Chapter 23: The contract

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Ethan, Fri Jan 30th 2015

I'm looking at my little angel sleeping in our bed. Yes, it's going to be our bed now that he officially agreed to be my submissive. I'm so thrilled about that! He literally passed out a minute after I ordered him to go to sleep, which isn't surprising: I know how exhausting sensational play can be! I didn't know how he would react to wax and ice, so I kept it very simple at the beginning, gradually increasing the stimulations. Until he asked for more, and I think I gave him what he wanted. Again he was so responsive to all the teasing I subjected him to!

At some point, I saw him relax completely and go with the flow. I think I was far from reaching his limits but I still stopped when I saw him slowly drift into Subspace. This state would certainly have been extremely pleasant for him, but it would also have completely impaired his judgement and I couldn't have been able to trust him to safeword when needed. I don't think I know his body well enough yet, and certainly not on a first experience with temperature play so I just let him reach his climax. He still was out for a while after that!

It's a little bit too early for me to sleep so I go to my office and begin to work on his contract. I take the standard frame I have stored on my computer and begin to adapt it to better fit my boy's needs. After a couple of hours of work, I reread what I've come up with.

Agreement for a Dominant / Submissive relationship

This document specifies the responsibilities and duties of Mr. Ethan Wells, living on 945 5th Avenue, New York NY ("The Dominant") and Mr. Anthony Dumont, living on 321 E 73rd Street, New York NY ("The Submissive") as part of a consensual BDSM agreement between them. The above-named individuals may also be referred to as "the Parties".

Both Parties agree to abide by this agreement even though it isn't legally binding. It is private and shall not be disclosed in any circumstances to anyone, except for Mr. Aiden Tyrell or the current manager of the Blue Hedonism, should said manager change.

I Duration

This agreement will be valid from Saturday January 31st 2015 and for an indefinite period of time. It will become null and void should either Party decide to deliver notice to the other of his desire to terminate it, whatever the reason shall be, or should either Party die.

II Responsibilities

A. The Dominant is responsible for his Submissive's safety and well-being at all times. He is committed to treat his Submissive properly, and respectfully. The Dominant shall do anything in his power to guide and educate his Submissive to become a better person and reach his long-term goals. The Dominant shall discipline his Submissive, should the latter disobey any order or rule.

B. The Submissive agrees to completely submit to his Dominant in all ways, without any boundary of time, place or situation. The Submissive understands that in submission, he will find his true self. He accepts that his Dominant will use all his power to mold and shape him into a better person and assist him to achieve his long-term goals. In this regard, the Submissive shall never hesitate to ask for the Dominant's help and advice. The Submissive shall move to his Dominant's apartment on the day of the signature of this agreement and maintain his residence there until this agreement is nullified.

III Duties of the Dominant

A. The Dominant shall pay for all the bills and charges incurred by the Submissive to achieve his goals or obey one of his Dominant's order.

B. The Dominant shall always allow some time to listen to his Submissive's concerns and worries, provide advice and bring solutions in order to make his Submissive feel comfortable.

C. The Dominant shall immediately respect the use of the Submissive's safewords (yellow to slow down, red to stop).

D. The Dominant shall respect the Submissive's hard limits specified in section VII. He will strive to stretch his Submissive's limits to help him grow and progress.

E. The Dominant shall always inform the Submissive of the reason for any punishment and explain to him in detail why he should be punished. See section VI for more details on punishments.

F. The Dominant shall never have sex with any other partner than his Submissive without having his Submissive's approval.

IV The rules

The Submissive agrees to respect all the following rules.

A. Honesty and communication

The Submissive shall always be open and honest with his Dominant. He shall never lie, even by omission, and shall always express worries or concerns to his Dominant in order to let the latter help him. The Submissive shall always reveal his feelings, thoughts and desires without hesitation or embarrassment.

The Submissive shall always ask for his Dominant advice before taking any major decision, either personal or professional.

The Submissive shall always inform his Dominant in a timely fashion if he has broken any rules.

The Submissive shall always keep his Dominant informed of his whereabouts by the mean of calls or text messages. He is responsible for having his mobile phone charged and within reach at all time. Except when he is teaching a class, the Submissive shall answer the Dominant's calls or texts immediately.

B. Obedience and respect

The Submissive shall obey any order the Dominant gives him immediately and without hesitation. He trusts his Dominant not to put him in a situation he can't handle or give command he cannot execute.

The Submissive shall ask for clarification if an order he received isn't clear.

The Submissive understands that sexual commands can occur at any time during the day and at any place.

The Submissive shall always address the Dominant in a respectful manner. In public, he shall address the Dominant by his first name. In private, he shall address the Dominant as Master or Sir.

The Submissive will always be allowed to vow his opinions as long as they are expressed in a correct and respectful manner.

C. The Submissive's Health

The Submissive shall never put himself deliberately in a dangerous or harmful situation.

The Submissive shall consult a professional psychotherapist chosen by his Dominant, following a schedule fixed by his Dominant, until the latter finds that he has sufficiently healed.

The Submissive shall always have three healthy meals per day and avoid junk food as much as possible.

The Submissive shall always ask for permission before smoking any cigarette or drink any alcoholic beverage. The Submissive is forbidden to take any other kind of drugs.

The Submissive shall make his best effort to sleep a minimum of seven hours on a week night and eight hours on a weekend night. He shall always wake up his Dominant and ask for help when he suffers from insomnia.

The Submissive shall work out at least one hour three times a week.

D. Pleasure

The Submissive shall never climax without the Dominant's permission. In this respect, the Submissive is forbidden to touch himself more than necessary or for pleasure, or have any intercourse with another person than his Dominant, unless explicitly permitted by his Dominant.

The Submissive shall request the permission of his Dominant before indulging into any kind of pleasant activity such as – but not limited to – meeting or calling friends, watching television, playing a game, listening to music.

E. Hygiene

The Submissive shall maintain his body in good shape by regular hygiene and routine body care. He shall always keep his facial hair shaved.

The Submissive shall never alter his body with any major change, such as a tattoo or a piercing.

The Submissive shall always keep his private parts shaved and clean.

F. Safewords

The Submissive shall not invoke his safewords unless necessary, be it during sexual intercourse or everyday life. One of the goals being to try and stretch his limits, he shall strive to go beyond what he can endure.

V Long-term goals

The Submissive agrees to follow his Master's orders and advice, and make his best effort to accomplish the following long-term goals.

A. Quit smoking.

B. Heal the psychological scars from his past.

C. Prove the Riemann's hypothesis.

VI Discipline

Should the Submissive break any of the rules mentioned in section IV or disobey any of the Dominant's orders, the Dominant will discipline the Submissive. The Submissive shall accept any punishment inflicted by the Dominant and that the latter sees fit. Punishments are not intended to provide any pleasure – the Submissive has to feel uncomfortable – and aim at correcting the Submissive's bad behaviors and misdemeanors. They serve to demonstrate that the Dominant is displeased and disappointed, they help the Submissive to understand that his conduct has been unacceptable and serve as reinforcement for a change to a more appropriate behavior. Depending on whether the mistake was intentional or not, the seriousness of said mistake, and the fact that the Submissive reported it to his Dominant in a timely fashion or not, the punishment will vary in intensity and severity. It will always take place as soon as possible after the misdeed. Punishments cannot incur any body harm, permanent marks or any form of abuse.

The processing of discipline consists of a moment of lecture and scolding, an alone time to reflect on the wrongdoing if necessary, the punishment in itself and the aftercare.

Examples of moral punishments are: corner time, early sleep, restriction of privileges, isolation, refuse to let the Submissive pleasure the Dominant.

Examples of physical punishments are: spanking (with the use of hands, paddles, crops...), orgasm Denial, use of any instrument (cock cage, plug...) without the purpose of pleasure.

VII Limits

The Submissive being totally new to the lifestyle, this section will be updated on a regular basis.

A. Soft Limits

- Edging

B. Hard Limits

- Name-calling

- Humiliation

- All the activities labelled as extreme in the Blue Hedonism guidelines

VIII The Blue Hedonism

The Parties are both certified members of the Blue Hedonism, a club located on 514 Union Street, Brooklyn. They both shall respect the terms and conditions that apply to this club's agreement. The Submissive agrees to spend some time with other Submissives of the club, who will be able to provide him with help and advice.

While there, the Submissive shall always ask for permission to spend some time with other Submissives in the club and shall remain in his Dominant's view at all times. The Submissive shall kneel by his Dominant upon joining him, and remain in that position until the Dominant asks him otherwise.

* * *

I'm pretty pleased with the result, so I just print the document and go to bed. As soon as I'm under the comforter, my sweet angel snuggles against my chest. He always looks so peaceful when he is sleeping! I am overjoyed he accepted to be my Submissive, I have rarely felt so attached to someone before. Perhaps with Keith at the end of our relationship? No, not even then. I slowly doze off while I contemplate these thoughts, losing myself in the smell of the little creature cuddled against me.

I'm the first to wake up the next morning. It's already 8:30am but I'll let my boy sleep a bit longer, yesterday's scene must have drained him completely! We will do our work-out session at some point in the afternoon. I disentangle myself, put on some sweatpants, go prepare some coffee and take it to my office to work for a bit. I suddenly realize we will have to make room for an office for Anthony as well, since he will live here. From what I saw during last week, he has quite a lot to do from home, be it papers to grade, his class preparation or his personal research. I guess I'll have to use the second guest room, I can't have him work on the table of the living room all the time.

It's almost 10:30am when I hear some steps in the corridor. Someone had his good twelve hours of sleep! My shaft instantly hardens at the sight of his gracefully thin body in just a pair of dark boxer briefs. His completely disheveled morning hair makes him look so cute. But I'm put in a trance, mouth agape, when I stare at his gorgeous golden hazel eyes. He doesn't break eye contact when he walks toward me, his gaze turning very lustful. I turn my office chair on the side of the desk, and spread my legs wide. He understands the message and kneels between them very gracefully, lowering his eyes. I lift his chin with one hand and we resume our staring for a bit. I begin to palm my hard-on through the sweatpants. That makes the lust in his eyes even more intense, and he looks at me pleadingly.

"Go on, Pet!" I say after a minute.

He pulls the waistband of my sweat pants to free my hard member and begins to suck me. He has become very good at this during the course of last week. It's true he has had plenty of practice, but since he always told me how much he enjoys giving head I don't see why I should restrain myself! I make sure to praise him between two groans, and I let him decide on the rhythm of his bobbing this time, just enjoying the view. Very soon I climax in his mouth grunting loudly. I pull him into my lap and kiss him, tasting a bit of myself.

"That was amazing, Pet!" I compliment him. "You are getting extremely skilled at this!"

"Thank you, Master," he replies with a satisfied smile. "Last night was fantastic as well."

"About that! How are you feeling?"

"I feel... relaxed, Master. Like I just had a two-week holiday without any worry. Plus, I haven't had such a good night of sleep in forever!" That's probably due to his near Subspace experience. I explain that to him, adding details on what Subspace is. How pleasant and relaxing it can be for the Submissive undergoing this state, but also how dangerous it can be since the Dominant cannot trust him anymore to safeword when it's too much. We continue to talk about this during breakfast then go take care of morning routines. Of course, I make sure to properly reward my Pet in the shower.

When this is done, we take place around the table in the living room, and I give him the contract I prepared last night.

"This is a first draft that only takes my opinions into account. I want us to discuss freely if there are any points you are uncomfortable with, and try to find a compromise that both suits us," I explain to him.

He begins to focus on the document, while I just stare at the cute little wrinkle that forms between his eyes when he makes this face. I can already tell some of the things he reads don't sit right with him, from the way his expression stiffens. When he is done, he rereads the whole thing a second time. It's a good thing that he is taking this seriously.

"I have a few remarks, Master," he begins.

"No Master for now, Anthony. This is an open discussion and we need to be on equal footing for this one."

"Okay then, Ethan. First, what is this thing about the money?" he asks a bit angrily.

"It's only logical. If I make you do something, I have to pay for it," I reply smoothly.

"You do know I have a job that leaves me with a comfortable salary," he continues. "This makes me sound like some kind of prostitute."

"Calm down, Anthony!" I scold him. "I know you make money, but you are going to have more expenses following my guidance. When I ask you to take a cab when you used to take the subway, or go to the therapist, who isn't going to be cheap. And what if one of the things I ordered you to do costed 30 grands? If you go back to University at some point to do a PhD for instance."

"Fine! But if you want to mention that in the contract, we also mention the household expenses. That we are sharing if I am to live here." Is this the same person as my usual Submissive? He didn't seem so combative!

"You are being ridiculous now! This is completely unnecessary!" I answer with a no-nonsense tone.

"Is this how you are, and I quote, going to provide advice and bring solutions in order to make me feel comfortable when I express worries?"

"Watch that smart mouth Anthony!" I threaten.

"Or what, you are going to punish me? I thought this was an open discussion..." Yes it was supposed to be but you are making it very difficult, I think to myself. I take a few breaths to calm down, as it won't help if I'm angry at him. This is absurd. I probably make ten times what he does. Then again, perhaps what he said wasn't just to make a sharp comeback. Perhaps he really needs this to feel comfortable in this relationship; it's just a small thing after all.

"Okay, we will share the household expenses. Do you really want it written in the contract?" I concede.

"Yes, please." He is impossible, I swear!

"Did you have other remarks?"

"Yes, a little further you mention the fact I'm not allowed to have intercourse with anyone except if you permit it, which is completely fine with me of course. I just would like it written that you can't order me to have sex with someone if I don't give my approval before."

"That's a fair point, I will add it in the contract," I reply.

"Then there is the insomnia... It is better for now, but you haven't seen it at its worst. Do you really want me to wake you up each time I can't sleep?" he asks.

"Yes, and that one is non-negotiable," I say dryly.

"Okay, that's your decision," he eventually answers after a while.

"I have one last question, what are those activities labelled as extreme in the Blue Hedonism guidelines?"

"Things like fisting, scatology, CBT..." I reply. "I can give you the complete list if you want to be traumatized!"

"What is CBT?" he asks.

"Cock and balls torture."

"Oh!" he exclaims, paling.

"It's perfectly normal to have all the activities on that list as hard limits when you are not a masochistic Sub." Since he doesn't have any other questions, I make the changes he asked and come back with three copies of the amended contract that we both sign. There is one for him, one for me and one for Aiden, for his book-keeping at the club. "I expect you to know the rules by heart tomorrow night, is that clear?"

"Yes, Master," he replies meekly.

"We will go to your place this afternoon to pick up more of your stuff", I then explain. "We will see when we have the time to move the rest. I would like you to get rid of the place as soon as possible, but you can keep it for a few months if that reassures you."

"The lease will be over in two months, so I won't renew it... But what about my furniture?" he asks.

"I have a house upstate. If you are okay with this, I can have the things we won't take here moved there for storage. That way you can have them back if our contract comes to an end," I reply. Or never need them anymore, that's also fine by me.

"It seems like a good solution, thank you for offering!"

"Perfect! As for the organization here, the first guest bedroom will be your room, if you feel the need to sleep alone one night. I can also use it for punishment such as isolation. Then, I was thinking of converting the second bedroom into an office for you, since you will need a proper place to work here."

"A proper office would be nice, yes!" he answers. "Can we fix a blackboard on one of the wall? I have wanted one for ages at my place, but my landlord didn't authorize it," he answers excitingly.

"I think that can be done, yes," I reply. "That settles the arrangement here. You just have one last thing to do, read and sign the terms and conditions of the Blue Hedonism if you still want to go there tonight. Plus there is a questionnaire to fill." I go fetch the file I have in my office and give it to him. He carefully reads the terms and conditions of the club before signing them. Of course he already knows the rules of the place.

"Now this is a list of activities that you will have to grade from 0 to 4. 0 means this is a hard limit and that you don't want to engage in it at all, even for punishment. 1 means the item is close to a hard limit but you can consider trying under the right circumstances. 2 is a soft limit, meaning that you have no real desire to engage in it but can try it on occasion. 3 is a possible turn-on, 4 a major turn-on. You can ask to update this list at any time, since your tastes can change or if you discover you really like or dislike something after trying it. I will have a copy of this list, and so will Aiden. It will be given to a Dominant before he interacts with you in a scene. It is mandatory for all of the Blue Hedonism members, as you read it. I must impress on you that it is extremely important that you fill it in a very honest manner."

This is going to be fun, I think to myself as I explain. I can't wait to see all the blushes this is going to provoke! And indeed, as soon as he sees the first word on the list, his face turns into a crimson red. He still completes it, very focused.

When he is finished, I take a look at the paper he hands me.

4 Anal penetration (receiving)

3 Anal penetration (giving)

2 Biting

4 Blow job (receiving)

4 Blow job (giving)

2 Bondage

0 Calling names (for instance: slut, whore, bitch...)

3 Double penetration

4 Deep-throating

2 Edging

1 Exhibitionism

1 Flogging

1 Golden showers

0 Humiliation

3 Nudity (in private)

4 Hand job (giving)

4 Hand job (receiving)

4 Ice play

4 Multiple partners

2 Orgasm denial

1 Pain (mild)

0 Pain (severe)

4 Phone or internet sex

4 Rimming (receiving)

4 Rimming (giving)

2 Spanking

3 Suspension

4 Swallowing semen

4 Wax play

I'm glad he put zeros and ones on activities I don't really like. I can't say I'm really surprised by his answers, except perhaps by the one on multiple partners. I've had my share of threesomes, but always with other couples. I don't know if I would be able to share my Sub, especially one as perfect as this one!

"Thank you, Pet!" Now that all of this is done, he is officially mine! As I hug him tightly, I'm already planning to call my jeweler to order a beautiful collar for him. It will need to be something discreet otherwise it would bother him, but I already have the perfect picture of it in my mind. "We need to plan your first appointment with your therapist. I would like you to see Aiden's mother. She is very respected in her field and knows exactly what our lifestyle entails. You would be able to talk to her freely about our relationship."

"I trust your judgement, Master." The little brat from earlier is completely gone, replaced by the perfect Submissive. I love that so much!

"I will call her this afternoon and try to find a slot that would suit you, then," I tell him. "I'm glad you retracted your claws, I didn't know you could be so fierce!" I add to tease him a bit.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Master but this subject is important to me."

"There is nothing that requires an apology. As you rightfully pointed out, it was an open discussion. And I get that it is significant to you, now."

We have lunch after this, and the afternoon goes like I had planned, with a visit to my boy's apartment, one hour of working out at the gym, some sweet cuddles in the shower and the living room. Then it's time to prepare and go to the club. I hope this time goes swifter than the last.

Published on June 9th 2017

If you thought the contract was very similar to the one in @Snape75 stories, that's because she copied it on me :D. Just kidding, it's the exact opposite of course, but I got her permission before inspiring myself from all of her research on that! Of course this is a fiction, so don't hope to find Ethan, Anthony, or a BDSM club at the addresses I mentioned!

The next chapter will focus on their second visit to the club, which is going to be really fun ^^. I promise there won't be any panic attacks this time ;-). That'll be for Monday!

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