Chapter 11

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"There's something that you need to know..." Arthur began nervously.

I looked at him curiously.

"I... I am sorry." his eyes met mine and I was startled by the sorrow and guilt in them. It was like he felt all this was his fault.

Why was he blaming himself?

He didn't do anything wrong. He was also a victim here.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked still confused.

"Amy... She got hurt because of me."

There were tears in his eyes and his voice broke as he spoke.

"What do you mean? It's not your fault dear." Miranda said as she wiped his tears and smiled at him.

"N.. Nwot his fawlt." a soft voice almost whispered.

We all turned towards the voice in surprise.

Amy... She was awake.

"Amy! You woke up!" I said hugging her.

"Daddwy he save my liwf!" she said pointed to the trembling boy who was trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"No... I am the reason she is like that now." he said in agony.

"Why don't you start from the beginning... Tell us what happened?" Samantha asked kindly.

We all took a seat and waited to hear the story.

The boy hesitated and bit his lip thoughtfully.

The white haired boy looked at him and nodded to us.

"Can I say?" Jonas asked.

We nodded.

"Sure. Go ahead." Juliet said and switched on a recorder.

"My name Jonas and Arthur my brother. Luna is friend we made when we... There."

We looked in surprise at each other. We didn't expect that. The boys were nothing alike in appearance.

"Father... He sold us to them. Coz we killed mommy. We bad boys who made mommy dead."

Arthur flinched and closed his eyes.

We looked shocked.

"Wait... Can you elaborate on that?"

"What is elabowate?" Jonas asked.

"To explain." Arthur said not looking at anyone.

"Oh.. Okay... Mommy became dead after I born. Father say it our fault. Coz we monsters and freaks and...and..."

Arthur covered his mouth with his hand.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it."

Arthur's voice shook as he spoke but Jonas was unusually calm. His voice was plain and even like he was reading from a book.

Jonas shook his head and continued.

"At first he ignore us. Didn't notice we there. Brother says it's coz he sick. But then brother say something strange and he start hurting us....mostly him... One day he no want us no more... Say he found someone... buyer who want buy monsters like us."

"What did your brother say?" I asked.

"Father crying and screaming... Telling mommy to come back and no leave him... Brother ask what wrong and he say he want mommy back... So brother say," but father... She is sitting right there on the dining table's chair".... no one there but Arty see dead people."

"Please stop..." Arthur whispered.

"Father think he making fun of him and joking about mommy when she dead... So he got... angry."

Jonas voice was uneven at the end. Even if his voice sounded calm, I understood his pain by looking at the deep emotions in his bright, expressive red eyes.

"Mon dieu!" Juliet exclaimed angrily.

Luna looked at her in surprise. She looked like she understood French.

She was quiet upto now.

"For me.... My parents were nice people."

"Were?" the doctor asked.

"Me lost them in car accident. Then the bad man found me in orphanage and took me to lab. Me find them there." she said slowly glancing at the boys.

"Can you tell me more about those men?" the doctor asked.

"They wore white lab coats like yours but were scary and smelled like chemicals."

The doctor froze. He was wearing a lab coat. He thought it would remind them of the bad memories and was about to take it off.

"No need... At first I thought you were one of them... But Luna said you are not a bad person. She can see what people are like inside. I trust her. If she says you are good... Then you are good." Arthur smiled at the doctor but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

When he raised his head , we all froze and held our breath as we looked into his eyes.

They were hollow... they had given up hope.

We had all seen those eyes.

Those weren't eyes that belonged to a child.

Those were the eyes of a soldier who lost too much in a war, a mother who lost her only child, eyes of torture victims who pray for death, of prisoners about to be executed...

...and eyes of those about to kill themselves.

He must have noticed that we understood the emotions he was trying to hide so desperately and hurriedly changed the topic.

"Those men... They said they were scientists studying humans....they experimented on them.. But on the side they found out about people with abilities. People... No monsters like us. They wanted us." he said turning his eyes away and glaring fixedly on the floor.

" Dude you ain't no monsters. You just little sad kiddos." Eric said.

" One day we met Luna... That time her hair was black before it turned silver. Trauma and fear can make your hair color change like that."

"When we met her first... We knew she was different from the rest of us. We all came here already broken. She wasn't like that. Her eyes were angry and bright. She had someone who loved and cared for her.... It took a long time to break her."

Luna nodded sadly.

" They restrained both Luna and Jonas because of their abilities. But not me."

"Why is that?" Charles asked Arthur.

"coz his power is talking to dead. They thinked it useless and harmless." Jonas put in.

"Then I mwet them." Amy said.

"I was so scawed n din no wat to do. They wantwed to hwurt me. It hwurt so much n I got no fwood. Arty gave me his fwood. They find out n huwrt me more. He twied to stop them. They twook him away... N I was alown n I huwrt."

I gasped in shock. My heart ached in sorrow and regret that I couldn't do anything to protect my dearest daughter.

" She nearly died...I saw her ghost when I met you all...but it was faint... Like she was half alive and half dead. She was trying her best to live." Arthur said looking at me nervously.

I clenched my hands and gritted my teeth in anger. I would never forgive those monsters who nearly killed my daughter and put such young children through so much suffering.

He looked at me and his eyes widened in fear.

I was shocked to realise that he must have mistaken my anger directed to himself.

"S.. Sorry. My fault... She hurt. I Stupid.. Didn't notice them when give her food n she hurt. M sorry... Pweeze no hurt... Should 'Ave stopped em.. Pweeze m S.. Sorry." Arthur sobbed, his voice hitching and it seemed that he was about to have a panic attack.

My heart ached at the sight of the sobbing boy who expected that I would punish him for being careless... When he was trying to save my daughter.

The guilt and sorrow in his eyes made my heart ache and I swore to protect these children from monsters and make them understand...

... That they are not monsters but just little kids who deserve all the love in the world.

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