Chapter 2-Hibiscus's POV

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Hibiscus wrapped her dangerous tail around her body, observing the dragon in front of her carefully. Sundew looked up to scowl at her, being a smaller size compared to the hybrid, she had her head in an awkward position. The LeafWing, HiveWing, SilkWing hybrid looked down on her.

"I'm the leader of the mission, ya hear me, Hibiscum?" Sundew sneered. The mission was to observe the nearest hive, collect some information, and report back.

In a daze, Hibiscus yawned widely, her black tongue touching the roof of her mouth. "So you're saying that even though you're younger, weaker, and shorter than me makes you a leader?" Hibiscus sneered back. "You must be a pretty little princess huh?"

Sundew growled menacingly, her teeth bared.Then she straightened up, with a smirk on her face. "Good acting, Hib." The LeafWing said, friendlier. Hibiscus smiled widely, her teeth poking out from the grin. Hibiscus and Sundew were friends now, in a weird way. Sundew had heard the cries of the young dragonet three years ago, so she showed some sympathy for her, and they actually became friends. Hibiscus wasn't sure if Sundew was faking, but after a few personal secrets of her love of her life (Willow, Willow, Willow. That's all that she talked about.), she realised this was a real friendship.

"Well, let's go, Her Majesty." With a mock bow, Hibiscus snickered and the face Sundew made. "Whatever, you're right. We need to go." Sundew had a slight scowl on her face.

Flying from the treetops, the two used their leafspeak to have a gap opened. Bursting through it, Hibiscus closed it up soon after, gliding the wind current with her four wings. Sundew was close behind her, her eyes flicking back and forth between the space in front of her and her tail, which was tipped with venom in case if a threat appeared.

"Hib!" Sundew's voice sounded from the wind. "Bank right! The trees are telling me the Hive's over there!" Doing what she said, Hibiscus leaned to the right, the sun reflecting off her scales. Her antennae in the air, she felt no other dragon presence than her and her friend.

As she zipped over the trees, a sudden rush of nostalgia overwhelmed her.

Mom, gliding in the treetops towards her, berries in her talon.

Canopy, or dad, laughing loudly as a younger Hibiscus stared wide eyed at a monarch butterfly, it balancing on her nose.

Younger Hibiscus, waking up by her father, his voice gentle, but his eyes filled with worry.

Hibiscus, wailing to the jungle, soon after hearing about her mother's death.

Whilst she was having these memories, she was slowing down, catching Sundew's attention. "Hibiscus?" She asked, confused. "Helloo?" Dragging the 'o', she waved a talon in front of her face. "Palanta to Hibiscus, do you copy?" She joked. She shrugged and flew up higher.

Snapping out of the trance, Hibiscus glanced up to where Sundew was singing. (It sounded like she was singing Willow is her lover and she loved her more than Hibiscus.) "Oh, Sundew! I'm coming." Hibiscus muttered in a sing-song voice, she gathered speed and flew up to her, startling her so much Sundew fell, but caught herself.

"Flytraps, that was unnecessary." Sundew snapped, then smiled. As she was about to say something else, a loud boom echoed, wind pushing them back.

It was a group of HiveWings, throwing some kind of explosive into the outskirts of the jungle. Growling, Sundew launched at them, but was held back. "Don't, Sundew." Hibiscus said. "They haven't noticed us, let's use the element of surprise."

The gap was created as they dived into the jungle again, quickly traveling to the HiveWings. Then when they were 'behind' them, they flew out.

"Attack!" Screeched Sundew. Hibiscus sped over to them, biting and clawing them. The HiveWings attacked back, but even though it was 4 to 2, two two friends were winning. Two of the HiveWings escaped, scratched and bleeding. One HiveWing dove at Sundew, but Sundew slashed her claws on his nose. He reeled back, retreating.

"I got the last one!" Said Hibiscus as the last HiveWing dove toward her. When he got close, Hibiscus clawed his underbelly to bit his tail. Hibiscus kept fighting until he retreated, but he didn't. Shoving her to the dead, tall grass by the outskirts, he made her land on her back with a THUMP.

She groaned slightly, her vision hazy. She saw Sundew out from the corner of her eyes flying to her. The HiveWing in front of her pinned her down then lifted his talon for the final blow, aiming for the neck. It plunged down down, down...

...but was stopped abruptly. Gasping for air, he clawed at the tail that pierced his neck, venom on the edges of the wound. Twisting the tail, Hibiscus made the venom enter deeper, inflicting more pain for the HiveWing. With a final gasp, he fell to the ground, more dead than the grass that surrounded them. 

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