Chapter 10 Hibiscus POV

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Hibiscus widened her eyes, the guard leaping at her with great ferocity, snarling. A crazy look was in his eyes as he whipped his tail in her face. Dodging, she stabbed her tail in one of his eyes, blinding him but not killing.

Reeling back, he caressed his eye, shrieking in agony and pain. Her hood was falling back, her cloak falling off her body, revealing herself.

With one good eye, he examined her. With fear lacing his voice, he asked in a shaky voice, "W-what are y-you?"

"Someone who will kill you if you keep fighting." The guard shrank back, the others too cowardly to fight. "Idiots." She muttered before yet again, breaching the hole. The SilkWings in the corner were whimpering, hoping not to get hurt. "Go to your families." She said in a soft voice.

They nodded, relaxing a little. Flying out, she abandoned the cloak... and her mission. When she flew a few wingspans before a heavy body crashed into her. It was a large guard who had pearly white eyes. "Your coming with me" were the words before she was knocked unconscious.

Hibiscus woke, surrounded by blackness. Bars were lined up in front of her: the bars of a prison cell. She got up and tried to walk to the bars, but she was shackled to the ground. Grunting, she tugged, trying to break free.

"You're not going anywhere." The voice didn't seem hostile but clearly annoyed. Hibiscus head shot up to look at the source of the voice.

"Sorry to startle you, I was trying to intimidate you. I think it might've worked too well."

"No way." The hybrid snarled. "No dragon scares me."

The dragon frowned. "It would've been nice to actually scare someone though." She mumbled.

"Too bad for you." Hibiscus growled. "Who are you?"

"And when I try to be NICE to the prisoners..." she trailed off. "I'm Honeybee."

"Honeybees are soft hearted, kind of like you." Hibiscus said openly.

"I'm not sure how to react to that." She dropped her wings.

" aren't going to insult me back?" Hibiscus asked, her hostile tone dented. "Everyone I insult tries to get me back."

Honeybee gave Hibiscus an odd expression. "Three moons, why would they do that?"

"It's a dragon-eat-dragon world out there, trying to survive." Hibiscus shrugged.

Honeybee gave a horrified look and stared at her blankly.

"Wait--no, no. They don't actually eat each other--"

"They better not!" Honeybee interrupted.

"It's a metaphor..." Hibiscus muttered. "I'm Hibiscus, by the way." Her hostile voice was erased with a soft one.

"What a beautiful name! All the other HiveWings' names are like, Bloody, Gorey, ya know. What are you anyway?" Honeybee tilted her head.

"I'm a hybrid..." She held back about her LeafWing side.

"Wow." She breathed. "How does that happen?"

"My mother was a hybrid, and she mated with a dragon..." The hybrid shrugged again.

"What were their names?"

"I'd rather not say..."

"Oh, sorry. We get a lot of prisoners and I was just wondering..."

She's so wouldn't hurt.

"Honeycomb and Canopy." She said.

Honeybee's whole body shot up. "I think I had to watch a prisoner named Honeycomb!"

"WHEN!?" Hibiscus's eyes were wide. Could she still be alive..?

"I'm sorry...she escaped. I don't know what happened immediately after that."

"Oh..." Tears softly fell down her cheeks, of joy and sadness. "When did she escape?"

"About a week ago. Oh hun, I'm so sorry." She reached her wing through the bars and put it over Hibiscus's shoulder. Hibiscus snuggled into the wing, her tears coming in like a storm. "I was only three when she was captured..."

Suddenly a guard burst through the door.

"An execution is happening in the Throne room. Every guard required."

"Oh. Who are they executing?" Honeybee asked, her wing leaving her shoulder.

"I think The prisoner's name was...Honeycomb." 

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