Chapter 5: A meeting

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Anthony, Fri Jan 16th 2015

"Want to go to my place?"

"Sure" I reply. "Let me just go the bathroom before!"

This is going to be such a great night, I think to myself while I leave the dancefloor. I quickly make my way to the bathroom, fantasizing about my dark haired man and all the delicious things we are going to do later. I let a cute twink go out of the restrooms before going in and use the first urinal.

I have just finished my business when I feel someone pressed on my back. Oh god. Not one of these Pervs who think that this is flirting again...

"What do we have here?" he whispers in a deep threatening voice.

"I'm not interested, leave me alone." I reply. Seriously, does he not realize how gross this is?

As I close my zipper, I try to disentangle myself from his embrace, but he strongly pins me down against the wall.

"Tut tut tut! You are not going to leave so soon, are you? We will have some fun together first."

He is smiling at me with a predatory look, and begins to seriously frighten me. I try to get away, but he is just too strong. As I open my mouth to scream for help, he shoves a piece of cloth in it which effectively mutes my cry. I am starting to panic, thoughts of what is going to happen to me racing through my mind. I'm still struggling to escape when the door of the restroom opens to let in my dancing companion of the night.

"What's going on here?" my knight in shining armor asks.

Thank God I'm saved!

I wake up panting, drenched in sweat, my heart beating very fast. When I've calmed down a bit by taking deep breaths, I look at the clock: 4am. Again. That's just great. I know there is little point in staying in bed, as I won't fall back asleep, but I lie down and rest my eyes for a while. At least the nightmare didn't go until the end this time.

I have only slept four hours, and I feel a bit nauseous from all the alcohol I drank last night. I know, I said I didn't drink too much to have a hangover, but that was counting on the fact I would have a real night of sleep. I slowly get up to pour me a glass of water. I add an Advil on second thoughts: my head is throbbing from the mix between the lack of sleep and the drunkenness. As my eyes catch my reflection in the mirror, I can see I look like shit.

I am exhausted but I know sleep will elude me, so I just go fetch my diary to complain about my fucking life for a few minutes. That actually makes me feel a bit better, for once. Then I begin to prepare for the day. I usually don't really need a long time, but since I have been blessed with an early wake-up, I might as well use it to look perfect. On the outside at least. Inside, I just feel as broken, dirty and pathetic as ever.

I begin with a very long and warm shower. My hopes to relieve a bit of tension by playing with my little soldier are quickly crushed since it seems he doesn't want to wake up. Even my stupid cock gets more sleep than I do. Then I shave, style my hair and try to hide the bags under my eyes with some concealer. I make myself a first cup of coffee, that I drink while trying to organize a few thoughts around my research. My brain is feeling like a car on a muddy road, so that isn't very productive.

After my second cup of coffee, I get dressed for the day. Black suit, yellow shirt and black tie. As I look at myself in the mirror, I take a few minutes to build back my mental walls.

You will get through today without breaking up. You will appear strong. Nobody will notice anything.

This is the little ritual I've followed for the last two and a half years. When I feel ready, I grab my keys and leave for work.

* * *

The day goes by without any incident. As always, I try to interact with my colleagues as little as possible, and today, I adopt a cold attitude during classes that successfully discourage any students from coming to talk to me for any reason whatsoever. Not very professional I know, but I entitle myself to such moods only one day once in while when I feel like I can't deal with their personal problems.

It is soon 4pm and I curse at my conscience one last time for organizing this. I just want to go home and relax for a bit before aikido practice tonight. I use the stairs to go down to the lobby. Of course nobody is there! I wait a bit, secretly hoping Luke Wells' brother has forgotten our meeting so that I can just ignore the whole thing and go home.

At 4:20, I decide I've had enough. I leave a word to the receptionist in case the guy finally shows up and begin to walk towards the door. But I quickly stop myself. What is probably the most beautiful man I have ever seen just got in. He is tall and muscular – but not too much! – with short blond hair and he has gorgeous green eyes. His oval face, cleanly shaved, lightly tanned, is very serious. He seems to be the same height as Paul so I would say a good 6'2''.

He is wearing a navy blue fitted suit with a white shirt that hugs his chest tightly, both of which are extremely well cut and suit him perfectly. I let my eyes wander on his long powerful legs until I reach his maroon leather shoes. No fashion mistake there, I really hate men who think black and navy blue can go together. He is walking with a graceful, determined stance and is radiating an aura of natural authority. I am slowly looking up, taking all his features with an inward lustful sigh when I notice he stopped right in front of me.

Why is this supermodel halting in front of me? Brain do something!

"Are you Mister Dumont?" he asks me, with a warm deep voice. Wow, he even knows my name! Nice! As my brain slowly reboots though, I realize that his green eyes, his blond hair and his general features remind me of someone. Right. Luke Wells. The brother.

"Yes, and I imagine you must be Luke's older brother? Mr. Wells?" I'm impressed at how steady and professional my voice sounds. The rest of my brain is screaming please take me anywhere I am yours!

"Yes I am! Sorry for being late, traffic was horrible. You wanted to speak with me?" His voice holds a no-nonsense tone that perfectly fits his commanding presence. He must be some kind of director or manager since he has the attitude of someone who will give an order and expect to be obeyed.

"That's right. Please follow me" I reply, and lead him to one of the meeting room on the first floor. Since it's Friday afternoon, there is no one around and I am spoilt for choice. "We can go in there." I add, letting him enter first. He has removed his coat, holding it on his right forearm, which allows me to check his perfect round ass. God this man is absolutely gorgeous!

It is only when I shut the door and sit down that I fully realize I am alone in a small and closed space with a dominant alpha male. Not my brightest idea. That is part of the long list of things that trigger an anxiety attack, and I already feel the walls of the room closing on me.

This one is not going to hurt you. Relax! I try to order my brain. But I'm already hearing the voice I would like to forget.

"What do we have here?"

"You are not going to leave so soon, are you? We will have some fun together first."

I take one deep breath and try to focus on the person in front of me. I can't lose my composure like this in public, I have to resist until I'm alone. I keep taking deep breaths and drown into the green eyes of this handsome man. They seem to radiate warmth, calm and perhaps a bit of concern. Bit by bit, I feel the room getting wider and my anxiety slowly retreats.

"Are you unwell Mr. Dumont?" he eventually asks me.

"Yes... No! I am sorry, I was lost in my thoughts," I reply. Oh god, he must believe I was staring at him. Which I was... in a way... I also can't believe I managed to pull myself back together, this is the first time it happens. Usually nothing stops these panic attacks and I have lost count of how many times I had to take refuge in the restrooms to just bear with them. Before I continue to ridicule myself, I go to the point of our meeting. "Mr. Wells, thank you for coming. I have asked to meet you, since I am in a bit of a predicament concerning your brother Luke."

"Yes. He told me he has done something stupid." You don't say...

"I am not sure what he told you exactly," I reply sternly. "So I will cut to the chase. I suspect Luke is smoking pot on a very regular basis during his lunch break, and goes to class high in the afternoon. As far as I know, none of the other teachers have noticed, and this has not affected his grades yet." Yet being the key word. "However I am deeply concerned by how this could impact his future."

"That's not exactly what he told me," the supermodel in front of me answers. "Are you sure about this?" As I hear the sound of his voice again, and now that my anxiety is under control, my cock is sending pictures of me under or bent over the table... Focus!

"I am quite sure, Mr. Wells. I am sorry but I must ask, are you close to your brother?" I'm inclined to think not, otherwise he really would – or should! – have noticed that something is going wrong.

"Not as much as I would like Mr. Dumont," he answers. "I am sorry to hear this. I know that my father can be very strict, and it's probably my brother's stupid way of coping with it."

At the mention of his father, something clicks in my brain. All the clues suddenly fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. The perfect student. The bruises. The drugs. The pleading about not telling his father. Who can be very strict. I feel so stupid for not having noticed before.

"Mr. Wells. Is your father physically abusing your brother?" I say without thinking.

Crap! I should have found a way to ask this more diplomatically. I am really slow these days! The warm green eyes I was admiring suddenly turn icy cold. Shit. I pissed him off. The half-smile this Greek God was giving me is now a thin line, and his lips tremble a little. He seems to have grown taller and more impressive than before!

That makes my anxiety return with full force. I begin to hyperventilate while I feel my hands getting sweaty. I start shaking like a leaf while my heart is beating like a crazy horse. I need to leave immediately or I will collapse in front of him.

"I am really sorry if I have offended you Mr. Wells. It wasn't my intention. Please will excuse me..." I blurt out while standing. I really need to get out of this room. Right now!

"Sit down." This is not a suggestion, this is an order. It is delivered in his warm voice, which is now full of authority and my brain just shuts up. I obey without thinking. Wait! What just happened? "Please calm down," he continues. And just like this my nervousness becomes manageable once again. How is it that he has such a strong effect on me?

"I did not want to scare you away, you don't have to apologize. My reaction was directed at my father. It is entirely possible that he abuses Luke like you said. But my little brother never talked to me about it if that is the case." I'm trying to keep myself from just going with the flow of his voice and concentrate on his words. He stopped talking, I think it's a general cue to say something back. Fortunately the meaning of his words still lingered somewhere in my brain. Now let's find an answer!

"You should try to have an honest conversation with him then," I answer after a short pause. "And regardless of what is going on at home, you should also try to address the drug problem. I think I have impressed on him the importance of not doing it during the school days, but it would be best if he stopped completely. You probably know that marijuana has serious long-term effects on the brain."

Focusing on the problem at hand also helps. I might actually get to the end of this conversation without ridiculing myself too much.

"I am supposed to meet him just after this," the gorgeous man in front of me replies. "I assure you we will have a serious discussion on these matters." Oh I have no doubt he can talk some sense in his brother, should he choose to. This man has such a natural authority! Which for some reason has me hard and leaking in my underwear. "Thank you for taking the time to tell me all of this, and I really appreciate that you did not report this to our father. For reasons that should be obvious to you, it would have been a disaster for Luke."

Once again, at the mention of his father, his eyes and voice turn icy cold. I guess the younger brother is not the only one who was abused. He gives off a scary vibe once again. God! I so don't want to get on his bad side!

"You're welcome," I answer steadily, "I just hope that you will be able to sort his problems with him. I'm afraid that, should one of his other teachers notice, they might not be as understanding as I am."

"I will let you know how my conversation with him goes." he responds. "Could you give me your phone number or you email?"

I try to chase all the dirty thoughts that come to my mind when he asks me for my contact information. This is purely professional Anthony, nothing more! Of course I give him my phone number and my email. Any means of communication he wants! I then escort him back to the entrance of the building. Once outside, I am, once again, completely lost in his eyes. I am trying to remember how to articulate words – it seems like a recurrent problem around him – when he interrupts my train of thoughts.

"Would you do me one last favor Mr. Dumont?" he asks. Go back inside and drop on my knees to blow you? Bend over one of the desks so you can take me right there? Done!

"It would depend on the favor you ask Mr. Wells." Or not. Let's be honest, I would pretty much do anything he asks of me.

"Would you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

I've got to be dreaming! No. I have died and gone to heaven! There is no way the most beautiful man I have ever seen is asking me on a date. I must have heard wrong. Why would he be interested in someone like me? There is just no way he said that. He is looking at me expectantly, I have to reply something! Can I make him repeat what he just said? No that wouldn't be very well perceived.

"Yes?" I finally try. I mean in the very unlikely event I had correctly heard his question, that would definitely be my answer. And if he asked something else, it seems like a safe answer anyway. I doubt he was wondering if I wanted to be beaten to death for instance. His face breaks into a warm smile which makes him look even more gorgeous, so it seems like it was the right response. I just wish I knew the question!

"Good. I will text you the time and address tomorrow afternoon then. Have a nice evening!" This time, there is no way I misheard since I was completely focused on his words. It really seems like he asked me to dinner then. Oh! My! Fucking! God!

I am not sure I manage to respond something and he leaves me completely dumbfounded in front of the high school building. I don't know how much time I stay there looking in the direction he left. I have got a date tomorrow night! I am almost giggling like a teenage girl! I haven't been on a date since... I can't remember but that must be almost three or four years ago.

And with a sexy man like this! I don't think I have ever laid eyes on someone as beautiful as he is. My erection hasn't deflated since earlier, and the thoughts of my hands on his perfect chest – or lower – does nothing to calm it down. My thoughts are rudely interrupted by my phone ringing. I pick up the call, as I recognize Paul's number.

"Hey Anthony! What's up?" he greets me. "Since you left pretty early yesterday night, I wanted to check you were okay."

"I'm good," I reply dreamily. "I don't think you will believe what just happened... I've been asked on a date!" I think I have squealed the end, unable to contain my excitement anymore.

"That's great!" he cheers. "Tell me everything!" he orders. And I recount every detail of my encounter with the gorgeous Mr. Wells to him.

Published on May 1st 2017

Hope you liked the meeting! We will see it from Ethan's POV in the next chapter.

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