Chapter 12 Hibiscus POV

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Hibiscus screamed and shrieked. "NO! NOT HER!" She cried. "NOT HONEYCOMB!" Then she realized something was by the main exit. A small, yet usable plant sat there, tiny branches sticking feebly out. Perfect for lockpicking. Focusing, the small plant's branches were crawling towards her, inching towards her cell.

It reached into the lock, twisting around until a click sounded. Opening the door, she crept upstairs, making the plant go back into its original position. No one would know how she got out.

A small calm voice startled her. "Good luck!" Honeybee said.

Thanking her for everything, Hibiscus ran down the halls, which were deserted for the execution, she was about to run into the throne room when she heard a familiar voice. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT, BLUE!"

Sundew?! Turning another way, she found herself in the infamous flamesilk room. "Sundew! Cricket! What are you doing here?"

Sundew turned around from a SilkWing that she seemed to yell at him. "Hib! This awful HiveWing locked us up here! Or was he a SilkWing?" The SilkWing Sundew yelled at shrugged.

"I got you guys." Placing a claw inside the lock, she jiggled it until the same click was heard. Opening the heavy door, she let her friends out. "Hey, you guys. Sundew, she's alive!" Hibiscus said to her friend.

"Honeycomb is?!" Sundew said, surprise on her features.

"But she won't be until you lazy worms don't get out here!" Hibiscus led them out, traveling to the throne room. "Oh, and SilkWing, the name's Hibiscus." The hybrid said to him. "I figured, considering Sundew talks about you all the time."

Sundew scowled, yet it was faded when they heard a shrill cry for help. "STOP! DON'T DO THIS!" The voice said.

Mom! Hibiscus began at sprint, running for her mother. The large doors were soon in front of her. She burst through them, only seeing a HiveWing about to cut her head off.

"Don'!" She snarled, panting. Hibiscus leaped at the HiveWing, holding her tail to his face, pinning all of his limbs. The dragon quickly used his forelegs to launch Hibiscus in the air.

Catching herself, she dived down again in front of him, her tail held up like a scorpion. He fainted to the right and as soon as she landed he shoved her at the doors. She slammed into them with a sickening CRUNCH!

"Why...." She started weakly. "...why...would you....kill's....mother?" The guard stiffened. Hibiscus groaned, her pain great. Honeycomb was freeing herself from the binds with her flamesilk, and she ran over to her daughter. "H-Hibiscus? My that you?"

"M-mum..." Hibiscus said weakly. Honeycomb wrapped her arms around her, sobbing. "Where've been?" Hibiscus asked, her voice no more than a mumble.

"Wasp captured me, and kept me with the flamesilks," Honeycomb sobbed.

Speaking of the dragon, Wasp was on her throne, watching the touching moment in anger. "POLYPLAX!" She shouted at the guard from earlier, the odd HiveWing. "KILL THEM! KILL THEM BOTH!" The guard started to walk over there, then paused, looking between the Queen and the mother and daughter.

'Polyplax' furrowed his brow, his tail swishing. "I-I--" He started, stuttering. "I think we should let them go...Her Majesty?"


"N-no, please!" The guard yelped. He flung his wrists out and a flaming hot silk shot right in Wasp's face. Everyone turned to face the guard. Seeing everyone was distracted, Hibiscus took the opportunity to cut the chains off of Honeycomb and run. They took off toward the Poison Jungle, with a swarm of angry HiveWings after them. 

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