Chapter 42: Cheering-up

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Ethan, Sat Jun 13th 2015

Seeing my boy in this state is fucking depressing. He barely left our bed yesterday and only got up today when I eventually ordered him to. But then he lazed on the couch, eyes empty, doing nothing. The only thing he is willing to engage in is sexual intercourse, but as much as I would like to spend the whole day having sex with him, this is not the way to cope with what happened to him. Plus I have work to do and I don't have the stamina for it. Aiden's mother was kind enough to fit a quick at-home session in her schedule, so he is seeing her right now. Hopefully that will do him some good.

Thursday was definitely one of the worst days of my life. First I got a weird text from my angel telling me he had been summoned to the Head of school's office. Then Luke called me in a panic.

"There are photos of Anthony having sex with two other men everywhere in the school," he blurted as soon as I answered.

"Is one of those men me?" I asked without thinking. There was no way a photo of one of our threesomes could have been taken I rationalized after, so it left only one solution.

"I don't think so, but I can't say for sure. We can't see the heads of the two other guys." Just as I thought... Shit!

"Luke, I need you to go to the principal's office now. Anthony is there and when he gets out, he will be freaking out. Just drag him somewhere safe and wait for me. Tell him I'm on my way!" I ordered.

I had Glenn drive me there as fast as possible, then I had to threaten the receptionist to let me inside the building. Luke had texted me his location, telling me to hurry up since my boy was a mess. Mess was such an understatement! I had never seen him experience such a full-scale panic attack. It took me forever to calm him down, just to be able to get him home.

Then the ass of a Head had to show his face and I almost lost it. Thankfully Anthony was leaning on me or I would have jumped on the guy and punched him. Nobody messes up with my Sub. He tried to call and apologize yesterday after he received the visit of my army of lawyers and angry calls from several members of the Board I know, but I won't let him rest until one, my boy gets a nice amount of money for wrongful termination, two, I am sure all the copies of the photos are destroyed and every students erase the pictures they made of it. Christ! Some of them even posted the thing on the internet!

I could just get the guy fired, I have enough influence for that, but this wouldn't achieve anything useful for Anthony. I very much prefer having the asshole sweating and eager to help fixing the problem than having him replaced by another Head who wouldn't properly deal with it. Even if he was a complete jerk, I have no interest in seeking revenge. That will be for the real person responsible.

Of course I already know who it is. Digging this kind of dirt is the specialty of my dearest father and he clearly has the resources to pull something like this. I still have to figure how he exactly managed to get a hold on that picture, knowing that even Glenn hadn't succeeded in finding it during his background check. I got all the proof I needed to know he is behind all of this when I had Tanner check the flights databases to track the whereabouts of Billy Geig. Officially, he is my father's head of security, but in reality he is more of a henchman. We saw he spent a bit of time in France, from May 29th until June 9th and I don't think it was for a vacation.

This is payback for helping my little brother, I just know it. I'm not sure the investigation Tanner started on this will go anywhere, and even if it did, my father would probably find a way to avoid being arrested. Again. Even with our strong case and the injuries Luke sustained he managed to have his lawyers stop him being put into custody. I'm pretty sure he also bribed the judge who was sitting on this case, that wouldn't be beneath him, and he used all his influence to have Tanner's chief pressure him into dropping the investigation, which my friend is wisely pretending to do.

I'm not sitting idle in the meantime. I know the only way I will be able to make my dad stop harassing me and my boy is by completely destroying him. The first step to do that, though, is to manage to remove him from his position at the head of Wells Industries. As long as he gets the money and the power that comes along with this job, I'm afraid he won't ever be held accountable in a court of law. That's why I have Glenn approach quietly and discreetly the members of the Board of Directors that can be trusted.

If we can manage to have a majority of them to vote for another CEO, he will be put out of a job. The evidence I gather may not be enough to put him to jail, but I hope it will eventually be enough to scare the directors. If pictures of the beaten son of the CEO were to be leaked to the press for instance, it could do lasting damages to the image of the company, and more prosaically, its stock price. For now we already managed to gather a third of the vote but that was the easy part: we started by approaching the members of the Board that are the most hostile to my father.

Now is not the time to worry about that though, Luke is pacing the flat nervously in the corridor. He has been deeply affected by what happened, and if he was a bit too teasing until Thursday, he has now adopted a perfect caring behavior toward my boy. Like me, he is convinced our father is behind the whole thing, but he blames himself for this. I tried to explain how nothing that happened was his fault, with little success. He still thinks he should never had gone for my help in the first place, and that if he hadn't, none of this would have occurred.

My boy has been in his office with his therapist for the last half hour now. I will be forever thankful for her advice on last Thursday. I called her as soon as I had put my angel in a warm and relaxing bath hoping it would soothe him, and she was the one who told me not to let him out of my sight. I shiver at the thought of the state I could have found him if I hadn't immediately gone back to the bathroom. The mere thought of losing him breaks my heart in the saddest way. He promised he would not try this again, and I surely hope I can trust him on that.

I don't have time to dwell on those thoughts too much since Aiden's mother seems to have finished her consultation and is softly knocking on my door.

"How is he?" I ask as soon as she closes the door.

"I can't discuss the whole conversation we had with you, but Anthony authorized me to tell you a few things I think might be helpful to you," she answers, sitting in the second chair I brought here earlier. "He experienced an enormous trauma, so as it can be expected, he is in a depressed state right now. That's the second time something like this happens to him so he is mostly focusing on how horrifying his life was last time and he expects to relive that. Except it is nothing like last time when he was quite alone, he has you to take care of him and several new friends. Of course you should expect a relapse in all of his previous symptoms."

"He had nightmares last night, and I don't think he slept very well," I interrupt.

"As I said. He is at his most vulnerable now, so he needs you to be at your strongest."

"What can I do? He just seems like an empty shell and doesn't want to do anything..." I sigh.

"Then order him to do something. You know his likes and dislikes. Find something to keep him busy! Anything, as long as he can completely focus on it instead of brooding on his own thoughts. Take advantage of your dominant/submissive relationship. You can't order him to get better, but you can force him out of his numbness. Don't soften your dominance because this is the moment where he will require it the most."

"What about the thing that almost happened on Thursday night?" I ask as it deeply troubles me. Hell I can't even refer to it by properly saying its name!

"Don't worry too much about it, Anthony is not suicidal." The word makes me wince but I still sigh with relief. "I believe this was a one-time thing, provoked by his mental tiredness just after the trauma. Keep an eye on him in the next few days just to be sure, but be discreet about it. He will know if you make a special effort for him not to be alone at any time, and it will damage his self-confidence. Did you have any other concerns?"

"No, nothing more," I answer. "Thank you for coming here on such a short notice!"

"You're most welcome!"

After she has left, I take a deep breath and call Paul. Yes I don't like the guy, but I need his help on something. Besides, I realize I don't think my boy informed him on what happened on Thursday, and he deserves to know. This is going to be such a fun conversation!

As expected, I am yelled at as soon as I relate the events of the past days to him. As if any of it was my fault! I just skip the suicide attempt part, since for one, I'm sure that would make him overreact, which would go against Aiden's mother advice, and then, Anthony wouldn't like me telling anyone about it. I am quite proud at how calm I manage to be while the jerk screams at me. True I rise my voice once or twice, and I must confess I insulted him back a few times. But I don't hang up on him, or break the phone. That's something right?

When he has finally calmed down, I get out of him the reason for my call: math things to feed to my boy. After assuring him I will call him if anything else happens and that he can visit his friend tomorrow afternoon, I finally end our conversation. I print out one of the problems he pointed out to me, check that Luke is now busy playing one of his loud video games in the living room and make my way to my boy's office, closing the door as I get in. As expected, he isn't doing anything, awkwardly seated in his chair, his gaze lost.

"What are you doing, Pet?" I ask gently.

"Nothing..." he mumbles in a voice so low I almost don't hear him. Time to shake someone's lazy ass!

"What did you just say, Pet?" My threatening dominant voice is enough to startle him and he almost jumps out of his chair.

"I'm sorry. I meant, nothing, Master."

"Then you will do this problem for me," I say, dropping a few sheets on his desk.

"What's the point, Master?" he replies, sulking. He is behaving like a bored teenager and that will quickly get on my nerves.

"Since when do I need to justify myself, Pet?" I reply angrily, insisting on the last word.

"But it's stupid, Master" he says back. Oh boy, someone is definitely looking for troubles.

"Stop questioning my order and just do it," I growl.

"Or what?" Okay someone is definitely exasperating me.

"Get up and bend over the desk, Pet!" I say, using my deep dominant voice.

"What?" he blurts, surprised.

"I said. Get. Up. And. Bend. Over. The. Fucking. Desk!" I repeat, hammering every word, my voice booming in his office. His eyes widen and he lets out a small squeak before he complies. It's easy to let out my anger at his attitude, but the biggest part of me feels so bad about what happened to him, it only wants to leave him alone and let him rest. I hope Aiden's mom's advice will work because this is not easy on me. I pull down his pants and boxer briefs just beneath his perfect rounded butt then spank him hard four times, twice on each buttocks. He lets a small yelp after each blow

"Do I need to continue or will you obey me this time?" I ask in a hard tone.

"No, Master, I'll do as I'm told," he mumbles in a weak voice.

"Good boy!" I whisper. He winces as he sits back at his office and begins to look at the subject I printed, then slowly opens one drawer to pull out a pen and some sheets. Then he begins leisurely, sighing, his head resting in one of his hands. This won't do.

"We won't leave for the club until you have finished, Pet," I tell him.

"But, Master it's a six hour problem!" he whines. Well it had to be something hard otherwise it wouldn't really keep him busy!

"Which means that if you haven't finished in six hours, you will get the spanking of your life, Pet," I reply. She said to be on full dominant mode so it's exactly what he is going to get. "Now if you want to be early at the club and see your friends like we planned, you will need to do it in less than that, so I suggest you really get on with it."

"I don't understand, Master," he replies in a small voice. "Am I being punished?"

"No you are being kept busy, Pet," I answer sternly. "Do you trust me to take care of you?" I add more gently.

"Yes, Master," he answers at once. At least his trust in me hasn't faltered!

"Then be a good boy and do what you are told!" I conclude, going back to my office. I'm not sure he notices me checking on him now and then, but he is furiously scribbling all afternoon long. This allows me to catch up on work that is long overdue! It's also great to see him actually doing something and not just wander around like a zombie. It is almost 6pm when he eventually knocks shyly on my door.

"I finished it, Master," he tells me.

"Good boy!" I reply. "Four hours and a half, not bad! Come on my lap and show me!"

I immediately hug him and peck his neck when he complies, before I start reading what he brought. Of course I won't understand a word of what he scribbled in his tiny writing but that is not the point. I can see all the questions have been treated, and some of the answers are quite long, especially toward the end. I keep this in one of my drawers before we make our way to the club.

As soon as we are seated in the car, he drifts back to his previous attitude so I try to keep him busy, making conversation about our upcoming weekend in Chicago. I encourage him to look up in detail things he seems the most interested in, for instance all the tours proposed by the architecture foundation, so that he can choose the one he likes the most. This will be another way to keep his mind occupied in the days to come, with a tangible goal this time.

When we arrive at the club, Zach immediately jumps on my boy, and they leave on their own while I head to Aiden's office. Tanner is already there, they must have been training or certifying someone new.

"How is he?" Aiden asks, concerned, as soon as I enter the room.

"As well as I could hope, given the circumstances," I reply sadly.

"Are you sure this is a good idea to bring him here?"

"Oh yes! Anything that distracts him from his broody thoughts is welcome. At least he can't just laze on the couch and do nothing here. Besides, sex is the only thing that seems to cheer him up."

"I'm trying to find a bit more about the henchman's whereabouts," Tanner intervenes, "but it is a bit difficult without any official backup."

"I know, I don't expect a miracle," I answer tiredly. "Thank you for looking in any case!"

"So, are we sure it's you dad's doing?" Aiden asks.

"There is little doubt about it," I respond. "This is his usual way of destroying someone, and there is this trip to France from his trusted right-hand man."

"I still can't believe he escaped charges after what he did to you brother..." the Master Dom sighs.

"You should just have him killed," Tanner says, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. That leaves Aiden and I speechless, mouth agape. "What? It's the most logical thing to do. He won't stop bothering you, and with his resources, it seems he will never face any charges in front of a court. Don't look at me like he doesn't deserve it." My sadist friend sometimes has a very strange view of the world.

"I'll be happy to do it for you!" he concludes. Does he really think he could go past all my father's security team unnoticed? Knowing my friend though, he probably could. This solution is a bit extreme though, not that I would miss the old man.

"No it would be wrong to do that, Tanner," Aiden says, pointedly looking at him, insisting on the word wrong.

"Why? He clearly is guiltier than a lot of men executed by the United States."

"And that is wrong too! Anyway let's drop that subject. Are you still going to Chicago next weekend?"

"Yes," I reply. "I really think it will be a nice distraction for my boy. Plus I intend to keep him busy by letting him organize the visits we will do there."

"And you still plan on bringing him to the Black Diamond?" This is another BDSM gay club owned by one of Aiden's friends named Aaron. I saw him twice when he visited the Blue Hedonism before and he seemed like a nice guy. Of course each of those times was a bit brief since Zach jumped on him every time he had the chance. Trust the crazy Sub to want two Master Doms for himself!

"More than ever. Your mother said he needs his Dominant." Nothing works better to shut up my friend's worries than his mom. He knows that she is good at what she does.

"I'll call Aaron then, and tell him your boy is having a hard time to make sure the Subs there are nice to him."

"Thanks! Just don't go too much in the specifics if you can, Anthony will hate to be too much in the spotlight."

Speak of the little devil and he shall appear! After knocking once, Zach and he enter the room and kneel gracefully on our sides. It's a bit too early for dinner though, so there must be something he wants to ask.

"Do you have something to say, Pet?"

"Yes, Master!" he promptly responds. "I was wondering if I could go eat with Zach and Keith tonight, since he won't be able to go in here now." It is true Keith is no longer under contract with William. I don't know what went into my friend's head because he was telling us how well they worked together not even two weeks ago! True, he said there was no spark, but he still deeply enjoyed the scenes they did together!

"I agree, Pet, on the condition you eat properly this time." That makes him blush, but I don't really care. He is with friends here.

"Yes, Master," he sulks. Now we can't have that, can we?

"Zach, force-feed him if necessary!" I command. That makes everyone except my boy chuckle; he on the other hand, reddens even more.

"Don't worry I will, Master Ethan" the crazy blonde replies, before they go out together again. Soon after, William joins us for dinner, which consists of our usual pizzas, and after he has also inquired about my boy's state, the conversation turns on Keith.

"Why didn't you renew your contract, William?" I ask. "I thought everything was working great?"

"You are all going to make fun of me if I tell you," he grumbles. He is not his usual joyful self tonight, I realize he hasn't even cracked one lewd joke!

"That will be fair payback for all the teasing you did at our expenses," Aiden replies. "Now spill the beans!"

"There is a new guy at the office," he answers sadly. "He is beautiful, impeccably dressed and so naturally submissive. I am obsessed with him! Each time he calls me Sir, I just want to bend him over my desk and fuck him senseless."

"Then why don't you do so?" I ask.

"He is married with two kids," he sighs heavily.

"Then you are completely screwed," Aiden adds.

"I know," William replies. "But that's why I ended my contract with Keith. I'm probably going to take a Sub for the night and try to get over him, but it wouldn't be fair to use Keith like this."

"You could also try to seduce the object of your fixation," Tanner says. "You never know, he might discover he is more interested in what you have to offer than his wife."

"Yeah, an affair with a married man," Aiden smirks. "That's going to end so well." I don't know how to side on this one. I agree that an affair isn't ideal but on the other hand, if my boy had been taken when I met him, I would clearly have fought for him any way I could.

"I don't seem to recall Zach backing off when you said you weren't interested," Tanner replies a bit coldly. "And look where it led!" Touché! That definitely makes my best friend pale.

"I wasn't married to a woman..." he grumbles. "But I see your point. Still, William, there is nothing to say he will cave to your advances. He might be a closeted gay, but he could also be straight as a pole!"

The conversation keeps on for a bit, while we try our best to cheer up our friend. I welcome the distraction, it's good to think about something else than my depressed angel for a bit, then it's time to dress for the night. I have a few things to prepare for the scene I have planned in my private playroom as well. When I am finally ready, I join my friends in our usual seating area.

It doesn't take long before I see my boy enter the main room of the club, with his two friends and Nathan. This time though, Keith walks straight to the dancefloor with the fourth Sub instead of joining us, while Zach and my Sub walk toward us, heads lowered. My boy kneels gracefully on my side and I let him rest his head on my thigh. I know how he loves this position and how it helps him to relax. It just takes a few seconds before his breath evens, the tension in the muscles on his shoulders or his back loosening.

I don't really pay attention to the discussion around me, fully focused on him, gently petting his hair. By the look of things though, Zach decided to cheer-up William with an umpteenth threesome between him and his Daddy, and Tanner is alone tonight again. His favorite masochist, Elijah, has recently signed a contract with another sadist, and my friend has spent a lot of evenings on his own since then. He should have offered a contract of his own to the boy if he is upset like this!

Just before the beginning of the show, I pull my Sub on my lap.

"How are you feeling, Pet?" I ask him gently.

"Good, Master," he replies. "It was nice to see my friends." I let my hand wander on his perfect chest, up and down his sternum. "Thank you for earlier, Master," he adds a bit after. "I think I needed to be shaken."

"I am glad you think that, Pet, because I don't intend on letting you brood all day from now on," I answer as the lights are dimmed. This is the signal I was waiting for before letting my hands become a bit naughtier. I don't pay much attention to the show, which consists in a Dom edging two Subs, I am too busy taking care of mine!

After teasing his nipples for a while, I slip my hand through his tiny shorts earning quite a few needy moans. As the show becomes a bit hotter, I lower the zipper of my boy's piece of cloth and order him to suck on two fingers of my right hand. When there is enough saliva on them, I lower my right hand on his crotch and spread this natural lube all over his mushroom head. He is already panting after this, and while he sucks on two fingers of my left hand, I use my right one to gently stroke him, teasing the tip of his shaft each time I go up.

I lower a bit his tiny short before the wet digits of my left hand begin to tease his cute little ass. I keep on masturbating him extremely slowly, while I finger him and make a beautiful moaning mess out of my boy. The sight of him arching his back like this and trying to keep silent is extremely arousing, which of course makes me very constricted in my pants. But tonight is all about him, so my own release will have to wait, and it will probably be with my right hand. As the show progresses toward its climax, I intensify my strokes and eventually order him to come at the same time the Dominant on the scene does, making him spill his load on my hand and his chest.

I lick my hand clean and tuck him back into his shorts, before we scurry to my private playroom. There I wash his abdomen before having him lie down on his back on the bed, naked. He smiles when he sees the plastic sheets I have installed earlier since he now knows what they mean. I'm hoping a long session of ice and wax play will help him forget his stress and worries for one night since he is so reactive to that. I blindfold him then attach his wrists and ankles to the shackles I have prepared on each corner of the bed. Then I light the candles I will use later before beginning a long massage.

This serves two purposes. First it will help him relax his muscles, then the oil I'm using will make it easier to remove the wax when the scene is finished. I check his inner thighs and the base of his cock are perfectly shaved - which they are - since it would be really painful for him otherwise when I peel the wax off, and if all goes well, he will be deep into Subspace by then. I will avoid dropping the hot substance anywhere there is hair - like his arms, his legs or his happy trail for instance - because of this. I can't really resist taking his beautiful member that has already regained all his strength in my mouth, teasing him for a little while. Then I close a cock-ring around its base and stand up.

I check the temperature of each of the candles by dropping a bit of wax on my wrist from a certain height. Even if I have done this countless times, and even if I always use the same candles provided by the club, their degree of heat is never exactly the same. Even the two candles I lighted at the same time and that comes from the same box don't have the exact same temperature. Those are simple, unpainted candles that are going to burn uniformly from the beginning to the end, so I won't need to check them again later.

Then I go fetch the ice in the freezer of the small fridge I have in this playroom and put it in a large bowl. I had also filled a condom with water that is now frozen. Just in case something goes wrong with the fire, I prepare a pitcher of water as well. With all I need ready and at hand near the bed, the fun can begin. I start with dropping a small bit of wax on his chest, before letting a nice cube run around his right nipple. The key is to keep perfectly silent, as I alternate between ice and hot wax so that my sweet angel can't guess what will happen to him. For the wax, depending on the height I drop it, my boy will feel a different temperature.

After a gentle start, I intensify the stimulations, using the candles on his inner thighs or his perfectly shaved pubic area, taking his mushroom head in my mouth with an ice cube or rubbing my frozen dildo between the buttocks. I wouldn't really introduce it in his ass because for one, the position he in doesn't really allow it, and then, since there is a rich flow of blood in the anus, this would result in cooling down a lot of it at the same time and risk him passing out or even falling in a coma.

As I go on, I see from the way his muscles are relaxing that he is letting himself completely go, and just experiences the different sensations. This is the part where our scene could get dangerous, since he won't necessarily be able to realize something is wrong and safeword anymore. I just have to pay better attention to his body language: since I know him so well now, I will see if and when something I do is too much.

I try a few drops of wax on the length of his gorgeous cock before he is completely lost in his Subspace. He hisses but doesn't complain, then lets out a heavy moan. I keep on playing with his body and I know he is the state I wanted him to be when he begins to beg incoherently. I continue for a bit more, enjoying the view of his wax covered body, then I remove the cold wax on his shaft. That way I can take it in my mouth once again.

I apply myself to blow my angel as best I can, lingering on his mushroom head since it's the most sensitive part, then swallowing him whole before going up again. I take my sweet time, while his begging and moans strengthen. I have opened my leather pants a while ago to let my proud soldier breathe properly and I begin to touch myself while I pleasure him. When I eventually see he can't take anymore, I open the small metal ring that was preventing him from reaching his release and he erupts violently in my mouth. I gulp down his endless spurts of cum, as I'm coming in my right hand. Like I said before, tonight is only about him.

When I have caught my breath, I look at my beautiful Sub mumbling to himself. I remove the blindfold, then proceed to peel off the dried wax all over him. After I have finished, my boy is still deep in his Subspace and I cuddle against him, waiting for him to get out of it. Even if he doesn't really understand what is going around him right now, coming back to his spirits without me near him could make him panic, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in any case.

It takes him almost forty five minutes to fly down, and even then, he is barely coherent. I guide him with me to the shower and help him stand while I wash then dry him. When we are ready to go, I help him dress - I had asked someone to bring his clothes from the Subs' room earlier - and he falls asleep in the drive back home. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, you wouldn't think he went through hell two days before.

But he will get better. I know he has the strength to recover from such a heavy blow, and I will be here to help. In the meantime, I will make sure to neutralize my father before he does something even more horrible.

Published on July 28th 2017

So this wasn't as depressing as last chapter, and of course it'll take time before Anthony gets a bit better. The story of William (whose sexy self is in the header picture) and his married man will be book 4 if all goes well!

The two next chapters will depict their weekend in Chicago and their visit to the Black Diamond. If you haven't read @Snape75 stories (which I strongly recommand you do), there will be no major spoiler, and it will just give you a nice introduction to her characters. Since the chapter have to be in a certain order, I'll update on Tuesday and Friday, like her, and then you will probably get your third update of the week on Saturday.

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