Chapter 2【The Drone】

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Dormitory - Around 1 pm

I opened the door of my room via my room key of course. There are actually 3 locks in my room. The door knob, padlock and... Fingerprint access that only Jin and I can access.

I entered my dark and cold room. The bluish light coming from the LED screen of my computer was the only light source that can blind me. Jin always asked why I don't open the lights here, well the reason's simple...

My electricity bill.

I groaned and jumped at my bed. My tablet slip right from my palm and to the soft and velvety blanket of my bed. "Now what Naoki? You can't think straight and you have no idea who to target... I can't kill them both because it will cause a ruckus..."

I shut my eyes closed and cover it with my arms."Aarrghhh!"I sat down and pulled my tablet.

I turned my tablet on and search for Wakiya Murasaki's files."Now where was that.."I kept on scrolling the files I copied from the school documents a month ago. Don't ask me why I gained access to the principal office. The reason's obvious, they're all a bunch of idiots.

I stood up and headed in front of this large screened, panorama computer I bought for 300 bucks two years ago. It's pretty expensive but it's worth it anyway.

I connected my tablet to my computer and scanned the biodata of Wakiya Murasaki.

"Wakiya Murasaki."My AI said. I never felt alone whenever Jin's away or Christina's not yet giving me cookies because I have my friends with me. Hehehe. They won't leave me and they always agree with my decisions.

I continued to search for useful informations but it seems like it's gonna be impossible for to find any because All of the informations I found in Wakiya's data are all a bunch of 'I WILL CRUSH SHU KURENAI IN THE FINALS'.

(I love editing)
"Mnngh..."I clenched my fist and smacked the table,"How About Valt.. Aoi."I'm gonna lose my patience.

"Valt Aoi."My AI showed me a large photo of Valt Aoi and several images Jin sent me. All their pictures are full of lovey dovey and it is annoying.

But maybe this information's gonna be useful in the future."hmm. I think it's time to stalk that Valt Aoi first."I fixed my collar and headed outside with my fly drone.

"Let's go."I pulled my tablet and controlled the drone on where it will head and which part of the view will that gadget show me.

My drone flew out of the window of my dormitory. I turned my attention to my tablet so I could see what's happening with my drone. I have an eye in the sky of course.

"What are you doing?"Christina asked suddenly, tapping my shoulder that made me jump in surprised.

I turned around to see her wearing an apron and her usual pink dress. As always, she's still beautiful. That's what makes her the most hated person I will ever meet.

"I'm playing! Now if you would just go.."I looked away and focused my attention on my tablet once more.

"Alright."I saw her smile from my peripheral vision. It was sweet and cute but I will never take interest in her. She's friend with Valt too so she may be useful but i'll disregard it.

"Valt.. Valt..."I continued the search for Valt until, Eureka! I found him.

He was with the BeyClub, and it seems like they're still in search for Toko.

From my tablet, I can see them shaking their head with a sign of sadness in their faces. It seems like they have given up the search.

"It's always fun to see others suffer hehehe."I walked back to my room and locked myself in it.

"Okay Drone, time to turn on the microphone"I smirked. I have to hear them suffer their pain of losing someone dear to them.

"Toko?!"Rantaro screamed,"Where are you?"

"Tokooo! Mum's cooked your favorite!"Valt shouted, walking back and forth the alley.

"Toko!"Shu shouted plainly, as expected.

"Are you in here..?"Daigo was searching the garbage bin. What the hell.

"Arghh! Hey you go search over there while I'll sit here."Wakiya was just relaxing by the bench while his bodyguards search everywhere. As expected for someone who was swimming in a tub of money. It's dangerous to deal with him.

Dormitory - Around 5 pm

The search for Toko goes on until 5 pm. But my eyes are still open for useful informations to ruin Shu's battle with me this upcoming Saturday.

Wakiya fell asleep on the bench, Valt's resting on Wakiya's lap and I think Wakiya didn't know.. Shu was still devoted to search for Toko while Honcho just kept shouting the same sentence over and over again.

Daigo.. I don't know. He suddenly disappeared and I didn't even know where he went.

"Keep your eyes open Naoki..."I smiled, my sanity was around negative 60 because of my impatience.

As I was about to fell asleep and drop my tablet on my bed, Somebody knocks through my door. I'm guessing it's Christina.

"Naoki?"I knew it,"I'll leave the cookies here okay! Just open the door and... See ya!"

I groaned and stood up, I didn't even realize I haven't taken my lunch yet. I haven't bought any noodles and rice for today because Jin's the one who always gives me food here. I won't survive without Jin! He's the one who always reminds me to eat because I was always focused on my experiments.

I opened the door and quickly picked up Christina's cookies. Oh yeah, Jin told me to give him cookies or else he won't pay my electricity bills.

Christina gave me a dozen cookies so I might as well eat 6 of them. To be honest she create some light textured and crumbly cookies. It was all in all... Fine... She always used sodium bicarbonate in baking.. But... Hmmph.

"Aghh! Get off of me Valt!"Wakiya pushed Valt as strong as he could that made Valt fell on Shu.

"Owww! Wakiya!"Valt cried,"You're really soft and I can sleep comfortably on you!"

"Get up Valt. Let's just go home and tell your mom that we can't find Toko okay."Shu smiled, tapping his head gently.

Wakiya looked away and stood up,"I'm going home!"His cheeks were burning red. I know there's something going on between these two.

Shu's eyes were as if he was jealous or something but I guess he still doesn't consider that feeling."Can I sleep on you Shu?"

It sounded.. Weird. But whatever you're thinking Naoki, it's not scientific. I guess...

"Yeah. Do you want me to have a sleep over at your house till tomorrow? Were gonna find Toko again tomorrow."Shu smiled.

"Yeah yeah! Please sleep in my house again Shu! Please!"Valt hugged Shu and jumped on his back. They.. Are really... AAGHHH!

I can't even do that to Jin because it's... It's... No! My life as a scientist will be ruined and... Jin doesn't like those stuffs anyway..

I continued to gobble down the cookies as I watch Valt and Shu's conversation about a sleepover. This would work well because I was trying to see how much Valt influenced Shu in beyblading. Wether it's the same as how Shu influenced him or maybe the tables would turn when it comes to Wakiya.

"Fine. But just tonight because i'm worried about Toko."Shu looked down and carried Valt on his back."Hold on."

They ran down the sidewalk as my drone followed them. Honcho decided to leave as well and Daigo... Whatever.

"Weeeee."Valt said with a faint and tired voice."I can't enjoy this when i'm worried about Toko."

"Don't worry, we'll find him as soon as possible okay."Shu smiled.

"Naoki."I turned my head to see Jin standing in front of the door. He was actually closing it and yeah, as I have said recently, he have access to my room.

"Oh hey Jin. How's the practice goin?"I smiled, looking back at my tablet.

"Fine. Can I see that?"Jin scoot beside me and pulled my tablet gently so he could see.

"The first person i'll stalk is Valt Aoi."I smiled."Valt and Shu had been friends since they were kids so I find Valt the best guy to target!"

Jin chuckled and lie down on my bed,"Well good luck ya.."

He started to snore and sleep. That's what Jin usually does in my room because it's dark and peaceful. I don't know...

When someone else does this, i'm gonna kill them in their sleep. But Jin is different... Of course.

I checked my drone camera again. Shu and Valt had already reached the Aoi residence.

I guess i'll just stalk them via the window.

I positioned my drone on the window and camouflage it so they wouldn't notice it. From here, I can see Valt's room. It was a surprise that his room was clean because I was expecting it to be a total mess.

Valtryek was just sitting on top of his table with his beylogger and launcher."What a shame."

The door suddenly opened, revealing Shu and Valt in their pajamas."It's time!"

Valt opened the lights as he started to jump on top of his bed. The pillows scattered on the floor while Shu just shake his head with a smile.

"I wish Toko's okay. Mum really got worried out there."Valt looked up at the ceiling,"Do you think we'll find him?"

"We're not gonna stop until we find him okay? Now get a goodnight sleep. Your match with Jin's tomorrow."Shu uttered as he tapped Valt's head gently.

I forgot.. Jin will be against Valt... I have to do something for Jin to win!

I groaned and set my tablet aside as I started to type on my computer.

"Naoki..."Jin whispered,"I know what you're thinking. Whatever you're thinking. Don't do it."

"But Jin!"I pout and fixed my glasses which was almost falling from the bridge of my nose.

"Think about your match. Don't kill Valt, don't cheat. This is my match Naoki, not yours."Jin gave me a grin, his eyes were still close.

"Science is not cheating!"I groaned and smacked the table,"Just go sleep there and let me do my work."

"Suit yourself.. But leave my match alone."Jin hugged my pillow and continued to sleep.

"Hmmph."I stood up and unlocked the storage room."Toko, you don't belong here."

I dragged Toko's body out of the storage room. His body was cold and his skin was pale white. I pulled my large bag for throwing bodies away and placed him inside. Besides, he's just a kid and he's around 4'5. I can dispose him easily.

"Where are you going Naoki?.."Jin mumbled, opening his left eye as he gave me a Sidelong look.

"To leave Toko's body near a river. With Valt seeing Toko like this, his launch power would be down by 90%. Perhaps... That's not cheating right?"I smirked and opened the door, carrying Toko's body on my back.

"I guess not..."Jin pulled the cookies on the table,"Is this..?"

"Yeah."I sighed, biting my lower lip. I'm so jealous with Christina! I wonder why Jin likes her so much.

Jin sat down and quickly gobbled down the cookies,"Thanks! I'll be sure to pay your electricity bill."

"M...kay."I closed the door, leaving Jin inside my room alone with Christina's cookies.

Toko's body was pretty big so I tried to act normal and act as if i'm just carrying a guitar.

I should leave this by the river beside the park. I'm pretty sure Valt will see this when he practiced tomorrow. Hehehe...

By The Park - Around 8 pm

The cold night was rather creepy, it was really silent and all you can hear was the trees being blown by the wind. The swing by hanging by tree was moving by itself. It was really a windy night.

I successfully brought Toko's body out of the dormitory and down the sidewalk without anyone suspecting me.

"Alright Little one."I unzipped the bag and dragged Toko's body beside the river.

I quickly wore a glove and pulled out a swiss knife I just bought yesterday.

I created a cut on Toko's wrist where the arteries was so everyone would believe he committed suicide. Arterial bleeding was one of the most dangerous kind of bleeding of course... But he ran out of blood so nevermind.

I left the swiss knife on Toko's right hand and walked away with my bag."Goodnight."

I started to laugh uncontrollably. My life's now complete. Jin will surely win against Valt tomorrow. A hundred percent. And... I'll probably win on Saturday too.

Oh.. Why do I have to kill someone dear to Shu? Because Shu's hard to convince unless someone died.


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