7. The Phantom

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The cool evening breeze blew across the room. Ash like scent emanated from the melted scented candles. Riccard and Giana lay in bed staring at the empty ceiling. 

'Maybe he's right?' Giana whispered. 

'What are you even saying Gia, do you hear yourself?' Riccard gasped. 

'I am right. My fingerprints wouldn't have landed there unless it was me.' 

'Oh my God! You are admitting to a very henious crime that you didn't even commit.' Riccard threw his hands up.

'I never told you this Ricc, but the moment I entered this place it seemed oddly familiar.'

'I have known you for several years now. There's never even been a mention of this street in our conversations.'

'Maybe I forgot, but my soul knows...' Giana replied in a dazed manner.

'Gia... trust me, you haven't been here. You are just being really silly right now.'

'No Ricc, let me admit my sins. I'll free the poor girl's family of all the pain. I'll free you of all the wrong accusations and I'll save Hash a lot of work.'

'Don't even talk about that asshole. He's the one who's managed to convince you into believing his stories.'

'He's only shown me the easiest path out. He's told me to own up to my crime before they find out and then maybe they'll ease a few of their charges on me.'

'Gia!' Riccard reached out for her hand, 'you're just exhausted and confused right now. It's not the best time to take a decision. Get some sleep, we can ponder over this later tomorrow.'

'But isn't it just better to own upto everything? End of issue.'

'Gia, darling, they don't even know for sure if any murder was actually committed. The two conclusions they have come to are simply their best guesses based on whatever vague evidences they have managed to gather.'

'I don't need those evidences to know I'm guilty. It feels like I've been here before and that feeling just grows with each passing day. Moreover, my fingerprints were found at the crime scene. They have huge copies of those and they even left some for me to see and think about.' Giana wailed. 

'Gia, your subconcious is just making up and showing you things. You've been afraid of being proven guilty all the while. You have thought about this day in and day out so your fears are just coming together, cooking up a visual and playing it over and over again in your mind, to a point that you can't even tell if it's real or not anymore.' Riccard gently explained. 

'You're wrong. I sinned.' 

'Ugh... you are really getting on my nerves now. Okay... for a moment, I'll believe you. Now tell me. Why and what exactly happened when you committed the crime?' Riccard sat up and got ready to listen with rapt attention.  

'I... I can't seem to remember.' 

'Is that not proof enough for your innocence?' 

'Hash told me that there have been several cases wherein the criminal is drugged or is having hallucinations during the duration when the crime is committed. This can lead to temporary or permanent loss of memories. What if that's the case with me?' 

'It's only a possibilty, it hasn't been confirmed yet, has it? And until we know for sure, you are innocent.' 

'I really don't have the energy to prove anything anymore. If I'm to be found guilty in the end anyway, I would rather apologize right now.' 

'That's enough crap for a day Gia! We are going over the same thing again and again. Not a word more, alright? Haven't you been told by Oma that if you are allowing real criminals to get away with whatever they want, then you are at as much fault as them?' Riccard was being really stern now. He had had enough and he knew that his only duty now was to remind Gia who she actually was. 'Tell me what your dad will think once he is made aware of this deed of yours? He'll be more hurt than upset. You don't want to do this Gia, trust me. Your mind wants to give up on everything right now because of all the confusion. Once you are able to think properly again, you'll hate yourself for giving in to a filthy conspiracy.' 

Tears rolled down Giana's cheeks. She buried her face in her palms, 'I don't know. What should I be doing then?' 

'Find the killer.' Riccard said, wrapping his arms around Giana. 

'Where! How?' She eased a bit in his embrace. 

'I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that maybe we could text them on that very same number. We'll tell them that we know their identities and the only escape they have before we reveal it to the rest of the world is to come and meet up with us.' Riccard raised an eyebrow. 'What do you think about my idea, darling?' 

'It's fine...' She sniffed and wiped off her tears, 'but extremely risky. It could cost us our lives.' 

'It ain't like our life isn't at risk anyways.' Riccard looked smug. 'If we are to lose it anyways, let's take the real idiots down with us. Atleast that way, we'll know we died for a valid cause.' 

'How are you so sure about everything Ricc? You sound so daring and reckless, but you're still making sense.' Giana stared in awe. 'Indeed it's worth a try or we'll surely regret not even making an attempt.' 

Riccard beamed in response, 'It's all because of all these years I spent with you Gia. You are the calmest and most logical person I've ever come across. If anything you have taught me to be patient at all times, since a composed mind is the key to all problems.' 

Giana blushed at the compliment. Her cheeks tinged a light red. 'What next?' 

'Grab that phone and leave a text. It should compel them to get out of their hiding and show up. By the way, I really love that blush.' Riccard smirked. 

'Hush...' Giana typed furiously, 'I'm telling them to come meet us at the townhouse.' 

'Perfect,' Riccard held out his thumb, 'should work.' 

'Also, I didn't get a chance to apologize before. Everything happened so suddenly. But am sorry Ricc, I really shouldn't have blamed you the other day like I did.' 

'It's alright Gia! I did after all hide some very important things from you; all a result of my idiocy.' 

'But I did blame you of rather horrid stuff and called you names.' Giana frowned. 

'Nah... it was nothing. It's nice to get scolded every now and then. Helps you stay grounded, you know.' 

Giana rolled her eyes at his response. 

'Aah... the famous Gia eye roll. I absolutely adore it.' 

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