Chapter 20 Hibiscus POV

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Hibiscus was standing face-to-face with the infamous queen. Wasp looked so frustrated and angry, angry that the dragon before her knew her prisoner's name.

"HEY!" The queen yelled, her tail lashing furiously. "WHY DO DRAGONS HAVE THE NERVE TO INTERRUPT MY EXECUTIONS!"

"Queen Wasp." Hibiscus's unnerving calm voice echoed in the room. "Fight me alone, without your guards' help."

Wasp cold eyes looked intently into Hibiscus, as if she were trying to read her mind. Then she looked up to the sky, probably thinking of a way out of this. "Guards." She looked at Hibiscus, waiting for an attack. "Launch an ambush on the Poison Jungle. Now."

Hibiscus leaped at the queen, her cloak falling off. Wasp launched into the air before she could touch her. Hibiscus almost chased after her, but she heard a clapping noise. She whipped around and saw Polyplax, struggling to get a muzzle off.

"Polyplax!" She yelped and tried to claw off the muzzle. "Are you okay?" Polyplax silently nodded.

"Polyplax?" Her puzzled expression was clearly visible. Polyplax's eyes widened, and he pointed with his muzzle to look behind her.

Queen Wasp was speeding towards them, her claws flexing. She jumped on Hibiscus and slashed at her underbelly. Hibiscus roared in pain and brought her tail up to the queen's face, she attempted to slash her nose, her venom tipped. She missed, her tail slamming close to Polyplax. Polyplax leaped back and looked at where her tail would've hit him.

Hibiscus roared again, taking to the air. The dragons in the stands were cheering, glad for the bloody battle currently happening. She hovered, her shadow looming over Wasp. The sun's light shone on her back, her scales lighting up.

Wasp growled, her huge body heaved into the air. It was now a game of chase, Hibiscus being chased.

New plan, new plan! Hibiscus worriedly thought. Polyplax slammed Wasp out of the air, giving Hibiscus a few more seconds to think of one.

Oh Polyplax you fool! Stop recklessly trying to save me! She thought, frustrated. Wait, Wasp seems more tired than before...that's my plan! To tire the queen out!

"Hey, Your Greatness!" Hibiscus mocked. "Or should I say your Lowness?"

Queen Wasp snarled, her wings soon flapping to catch up to the hybrid, even while grabbing Polyplax, a dragon bigger than her. "You shouldn't have been named Wasp, you know?" Hibiscus teased. "Maybe it should be Stinkbug, because you are one!" The HiveWings gasped, but a few SilkWings were giggling. Wasp threw Polyplax at Hibiscus, catching her by surprise. She caught under his forearms, heaving him up. She flew up, and Sundew followed. Bursting out the Hive, they sped to the jungle, a swarm of guards led by Wasp close behind. They couldn't go fast because Polyplax's weight was faltering Hibiscus. Wasp dove down, her group in sync with her.

Wasp's small army shoved the three to the ground, pinning them. They were cornered, and were going to die by Wasp's claws.

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