Chapter 59: The interview

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Anthony, Fri Jul 10th 2015

It feels almost weird not to be broken by this umpteenth blow. Now the picture that ruined my life twice is all over the internet, and people are putting not-so-nice comments next to it. Perhaps it is because I am used to be publically humiliated like this, perhaps it is because I don't really care what people think; my family and my friends know the truth and that's all that matters. Or perhaps it is because I have finally become a bit stronger, like my Master suggested.

In any case it has been liberating in some way: now that it is out, I will never have any new bad surprise with this photograph. It's a bit like when I was younger and came out of the closet; not having to hide who I was anymore was quite freeing. I know that after this, there is no more dirt for those who would like to hurt me.

From the beginning, it has been very uncomfortable to be in the spotlight. I have never liked to be noticed, so to see a picture of me with my Master in the newspapers was really troubling. Fortunately I don't have to deal with journalists or paparazzi: he was kind enough to arrange for someone in his company PR department to help me with the first ones and the numerous bodyguards he hired bear with the second ones. According to him, this attention will blow off in a few weeks, so I shouldn't be bothered too much.

That was before the picture came out though. We had discussed this possibility with my Master. Since his father is a ruthless man, it was obvious he wouldn't just sit still in prison and would find a way to make our lives miserable at one point or another. He had the photograph at his disposal, so we knew it was only a matter of time before he managed to publish it somewhere, especially with the media taking a sudden interest in us. In a way, I was forewarned this would happen; perhaps that is also what makes it a bit easier to deal with.

The thing that bothers me the most isn't the comments about me being a slutty whore, or the fact they make me appear like a gold digger who is some kind of sex slave to my Master. No, it is the fact they are spilling a load of bullshit about the lifestyle and reveal the Blue Phoenix as a place where it is practiced. I would hate myself forever if the secrecy of the club was compromised because of me!

To deal with this little scandal before it blows out of proportion – damaging my Master and his company in its stead – we will just address the issue during the interview that was scheduled for today. By telling the story of my rape we will make appear all the trashy stories around the internet exactly as they are, and that should refocus the spotlight on something else than their true aspects: the BDSM lifestyle and the secret club behind the Blue Phoenix.

I still have to decide to which degree I am ready to talk about everything. It could go from a simple statement explaining the facts to the whole story and its aftermath. The only question is how much I am ready to reveal about myself. Of course the most efficient communication strategy – and the smartest move – is for me to tell everything. My Master has gently nudged me toward this, I am just really uncomfortable exposing myself like this, especially the parts about my addictions.

What would my family think about that? For obvious reasons, I never really told them, so I'm not sure the best way for them to find out is in some article, or worse, the television. But on the other hand, am I really ready to jeopardize the secrecy of the Blue Hedonism? All my friends are there, apart from Jonathan, and even if they would never resent me directly, I would still know I am the one responsible.

When I balance the two things, my discomfort and the fear of my family knowing versus the club and all it represents, my choice is easily made. Now I just have to live with it.

My Master has taken the whole afternoon off for this thing, and dressed the both of us in elegant suits of one of his designer brands. Depending on the number of pictures they are going to take, we might change a few times, but he has got all of it covered. The journalist arrives precisely on time, with her cohort of photographs, assistants, cameramen... They quickly settle in the living room and we are soon casually installed in one of the couches, next to each other, his arm holding me against him. This feels very unnatural but I guess that our usual position of me kneeling between his parted thighs wouldn't be very good in terms of public relations.

"Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Mr. Wells, Mr. Dumont," the journalist begins in her suave voice. "Everyone is literally dying to know a little bit more about you! Shall we begin? An easy question first! How did you two meet?"

"Well," my Master begins, "I had to attend a parent-teacher conference at my brother's high school since my father couldn't go, and Anthony was the teacher who requested the meeting. I found him so beautifully cute that I couldn't resist inviting him on a date. We clicked together instantly, and a few weeks later we were already moving in together!"

That's modestly avoiding the parts where he tied me up and gave me the best orgasms I ever received, or began to take full control over my day-to-day life! As he begins to describe our first dates, I think about all our first times. The first time he blew me, the first blowjob I gave him, the first time in the playroom... I still can't believe I threw a Dom on the floor the first time I went to the club, I feel so comfortable there now! Thinking about this, we don't see much of Master Trent anymore, and every time he hangs out at the club, he is always with this strange Dom and his two Subs.

It's also funny to think I was afraid to do a public scene at first... I've become quite the exhibitionist since then! I imagine the journalists must think I'm indulging in fond romantic memories while I wear this dreamy smile, when in truth I'm remembering all the training to become his Submissive, with the positions, the toys, the deep-throating – because let's face it, I have been face-fucked by this man more times than I have brushed my teeth since I was in this relationship.

"Who proposed to whom?" the question interrupts my perverted thoughts. "And how did it happen?" I have to use all my self-control not to laugh at this one.

"Ethan, was the one who did," I swiftly intervene. It feels extremely weird to call him by his first name, but I'm thinking Master in my head so that makes it kind of okay. "It was very romantic," NOT! "and very simple. He invited me to the restaurant where we had our first date, and popped the question during dessert."

"Were you surprised?" the journalist, asks. Well, not really, since it was the second time...

"Extremely," I lie swiftly. And to make it look like the perfect picture, I add: "I cried a bit, I must admit!"

"And from what I understood, you had a simple and intimate wedding?"

"Yes, we didn't want to make a big fuss about it," my Master answers. "Besides, inviting my family was out of the question."

"I guess it's a good time to speak about your relationship with your father then," she responds.

"If you wish. I can't deny my father is an abusive and very homophobic person, I feel extremely ashamed to be part of his family. My childhood hasn't been an easy one, but mostly, he kicked me out of his house when I was sixteen and came out as gay. As the CEO of WFD, I will strive to make for his behavior and that of people like him. That's why we will give substantial donations to NGOs and foundations supporting young lesbian or gay people thrown out of their home and finding them new places to live. I was lucky to have some other family member who took me in, but not everyone confronted to the same hardship has!"

Of course the primary goal of this interview is too give some free advertisement to his company. And reassurance, there are still some people there to reassure after the whole disaster concerning the arrest of the previous CEO. They continue to talk about WFD's new engagements in supporting LGBT rights before they shift to the way my Master envisions the future of the company. He is extremely at ease during the whole interview, and seems to be already on top of things, at least from an outside point of view.

Then the journalist asks me questions about my research. How exactly I worked on it, what it is exactly I proved. I try to explain it to her in the simplest way, show her my office or my notebooks. I'm a bit hesitant at first to say too much about myself, but a few warm smiles from my Master help me to loosen up a bit. After, they take a few pictures, which means we change outfits three times.

"I think I have got all what I need," she concludes when they have finished with the photographs. "There is just another subject I would have like to tackle, but I'm not sure if you are willing." There we go with the hardest part.

"If you are talking about the very insensitive picture we can find on some trashy websites right now, Anthony would like to tell the story behind it," my Master replies. "We just have one condition, though."

"I'm listening!"

"We would like the interview to be videotaped and posted on your website. We would prefer it to be the most natural possible, so no editing, and you can ask any question you would like, as long as you remain tactful of course." They explained to me it would be the best way to own the story and divert the attention from the other one. I am nervous as hell because I will mostly be the one talking.

"I can certainly agree to do that," she replies eagerly. We take back our place on the couch while they set up some projectors and cameras.

"You can do this, Pet," my Master whispers. "Imagine each time I squeeze your thigh like this," he continues, demonstrating what he is saying, "I am saying Good boy! And think about the reward you will get when they leave!" he adds huskily. I quickly cross my legs to hide my erection. This man is just impossible!

"Are you ready to begin?" the journalist interrupts us.

"Yes," I reply, with as much confidence as I can muster.

"Good then, three... two... one... I am now inside the fabulous apartment of Ethan Wells, the new CEO of Wells Fashion and Design, sitting with him and his husband, the mathematical genius Anthony Dumont." Mathematical genius, really? "They have agreed to answer my questions today! So let's dig in immediately into the most sulfurous subject. Anthony, a very graphic picture of you has been posted on various websites yesterday, what do you have to respond to that?"

Talk about broaching the subject bluntly! Feeling the hand of my Master on my thigh, I take a deep breath and begin the speech I had prepared in my head.

"Thank you for letting me say my side of the story today!" I begin, stuttering a bit. "It is true that the photograph you mentioned can be found all over the internet, with various comments implying I am some kind of whore selling my body to my husband, or being some kind of sex slave to him." With my anger rising at the mention of those, my voice quickly gain confidence.

"All of this is false," I continue, bracing myself for what is coming next. "This is the picture of a rape." It isn't as hard to say it as before, perhaps because I have shared the story so many times now. It is by no mean a picnic in the park, but at least I can do it. The hand squeezing my thigh helps a lot too. "On it there is a man in front of me, one behind me and there was a third one who is taking it. They assaulted me in a nightclub three years ago and abused me repeatedly."

I can't help my eyes from watering a bit, but this is for the best. I hate that the weaker I sound or appear, the more impact this video is going to have. People have just no right to intrude in my personal life like this! But this is to help my Master's company and my friends at the club, so I will just bear with it.

"I won't say their names on this video, but I can give them to you privately, so that you can check that they were all arrested for what they did and that I am not just throwing a random accusation," I keep on.

"This had left me deeply traumatized." At this point, my Master is just squeezing my thigh repeatedly, each of his pinches making a warm feeling course through me, as I imagine him calling me a good boy. "I had nightmares about it for the next two years and a half, could barely sleep at night and, I am very ashamed to admit it, I had a problem with alcohol."

"This was until I met this beautiful man. He helped with my addiction and my sleep problems, forced me to see a therapist, but most of all, he showered me with his love. Without his support, I would still be the same mess I was six months ago and I certainly wouldn't have managed to prove the hypothesis like I did. What he helped me with is just beyond money, he basically gave me back my life, and I will be forever grateful to him."

By now I am not the only one with tears in my eyes, pretty much everyone is shedding one or more. My Master is looking at me with so much pride and adoration I might combust on the spot, but every word I said was true.

"Since there are some that will always believe that you only marry a rich man for his wealth, I will donate the one million dollar prize I will get for my proof to an organization helping rape victims. That's all I had to say..." I conclude in a very soft voice.

"Well... Thank you very much Anthony! This was... enlightening!" the journalist responds after the longest silence.

* * *

The video that was taken during the interview was shared several millions of times. To say it successfully quieted all the nasty rumors would be an understatement. It literally crushed them. The websites which published the photograph of me put them down and even sent an apology – which was a first for some of them. The scandal was obliterated before it fully grew.

My friends all expressed their support one way or another. Master Aiden told me he felt honored to have a submissive like me as a member of his club, Zach showered me with hugs and kisses, all the Submissives at the club looked at me with a newfound respect, Jonathan called me to congratulate me and told me I got some serious balls to do that, Paul had tears in his eyes when he praised me for my courage.

My family was more supportive than I would have thought. They were sad I never told them about my problem but mostly happy I have found a way to solve them and grow into a better person.

My Master must have told me a thousand times he had never been so proud of me. His reward came in orgasms so powerful I didn't even imagine it was possible to experience them. And a very hot threesome with a gorgeous Dominant at the club, Master Jason.

The weeks that followed were filled with good news. Bad Guy was sent back to jail in France, the last test showed for good I was HIV-negative, Ethan's father was sentenced to such a long prison time he will probably die there. Several universities around the world have sent requests for me to do a conference on the topic of my proof. I will accept those I can match with one of my Master's trips. I have found a publisher for the book I intend to write during the next year. All in all, the future looks good!

Considerably better than six months ago, that's for sure. When I take a look back, I can't believe how much my life has changed and how much of a better person I am now. Under his controlling dominance I have been able to get a grip on my addictions. Even without them, I feel safe under his strict guidance. This has helped my mind bloom in a way I would never have believed possible.

At the beginning there was a choice I made: the choice to completely submit to him. That very first time I blew him, when I accepted our week trial then when I signed a contract with him. To think that I was so afraid at that time! But how could I accept to surrender all control over my life so easily? I thought I would get brainwashed into some kind of sex slave. Instead I discovered how much I liked having someone micromanage me.

It did not change who I was deep down, and letting him choose everything, even what I wear did not destroy my personality. I can still hold my ground when he is making the wrong decisions and I have never felt so truly myself than during these past few months. Bit by bit I trusted him with more and more.

I fell in love with him pretty much instantly, but the degree of trust that goes with it is nothing compared to the point I trust him now. This, he earned day after day by never giving me any reason to doubt him. I could feel that the power he now holds over my body to be frightening if I didn't know deeply that he would never abuse it.

He is, after all the reason I got better. I don't diminish the efforts I did to come up all this way, but he was the trigger and the motivation factor that pushed me to rebuild myself from the scattered pieces of the mess I had become, like a phoenix rising from his ashes. The man I was six months ago was weak and pathetic. I still have trouble believing in the man I have become, sometimes, but he is a much better person.

Like every night I have spent in this apartment waiting for his return, I am kneeling in the living room, all prepped, in my underwear, my member already hard with anticipation. Like every night I have spent in this apartment waiting for his return, he will greet me when he comes back, walk toward me with a hungry and horny look then probably abuse my mouth. Like every night I have spent in this apartment waiting for his return we will have dinner together, then perhaps just cuddle, or make love, or have a rough scene in the playroom, and I know I will love it either way.

Like every night I have spent in this apartment waiting for his return, and I hope, all the remaining nights of my life.

Published on September 5th 2017

Surprise! Here come the last chapter, one day before schedule. So this was the last chapter of this book. This is just a goodbye though, beause for one, we will see Ethan and Anthony again in the epilogue (that I'll publish in two or three weeks) and then they will both be present in the other books of the series (except for the next one where Anthony won't appear since it is set before this book).

Gosh I can't believe I completed my very first book! Quite a long one on top of that! Since the epilogue is more of a bonus chapter, with a few openings toward the rest of the series, I'll mark this one as complete. Keep it in your library for a few more weeks to get the notification for the epilogue! You should also add the Birth of the Blue Phoenix if you want to receive the notifications when I start publishing it. There will probably be a teaser in the next few weeks and I hop to

Thank you so much for reading it until the end (I still can't believe I hit the 200K reads before finishing it). If you liked it a lot, please consider voting on the chapters (if it's not already done) and following me, all of this is deeply appreciated.

Thanks a lot to those of you who left me comments. I have tried to respond to all of them but sometimes Wattpad is a bit messed up with its notifications. They helped me understand what points of the story needed to be developped more and I edited the next chapters with those ideas in mind.

Most of all, I'd like to thank @Snape75 from the bottom of my heart. Without you I wouldn't even have begun this book, let alone finished it. Thanks for your constant support, your insightful advice, the proofreading of almost every chapter.

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