Chapter 9: Cyrus' Last Stand

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*Voltflare's POV*

"Ahahaha! Do you really believe that you can stand up to two of the deities that govern Sinnoh?! That is an error that I will not allow you to live down!" Cyrus roars,

"Dialga, use Roar of Time! Remove that ugly stain from history forever!"

He points at me with a crooked finger, and I just have time to look up at the massive Pokemon's chasm of a maw before an indigo ball of energy begins to form within it. My body tenses up, if only from the immense fear brought on by being this close to death. I can't move, paralyzed in fear and captivated by terror.

"Get out of the way!" Markus yells to me, and Dialga continues to prepare the attack.

Every microsecond that the sphere grows, my eyes begin to feel heavier and heavier. I try to use my legs, but I'm barely able to move, like time itself is slowing down around me.

"I... I'm stuck! T.. Time is...!" I struggle to speak, while Dialga seems to be in the finishing stages of its attack. I slowly turn my gaze towards my allies and stretch out my paw.

"I have no choice... Forgive me for this, Voltflare," Nathan says to me.

"Metagross, use Earthquake!" he yells.

"Metaaa!" his Pokemon roars and stomps the ground with incredible force.

A large crack appears in the floating island where Metagross plants itself, and it quickly streaks its way across the ground to me.

My eyes widen when I understand Nathan's train of thought. I turn to Dialga one last time, and the ground explodes underneath me, carving an enormous hole in the island and flinging me into the air, just as the gem on Dialga's chest begins to flash. The fins on its back double in size, and the Pokemon roars, channeling an enormous indigo beam of energy from its mouth.

The attack immediately strikes the area that I had been standing only moments earlier and eviscerates it, causing a massive explosion that flings me far into the air, far enough that Nathan, Cyrus, and the others like miniature dots on the horizon.

Luckily, I am out of the initial blast radius- and I sigh in relief: hurtling through the air has been the calmest moment I've had in the Distortion World- but I am still harshly burned from the colorful detonation, nonetheless. I can feel one of my ears being violently wrenched from its socket by the blast, and I cup my paws over it to keep it in place.

Then, I reach the apex of my journey up and begin to fall, faster and faster, towards the raging battle below. Blood spatters my vision, and panic returns to my face once again; but I remember that flailing in the air doesn't make a descent any less painful. As calmly as I can, I spread my limbs as far as I can to either side and attempt to slow my fall, at least in some part.

If I can't stop myself to some extent, I won't survive this fall. Plain and simple- I won't survive it.

Wind rips past my ears as I try not to imagine what having my guts strewn across the Distortion World would look like, so I brace myself and focus.

The ground is about seven hundred feet below me, and I call to the one Pokemon that I know can save me now.

"Markus!" I scream, hoping that he can hear me. I still can't quite make out the Pokemon's reply, but I know that he's noticed me when a voice echoes in my head.

I've got you- just stay calm and don't panic. the voice tells me. I recognize it as Markus, communicating through telepathy so I can hear him over the buffeting wind.

Five hundred feet away from the ground, I fight the urge to panic, and I hold my spread-out position with a greater determination in my eyes.

The battle rages on between Nathan and Giratina, and Cyrus and his deities. Explosions of color dot the landscape, although I still can't tell what's going on from this far above it.

Cries of,

"Palkia, Hydro Pump," and,

"Metagross, use Zen Headbutt!" echo far below me.

I've got to trust him! I've got to trust him! I've got to trust Markus! I force myself to think about a Psychic netting, weaving itself under me to stop my descent like the spider web the Espeon had used to catch me when I had fallen off the climbing wall when I was still an Eevee.

Three hundred feet remain before I hit the ground, and there's still no sign of a net under me.

Markus... You said you would save me, didn't you?! I'll die from this fall without a buffer under me!

Two hundred feet stand between me and certain death. I swallow my fears and dare to look down- nothing stands under me to hold me when I drop to the ground. At this height, I can begin to see Markus, far below me, but he isn't moving. He's collapsed on the ground, and a large wound gushes from his chest.

Markus! I almost scream.

Markus! Please get up!

One hundred feet more, and my insides will be everywhere except where they should be. Another voice echoes in my mind- a different one that Markus' telepathy, however.

I will not allow you to die. Someone with your spirit cannot fade away- I refuse to allow it! Live, Voltflare, live!

I blink in surprise, trying to figure who had just told me to "live," when the massive Giratina looks up and begins speeding towards me, its eyes glowing bright blue like Markus.

I continue to gain speed, when I slam into an invisible wall in front of me- most likely a barrier set up by Giratina. Pain arcs up and down my body, and I feel weightless, like something is squeezing my insides and emptying me of my guts, but I'm still alive. I shut my eyes in agony, but the telekinetic grip on me only increases. I feel that I'll die from the Psychic trauma, when, all of a sudden, the pain stops. A few seconds later, I dare to open my eyes, and I gasp.

Giratina stopped my fall... And...

I look down at the ground.

I'm only a few feet off the ground! If Giratina had stalled at all in saving me, I would have splattered all over the place!

The Psychic force, now devoid of pain, slowly lowers me to the ground, and I stretch my paws a few times for good measure. Nathan runs up to me and embraces me, while the Red Chain around my neck begins to glow brightly.

I begin to feel light-headed, a common symptom after falling from a height well above the chance for survival like I had just done, and I slump to the floor.

Cyrus laughs, striding between the recharging Dialga and waiting Palkia.

"Oh, poor little Voltflare," Cyrus coos,

"He doesn't have enough energy left to recharge the Red Chain! You were so close to stopping me, but now you have a choice to make, Nathan! The Red Chain must have energy to reseal Dialga and Palkia, and your Pokemon will kill himself if he tries to wrench open the portals! Ahahaha!"

Cyrus' maniacal laughter booms all around me, and I chance a quick glance at Nathan. A dark film wraps itself around his eyes, and he has an odd smile on his face.

"That may be true!" he yells,

"But I'll gladly give myself up if its to save Voltflare and get rid of you!"

He clasps one hand around the Red Chain, and untie it from my neck. Immediately, a draining pain sparks its way across his entire body, and he fall to his knees.

"Ngh... ... Augh! Cyrus!" he grits my teeth, struggling to contain an immense amount of pain.

"Nathan...!" I paw at me, but he shoves me away.

"No! I won't let you do this!" he scolds me, curling his fists into a ball.

I shake the dust off of me, blink, and run towards him again, attempting to grab onto the Red Chain in my hand.

"I can't watch you die here, Nathan! We... we both have to..." I am cut off stops when he pushes me away for a second time. And a third. And a fourth.

Each and every time I try to get close to Nathan, he punches me backwards, and the Red Chain continues to drain his life away. Cyrus' insatiable laughter echoes around the island, and I turn my attention to the madman.

"Voltflare," Markus yells,

"Look, in his hands! He must be controlling something with that remote!"

I mentally assess my options, and I know what I need to do next to both save Nathan and stop Cyrus. I close my eyes and, drawing energy from the air around me, begin to charge a current in my body with one single purpose- to overload that Galactic Machine and free the world from his control.

"Cyrus!" I shout, energy building up inside me,

"I won't let you do this!"

I close my eyes and guide the current in Cyrus' direction. With no Magnezone to protect him, his eyes widen, and he attempts to dodge my Thunderbolt, to no avail. My attack speeds through the air and is absorbed into his body a second later.

Cyrus' back arches for a second, but he soon returns to his usual demeanor. He doesn't seem to notice that my attack's intended target is not him- it's the Galactic Machine.

"Hah! Ahaha! Ahahaha! That was supposed to finish me off!?" he crows,

"Maybe I was wrong about your power- you're just as weak and useless as your... Hm!"

He stops when his remote begins to violently spark on his hands. A dark burn instantly develops where he once held the object, and he drops it to the ground in pain, where it shatters into a plethora of smoldering pieces. Cyrus tries to scoop up the debris, but he continues to scald himself more and more each time that he tries.

He locks eyes with me, and, if looks could kill, I'd be dead three times over.

"You... Infernal... Hybrid!" Cyrus fumes,

"Look what you've done! My Dialga! My Palkia! My perfect world! Mark my words, I'll make a new Galactic Machine! I will never surrender to you! Ahahaha! Ahahaha... hah... Hm??"

"Gugyugubah!" Dialga roars, raising its head to the sky.

"Gagyagyaah!" Palkia lifts its voice to the heavens and bellows.

The two Legendary Pokemon angrily stare at each other, while Cyrus frantically tries to repair his Galactic Machine. I can already tell what will happen before it even transpires. Palkia lunges for Dialga's chest, nearly stomping on Cyrus in its charge, and punches a large hole in Dialga's metal chestplate.

"Cyrus, get over here!" Nathan calls to him, dropping the Red Chain to the floor, but the man does not want to listen to his mortal advice.

"Bishaan!" Giratina thunders, leaping into the commotion, itself, in an attempt to reconcile the two deities.

"Dialga... Palkia..." he tenses. Still, he continues to attempt to recall the beasts to his side with his short-circuited Galactic Machine, while the two titans fight directly next to him.

One wayward move... I realize,

And Cyrus will be dead... I've got to prevent that!

As much as I abhor what Cyrus had attempted to do, I resolve myself that I will never be the one to murder anyone or anything, even advertently.

Cyrus is my responsibility, whether I like it or not! I have the Red Chain, so I have to try!

"Gagyagyaah!" Palkia roars again, this time raking its claws across Dialga's face, causing a bleeding gash across one of its eyes. Dialga thunders in pain and opens its mouth to charge another indigo ball of energy.

Roar of Time! If Cyrus is even remotely close to that explosion... He's done for!

"Giratina!" I yell over the commotion. The Renegade Pokemon turns its golden head to meet my gaze.

"Please consider your words before you speak them," it says, while Palkia claws Dialga's chest again,

"This place is beginning to collapse from the time-space distortions. I will not be able to keep their powers in check for much longer."

I quickly assess the ever-imminent danger and make my decision.

This is our last chance to re-seal Dialga and Palkia before they break loose from the power of Giratina's Distortion World. If that happens... The Sinnoh Region, nay, the world, will be destroyed by the power of this feud!

I signal Giratina to fly over to me, and I yell, as loud as I can,

"Cyrus, get over here!"

The Team Galactic boss still ignores me, slowly walking over to where Dialga is still charging its attack and admiring its power.

"Such energy...! Dialga and Palkia will reshape this world anew, and I will reign over it like a god!" Cyrus laughs again.

I run over to Cyrus and quickly tackle him from behind, pinning the man to the ground with my paws.

"What are you... Miserable Hybrid! Get off me this instant!" he roars, struggling to kick me off of him. I stare the emotionless tyrant directly in the face and shout,

"There won't be a world if you don't come with me right now!"

His eyes widen, and I allow him to slowly stand up. He seems to finally realize what it is that he's unleashed into the region, until he quickly kicks me in the chest and pulls a second Red Chain from his pocket.

"I... I must create my new world!" he roars,

"A world without spirit! A world with my ideals! A world with... Ungh!"

Giratina swoops in from the side and snatches up both Cyrus and me, just as Dialga finishes charging another Roar of Time. The Temporal Pokemon releases its indigo beam of fury on the landscape, destroying another large hole in the island and cleaving through several others.

This place cannot take much more of their fighting, Voltflare! You had better have a plan. Giratina's voice echoes in my head. I nod, quickly answering its telekinetic command.

Meanwhile, Cyrus is quite irate about being dragged along for the ride, and he picks me up with his bony hands and holds me over his head like a dumbbell.

"I could kill you right here and now!" Cyrus laughs,

"I'll throw you right off this beast's back into the limitless void below, and no one will ever hear from you again!"

I tense up, knowing that he can very easily carry out his ultimatum, until a sharp current of electricity passes from one of my paws to the other.

"Voltflare, use Thunder Wave!" Nathan yells to me.

I quickly turn to Cyrus and loose a violet current of electricity into him before he can even realize what I am attempting to do.

"What did... How did...?" Cyrus screams. His hands slacken, and he drops me onto Giratina's back. He convulses and thrashes, anything to lessen the paralysis, but his body only has the strength to lie on Giratina's spiked tail and attempt to remain attached to the flying behemoth, his Red Chain still attached to his wrist. I quickly nestle my head under his hand and goad his Red Chain onto my neck. Cyrus attempts to resist, but he realizes that any sudden moves will cause his paralyzed body to fall, and he begrudgingly allows me to take the metal chain from him.

One problem down. Now we just need to... Oh, no... I'm not grounded! My Thunder Wave will... I realize the problem instantly. Since, my attack has yet to fully complete a circuit, before long, it will begin to course through Giratina, sending the three of us into the void together.

"Nathan! We need more power! We need the other Red Chain!" I cry out with as much voice as I can muster.

"Here, catch!" Nathan hollers back. He grunts and throws the metal chain as hard as he can in my direction. I know, as soon as I see the object thrown, that it will not reach Giratina in time for me to catch it.

Giratina, please catch me... I silently plead, and I jump off the Renegade Pokemon's back.

"Voltflare!" Nathan shouts. Giratina turns its head to look, and a wayward indigo beam from Dialga slams into its forehead, knocking the beast back a considerable distance through the air.

I hear the Pokemon roar in pain from the attack, but I can't focus on Giratina right now. I turn my attention back to the falling Red Chain and strain my paws as hard as I can without ripping them from their sockets. My joints creak in agony, but I tuck in my head and streamline myself, attempting to gain speed on my short-lived journey.

My plan works, and I begin to gain speed- faster and faster towards the Red Chain.

Almost there! Come on! Just a few more seconds!

Then, I make the mistake of looking up at where Dialga and Palkia were fighting. The islands are like tiny little dots above, and I know that it will take a miracle to bring me out of this void. Luckily, the second Red Chain is within paws' reach now, and I know that I will only have one last chance to act.

Please, this had better work! I mentally cry out, unraveling Cyrus' Red Chain from my neck, spanning my paws out towards the object, and finally wrapping my left forepaw around the other Red Chain. I almost lose my grip on the precious objects because of the roaring winds buffeting my fall, but I concentrate and manage to hold onto both of them

The two Red Chains, now in close proximity to each other, begin to glow, and an explosion of light emanates from the reaction that causes me to pass out, while I fall further and further into the lightless vacuum below.

*Nathan's POV*

"Voltflare!" I call again and again, hoping that my desperation will be enough to call him out of the pit. I lean over the edge, watching my beloved partner slip away from me, his green eyes disappearing into the void like hidden treasures on the beach. An enormous shadow appears over the top of me, and I whirl around to see Giratina, fighting against a paralyzing shock, with a motionless Cyrus on its back.

"Can't you do something?!" I call to the Renegade Pokemon, my heart momentarily disregarding the Pokemon's condition.

Nathan... The paralysis... When your Voltflare caused Cyrus to lie motionless, the current seeped into me. I am unable to fly like this. Giratina's voice echoes in my head, disheartening me greatly.

I turn back to the limitless blackness, and I break down crying, almost wanting to jump in after Voltflare. Yet, I know that following him would be a suicide mission for both of us, so I force myself to remain somewhat calm and attempt to think of a plan.

Then, a strong explosion of light appears from far below, where Voltflare, unbeknownst to me, has merged both Red Chains by touching them together. With the true power of the Red Chain restored, two large portals, a blue one and a pink one, appear in the sky.

"Gugyugubah!" Dialga bellows, and the blue portal opens wider, inviting the Temporal Pokemon to enter. The Pokemon leaps off the ground to its portal, vanishing with a final booming roar.

"Gagyagyaah!" Palkia thunders. Its respective pink portal expands to cover the sky, and the the Spatial Pokemon quickly disappears into it without another word.

Giratina, Cyrus, Markus, and I gaze at the two rifts, and, before any of us can react, they shatter with a brilliant detonation of colors that causes me to faint from the shock. The last thought on my mind before unconsciousness takes is for my dearly-loved friend.





Am I... Alive?

I can feel my heart beating from every part of my body at once, indicating the large amount of trauma that I had gone through before I woke up. I blink a few times before I open my eyes, just to make sure that I'm still "me."

Slowly, I look around at my surroundings. A familiar marbled ruins greets me, as well as a host of police officers, Looker talking with Cyrus, Giratina, and a passed-out Markus. Giratina looks different, however. Instead of a snake-like flying monster, the Renegade Pokemon's body is segmented, holding up a massive black torso with three pairs of gold-crested legs. Its six shadowy wings have changed in shape from that of a spear to more like a bird's two wings. Six golden ribs house its striated red-and-black chest and its head, which appears to be unchanged. I have no explanation for the radical change in Giratina's Forme, however.

This is... Spear Pillar... I deadpan. Something tells me Giratina must have brought us back here once Dialga and Palkia had finished their fighting.

Wait... Brought "us" back here... My exhausted mind is immediately thrown into a panic.

"Voltflare?! Where is Voltflare?! He was...!" I stutter for a moment. I blindly run through the ruins, searching over and under every piece of marble looking for the Equilibrium Pokemon. Finding no sign of him, I drop my head and begin to cry.

"Now hold on just a moment," Looker calmly instructs me from behind, resting his hand on my shoulder. I whirl around to meet his gaze, and his brown eyes carry a good deal of grief with them.

"There's no need to be trashing these ruins..." he tries to say, but I quickly cut him off.

"No need?! I just lost my best friend to an infinite void-world, and you expect me to stay calm?!" I yell at the man. I can't keep myself together any longer, and I fall to the ground in anguish, bruising my fist against the marble a few times to demonstrate my rage at this great loss.

Giratina raises its left wing and calmly states,

"I grant you permission to travel to our world. Please come here and deliver your message."

I turn around in surprise, tears still stinging my eyes.

"What are you bringing here now?! Another pained memory?! Forget it, I don't want your memories!" I cry out.

"Be at peace, Nathan. I have just received word from Palkia, the deity of space, and I believe you may want to hear what it has to say."

I sigh in exasperation and give in.

"Go ahead... I... I... Just get it over with...!" I shout, beating back my own grievances with my hand,

"Let Palkia come..."

Seconds later, a loud roar announces the impending presence of the Spatial Pokemon, and the familiar pink rift appears above the Spear Pillar. Out of it steps Palkia, with a small red-and-orange bundle in its hands.

"Gagyagyaah!" Palkia bellows, and it descends with a mighty crash to the ruins. Then, for the first time, the Pokemon speaks in a language that I can understand, and the ruins shake at its words.


Palkia lowers its arms to the ground, and a hyperventilating Voltflare spills onto the ground. His body shows frequent signs of tremors and shocks, but I can chalk that up to his extended time in the Distortion World's void.

Voltflare weakly opens one eye and looks at me.

"Nathan? Is that... you?" he asks me.

I freeze up, not knowing which emotion to show first. I'm a complete mess of sadness, joy, grief, anguish, and triumph; and they are all fighting for a place on my face.

"Voltflare...! I... You..." I stutter, and my Pokemon painstakingly stands up in order to straddle up to my side and lick my face, which increases in frequency and intensity the more his strength returns.

"Voltflare! Easy, easy!" I laugh, my sobs quickly being replaced with tears of joy as I embrace the Equilibrium Pokemon.

Somehow... Through all of this... He came back for me! Voltflare... You're the best partner I could ever have!

I quickly lose my sobs in Voltflare's soft fur, and Palkia disappears, with a slight smile, back into its respective dimension. For once, everything atop the Spear Pillar is at peace.


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