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August 2015
Today was the first day back at school. It would have been better if summer was longer. But anyway today was my first year as a freshman. And I walked through the doors and into the highschool halls alone. I went an found my locker putting all my stuff in it and getting the stuff I needed for math, bleh. After getting through 4 awkward beginning of the year (get to know each other stuff) but I'm not really complaining because it was easy. But after the 4 periods it was time for lunch. I was hoping that my sister would let me sit with her and her boyfriend Cody,he's not the brightest but he's always been nice to me, but when I asked her, she said no. So I thought maybe my old friend Irma would at least talk to me today,but she was sitting and smiling with the "popular" girls and boys. I noticed that she looke straight at me and into my eyes and rolled hers. I thought we had been good friends during 8th grade she would get mad at me a lot but we always made up on the end mostly me just apologizing for being annoying but that doesn't really matter does it? But after she rolled her eyes at me I knew it was official she didn't want me to bother her anymore and I guess I was a little happy that there probably wasn't going to be anymore drama and me apologizing to her but I was also sad because I had no one I finished the rest of the day with lame get to know more about me crap.

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