Chapter 54: Healing and plotting

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Ethan, Mon Jun 29th 2015

"It's Tanner! I have Anthony safely in my arms but he is experiencing a panic attack. Can you calm him? I am going to hold the phone to his ear." I think this sentence will be forever engraved in my mind.

I had never loved my sadist friend as much as in that moment. Relief flooded through me at the word safe. The fact that my boy was having a panic attack didn't surprise me, I couldn't even begin to imagine what he must have gone through. Of course I began to repeat words of praise and encouragement until the sobs on the other side of the line quieted down a bit. Then I asked my angel to give the phone back to Tanner.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"Nowhere you can join me," he replied before hanging up.

I had never hated my sadist friend as much as in that moment! I almost dialed back the number he had given me but caught myself just before I hit the call button. If Tanner didn't tell me more, he must have had his reasons. Even if I trusted my friend, it was still one of the longest half-hour of my life before I finally got a text giving me the name of a hospital. I had warned Glenn to be ready so he drove us there as quickly as he could – we even arrived before my boy! Then I had to wait there for another hour, like a lion in a cage, before I was finally authorized to see him.

As soon as the doctor finally gives me a room number, I rush into there. I can't believe my boy is here on the bed; he looks miserable, with red puffy eyes. Of course I immediately hug him tightly. Being able to touch him, hold him in my arms again is the sweetest thing in the world. I know he must have gone through hell but we will get over this together!

I am never letting him get taken from me ever again. I don't care if I have to hire an army of bodyguards to watch over him each time he leaves the apartment in the future, this boy is not getting abducted again. I make a mental note to ask Glenn to find suitable men for the job. Yes we are not even out of the hospital that I am already arranging for his safety! What would you do in my place?

I am interrupted in those overprotective thoughts when he shrieks that he cheated on me. What does he mean? I know rape victims often blame themselves, but I am not going to let him believe that being abused counts as cheating! It stings a bit when he escapes my embrace soon after though, isn't he happy to see me again? I know I will have to tread lightly around him for the time being, and that I will probably have to forget about the lifestyle for a bit, leaving him time to heal after this nightmare. He didn't even address me properly, but I let it pass.

He finally confesses he submitted to the son of a bitch who abducted him, which I knew already given the pictures I received. I have seen the marks on his back, so I don't blame him for doing what he had to do. Even more, I am kind of glad he did obey and did not get beaten more by that scumbag, in a way. What is bothering me is that it seems to trigger a whole new range of self-loathing in my boy.

I am a bit stunned when he admits he liked it though. He explains he almost had an erection but that doesn't mean anything. It is normal to have a physical reaction if the bastard did something that could give him pleasure under the right circumstances, and I don't see why I would hold that against him. Apparently, that makes him feel dirty though, which again is not uncommon in rape victims. I guess I will just have to shower him with love and affection until he sees again what a wonderful young man he is.

What surprises me the most however, is the fact that I don't manage to calm him by hugging him and whispering words of encouragement. This is the first time it doesn't work, and I have to eventually let the nurse sedate him so that he stops trashing everywhere. What has gotten into him?

The doctor eventually comes in soon after and explains to me it is very common among abuse victims to take some distance from their loved ones, as they often feel unworthy of their attention. He encourages me to take things extremely slowly, as all kinds of physical contacts, even hugs, can trigger some crisis like the one I just witnessed. Then he tells me my boy should seek professional help, and I make a mental note to call Aiden's mother a bit later during office hours. Finally he states there is a risk that Anthony was infected by the asshole that raped him, but that we won't know for sure until next month as far as HIV is concerned. He concludes by warning me against unprotected sex, as if I needed a lesson on that subject!

Thinking about the son of a bitch that abducted my angel fuels my anger again. I was too focused on Anthony before to fully experience it, but now that my boy lays safely asleep, I can concentrate on what I want to do to that pitiful excuse of a human being. I guess having some time alone with him to beat him up and ruin his face will be too much to ask. Pity! It certainly would help to calm my nerves.

Ultimately though, I know he is only partly to blame, and that the true person responsible is my father. He is the one I must direct my rage at. This man must be stopped at all costs. I hope Tanner's investigation has progressed enough to give some serious links with my dad, because I really need to have some evidence to show to the Board of Directors if I want to evict him from the head of his company. We have been stuck at forty percent of the votes we need for now, the remaining sixty being shared between people extremely loyal to my father or his second-in-command.

This will be for later today I think, right now I need to focus on helping my boy to get better. I wonder how I can do that if I can't even hug him anymore. Perhaps, a small voice in my head says, he needs you to show your dominant side again. This is what helped him to heal in the first place, and when there was the thing at the French high school. Kneeling usually helped to soothe him, in the past, and it doesn't require to touch him if physical contacts are out of the question. I will try, I say to myself as I doze off, seated in a chair in my boy's room, and see if it works.

I only sleep a few hours, but it seems like a full night of sleep. The fact I got my boy back gives me wings, I'm back in control. I feel like I could do anything, which is good since there are so many things to do today! First I call Jenna to clear my day's schedule. There will be hell to pay later, but I can't work today. She reminds me I was supposed to meet the investors wanting to buy my company, but they will have to wait for tomorrow morning. Then I call Tanner to have some news on the investigation.

"You will have to find a new house cleaner!" he tells me before explaining how Jack was the mole in the club who gave all the information regarding my boy's collar to Billy Geig, my father's henchman. They even had its serial number that the little creep found in my desk, so they were able to track him like I did! Apparently they threatened his family, but that's no excuse to betray us like this! He should have told me, I would have arranged for their safety!

Then Tanner tells me he will need to interrogate Anthony today, to have his account on what happened during his captivity. He asks me to be there just in case. I am thrilled my sadist friend already managed to get a full confession from the asshole who abused my boy. It also blames Billy Geig for organizing the whole thing. They are planning on arresting him later today but they need my boy's testimony before. I'm not sure my friend will manage to turn him against my father though, he must be one of his most loyal employees.

The discussion around the collar makes me think I will have to order a new one, with a new tracker. I call Glenn and tell him to arrange that, as well as a meeting with Mark Schell, my father second-in-command, tonight. I will have to try personally if I want to make him switch sides. Getting his votes has become extremely urgent: now that my boy has been freed, I can't be sure my genitor won't try something more violent so he needs to be arrested as soon as possible.

While I go to the waiting room to get a coffee, I am surprised to see a sleepy Zach waiting there. Apparently Tanner informed Aiden that Anthony had been found and the little crazy blonde couldn't wait to see his friend. I promise I will tell him as soon as my boy awakes so that he can come and see him. Which makes me think I had sworn to Paul I would keep him posted but completely forgot to tell him we had found Anthony.

I correct my mistake with a text message telling him the good news and that he is welcome to visit us at the hospital. We had long daily calls while my boy was captive, where I shared the latest details of the investigation and he somehow managed to soothe me a bit, and I must say I don't think the guy is a jerk anymore since then. I could even think of him as a friend... someday.

When I come back to my boy's room, he is still sound asleep, so I quietly sip my coffee while I respond to some work emails and plan my next move against my father. It doesn't take too long though, before my angel opens his eyes. Sadly, he immediately scurries to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach. I help him by holding his hair and gently massaging his back, giving him a glass of water when he is done.

The little brat has the audacity to ask me what I am still doing here and to talk back to me. Even if I hadn't decided to go all Dom on him, this would have been enough to make this side of me resurface. He reacts so naturally and relaxes visibly when he kneels, which comforts me in this tactic. At least he is calm enough to talk about what is bothering him. Since he is apparently afraid I am going to break up with him, I try to reassure him as best as I can that I have no intention to do so.

I explain to him how much I have missed him, but the little minx takes the opportunity to be kneeling just in front of my crotch to rub himself against me. Talk about taking things slow! As much as I would like a nice blowjob, I believe he is in no state for this yet, and we need to talk a bit about his limits before doing anything. We are not even in a safe place! As far as I know the doctor could come back at any moment!

I have to reject his advances a bit too harshly since he keeps on insisting, which makes him break into sobs again. Good job on making himself loved and desired Ethan! Since physical contacts seem to be okay again, I hug him and reassure him, promising him we will do everything he wants and then some once we are back at our place.

"If you don't want to punish me... at least use me as roughly as you can..."

God those words make me painfully hard! After seeing those disgusting pictures, I want nothing more than to mark him as mine again, but do I dare jump into an intense scene immediately? That's what my boy requests but he doesn't necessarily know what's best for him. I have to decide for him and I don't know what to do.

Once he is calm enough, we go back into the room while I keep thinking about this. I call the doctor so that we can get on with it. He explains everything he already told me the day before. Of course the possibility of being infected makes my boy panic again, and I reassure him that it's not why I refused to have sex with him before. That doesn't completely soothe him though. He even hints that I should look for another Sub if he were to be found HIV-positive. As if it would happen!

Fortunately Zach interrupts this discussion – I had sent him a text when the doctor left – and we are joined by Paul soon after. The three of us eventually manage to pull out a smile of Anthony, which is no small victory.

Sadly, it can't last forever, and Tanner arrives shortly after to hear my boy's testimony. Paul returns to his work, but Zach stays with us, since Anthony asked him to. I guess he doesn't want to tell his sad story twice. I must admit I have trouble remaining calm while he relates his ordeal, especially during the whipping part. I am so fucking proud of him!

First because he manages to tell the whole thing without breaking down. He just takes one deep breath at the beginning, seated on his bed, and he keeps on talking and talking. I recognize the neutral and detached voice he always used to have at the beginning of our relationship, but I guess he needs to keep some distance between himself and the facts he is depicting.

Then because he has coped way better with his captivity than I thought he would. Fuck he coped better than I did with his absence! I can't believe he was so much in control or that he managed to escape on his own! Since Tanner had given me no details of how he found him, I believed he had somehow rescued him, but no, my courageous boy broke free on his own. He was so strong during the whole thing!

"You were so brave, Tiger!" Zach exclaims with tears in his eyes when Anthony stops talking.

"No I wasn't," he replies darkly, "I should have been stronger and not have yielded so easily." Here we go again with the self-loath.

"Bullshit!" Tanner interjects. "You would never have escaped in that case."

"I shouldn't have betrayed my Master like this!" he mumbles indistinctly. Unfortunately for him, I am seated on the bed next to him, so I heard him clearly. I have had enough of this, I say to myself, smacking the back of his head. Strictness seemed to do the trick earlier so I'm not going to stop just now.

"Would you guys give us a minute?" I ask while my boy looks at me surprised. "The next time you say something like this, Pet, I will spank you twenty times!" I begin when we are alone, making his eyes widen even more. "I've had enough or your self-loathing on this subject. I have heard your story and the only thing I can say is I have never been prouder of you, so try to stop beating yourself like that, is that clear?"

"Yes, Master," he replies contrite.

"Good boy!" I answer. "Now let me see if we can sneak up back home so I can make good on my earlier promise, Pet. If you are still willing of course."

"Very much, Master," he answers lustfully.

I am glad that this new trauma doesn't seem to have attacked his libido. We will see how he reacts when he is actually confronted to sex, but the fact he can be aroused by thinking about it is a good sign. I'm still unsure about the roughness he requested earlier, but in the end I can just take it gradually and watch his body language. Safewords are also there for a reason, so if he does well enough, I might give it a try.

Gosh all those thoughts make me so hard I can't wait to be back in our apartment. In the end, it takes another hour during which Zach kept my boy company before the doctor signs the release papers. Glenn drives us back home, and I instruct him to drop Zach at his loft next.

"Come and sit on the couch with me," I instruct my boy when we enter. "I want to talk a bit before you go prep."

"Yes, Master," he answers eagerly. If sex is the right motivation to make him talk to me, he is going to get plenty of it!

"Before we go on the topic that interests you, Pet," I begin, "I want you to try and stop thinking I am going to get rid of you. I have heard everything you did, and I saw nothing wrong with it. You will not get punished for this either."

"But what if I need a punishment to ease my guilt, Master?" he says dejectedly.

"Well that is not how our lifestyle works, Pet. You get disciplined when you do something bad, not when you choose to. I understand you feel guilty, but you will have to find another way to appease it. In any case, I will book you an appointment with your therapist as soon as possible, okay?"

"Yes, Master," he answers meekly, but I can tell we are not completely done with that conversation.

"Now for the next part, Pet, are you sure you are ready to have sex? I don't mind waiting a few days."

"No, Master, I don't want to wait!" he replies a bit annoyed. "And please be hard on me!" he begs. "I need to feel owned by you."

"Do you think your limits have changed because of what you experienced, Pet?" I ask.

"No, I don't think so, Master."

"You asked me to be rough on you, and I can do that if it helps with your guilt... but you have to promise me you will use your safewords!"

"Yes, Master!" he answers eagerly.

"Before we get to that, Pet, there is just a little matter to take care of..." I say sternly. "I believe you addressed me improperly five times, so you will get as many spanks. Lay over my lap and pull down your pants and boxer briefs!" I instruct him.

I wouldn't have punished him for this he wasn't begging for some sanction. Like the good boy he is, he complies, almost too eagerly, and I roughly smack his beautiful bottom before putting back his underwear. He doesn't really need soothing cream for such a light punishment, and he will get a full session of aftercare later.

"You have thirty minutes to prep, Pet. After this I want you naked and kneeling in the playroom," I command. He quickly scurries to the bathroom while I make a few phone calls.

First, I schedule an appointment for him tomorrow morning. Thankfully, Aiden's mother is always very accommodating. Then I call Glenn to be sure he placed my order for a new collar, to check if Mark Schell agreed to meet me at my apartment tonight – which he did – and to ask him to go to the police station to get a copy from the investigation report from Tanner. That's not really legal, but that's one of the perks of having a friend in the law enforcement.

I don't concentrate too much on the meeting I have planned later because it will lead to more anger. Right now I must focus entirely on my boy. I take a quick shower while he is already waiting for me, then I go in our bedroom to change in a pair of leather pants, planning what we will be doing in my head.

He is kneeling there, as beautiful as ever, already hard with anticipation. Even if I mentally prepared myself for this, seeing the faint marks on his back brings back some rage. How dare anyone hurt my boy like this! As I begin to picture myself beating Martin to death, I try to take deep breaths to chase those thoughts from my mind. Calm down! I think to myself. Anthony needs you relaxed and focused!

I hope he is going to be okay with having rough sex so soon after what happened to him because I suddenly realize I need to claim back this body as mine in any way I can. I order him to stand up in display and take a moment to admire him before I stand just behind him and let my hands explore his torso, playing a bit with his nipples before slowly going down. His breath shortens when one of my hands reaches his balls and begin to fondle them, while the other kneads each of his buttocks.

"I have missed you so much, Pet!" I whisper, enjoying the softness of his skin. I can't resist marking him with a hickey on his left collarbone, then I walk on his side and cup his face with my two hands before invading his mouth for a rough kiss. I put all my dominance into it, it just feels so good to have him back. I am quite pleased to see his knees shaking a bit when I break it.

"It seems you have trouble standing, Pet," I say smugly. "Kneel again!" Of course he complies. "Who do you belong to, Pet?"

"You, Master!" It is as much a reminder for him as for me.

"Do you remember how to safeword if you can't speak," I ask lowering my zipper and getting my hard member out of my pants.

"Yes, Master," he answers. "I will shake my hands in my back if I need to."

"Good boy! Now open!"

I swiftly enter his mouth when he obeys, and begin to gently thrust in and out. He asked for roughness but we will get there gradually, I let him adjust a bit to me before that. It feels so good to have him back like this! His tongue is doing incredible things to my cock. Our eyes are locked. There is no trace of fear in his golden hazel orbs, just lust. I realize how much I was taking him for granted before his abduction and I promise myself to enjoy every moment spent with him at the fullest from now on.

"You are doing perfect, Pet!" I praise him, groaning. "I will go stronger now, safeword if you need it." I begin to intensify the speed and the strength of my thrusts bit by bit. Since he doesn't do anything except watching me with the horniest eyes I have ever seen, I am soon properly face-fucking him. His gagging noises are such a turn-on I need to use all my self-control not to come too quickly.

"Remember this mouth only belongs to me," I tell him after I left him a minute to catch his breath.

"Yes, Master, only you!" he replies with adoration in his eyes.

He just looks perfect, kneeling like this, with a bit of drool and reflux on the corner of his mouth. I take possession of what's mine once again, going even harder than before. My boy's eyes water, and there is definitely more retching but his body doesn't tense, and he doesn't shake his hands to safeword, so I keep going until I reach my climax, unloading at the back of his throat.

"You did such a good job, Pet!" I say when I have caught my breath and given him a glass of water. "How are you doing?"

"Perfect, Master!"

"Good, stand up then!" When he is fully erect, I guide him under the grid and attach his wrists to shackles before pulling the chains holding them so that his arms are fully stretched in a perfect V. I make him moan beautifully by rimming him – even if we are not sure he is clean, the risk with this is minimal – before entering his butthole with one then two fingers and beginning to stretch him while my other hand gently strokes his own member.

When I feel I prepared him enough, I put on a condom – sadly this will have to be done for the next month – and lift his legs on my shoulders before aligning myself with his entrance and entering him slowly, while I keep on masturbating him.

"Master, I won't last long if..." he says, out of breath.

"Sshhhh! That's alright, Pet! You can come as much as you want!" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel him tighten around me, which is such a wonderful sensation, while white spurts of semen erupt from his shaft and land on his abdomen. The high-pitched moans he does are so erotic! I begin to move gently, letting him all the time he needs to adjust to my size again.

It doesn't take long before he begs for more speed and strength though and I must say I am very happy to oblige! I take a few more kisses while I pound roughly into him, my right hand hasn't stopped stroking him since he came all over his chest and even if I could enjoy taking him like this all day long, his second orgasm and the clenching of his ring of muscles around my shaft that ensues are my undoing. While I unload in the condom, deep inside his ass, he releases all over himself again.

"Have I showed you how much I missed you, Pet?" I ask with a smirk after a last languorous kiss.

"Yes, Master!" he pants.

"As much as I would like to continue doing this all night, I have an important meeting a bit later and we will have to eat dinner at some point," I say to him, while I put him back on the floor and untighten the chains holding him. He is so weak on his legs that he lets himself drop on his knees again! After this I open the shackles on his writs and carry him to the bathroom. "Why don't you take a long relaxing bath then watch some TV," I tell him while I begin to fill the tub. "I will be in my office for the duration of the meeting and come back with you right after."

"Yes, Master."

"I'll put some clothes for you in here after I have showered," I add. I can't wait to have him wander around the apartment in boxer briefs again but that will have to wait for days without business meetings. After a quick shower I peck my boy on the lips before going to our room. A peek at the alarm clock tells me I only have ten minutes to dress... I guess I spent a bit more time in the playroom than I anticipated. As I am finishing putting on my suit, I grab some clothes for my boy that I drop in the bathroom. Then I check that my office is tidy enough.

To think that little creep of Jack went through all my stuff to find the serial number of Anthony's tracking device! I hope I won't cross his path again or the little twink will have a broken nose. I make a mental note to change all the locks in the house, just to make sure he won't be able to get inside again. I also call the receptionist telling him he is not welcome anymore. I will have to find a replacement soon, though, since for one, I absolutely hate cleaning, then I don't see when I would have time to do so.

Mark is right on time, and I let him in my home office. He is around the same age as my father, tall and slender, his few remaining hair almost white. He begins to pierce me with his intense blue eyes as soon as we sit down.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Ethan," he begins. "I heard you got married, congratulations."

"Thank you Mark," I reply politely. "How are your kids doing?" If I remember correctly, he has a girl and a boy in their twenties.

"Very efficient at spending my money," he replies pleasantly. "Sadly they didn't inherit a knack for business like you did. Your company seems to be thriving, and in only a few years. You definitely are your father's son!" I don't get fooled by his flatteries, I know he can be as ruthless as my dad. Though in truth, he usually stops at the edge of legality and doesn't go over it.

"I hope not too much," I answer, "which is actually what I wanted to talk about with you tonight." I pull out the various files I have kept in my office. The most recent one, containing all the reports on the current investigation on Anthony's abduction with the links with my father, the one containing the police report on Luke's abuser injury and a much older one on mine.

He takes his time to review all of them, keeping a neutral face. When he has finished, I play the recording of the conversation I had with my beloved father yesterday. Was it only then? It feels like an eternity has passed since that moment.

"I must say you have picked my curiosity. What do you intend to do with all of his?" he asks.

"It depends. If my father stays in charge of Wells Fashion and Design, all of this goes public tomorrow or the day after," I reply. I am not particularly bluffing. I would just have to ask Anthony and Luke for their approval before doing such a thing, but if it hurts our genitor, I am pretty sure he will agree. My boy might be harder to convince, but I don't need to leak the pictures or go into too many details on his abduction.

"You will never find a newspaper willing to publish this," he dismisses, "this is all circumstantial."

"You would be surprised, but I wasn't intending on going to the Times with all of that. Internet is such a wonderful place, there are a lot of websites who would love to post that kind of news... I am sure it would quickly get viral. Not even talking about the parts where he beats his kids, how many designers do you think are going to leave you when they discover how much of a homophobic douchebag, he is? Or how it is going to affect the stock price?"

"What is your interest in having your father removed from his position?" Mark asks.

"Most of his wealth and his influence come from it," I answer honestly. "Without it I am hoping he can be put in jail, where he belongs."

"And you want to ask me to help you with a vote to overthrow him?"

"Yes. I have all the votes I need if you and the Directors that follow you help."

He thinks about it for the longest time, his hands intertwined below his chin, his legs crossed at the ankles. I hope he will accept to help, but this is only plan A. I have no problem beginning the war I threatened him with and see the consequences. With my proposition, Wells Fashion and Design won't suffer, only its CEO, in plan B, I fully intend to drive it into the ground.

"I will help you," he finally says, "on one condition." Now what would that be, I must say I am curious.

"I'm listening," I reply.

"Your father's methods might be a bit too... extreme, but his intention is laudable. It is true we will soon both retire, and I would like to know the company is in good hands when we do. Now my children are useless, but you and Luke? Especially you..."

"What are you implying?"

"I will vote to remove your father from his position, but only if you accept to replace him as a CEO," he says, leaving me at a loss for words. "I know you are thinking that I can't be serious, but I assure you that I am, very much so. Creating your company from the start and running it until today was a very nice exercise, but you are now ready to play in another league. Just sell it and join WFD. I will be there to teach you the ropes at the beginning, and in six months, I'm sure you will be able to run it properly."

"Unlike your father," he continues, "I have nothing against having an openly gay CEO. It will be more of an advantage as you rightly put it earlier. Contrary to him, I am not asking you to give up your love interests. I couldn't care less if I'm perfectly honest, as long as the business strives."

"Think about it and contact me when you have an answer," he concludes standing up, "but this is the only way you will get my help. It was a pleasure talking with you." And just like that, he gets out of the room while I am still trying to make my mouth properly function again.

Published on August 25th 2017

So quite a long chapter in Ethan's head! Of course he is doing way better now that he has Anthony back. Next chapter is back in Anthony's PoV. There are a few setbacks in his healing but it ends rather well.

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