Chapter 45: Back to New York

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Anthony, Wed Jun 24th 2015

Things are getting better, slowly but surely. I didn't have a nightmare last night for instance. I don't find myself dazing on the couch as often as I used to last week. It's easier to focus on things and I'm working on my research again, trying to generalize my proof to similar conjectures. I am nowhere as concentrated and efficient as I was a month ago, but it's definitely an improvement.

Of course it is all thanks to my Master. The fact that Luke left our apartment is also a nice breather. Not that I didn't like his presence, he had become quite nice to me after the thing that happened at the French high school, but it prevented us to fully live our Dominant/Submissive relationship, and God knows I need that right now! If my Master wasn't controlling every aspect of my life, I would still be falling apart. With his help, I can even begin to envision the future.

First I won't go back to the French high school. It's obvious but quite freeing to think of it. Sadly I will cross path with some of my ex-students since we live nearby, I guess I will just have to learn to live with it. It happened once for now, on last Monday. Feeling all powered up by the weekend in Chicago, I had gone for a short walk - a strong suggestion from my Master - and I almost had a full-scale panic attack on the sidewalk when I spotted a girl from twelfth grade. I don't think she saw me but I immediately ran back to the apartment and curled up on the couch, where I stayed until my Master came back home. I have refused to go back outside by myself since then.

Since I got a good amount of cash for my wrongful termination, I'm in no hurry to find another job. Plus, if the proof is indeed correct, which I'm pretty sure it is, I will get a million dollar at the end of next year. When I remember how my Master's eyes went wide when he learnt this, I almost chuckle. I had never been interested in this hypothesis for the money but it is one of the millennium problems selected by the Claye Mathematical Institute, which will reward the one to solve it with this huge prize. In any case, it will be nice not to have to worry about wasting my Master's money.

It should be easy to find a teaching position at a university after my proof is published, but I don't think I will want to start that next year. I was thinking of taking the time to write a textbook about all my work on this conjecture and its consequences. I will have to contact the specialized publishers later to see if such a book would interest them. In any case, I'm not sure I will be ready to face a class before another couple of years. First I need to be able to go outside normally again.

It was easy to do so in Chicago because I was sure I wouldn't meet anybody I knew. This really was such a nice weekend! I was a bit stressed to go to the Back Diamond and meet some new people, but in the end, they were really kind and welcoming. As promised, I texted Liam the next day, thanking him and his friends for their warm welcome. He texted me back to tell me I was most welcome, then we agreed he would call or text if he had more questions on the topic we had discussed.

The night there was freaking hot! First, the scene performed by Noah and his Daddy was extremely impressive. Even at the Blue Hedonism, I had rarely seen anything like this! A few Dominants have done performances involving bondage, Master William being one of the most skilled at our club, but it was seldom as artistic as what Master Camden achieved. Then of course, the small scene we did in the playroom after was also sexy as hell. Lifted like I was, my limbs tied to the spreader bar, there was nothing I could do to prevent my Master from using my body as he wanted, and I loved the feeling of helplessness and surrender it provoked inside me.

Of course returning to the Blue Hedonism is great as well. Since it's a close and contained environment, my newfound fear of going outside doesn't bother me when I go there. Walks in our neighborhood are really what I have trouble with, it seems. As always, Zach is waiting for me at the entrance. My Master made me go a bit earlier to enjoy time with him, he will only join us for dinner. Or maybe after if he has too much work.

I'm feeling a bit guilty for this. Since the incident - as I keep calling it - he has been wonderful with me, but I realize I have taken a lot of his time. It's true I don't know what I would do without his guidance and he provided it by working a lot from home or cutting his hours to come back as early as he could. On Monday, for instance, he rushed home to take care of me after my little crisis. Of course he didn't say anything about it, I just hate that my problems could make him slack on his job.

I forget those worries for a bit when my friend greets me, as crazy as ever. Of course he wants to know everything about our trip to Chicago - and I am not talking about the architecture tours! We are walking toward his Daddy's office while I give him a detailed account of our visit to the Black Diamond. As expected he is mostly interested by the three-way relationship between Mark, Shannon and Alex, even if he would have preferred one with two Doms and a Sub.

"I will have to arrange a fivesome if we go to Chicago one day," he sighs dreamily after bombarding me with twenty thousand questions.

"And what about the gorgeous Master Aaron you talked about times and times again?" I ask.

"I guess we will have to take a long weekend to have at least two nights there, Tiger," he replies.

"Oh! And I almost forgot! There are two Subs who are identical twins at club!"

"Really? That's decided! Daaaaaaaaadyyyyyyy!" he shrieks, barging in his office. "Book some plane tickets, we are going to Chicago!"

That was Zach for you! The mood quickly drops though, as Master Aiden was otherwise occupied when we enter his office, certifying a new Sub with Master Tanner. I didn't know about it or I would have restrained my friend, who is now looking very constricted - something I thought I would never see. I immediately drop my eyes while taking a step back outside, and my friend does the same after having profusely apologized. I am so mortified we interrupted the testing of a Submissive! Poor guy must have had a hard time! I can't even imagine how I would have reacted if it had happened during my certification.

"We are in big troubles, I think!" I tell him as soon as he has closed the door.

"Shit! I had forgotten about the certification!" he replies. "It's your fault, Tiger, you got me all excited talking about threesomes and twins!"

"No no! Don't you dare blame this on me! You could have knocked before going inside like the crazy person you are!"

"I forgot okay! It's just causes and consequences! You're a mathematician, you should understand that! Talk to me about kinky stuff involving multiple partners and I am all aroused and hyper, you should know that by now!"

We don't dare going too far from the door. I bet Master Aiden is outraged and I don't think we want to make him angrier by making him chase us in the whole club when it's time to punish us. Even if he is putting on a good face, Zach doesn't talk much and we mostly wait in silence. After very long minutes that feel like an eternity, the door of the office opens again. The angry Master Dom is way scarier than my Master can be when he is pissed. I immediately lower my eyes when they cross his cold glare.

"Both of you, inside!" he says with his deep authoritative voice. I immediately scurry into the room, almost yelping. Zach is not doing any better running with his tail between his legs. "Kneel by the desk at attention!" I immediately obey, quickly followed by my friend. I see the legs of Master Tanner and another guy who must be the Sub who was being tested but I don't dare taking a peek up.

"Both of you owe Jayden an apology for interrupting his certification like this!" he lectures us with an icy tone. "I would never have expected this from anyone in this club, much less from you two! You are supposed to be an example for the other Submissives here, not to behave like teenage brats!"

Even if I'm not really at fault, his reprimand brings tears in my eyes, that I more or less manage to retain. I have never been scolded like a child here, and it's deeply humiliating.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" the Master Dom concludes.

"I'm really sorry Daddy, I completely forgot about the testing," Zach replies. "Please don't punish Anthony, he was just with me at the wrong moment and didn't do anything wrong." Thank you for being a good friend! "I'm sorry I barged in like this Jayden."

"And you Anthony?" Master Aiden asks.

"I'm sorry I didn't manage to catch Zach before he entered the room without knocking, Master Aiden, and that we interrupted your certification, Jayden," I say. I really feel horrible we barged in like this.

"As I was explaining it earlier to you, Jayden," Master Aiden lectures, "when a submissive in the club doesn't respect a rule, he will be punished, either by the Dominant he disrespected or by me. And that rule is valid for any Submissive, be he mine, or one of my friends'. There is no favoritism here, is that clear?"

"Yes Master Aiden," the guy responds in a shaky and shy voice.

"Anthony, it doesn't seem you did anything wrong indeed. You will reply to any question Jayden has after I've taken care of Zach's punishment." The mere fact he is using his first name and not the usual nickname tells us how deep in trouble he is. "You my boy, on the other hand, have to learn to reign in your excitement in some situations. I hope twenty strikes with the paddle will teach you that. Stand and bend over the desk!"

Zach complies of course, and I am glad nobody invited me to look up because I prefer not to see his punishment. Hearing it is painful enough! I count each blow in my head, which makes me wince mentally for my friend. I have first-hand knowledge of how harsh Master Aiden is with a paddle in his hands, and twenty blows is a big number. When the discipline is finally over, I am ordered to go outside with Jayden so I escort him to the Subs' room. Sadly my friend is not allowed to join us. Master Aiden said I was to answer any questions he had about the lifestyle and I will do just that, to the best of my ability.

It's not the first time something like this happens, and I've gotten so used to it I'm not even bothered to talk with Jayden even if I don't know him. Besides, it's a bit like teaching, even if in a different setup.

"Once again I am really sorry about earlier," I begin. "I hope we didn't make your testing any harder! Master Aiden said you may have question for me?"

"You don't have to apologize", he replies in a small voice. "I was distracted and looked at you, but so were Master Aiden and Master Tanner, so they didn't notice. Are punishments always this harsh?"

"It depends on the fault," I reply. "It can be a lighter spanking but it could also be a public one, in front of everybody in the club. Master Aiden can also excludes you from the club for a few days, a week, a month or indefinitely. But you shouldn't worry about that, unless you count on breaking a rule of the club on your first night here!" I chuckle nervously. It still a bit difficult to joke about it, since I did exactly that...

The conversation goes on with him for a bit and I try to address his main concerns. Since he is new to the lifestyle, and especially after what he just witnessed, punishments are a bit part of our conversation. When he is reassured about that, we move to lighter subjects. I tell him he will have to wear either a red bracelet when he doesn't want any Dom to interact with him - which is strongly recommended for tonight - or a blue one if it is the case.

I explain him that the blue color means he is a new Sub, and warns any dominant who interacts with him to take things slowly, that he should wear it at the very least until he has his first scene at the club, and even after that for as long as he isn't comfortable with a green bracelet - which means he is ready to play like any other Sub.

Then I remind him not to hesitate to use his safewords during a scene, making it clear it's best to use them too much at the beginning than not enough, and get hurt in the process. After I have answered all his last questions, I give him a few pointers on how he should prep, which earns me a few deep blushes. I conclude by telling him he should always feel safe to tell me or Zach if he has any worries. We didn't necessarily made the best first impression, but it is kind of our role in the club.

When he has gone toward one of the shower stalls, I head back toward Master Aiden's office. Of course I don't forget to knock this time and only enter when I hear his voice telling me I could do so. Dinner is kind of sad for me since for one, my Master hasn't arrived yet, then my friend is eating kneeled on his Daddy's side, the latter feeding him, and there are no other Submissives at the table. Of course I reply to the questions the other Dominants ask me, but it is nowhere as fun as having a real conversation with another Sub.

After it, I have to go prep alone as well, since Zach will do so in his Master's playroom. God, his punishment is really harsh! Even if I understand why, I hate that he has to be disciplined like this. I take care of my enema first, then shave as quickly as I can with the cock cage on my privates.

Yes, I took on Noah's advice and decided to give the chastity device a try. Of course when I presented it like he had told me, telling my Master I wanted him to have control over my erections on top of everything else, he absolutely loved the idea. I really liked the theory, putting it into practice is a bit harder though. During the days, when my Master isn't around, it's pretty easy to forget about the cage. It's only when I have naughty thoughts that I can feel my limp member being constricted in the device, but it is kind of nice to be reminded this way I have surrendered control of my hard-ons to him. When we are together, my Master usually removes it pretty quickly, because he prefers to see me fully aroused so that's not too painful either.

The nights are horrible though, I can't really control my dreams and it seems like I have way more naughty ones than I thought. On the two nights I tried to sleep with the cock cage in place, I woke up several times feeling the sharp pain of my member swelling in the steel rings. When I mentioned it to my Master, he decided the device would be removed every night from now on, my sleep being messed up enough as it is.

I'm kind of sad I didn't get the chance to tell Zach, I'm sure he would have found it completely crazy and he would have teased me to no end. That would have been funnier than being on my own.

When I am done, I see I have a text telling me my Master will need fifteen more minutes, that I spend sitting at one of the tables, making light conversation with other Subs. There is not many people around since it's a Wednesday night, just the most sex-addicted guys. Joe wonders why Zach isn't with me and explodes with laughter when I lightly relate why he is getting punished. Not surprising the mischief-maker in chief would find it funny!

Then I make my way to the usual spot of our Doms. Zach is here, kneeling between his Daddy's thighs on a small cushion, and he doesn't look very pleased. I know how much he hates staying in that position for a long time, but sadly for him, his Daddy knows it too. I guess someone won't get to watch the show tonight. I am relieved to kneel by my Master's side and feel his hand in my hair. I take my time to relax in this position, like I always do, before he pulls me into his lap when the lights are dimmed.

"Sorry I missed dinner, Pet!" he says.

"It's alright, Master. I understand you had to work."

"Did you have fun with your friend?" he asks.

"Yes Master, for a bit. Then he interrupted the testing of a Sub and got punished," I reply in a small voice.

"I hope you didn't participate in that," he growls in a threatening voice.

"No, Master. I should have tempered his eagerness though," I add apologetically.

"You can try to do that with Zach," he chuckles, "but I'm not sure it will yield any results!" True, but I could try not to be dragged in his trouble next time. "I want to test your limits a bit tonight, regarding the device you're wearing," he whispers to me with a very deep seductive tone that sends shivers down my spine. "Be sure to safeword if you need it, you are not punished! Understood?"

"Yes, Master."

If I thought wearing a cock cage was a bit difficult earlier, it just becomes painfully hard - like I wish I was - as soon as the shows begin. Of course it is pretty arousing, and of course my stupid dick doesn't understand it should just stay limp until my Master removes the cock cage and grants me permission to have an erection. At some point, I make the mistake of looking on the side instead of the scene, only to see my friend thoroughly blowing his Daddy - in an attempt to earn his forgiveness I'm sure - which only causes more pain in my privates.

But this is only the beginning of what my Master has in mind. When we walk to the playroom, with him telling me how proud he is of me, the usual warm and fuzzy feeling it creates in my body makes me forget my discomfort for a bit. Until he ties me up in the swing and begins rimming me, prepping me before slamming into me, each of his thrusts hitting my prostate and making me see stars.

At first the pain in my constricted shaft is almost unbearable. Since he keeps telling me how good a boy I am, I don't safeword but we are clearly near my limits. Then, I don't know if my little soldier finally decides to cooperate or if I just get used to the pain, but it becomes more of a hindrance. That's fortunate because my Master decides to fuck me twice before he eventually removes the rings of the device except the first one, which acts like a cock ring. Then he edges me even more by giving me a perfect blowjob that lasts for the longest time. He makes me beg for a while before letting me come with one of the best orgasms he ever gave me.

* * *

Of course the cock cage goes back to its place the next morning, and the mere thoughts about last night's scene makes my member try to grow again, with the steel rings that constrict it preventing me from getting hard. I begin to think about something else before it gets too painful down there. It is almost time for Jack to come and clean the flat so I prepare myself to go out.

My Master ordered me this morning to take a walk while Jack would be there and I know there is no way around it: my Master will probably be watching where I am on his app to track my collar so I won't be able to cheat on this. I take a deep breath, it's for the best, I tell myself. I can't exactly stay inside for the rest of my life just because I'm too afraid to cross path with ex-students.

I put on my shoes and say a quick hello to Jack who is arriving as I get out. I send a text to my Master when I exit the building, then I go straight into the park and begin my usual walk. Since I want to minimize the chance of seeing someone I could recognize, I go for one of the tiny path in the least frequented parts of the park, and I'm soon glad to be quite alone.

This relief is short-lived however, when I feel two hands grabbing me from behind. I react automatically and use an aikido technique to throw the guy on the floor, in front of me. I thought he was just some random thief but this is quite a muscular guy in a black suit with a white shirt. Looking behind me, a similar man is preparing to throw himself at me, and I get into a defensive stance.

What do they want with me? I am too focused on defending myself, driven by adrenaline, to be fully scared. The second guy tries to grab me but I evade his attack with a counter of my own, then I make a run for it. I should be safe as soon as I come back into one of the busier parts of the park.

That is until I see a face I thought I would never have to see again. I stop instantly, paralyzed with fear. My hands are shaking, I am panting and I feel a horrible pain growing in my chest.

"Missed me?" he asks in French with the voice I could never forget. The voice that has haunted my nightmares for three years. I am barely aware of the two big guys getting up, holding my arms behind my back and applying some tissue on my face. All I can do is scream at the top of my lungs just before dropping into unconsciousness.

Published on August 5th 2017

Mmmm... What to say... Please don't hate me? Anyway the plot thickens, and we will begin to understand the whys and the hows in the next chapters. But first, we'll see Ethan's reaction to all of this in the next one.

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