Chapter 51

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Delirious hissed in pain while Ohm tried his best to put rubbing alcohol on some wounds on him, patching him up with bandages.

"That thing broke your legs, I need to do surgery and put a cast on them...meaning you won't be able to walk for a few days or maybe even months unless they get healed quickly." Ohm said as he poked one of the legs that made Delirious growl and hiss again. "Stop poking them! They'll get worse." He told him.

I giggle softly watching Delirious pout and get all mad when Ohm pokes his legs again. Brock was cleaning up my arm, there were just some scratches. Unfortunately Delirious is covered with cuts, wounds, bruises, and many more. He will be filled with scars including on his face.

"Evan, how come your stomach looks a bit bigger than before?" Brock asked me curiously. "Are you calling me fat?" I asked him as I made a pouty face. "What! Oh no no no no! I'm just saying because you just came back from being stuck there with that monster that was probably feeding you a lot of food." Brock said with a slight nervous chuckle.

"Hmm Delirious, have you told them yet?" I asked him with a slight smirk. Perfect! My uncle walked in with Delirious' dad. "Oh um...noo..." His adorable embarrassed and nervous face made me giggle. "Guys I have something to say, Evan is pregnant." He said making everyone gasp and look at me in shock.

"WHAT?!" Alec yelled out surprised as he walked up to me and placed his hands on my tummy then his ear. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him serious. "Just making surely that he is telling the truth." Alec said as he listened closely.

"Whatever you say uncle." I mumbled.

Delirious dad just smiled like if he already knew about all of this. "Can't wait for it to be born, name it Christian!!" His father said making Delirious almost choke on his water. "What the fuck?! What kind of name is that?! I'm not gonna name our child by a religious name because we are not christian!" Delirious said.

"If it's a boy I'm gonna name it Ethan." Delirious said then looked at me. "If it's okay with you heh." He said with a slight smile. "I like it! But if it's a girl I'll name the baby Venetia which means courage of a bear!" I said happily.

"That's a nice name for a girl but when it's a boy, don't name him Ethan. That so old! Name him Tyler like me!" Tyler said as we all just stare at him with a 'are you serious' face.

"Bitch you are retarded." Craig told him making Tyler's smile disappear.

Uriel soon walked in with her head slightly bandaged up. "Uriel.." Delirious Dad mumbled as he ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. "I thought you were dead."

Delirious also looked over at them then his eyes widened just by seeing her. "Jesus fucking christ, you shrunk!" He said ruining the special moment. "Are you fucking serious! The first thing you say is that I shrunk after all these years?!" Uriel told him angrily.

"Well you are quite short, I think you are 5'6. The last time I saw you, you were like a 4'9." Delirious said. "Bitch I'm older than you!" Uriel said. "And I'm taller than you so shut the fuck up sister!" Delirious talked back with a sassy attitude.

"That's it!" Uriel tackled him off the chair and pinched and slapped his face while Delirious tried to stop her and cover his face at the same time.

"You two idiots stop this instant!" Their father said as he tried to get Uriel off my mate. "You lucky that he already broke your legs for me!" Uriel talked back as the father dragged her out the house.

"Well that was a good fucking family reunion." Luke said as Tyler just laughed his ass off. "Wait where did Lui and Nogla go?" Craig asked us as we all looked around the house for them.



"Lui get your hands off that kid's cereal!" Nogla yelled out as I try to take the bag of cereal away from this kid's grip. He growled showing his canine teeth.

"These are mine! MOMMY!!!" He yelled out as Nogla slapped my arm making me let go of it and picked me up, putting me over his shoulders. "I just wanted Cheerios." I whined as I kicked around.


"They're probably just having their peaceful moment since all of this is over." Brian said as he sat down on the sofa, right by Brock. Ohm took Delirious to a room to start the surgery on his legs while I'm here wrapping myself up with the blanket.

"I wonder what my dad would of had done or said if he was still alive and found out I was pregnant." I mumbled as a hand rest on my shoulder, making me a look up. "Your father would be so happy and kinda mad but mostly happy towards you. He is happy that you're happy with someone you love the most." My uncle told me with a slight smile as his white hair covered one of his eyes.

I smile just imagining my dad there with my mom and my actual real brother staring down at me with happy expressions. Just seeing them or imagining them smile make me smile too.

"ARGH OHM!!!" We all heard Delirious yell out as Luke went to check out what was happening. "RYAN SPIT HIS GOD DAMN TAIL OUT!!!" Then we all heard Luke yell out as he enter the room which made all of us start to laugh.

Now that this is all over, now we can start all over again. A new life to be precise. Not only that but now Delirious can finally build a lodge or cabin near a lake or somewhere else, far away from society. We can have our own family living there for ages.

Since werewolves and vampires are immortals living being, meaning that they will keep on living for so many years until someone kills them or they prefer to kill themselves. Then me and Delirious will keep on living and live together happily with our child.

My rival, my lover, my mate, my own Alpha. My delirious Alpha.

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