Chapter 44

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"You sure they will help, they could just reject our offer if they want to." Nogla told me as I eat an apple on his back.

"Of course they will accept our offer to help us. We could be heroes or should I say legends! Just think about it! You human, human werewolf hybrid, other werewolves, vampires, the guardian and ruler of life and purity, the banshee, me the Hanuman, and finally that vampire incubi prince that also turned part werewolf!" I started to imagine us being treated with royalty and eating all the Cheerios on my royal throne. Everyone cheering for us.

"True but riches and popularity isn't my thing, what matters the most is being able to help people." He said back making me pout.

"So you two wanted to have word with us?" A half wolf 19 year old short and young man with round glasses and a red cape stood there by a masked man with glowing blue eyes wearing baggy and fuzzy clothing.

"Huh? Oh yea! You must be the werewolf human hybrid and you the vampire prince! Hi I'm Lui and this is David but you can call him Nogla. We both need you guys help with saving the world." I said excited as I jumped on Nogla's back like a happy child.

"Jesus focking christ! Stop jumping on me! I'm not a tree!" Nogla complained and look back at them. "Sorry for disturbing you but we actually need some help with trying to stop this huge zombie werewolf invasion that someone started." Nogla told them calmly as they look at us so confused and weirded out.

"Uh huh...hold up for a sec. Let me just tell the others if they agree with all of this." The glasses boy said as he slowly dragged the masked prince away towards a hut.

" need to work on your excitement, you get too excited easily that you just blabber out random stuff." Nogla told me as I jump off his back and sat there on the floor.

"Well it's just to exciting! We actually had the chance on meeting them in person!" I squealed as I rolled forward starting form the head then ending back up on my butt. He sighed and took out his water bottle that half way filled and then took a sip of it.

My tail sway side by side as I hug his long legs like a koala. "Whats taking them so long!" I complained as he looked down at me. "Calm your tits! They have to first talk about it and then vote if they agree or not." He told me making me groan and whine about all of this.

30 minutes passed by and they still haven't come back...WHAT'S TAKING THEM SO LONG!!!

I was laying on the ground, using Nogla's lap as a pillow. "Oh their coming." Nogla said as I immediately sat up hitting my head against his chin making us groan. "Can't you be calm for at least once!!" He yelled at me as I snickered bit.

The two hybrids look down at us weirdly as we stand up and look at them with a curious expression. "Well we come to the conclusion of agreeing to help you, the only problem is if we can trust you. We take our trusting really seriously. Mostly if it comes from a total stranger that we barely met like 30 minutes ago." The glasses boy said as he gave a nervous smile.

The masked guy just stared at us with a those piercing blue eyes that is making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "Oh you can trust alright, we don't bite." I said showing a grin but a hand smack the back of my head making me yelp a bit. "Stop being such a creep, don't mind him. He is always like this when he tries to make new friends, but you can definitely trust us. We are really trustworthy towards each other." Nogla said which made the boy smile sweetly with his cheeks turning slightly red.


The seem fun to hang out with, I'm glad to have new people to be friends with. I was never a outgoing persons hat cam easily make friends. I actually thought I would be lonely for the rest of my life but now I know that I'm not alone anymore.

I have my friends, uncle, brother, and my beautiful manly mate or should I say boyfriend.

We lead them to the hut we are in and everyone look at them, seeing if they are strong enough. "HUMAN!!" Ohm yelled out ready to tackle him but Luke immediately grabbed him. "No! Bad Ohm! Bad!" Luke said as he held onto Ohm.

"He hasn't drank blood yet so I'll be right back." Luke said as we all look at them go to a room with Ohm still trying to reach towards Nogla. Wanting his blood.

"I'm not even sure if I'm safe here anymore." Nogla said slightly chuckling as my uncle came up to them. "So you two want to stop this whole other werewolf pack that are full on cannibal almost like any other Omega?" My uncle asked them.

"Actually they are dead werewolves brought back to life into a flesh eating monster that is being ordered around by someone. Our families were eaten by them so we are planning to get rid of them for good or maybe find some kind of cure if there even is one." Nogla told us like a professional as Lui just started to pick his nose.

"Ah so what you're saying is that they are zombie werewolves and someone is controlling them?"

"Yep, we saw them kill and then freeze for a moment until they all ran off towards a random direction leaving every dead body alone." Nogla said.

I wasn't paying attention that much until I started to feel a bit nauseous and immediately ran towards the bathroom feeling something rushing up my esophagus. I grab the bucket and threw up in it until it stopped.

Heat started to rush in me and sweat forming on my forehead. A sudden pain was forming in my stomach as I place my hand on it, giving it small rubs in a circular motion which kinda felt good but was still painful.

Slowly I sat down on the floor with my hand still resting on my tummy. "Shit...fucking...what's happening to me." I mumbled as the door opened revealing a worried Delirious.

He walked in and closed the door behind him. Kneeling down beside me and placing his hand on my sweaty face. "You have a fever, I'll take you to bed. You also look pale, have you eaten?" He asked me worried as he took the mask off, showing that frown.

"I actually haven't eaten that much, all the food that I eat always taste like shit...something is happening to me and I just got the fever right now after throwing up....a-am I dying?" I asked him slightly scared as he immediately starting shaking his head no.

"No, you're not dying, you're just sick with a fever and haven't eaten that much. Come let's take you to bed." He told me as he picked me up bridal style and took me to our bedroom. Slowly laying me down.

He kissed the top of me head and placed his hand on my stomach that was still in pain. "It hurts there too...I'm also getting fatter every single day...something bad is actually happening to me. I'm scared." I whimpered as held his hand.

"Shh baby, shh. You need rest, everything is okay. You're just hungry and sick. I'll bring you some food and then give you belly rubs to sooth the pain away." He told me which made me smile.

"Okay...goodnight." I mumbled as I slowly falling asleep, as I heard him say.

"It can't be happening...a baby."

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