The Pillars of Trust

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I gave a victorious smile thinking he backed off but gosh! How can I be so wrong in understanding this unpredictable man standing in front of me?

Without any warning he just pulled me towards him and crashed his lips with mine...
His soft lips pressed hard on my lips in a punishing way and as I tried to protest, which I couldn't when he was carrying me in his arms yesterday, he grabbed my ass and literally raised me to his height with the help of his other hand.

I felt so nostalgic when there was no space for even the air to pass through between us. I loved this feeling. His hard torso pressed against my soft breasts making it just flat. My hands unknowingly settled on his perfectly carved biceps and I couldn't help but press his biceps for getting a stability. My legs had turned into jelly and I didn't find myself standing on my own but taking the support of his tall frame. He then pressed my ass while he tried to shove his tongue inside my mouth. Ofcourse I didn't let him do so and in return tried to press my lips together so that he doesn't enter. His actions on my ass grew intense and harder as he digged his fingers into the flesh and I felt like throwing his hands off my body and run away...

All this time I just wanted to freed myself but now I wanted to throw him off my body. It disgusts me. This man claims that I betrayed and cheated on him with his best friend and what is he doing now? Cheating on Disha with his to-be ex-wife and Disha's sister.

With all the strength I could gather I let my mouth free and eventually managed to push him away too, wiping my lips with the back of my palms as if he was a venom that I had been forced to apply on my lips.

We were panting for breaths but moreover I was longing to slap him right away for pulling up this act. After catching my breath, I looked up to his face and gave this fierce expression indicating I didn't like his actions even a bit.

He in return looked at me with his same devilish smirk and said, "So? Now tell me who were you talking to or I have my ways..."

"Arjun, don't you feel ashamed of yourself? You are getting married in eight days and this is what you are doing? Trying to kiss the life out of me?" I asked as my breasts heaved up and down with extreme shock and fear of falling in his traps again.

"Why should I be ashamed? I just kissed my wife!" He said like it was no big deal for him.

"Arjun...why are you doing this?" I asked sounding helpless.

"Amaya who were you talking to?" He was stuck on that exact thing and I was getting pissed off on this.

"Arjun you know what, you are like those rotten, old tape recorders whose recorder is jammed and won't work ever," I taunted.

"I don't mind, you just answer to what I am asking," he said while takin another step towards me.

Scared to the holy heavens, I just blurted Kabir's name and his reactions were like, eyes wide, pupils dilated, fists and jaw clenched, lines appearing on his forehead and what not...every expression indicating how angry he was.

"Why were you talking to him?" He asked trying to control his anger.

"Arjun, I am hungry," I tried to change the topic. What should I tell him? Who is he to ask me that? And I won't tell him what conversation I had with him. Arjun is getting too pokey.

"You didn't eat anything?" He asked...his expressions literally changed that instant. Concern washed his face like cold water and he called one of his servants through the intercom.

I just looked at his actions...the same Arjun. The man I loved so much.

Eight years back

"Amaya you have to eat," he pestered.

"I don't want to Arjun, I am full," I complained.

"What did you eat in the morning?" He asked.

"Umm...wait...I think I had sandwiches and juice. That's it," I said casually.

"And you are surviving on that? You skipped the lunch too and what did you have with that friend of yours, Zara? Some unhealthy street food and you think that's enough for you to stay healthy?" Arjun and his love for being health conscious and hatred towards street food. Typical rich kid.

"Arjun I-"

"Amaya...have this," he had a plate full of rice, chapati and vegetables kept on the dining table.

"Arjun I can never have this...this is too much," I wailed like a kid.

Well I am a nineteen is too young! I want to enjoy.

" can have half atleast," he said and I did the mistake of looking into his eyes. He looked so cute with those puppy eyes...those innocent ones. I gave in to his demand and finally ate a few bites after a lot of protests and drama.

"College sucks Arjun," I complained again.

"Then leave it," he said.

"Huh? Are you mad?" I looked at him with shocked expressions, my mouth full with food. "That's my dream," I said as I chewed my bite.

He smiled as he kissed my forehead and said, "Then fulfil your dream. Rock the world of fashion. Amaya Malhotra should have her own identity,"

This was one of the most overwhelming things Arjun had ever told me. This support and care was all I needed. I never had to worry about anything. He does it all for me...he is an angel.

Now a devil!

Present day...

"Amayaa...I am talking to you," he brought me back from my thoughts.


"What is this?" This questions kid I tell you...even Aahana and Aryan don't ask these many questions.

The moment I saw the thing in his hand, I let out a sharp breath.

"Cigarette?" He looked at the thing with a questioning look.


"Are you crazy? Why do take this?" He asked shocked to the core as if I had tried to rob him off his entire wealth.

"See, I don't owe you an explanation," I retorted.

This is my fucking life...for six years he didn't give a shit to where I was. Whether I was living or dying or I was even okay or ways I am going to let this man affect me. He knew we were still married but he didn't care to find me and complete the proceedings. Like a storm he entered my life again and this time again for his own selfish needs. How can a person be so selfish?

"This is not good for you," he said.

"Really?" I asked, showing a dramatic expression of shock.

"Yes," he stressed on this word.

"No no no Arjun, this is not harmful for me," I said like I had just proved a theory. "YOU are harmful for me and my mind and my health and my everything," I added pointing a finger at him.

"Why do you think I did all this? Staying with you...agreeing to wait for the divorce, meeting mom and whosoever was there, agreeing to attend the wedding?" I asked.

He looked at me with puzzled expressions, I don't know what was he thinking.

"What? You thought I still love you? I care for you?" I asked, again throwing my dramatic expression. "Oh god! Don't take me wrong Arjun," I said.
"I have a man in my life...he loves me a lot...without his selfish needs...without any demands and HE has accepted me with all my flaws," I don't know why but I just blurted these lines out and the moment I did this, ofcourse out of extreme pain that he was inflicting on me, I knew I couldn't take my words back.

Everyone knows I have no one in my's just two most important people and they are Aahana and Arjun. Then all my friends who supported me when everyone left me on road to rot.

His eyes were the ones that caught my attention. He looked so hurt and upset. His eyes turned lifeless the moment he heard all this and he did not say single word on this. His body turned lose but then he recovered the moment he realised he was letting himself weak in front of me. I noted every action of his in this thirsty second time period and all I could gather was just one thing...he wasn't happy hearing about a man in my life.

This particular moment was interrupted by one of the house maids who had brought my dinner.

Sensing the tense situation, she passed a little nervous smile to me and with a last back look at Arjun, she left the room immediately. I was now getting tense because of this silence that Arjun had been holding.
I just unintentionally made him feel maybe what I had felt every single day from the time he left me.

I just wanted to kiss him and tell him that 'Arjun, there's no one in my life. It was just you and will always be you, no matter what,'

But I knew I couldn't say this. There was no point in doing so.

"Have your dinner," he said and I could see how he was trying to keep a control on himself. It seemed as if he was trying to fight all his inner voices and finally decided to leave me alone.

The moment he turned his back towards me, I felt a lump forming in my throat. I was feeling bad because I had actually hurt him...but the question here was, why was I feeling bad? Why was his sadness affecting me?

It all subsided the moment he left the room. I kept on feeling a little bad for him but then my mind succeeded in convincing my heart that 'this man deserves what he got right now and he deserves even more...'

I ate a few bites as usual but I missed my special diet. I was actually cheating on my diet now. I wasn't even taking enough nutrition that my body required. I was skipping my workout sessions and I was eating all the oily Indian stuffs.

Ughhh!! I miss Pyali and her delicious food. Damn! I miss baking cookies and cakes for my lovely children. I miss Paris now!

I called the day on a very sad note. Arjun did not come in the room to sleep. I didn't sleep the whole night because of this. When I asked Pooja, the only maid I know in the entire house, about where Arjun was, she replied Arjun was there in the house itself but she didn't know where.

When I got this assurance that Arjun hasn't left the house in anger or something, I felt relieved but again sleep was far far away from me. I missed the room in which Arjun and I used to live? It was so beautiful and peaceful. Arjun's house, as I had earlier told you, has lush green trees and they are all systematically planned and sown so the room in which we used to live had a direct view of all those beautiful trees and garden and we had our own private pool in our room. Gosh! That room was heaven and we had decorated it with lots of love. There was this one whole wall with our pictures only. That room indicated how much we loved each other and how strong our bond was but as it's clear with our ugly divorce, the pillars of trust was weak...Infact very weak and the belief in others were too strong.

It was not our was the fault of the circumstances in which we were thrown and we left each other's hands midway. The promise to remain together was broken and our hearts were shattered into million pieces.

I don't know why but there's a strong belief instilled in me that Arjun was not at fault. There was something driving him crazy...something that broke both of us. Arjun is not the lone person to be held responsible. I believe he cannot do all this alone because there can be no hidden motives behind all this and if there is anything that I don't know then for sure Arjun is the worst nightmare I ever had in my life of twenty six years.


Hello everyone! An update in a day. Well that's because I was too happy! I got a total of sixty votes in my previous chapter. Thank you so much lovely readers! It really really means a lot to me. And here I gave a little longer chapter too!!!

This time I will set the goal to 50! Hope you help me reach that. ♥♥

So what do you think about the chapter? How was it?

Don't you think Arjun is being to pokey? Anyone over here who can guess the reason?

Should Amaya have said that she had another man in her life? Do you really think Arjun was really hurt because there wasn't any point to pretend about being upset about Amaya moving on in life! Isn't it?

I find Amaya very sensible. Don't you think she is thinking right? She isn't like other female protagonists who won't understand why her husband or her lover are doing things to hurt them. She understands that either there is a severe misunderstanding or there is Arjun's hidden motive behind all this!

Anyways, do let me know what your feelings and thoughts are. Please tell me how the story is going. Are you liking the story?
Please please do comment and vote. Love you people!

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