Dark Secrets and Evil Knights~Chapter;8

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[[Y/N's] P.O.V]

I stood, frozen with my mouth open. "Wait, what?"I asked, suddenly,"Why in the name of-you know what. I heard of that.....but why?"

"You think I know?"Grace whispered,"But keep quiet, ok? What makes it worse is that my father was engaged to my mother at the time as well."

"Why does it seem like all royal families are screwed up?"I asked, sighing.

" 'Cause they're royal and bored."Grace replied.

"Ok, fair point."I replied.

[Levin's P.O.V]

I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and put down my papers. I got up and answered the door. Alexis stood there, with four guards I didn't recognize.

Alexis looked scared out of her wits,"L-Levin. This is Klaus, Luke, Griffin, and Brooke. Luke and Brooke are from the SnowRose kingdom and Klaus and Griffin are from the Moon Pool Kingdom. T-They're looking for Princess [Y/N] and Princess Grace......."

"Okay"I said, keeping calm,"Come in Lady and Gentlemen. Let me just clean up some paperwork I was working on, one minute please." I left the door open, and ran over. I grabbed a clean piece of paper and scribbled a note on it for Alexis. I stuffed it in my pocket. I cleaned up the rest of my papers and put them in a drawer. I walked back to the door. "Come in, take a seat if you like. I just need to talk to Alexis here really fast."

"Ok then"Brooke took her helmet. "Let's go boys"She took the lead to go inside. Griffin went in last and closed the door behind him. I handed the note to Alexis, she glanced over it, and nodded.

"Got it, Lord Levin."She smiled, and ran off. I took a deep breath and went inside.

[[Y/N's] P.O.V]

"Ok.....that's......"I started

Grace cut me off,"Weird, I know."

I heard the sound of horse hooves and turned. Alexis was riding toward us on a horse, two other horses followed her.

She dismounted as she got to us, and handed me a note.

"Read, hurry"She said.

"Ooooook then."I said, confused. I opened the note and started to read.

"Dear [Y/N] and Grace. I don't know if you're reading this or if Alexis is reading it to you. We have a problem though. Four guards-two from each of your kingdoms- are here, looking for you. Alexis is going to take you to a safe place, be safe and run, girls, run." ((Flash reference anyone??))

"Holy sh-crap."Grace muttered.

"We need to go! Now!"My voice held fear.

Grace was already running to one of the extra horses, I followed her. We both got up onto a horse.

"Ok, Alexis, lead the way"I said.


Alexis led us to a portal by a huge castle-looking house.

"What-"Grace started

"A portal!"I pointed it out.

"That's where you two are going. Take the horses. May Irene be with you."Alexis said.

"Thanks Alexis"Grace nodded,"Now C'mon [Y/N] let's go"She dismounted and led her horse to the portal. I dismounted and followed Grace.

"Thanks Alexis"I sighed,"Hopefully we'll see you soon." With that Grace and I went through the portal.


*evil giggling*

I'm making drama Oh my Irene



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