Chapter 52: Investigating

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Tanner, Sun Jun 28th 2015

This investigation is almost too easy. The person responsible for Anthony's abduction was pretty obvious from the start, but I thought Ethan's father would be a far better opponent. Having almost limitless resources doesn't get you everywhere apparently. His mistake was to get too personal. If he wanted to get rid of the boy, he should have hired a professional to get him killed; I'm sure he knows how to contact guys like that. But no! He had to dig up his former rapist and put the poor math teacher in his hold.

The sadist in me appreciates the beauty of it, of course. Just thinking about the way the Sub must have panicked sends goosebumps in my arms. I can picture the fear in his eyes, how he pleaded, begged when he was whipped, how he finally yielded to his captor and complied with all his demands. This is enough to make me painfully hard. Abducting a boy and taming him into an obedient sex slave is one of my deepest fantasy.

Like that angel with his perfect voice! I think to myself remembering the concert I went to last Saturday night. Focus Tanner, focus! You can't be distracted right now!

Unlike Ethan's father or that rapist, I have control over my urges. I channel them in a safe and consensual environment through the BDSM lifestyle, with the most hardcore masochists I can find. This pales in comparison to what my twisted – some would say evil – mind craves, but it does the trick. Barely. I have lost count of the number of times I almost kidnapped a boy with angel-like features, to abuse his body; or captured some of the monsters I have chased over the years, to slowly torture them before eventually killing them; or strangled one of the Subs I was fucking, to see the life disappear out of him.

Every time though, I managed to stop myself. It has become easier and easier with time. I have had to fight a lot for it, but I am in control of this dark side of me. That's why I have no pity for the people who aren't. Like Ethan's father who sloppily gave Anthony to his former abuser, just to get revenge against the poor boy who married his son. Or this Martin Lécuyer, who cannot keep his dick into his pants. The fact he managed to rape a dozen boys in this nightclub before getting arrested is still beyond my understanding since he was so careless about it.

Anyway those little mistakes are the reason why I am here, in front of the mansion where Anthony is being held against his will, just three days after his abduction. But let's take a step back.

The kidnapping in itself was flawlessly executed. Waiting for the boy to be in a recluse spot of Central Park before drugging him, then making it appear as if they were going to give him medical attention while they were running away with their target was just brilliant. The abductors were nondescript security guys, so it was obvious we would never identify them. The only lead was the fact they somehow knew about the tracker device in Anthony's collar.

So naturally someone at the club had been feeding them information. I will have to find who, because this part of the investigation is still ongoing. At first I thought that Trent – the poor excuse of a Dom Anthony had humiliated a few months ago – was responsible but I cleared him out quickly. Of course, Aiden happily helped by giving me access to all the members and their criminal background, but none of them fitted the profile.

I thought I would have to personally investigate each Sub and Dom to find the mole, but then, a miracle happened. The abductor sent a picture of himself with Anthony. I had honestly thought the poor boy was already dead and that we would never find the body. That would have been the most logical choice in Ethan's father's head – and it could still happen at any time, should he discover how close I am to the truth. But no, he made the mistake to give him to this Martin.

That guy has serious ego issues. Honestly I cannot phantom what could push him to jeopardize their whole operation and send us such precious pieces of information! All of it so he could brag in front of Ethan? The guy is clearly a pitiful excuse of a human being. The first picture was so similar to Anthony's traumatic experience before that I compared the picture with the photograph that was shown everywhere at the French high school, and I wasn't surprised to find out it was the exact same guy.

Contacting the French police off the record was a piece of cake, the only difficulty was to find a guy speaking decent English... I thought they were taught that in school! I found out this Martin had been released because of a technicality. Cops who caught him must have been sloppy, I never let that happen in my investigations! I'm not sure many policemen know the subtlety of the laws that apply to them as good as I do. That's a necessity when you often step on the edge of – sometimes completely over – the law during your inquiries.

After this, I focused on finding Martin Lécuyer to send him back where he belonged. I was really afraid Anthony had already been shipped to France one way or another, despite my reassurances of the contrary to Ethan, so I was glad to find that Martin had entered the US under a false name. I still knew I would have to be quick or he would be on his way back with the boy soon enough. A bit of teasing through Ethan replying to his messages gave me another picture. And this one had plenty of clues!

I could instantly tell that the desk was an antique but I didn't believe my luck when the expert authenticated it as a unique piece of furniture. By experience those are way easier to track than human beings. After this, a bit of research with companies specialized in moving or restoring those kinds of objects easily gave me the address of the mansion I am parked in front of, in the countryside north of the City.

Getting a search warrant for one of the Wells Industries' CEO's property signed would be nearly impossible with solid evidence, so with the circumstantial ones I had, I didn't even try. Besides, the whole investigation has been done as discreetly as I could, and no one even knows about the pictures. I am pretty sure that Ethan's father has ears everywhere, and if he had discovered about the photographs his son got, professional killers would have instantly been on their way to get rid of Anthony and his captor. My own boss told me to drop the investigation and reclassify it as a normal runaway, even if he wasn't very happy about it.

Since an official warrant is out of reach, this is time to operate on the fringe of the law. Or completely illegally if I have to be honest. I came here driving my second car, the one that is usually parked in my secret hiding, and that can't be traced back to me. I have double-checked I wasn't followed on my way to my hiding place, like I always do, then that nobody trailed me here. Believe me, I am always very meticulous when I am breaking the law.

I have driven on the last alley without the lights on, and since this car is a hybrid, it is extremely silent, so my arrival was completely unnoticed. I still waited a good fifteen minutes before getting out of it. The big walls around the house prevent me from seeing what is going on inside. Now, I think, is as good a time to go as any other. Nobody knows I'm here, not even Ethan. I haven't warned him so as to not get his hopes up.

For one, I am not sure that I am going to find Anthony inside. I'm ninety-five percent sure he is inside and ninety percent sure he is still alive, but you never know. Then, I don't intend to free him, that's not why I came here. Don't yell at me, I'm creeping inside to get another picture of the boy, one that will be sent anonymously to Ethan, who will of course forward it to me. Contrary to the other ones, this photograph will have the location embedded in it because it will be taken from a phone with its GPS connected, and that will give me enough material to get a warrant to legally go there.

Rescuing the boy is important, but catching the bad guys is even more so. He can suffer for two more hours – since it's the middle of the night, one can even hope he isn't being abused at the present time – and allow me to catch his abductors. If I free him now, I am just trespassing on a private property and I won't be able to do anything more than get him out.

I am dressed entirely in black, to be completely invisible. Just as I am about to turn the handle of the little door to get inside the yard of this mansion, someone does it from the other side and runs into me. Shit! A witness! The little guy tries to make me fall down with some moves, but I have had my fair share of self-defense lessons and my grip on him is strong. What am I going to do with this one? It wouldn't be nice to kill him but I can't let him blabber around he saw me so I might have to make him disappear for a bit.

My anxiety is short-lived though when I recognize Anthony, bare-chested and barefoot, dressed in some jeans. He managed to escape! This Martin is such an amateur... Now I have probable cause to call for reinforcements and search the property. I can easily explain my presence here saying I was just following a lead, trying to get a look at this mansion. I just hope no one will notice my car, buying one out of the system was quite expensive.

The boy I'm holding is starting to tremble crazily in my arms. Is he having a panic attack like that time in the club? Crap! I know I am supposed to comfort him, but in case you didn't realize it by now, empathy is not my forte.

"Calm down, Anthony!" I whisper to him. I would like to avoid being noticed here before backup has arrived. "You are safe, it's Tanner!"

Of course this doesn't work... this is why I don't have a Sub of my own. I don't do well with other people's emotions – except for fear of course. I understand them on an abstract level, but I never seem to be able to properly respond to them – when I'm not mentally torturing someone that is. I sigh and use the phone I had brought for the occasion of this little night trip to call Ethan, still holding firmly Anthony with one arm.

"Yes?" he answers briskly. I'm not sure I woke him up, poor guy has barely slept since last Thursday.

"It's Tanner!" I reply with a hushed voice. "I have Anthony safely in my arms but he is experiencing a panic attack. Can you calm him? I am going to hold the phone to his ear."

I do exactly what I told him and wait. I can distinguish words of reassurance going on and on, until finally the boy in my embrace relaxes bit by bit. First he stops shaking like a leaf, then he stops crying and lastly his breath returns to normal.

"My Master wants to speak to you," he whispers after this.

"Thank you, Anthony," I reply, before grabbing my phone again.

"Where are you?" Ethan asks, his voice barely concealing his impatience.

"Nowhere you can join me," I reply briskly. "I will call for an ambulance and give you the location of Anthony's hospital as soon as I have it." With that I hang up. There are more urgent matters to attend to. He knows his boy is safe, that should be enough for now. I call dispatch for reinforcements and an emergency vehicle, giving them the address of the property.

"Master Tanner?" the boy in my arms whispers.

"Yes, Anthony?" I answer.

"I still have the chastity device on me..." he replies shyly. "Won't it be a problem at the hospital?" Shit! No one had told me he had been abducted with a cock cage on.

"Yes, it's going to lead to some unwanted questions," I respond. "I don't have the key to it... there is a way to remove it but it is going to be a tad painful." That never fails to send a wave of pleasure down my spine.

"I don't care!"

"Drop your pants and take a seat in my car, then." If someone had told me when I parked here I would be removing a chastity device on a Sub thirty minutes later! "Just try your best not to get hard." That shouldn't be very difficult with what he experienced and the pain. I begin to pull out the skin of his limp member in the space between the first ring constricting it and the one at the base. After pulling bit by bit, I manage to get his flaccid penis out of the steel rings. I didn't even make it more painful than necessary!

Now the only thing that holds the thing in place is the main ring at the base of his cock. I grab his sack, make the most skin I can pass through the ring against his perfectly shaved pubis, then make one ball pass after the other, squeezing them to make them go through. He winces and grinds his teeth through the whole thing, but doesn't utter a sound. This is such a turn-on! Yes I know it's not the time for this, but torturing a beautiful Sub's cock while he tries to refrain his whimpers is just so hot!

"Good boy!" I congratulate him when I have finished and hide the device in one of my pockets. "When the others arrive, you will answer truthfully all their questions, but this never happened understood?"

"Yes, Master Tanner," he replies. The one thing I love about this Sub is how respectful he always is. Bratty ones always make me want to punish them! Not that I wouldn't like to torture this one another time, but sadly Ethan never offered another threesome. Maybe I could request one as a reward for finding his boy?

If you're honest, you would very much prefer a certain singer, wouldn't you? Shit! This one boy is quickly turning into an obsession of mine, and with Elijah being in a contracted relationship now, I have no deep masochist to focus on instead.

"They should be here soon," I explain Anthony to distract myself. "I will leave you with the nurses in the ambulance, and will tell Ethan where you are going as soon as they tell me. But I will also need to go inside. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Tanner."

"Good boy! Don't panic, you are safe now." I can always try to reassure him in advance, can't I? "Now can you tell me how many people there are inside?"

"Two downstairs, in black suits, and one in a room upstairs, Master Tanner. He was asleep when I escaped. I overheard the two on the ground floor telling each other they would go to my room to play with me when I left." He definitely winces at the word play. I know I'm supposed to feel bad for him but it only makes my cock twitch in my pants. "So they might go look for me and realize I'm gone."

"Did you see if they were armed?"

"I'm not sure, Master Tanner," he answers.

"That's okay. You did great escaping by yourself like this. I'm sure your Master will be very proud of you!" I praise him. I am a little at a loss as to why he falls into tears just after... When I say I am not very good at comforting people...

"He is going to be so disappointed with me!" he sobs.

"Don't say that," I reply. "He was so worried about you, he is going to be thrilled to have you back. Safe and sound."

Fortunately, I'm spared the rest of this conversation since the other police cars and the ambulance arrive at that moment. I'm pleasantly surprised that for once, they respected my order to come here silently. After giving Anthony to one of the nurse in the ambulance and inquired where they are going, I text Ethan with the address of the hospital, then head inside the house with five other men.

The two guards downstairs don't put up much of a fight. Too bad, I was hoping to relieve some tension by shooting at one of them. Then Martin upstairs isn't even armed so the whole arresting-the-bad-guys thing is just too easy. A complete sweep of the house quickly reveals the phone with which the pictures Ethan received were taken and sent, inside the desk that allowed me to find this house. We also discover the chains that were probably used to restrain Anthony in the bathroom adjacent to one of the bedroom as well as the false French passport that Martin used to get inside the country.

I give strict instructions to not let anyone see him, and to put him in a high security cell. I'm sure that as soon as news of his arrest is going to reach Ethan's father's ears, there is going to be some serious effort – and money – put into getting rid of him. Now that he is detained, it's probably not going to be a professional killer, a dirty cop works way better for this kind of stuff.

A few hours later, I get the results from the rape kit they did on Anthony. They found semen inside his anus, which will be compared to Martin's DNA, but not many lesions. The good thing is that means he didn't suffer much, the bad thing is that lawyers are going to argue this was consented and not rape. But with the belt marks on his back, I'm not sure they will be very convincing. In any case, I expect to have a full confession from the bad guy before the sun rises.

I call Ethan briefly to check if he managed to join his boy then I send a text to Aiden letting him know that Anthony has been found and is safe. I'm not sure Ethan thought of that and I know my friend worried a lot for the little guy. All of this is done while I drive my second car back to my hiding place. I'm positive nobody paid attention to it while we were at the scene. Of course I take a little extra time to be sure nobody follows me, then switch cars before going to the police station.

It's already 2am when I arrive; it looks like I won't get much sleep tonight... that's okay I don't need much. The two guards have already lawyered up, using their phone call to contact, surprise surprise, Ethan's father's henchman. I have no doubt an army of attorneys is going to come to their rescue in a few hours. In any case, I know I won't be able to get anything out of them. They are probably trained to react properly in a situation like this. No, the weak link is this Martin guy. He must be shitting his pants. Or if he isn't, he will be in a few hours, when I am done with him.

I have him moved into one of the interrogation room and after I told the security officer watching its door to not let anyone except for me, I go in my office for a twenty minutes power nap. Let the bad guy sweat a bit while I recharge my batteries! This short sleep helps me to focus properly again. The next hours are going to be critical. Now that I have revealed my hand, Ethan's father will have plenty of opportunity to mess with the game. I need to put all my pieces into position as fast as I can if I want to checkmate him. And all of this begins with this little pawn.

I steel myself before entering the interrogation room, taking a cold neutral stance. I walk toward the chair in front of the guy, who is handcuffed to the table, squirming nervously, and slowly open the folder I brought with me. It only serves the purpose of throwing him off balance. I know its content by heart... the useful parts at least... I added some junk just to make it look bigger. This is all working just fine, as I see Martin trying to take a peek into what's inside. I make sure he gets a good look of the two pictures he sent to Ethan, just so he knows I have them.

That makes him pale and he begins to sweat. When I see the pupil of his eyes widen with anxiety, I believe he is ripe for harvest. On my side, all this foreplay has made me very hard and I can't wait to really begin the mental torture. Sadly it won't end up with a good whipping and me fucking him over the table but we can't always have what we want, can we? Of course my erection is completely hidden under the table and nothing in my face could betray my anticipation. Control is key!

"Do you speak English, Mr. Lécuyer?" I ask first. I hope he does, going through a translator isn't as much fun. It's more of a challenge, true, but just not the same.

"A bit..." he answers with a thick French accent. His voice is full of fear already. It feels so good my cock twitches into my pants.

"That should ease things! Do you know why you are here tonight Mr. Lécuyer?" I always find it best to hear what bunch of lies they have to say to begin with.

"I have no idea!" he replies quickly. I simply arch one eyebrow. Really? "I mean," he keeps on a bit more panicked, "if it's about the pictures, he was consenting!"

"Do you expect me to believe that the man you raped on May 15th 2013 with the help of two accomplices willingly slept with you?" The look in his eyes when he realizes that I know everything is priceless. I revel into it before he answers.

"Yes... He always said it was a rape, but he loved it. He was the one asking for more." Oh I'm sure poor Anthony couldn't keep his hands off you...

"There was no... encouragement... to provoke such eagerness? Like a good belting for instance?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Such a bad liar!

"You didn't happen to notice the marks on his back when he sucked your cock," I answer, showing the first picture, "or while you were fucking him on that desk?" I add, showing the second one.

"I had nothing to do with this!" he blurts. Another lie. This guy is going to be so easy to crack down. Too bad, I was hoping to enjoy myself more. Fortunately there is a stronger opponent behind all of this. The game has barely begun and I might as well crush this one fast so I can catch bigger fish sooner.

"You don't seem to realize the predicament you are in, Mr. Lécuyer, so let me enlighten you! As soon as they set a foot in this marvelous building, the two gentlemen who were arrested with you contacted this person," I say showing a picture of Ethan's dad's henchman. "Aaah! I see that you know of him. Do you know who he works for?"

"I don't know him," he lies pitifully.

"I don't think you know exactly. I think you just know his boss is wealthy. Let me tell you, his boss isn't just filthy rich, he has a lot of connections with a lot of people, some of them... not so nice. As soon as the two gentlemen finished their phone call, an army of lawyers was on its way to defend them. But I see none of them with you, do you want to know why?"

I see my little speech is beginning to make its effect, his eyes show more and more fear, which makes my hard-on leak more and more precum inside my pants.

"It is because you, Mr. Lécuyer, are just a liability to him. The person who he is going to send to visit you won't be a lawyer but a dirty cop or another inmate he will have paid to get rid of you. He would do that even if he didn't discover how you screwed up, but when he is going to learn about the pictures you sent... which are the lead that allowed us to find you... Well let's just say I don't really want to be you right now."

"And even if you were to survive for more than forty-eight hours, which I strongly doubt, between Mr. Dumont's testimony, the semen that was collected inside him which, I am sure, will match your DNA and the false French passport in your possession, I have enough evidence to lock you up for a long time."

I let the terror he is starting to feel settle, while the beast inside me purrs. I could come right now, just by seeing him wriggle while I'm questioning him. I have already won. I can see that he will accept any way out of this, I just have to give him one.

"You are of little interest to me," I continue after this little pause. "I am more interested in catching the man who orchestrated the whole thing. You are going to jail either way. But you can decide which way you are going. The first way is the most painful. In this one, I make sure you are visited by guards and inmates who will teach you exactly what it feels to be on the receiving end of unwanted attentions, until you are finally killed in your cell by someone this guy," I say pointing at the picture of Billy Geig, "will have paid."

During this whole speech I revel in the horror I see in his eyes. What would I give to make this true and witness the whole thing! Preferably with a Sub chocking on my dick at the same time. Or that sweet angel... I really have to get my shit together!

"The second way, is better. In this one, I make my best to keep you safe especially from this guy's men, and when his boss is arrested, I have you transferred back to a jail in France. Of course the second way has the price: a full and honest confession."

As expected, he is just too happy to take any path not leading to a painful and certain death and starts blabbing as soon as I finish my little tirade. It's barely fun when it's so easy! I already knew most of what he said, except for the actual number of times he raped the poor boy and the fact that the two security guards knew how to track Anthony's collar. That's actually how they found him in the meadow. And here I was thinking they had just followed him.

This reinforces the connection to the club, but it means that more than just knowing about the existence of the GPS beacon, they knew its serial number to be able to track it. A number that only Ethan knew... or...

Fuck! I can't believe I didn't realized it sooner! As soon as I have my signed confession and I sent Martin back into his high-security cell, I drive to the Blue Hedonism, but not before I sent a text to Aiden asking him to be there and making sure the person I want to see there doesn't go anywhere. I know he will be at the club right now, but not for very much longer since it should be closing right now.

It's almost 5am when I arrive there. Aiden is waiting for me at the door, a bit concerned.

"Did he do something linked to Anthony's abduction?" he asks.

"I believe so. Can you summon him into your office? You are welcome to join me," I reply briskly.

"Make yourself at home," he answers sarcastically.

Good thing I was intending to. I don't go as far as to take Aiden's place behind his desk, in his office, I just stand near it, planting my feet in the ground and taking a full dominant stance. When Jack enters the room and sees me there – his eyes not meeting mine thankfully for him – he begins to tremble a bit. Good!

"Kneel at attention!" I order, my voice booming with authority. I am usually more of a subtly mentally torturing kind of Dom, but I know how to be the strong commanding one as well as Aiden when I need it. "Look at me!" I bark. Poor little thing is terrified, which of course make my little solider jump at attention. I hope there is still a Sub available for a quickie after this, or I may have to use my right hand. I need release before I go in any case, with all the excitement from tonight.

"I think you know that Anthony was recently abducted. I am not sure you are aware that during the last three days, he was given into the end of the person who had raped him three years ago. He whipped him, made him blow him six times and fucked him three times."

I really couldn't resist torturing the poor boy, and the tears I see pouring out of his eyes make my member twitch again.

"I discovered tonight that Anthony was only abducted because his captors had the serial number of the tracking device in his collar. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, wouldn't you?"

"Please!" he whimpers.

"Why should I show you any pity when you showed none to Anthony?"

"He said... he said if I didn't helped him... they would kill my little brother."

Oh this keeps getting better and better. Of course Aiden begins to look at Jack with some compassion. Guess I will have to tone down the mental torture a bit if I don't want to get lectured.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before? Don't you think I, or Aiden, wouldn't have been able to protect him?"

"I was so scared, Master Tanner," he sobs in a small voice. "Please forgive me!"

"It is to Anthony and Ethan you will have to ask forgiveness," I say sternly. "A good start would be to come down to the police station with me and write a full confession of who threatened you and what you did. In the meantime, Aiden will send someone to get your brother, how does that sound?"

"Yes, Master Tanner," he answers meekly.

Without any doubt, the person who threatened him must be Billy Geig, again. So many things to do, with so little time! With two written confessions against Ethan's dad's henchman, arresting him will be easy. But in a game of chess, taking the queen only gives you an advantage. To win the game, it is the king you have to incapacitate. Ethan better put his plan into action fast!

In the meantime one of the Subs of the cleaning crew I don't know the name of accepts my request for a quickie and I vent a bit of frustration by coming deep inside him. Why did I spend the time fucking him thinking about that gorgeous singer again?

Looks like he has become my new obsession... I am so screwed!

Published on August 21st 2017

So you got another pick inside Tanner's head. He was after all the better placed to detail how the investigation went. This is another little teaser for his book (which is going to be number three in the series).

In the meantime, Anthony is now safe and sound although he will have to recover from all of this. Ethan will have to help and deal with his father, which will keep us busy for the seven last chapters.

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