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"I'm not sure now would be a good time," he said, with a crooked smile. He pulled away, but I could still see the hunger in his eyes. I had him on the hook, I just needed to reel him in.

"I see," I pouted, turning my head to the ground and shuffling a few twigs with my toe, "so what are your plans for me? Kyra will come at some point, will you kill me before or after she arrives? Are you going to move camp before then? Will I just be chained up like this while you're on the run? Do you perhaps prefer to see me in chains?" I tried to recall if that was actually a thing. Certainly chains fell somewhere in the realm of bondage, so I figured that was likely someone's fetish of choice. I tried to peer at him from the tops of my eyes to see if the arrow hit home or if I had him scowling in confusion by my wild miss. However, when I glanced up, I saw him watching me just as intently, a shiver taking hold and revealing his weakness. Emboldened by his crumbling resistance, I continued.

"I thought maybe we could see how strong our love for each other is. I'd hate for you to resort to torture so that I'd die with anger in my heart. I'd rather be filled by you instead." As I said those words, I realized how awkward they sounded. Was that flirtatious? Overtly sexual in a clumsy sort of way? Completely nonsensical?

As my brain tried to decipher my own jumbled words, I did all I could to keep confusion and concentration from pinching my brow and scrunching my nose. I knew that couldn't be attractive, however, the more I tried to not do something with my face, the more I felt the muscles pull and contract. Frustration took hold and I huffed before turning away to collect myself, however, a second later, a hand grabbed my chin and guided me back.

"Oh Delilah," he said, bringing his second hand up so that both cradled my jaw, his thumbs caressing my cheeks while his fingers dug into my hair.

As I deliberated the next move to make, he took initiative by stepping forward and smashing his lips against mine. I tried to match his aggression, but I'd only ever given quick pecks on the lips before, never had I experienced a proper mouth to mouth kiss which involved tongues and teeth. I tried to look at it as a learning experience instead of what it actually was — an intimate encounter with a man that I detested. Fortunately, despite my awkward progression with reciprocating his assault on my mouth, he pulled away panting and exhilarated.

"I don't think I could bring myself to hurt you in a way where you'd be tethered to this world out of hate. Not when I know you feel for me as I do for you. I doubt the vampire will come hunting us just yet. Another day, at least, I think. We can see to it that you die in the midst of ecstasy. That surely will keep you here in our ghostly plane."

In the midst of ecstasy? I tried to think of what exactly that would look like and, though I wanted to vomit, I didn't. I deserved some credit for that. It was an especially difficult task considering he proceeded to act on this urge with all of his ghostly brethren hovering around us and the backdrop of moaning zombies and growling wolves not far behind them.

"Not here," I said, fighting off my desire to forcefully push him off me while he sucked long and hard upon my still painfully bruised neck. "I can't with so many watching, I need to be able to focus on just you and me. There's no way this will work if I'm distracted by all of this."

He didn't even bother looking around to assess just how not alone we were. Instead he shrugged and went about with unlocking my shackle. However, one of his clansmen took umbrage to the sudden shift in Trevor's focus.

"You can't just unchain her," he hissed, his voice soft and wispy. "If Selena has potentially blown our cover, then we need to make escape plans. For all we know this plaything of yours could be part of the vampire's schemes. To release her is reckless and..."

"What is she going to do?" asked Trevor with a patronizing laugh. "Exorcise me? Fight me off using her puny human strength?" Thankfully, his carnal needs outweighed any logical, and completely correct, observations his comrade was making. Trevor popped off my shackle and as the dutiful lover I was supposed to be, I proved the concerned ghost wrong by wrapping my arms around the man wearing Bungee's skin and planting a few kisses on the side of his neck. A growl of desire answered my adoring display and Trevor looked up to his doubting companions with a snarl. "Prepare to leave, I won't be long."

Though it was clear, even in their hazy, white faces, that they didn't all agree with his trust in me, they did follow through with his command. I imagined many were just happy to be given clearance to move.

"This way, this way," I urged, tugging Trevor deeper into the woods even though he was ready to maul me the second his ghosts rejoined the center of camp. "I don't want any prying eyes. My body is only yours."

A lusty groan rolled through the quiet forest, the leafy trees dampening what little sound came from the camp. With the moon high in the sky, it filtered through the spring foliage and dappled the pitch black ground. I used what light I had to find every obstacle in our path. I'd grab branches to pull them out of the way, only to release it so that it slapped Trevor's arm or face. I skirted past bushes so that the clumsier Trevor, who clearly wasn't used to his legs just yet, ran through the shrubbery, getting caught by their pointed limbs. I sidestepped stones, so that Trevor rolled his ankle in his attempt not to stumble. He didn't complain, but I heard the labored huff of his breath. I had gotten him a step closer to the edge, but I couldn't use this ploy forever. I gritted my teeth against what I had to do next, keeping in mind that my actions would save Everett and maybe even Bungee.

"Right here," I said, stopping suddenly so that Trevor collided roughly with my back. He recovered quickly though, his hands on my shoulders in an instant, massaging them as his mouth found my skin. I trembled as I recalled the previous night, but I let that anger and that despair push me towards the complete opposite direction of where my body wanted to go.

"Do you like the smell of my skin?" I asked, reaching up to dig my fingers in his hair, pressing his face against my skin and pushing his nose deep into my throat where I knew the perfume had been directly applied. "What does it smell like to you? Can you taste the vanilla in the scent? Can you feel the petals of the orchid? Does the spicy zing burn the back of your throat?" I felt his mouth move against my neck in reply, but I couldn't hear it, nor did I care, instead I spun around so that he faced me, my hands planted against his chest while his eye became unfocused and foggy.

"Do you like to be touched Trevor?" I asked, running my hands down to his stomach before slipping them under his shirt. I drew my finger nails up the sides of his torso, trying to hit ever spot that might result in a tickling sensation. As I did, his shirt rose up with me and, with no resistance from him, I managed to pull it off him completely.

"Do you like it rough?" With his skin now bare, I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him against a nearby tree. The bark old and gnarled, had deep grooves that dug into his back. Though, he still looked wild with desire, he also had trouble keeping his eyes on me, his movements sluggish and his form growing hazy. Trevor was losing hold. I needed to make more noise.

"Why don't you play with me, Trevor?" I grabbed his hand as I dove around the tree, tugging him so his back and arm scraped against the rough bark. Then I released him before popping up on the other side. "I'm over here now, can you catch me?" He turned to look at me, but he'd grown slow, tripping on one of the thick roots and falling to the ground.

"Delilah, let's just go slow for now," he mumbled, placing a hand to his forehead, while his other arm propped himself up off the ground. However, I had him back down in a second, when I hopped on top of him, straddling his torso. I felt his stomach muscles tighten beneath me, but he still didn't have enough control to overpower me and move me to over top of his waist. Instead, I leaned forward so that my hair draped down and fell on his face.

"How about this Trevor? Can you handle this with all those rocks and twigs sticking in your back? How would you like me Trevor? Do you want me here or here? Can you still smell me, Trevor? Do you think I taste like that? Can you see me, Trevor? Do you see how much I want you? Can you feel me, Trevor? Can you feel me with every sense, every nerve of your being? Can you Trevor, can you?"

He shouted, placing his hands against his temples as his hips bucked me from my seat atop of him. I rolled along the ground, turning to see the state of my captor. He managed to find his feet, but his cry of pain still burned through him, his figure hazy with a growing aura of bluish-white.

"Run," he said through clenched teeth, "go!" He roared his command, his eyes flaring with determination. I didn't stick around to be told again. I sprinted towards the glow of the campfire, uncertain how long Bungee could hold Trevor back.


Delilah manages to escape, but where does she go from here?  How will she rescue the others from their cages before Trevor regains control of Bungee's body?

I hope what is happening here is clear.  She's trying to overstimulate him since ghosts aren't used to sensory input and can get overwhelmed easily.  So that was her goal.  Hopefully that made sense.  I'm tired and sick, so my brain is a bit fuzzy and I'm not sure how things sound right now :P

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