Chapter 9

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My heart ached and sadness flooded me as I looked at the sight before me.

Large frightened eyes looked at us as the little boy with such bright and captivating green eyes tried to protect two other children behind him.

Soft shoulder length dark hair and green eyes filled with fear, he stood in front of the little girl with silver hair and dark eyes that showed traces of dried up tears and another boy with white hair and crimson eyes.

My heart ached as I looked at the already injured boy covered in bruises and cuts trying to protect those two children who were younger than himself from us.

We were all at a loss of words as we were entranced at the sight before us. I gulped and I realized that I could not speak.

"Pwease no hurt" the little girl sobbed as she looked at us scared.

The girl and the red eyed boy had a collar on their neck and something heavy chained to their leg that would prevent them from leaving but the green eyed boy didn't seem to have any restraints on him.

"We won't hurt you sweetie... We are..." Miranda tried to console them and came closer to the little girl.

Suddenly a flash of black passed us and embraced the little girl. The trembling boy held on to her and shut his eyes tightly.

We gasped as we realized what he was doing.

He was using his body as a shield to protect her and braced himself for the pain he expected and knew would come soon.

What was more shocking was the blood stains on his back and the tear in his shirt that showed angry bright red scars.

He was scared of us but still did not hesitate to protect those two and from his back we learned that this wasn't the first time he tried to protect them.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry! I forgot about that!" Miranda exclaimed with realization that her appearance was still that of the scientist.

She used her powers to change back her form from the scientist that she was disguised as.

"Take me...I will do anything...Leave them alone." the green eyed boy spoke slowly trying to sound confident but we all could tell he was terrified by the trembling in his voice.

"We are with the police. We are here to save you." I said.

I didn't know if they would know what FBI was, so I said we were with the police.

"Yes. We won't hurt you. You are safe now. We promise you. " Samantha kneeled down beside him and said softly.

He sniffed and angrily wiped the tears that fell from his eyes like he did not want the others to see him crying.

"What are your name dears?" Miranda asked.

"My given name is number SAU-02, she is SAU-03 and he is SAU-04" the green eyed boy they all showed their hands which had the numbers engraved on his skin by a knife.

I flinched. How could someone be so heartless and cruel and how can these children act like it was nothing big.

Miranda looked at them sadly.
"No... Sweetie. We mean your real names....before this all happened. Do you remember them?"

"I Luna." the girl said her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Me is J.. Jonas." the albino boy said thoughtfully after a while.

"My name... is...A.. Arthur Mesloh" the black haired boy looked away and said after a while.

That was a lie. We all could tell easily. His expressions showed clearly on his face and we could read him like an open book.

However we decided we would not push him for the truth.

"Thank you! That was really brave of you!" Miranda said smiling at them.

The younger ones beamed and returned her smile shyly while Arthur narrowed his eyes and looked at her with unveiled suspicion.

"Now there is something really important I want to ask you. It would really help us." I said to them.

"What kind of favor?" Arthur asked frowning unhappily.

I showed him a picture of Amy on my phone.

"Have you seen her?" I asked desperation creeping in my voice.

The younger ones looked at me with blank expressions but there was recognition in Arthur's eyes.

"Where is she now?" I asked filled with hope.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them. It was filled with such sadness and grief that overtook me.

"Is she.. D.. dea..." I asked filled with fear. The words won't form and I swallowed the heavy feeling in my throat.

"A.. Amy. Your daughter. I know where she is." he said but refused to answer my question.

"Can you point out the location?" Juliet asked showing him the map.

He nodded and pointed to the library.

"Take me with you." he said with confidence.

The others two tried to stop him

"No pwease. No go." Luna cried.

"Don leave Arty. We scawed" Jonas held him.

He ignored them and looked at us. "Make sure they are safe. You promised." he said glaring at us.

"Go!" I ordered looking at Juliet then Eric and Charles and nodding slowly.

They nodded back and Eric used his speed power to escape with Jonas and Luna. Juliet clearing the way with her rifle and Charles shielding them from incoming bullets.

Samantha concentrated and took us to the library.

Arthur pulled a book titled 'Algebra and its use in daily life' that surprisingly looked like it was used a lot.

The bookshelf moved and revealed to us a room filled with several blonde haired children with blue eyes.

Some of them were dead and were pushed to the corner where they lied in a heap.

I looked around and horror swept over me at what I saw.

I found my daughter Amy... Lying unmoving and still near the heap of dead children.

I sank to the ground in agony and darkness overtook me.

Everything went blank after that.

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