anything related to India for my life ahead but then I transferred all the data into my new phone and hid them as I considered those memories special...very special and close to my heart. I couldn't just throw them away.

I started playing those six to ten year old songs I had in my playlist and after two-three songs, there played a recording which took my breath away.

", let's record something," Arjun spoke as he tried thinking to say something which he wanted to record.

"I am already recording this shit that you're speaking," I fired back giggling like a moron.

", what if we hear it, say six years later? And maybe we might have fought over something and you and I won't be willing to talk over it. So say something that will convince us to get back to each other and stop this fighting shit," he gave an idea. Though I laughed over it but then I realised he was damn serious.

"You start," he said. "Ladies first," he added chuckling.

"No no, it's your idea so you start," I fired back.

"Don't you love me?" He questioned. I had my reply ready. Punch him and he will know and so I did...punched him on his abs and he jokingly shouted an 'ouch' to which I laughed.

"I know I know...but seriously, come on Amy. Say something," he pestered and so I agreed. How could I even say no to Arjun?

"So, hi Arjun," I said giggling to which he smiled back. "I know you are damn angry on me and you want to kill me but know this, it was not my fault. We fought for whatever reason, I know you must have started it so now like a good boy, come back to me or else I won't let you cuddle me or have a swim with me whenever you want...and I mean it," Arjun burst out laughing after hearing what I said and kissed me suddenly with lots of love and affection.
"I love you so much," he said to which I just smiled and kissed him back.

After our kiss, I went back to normal and said, "Okay, now your turn Arjun," I brought my phone till his mouth so that things could be recorded clearly.

"So, Amaya..."

Before I could hear his recording and burst out crying, I turned the recording off and threw my headphones away in anger.

How fake everything was...not from my side but his side. I haven't seen him for last six years, his voice sounded so fresh to my years...I just so loved but hated this voice.

I took my phone and swiped the lock open. I wasn't going to hide this folder this time. I was going tk delete the entire recording. I hated this...hated this to the core.

After doing this, I was left with no work. Not even office work since it was Sunday so I was just checking my instagram account when my phone went off.

It was Shreyasi. My one of the closest friends who resides in Delhi. I have been in touch with her for all these years. She is an international basketball player and an amazing person. I love her for who she is and thank god there still are a few real people left on this planet.

I took her call at once and the greeting which I got made me laugh and stutter at the same time.

"Fuck you bitch. Where have you been? Do you know the two great news?" She asked in a jovial way.

"No," I replied all confused.

"Then listen. See, you are coming to Delhi...please don't say no. I am getting married Amaya...I am in no mood to hear a no," even before my response, she declared she wanted me there.

She is getting married? Fuck wow!

"Who is that lucky guy?" I teased.
"Ten years long relationship...finally," she replied and I knew the person.

"Veer?" I asked excitedly.
"Ofcourse yaar. I love him..." she replied and I just couldn't control my happiness. I really liked Veer as a guy and he is perfect for Shreyasi. The perfect and best person.

"And the second news?" I asked, being curious. I hadn't made up my mind for Delhi but hearing her news made me jump on my seat.

"You are on the cover page of Vogue India," she excitedly told me.

Fuck! That interview was for a cover article to be published in India?


Did you like the update, the cover girl? What are your views for the story so far? Is it better than the previous one?

I know this chapter was too long and a little preachy in the midway, trust me, a better update is waiting for you.

Any guesses how Arjun might have said his recording part? Do you think Amaya's anger is justified?

Do you think she will go to Delhi to attend Shreyasi's wedding? Is it her mother's step? Any guesses?

What do you think about the way she disconnected her mother's call...anyone who disliked it?

Please do comment and vote. I am eagerly waiting to read them.

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