|23| Are you saying what I think you're saying?

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Author's note-
> This is my favourite chapter lol

> I have no idea about Sam and Colby's friend group or their private life. That's why all of the following characters, influencers, friends, and enemies will be made up, except for the publicly recognizable.


Somewhat halfway through the night, Colby disappeared from the seat next to Ashley. He had got up and said he would be right back, so she was left waiting for the brunet. If Jerry had seen them right now, he would've laughed at them, just sitting on a couch in a garage while the party was happening all around them, people playing games, dancing, and having fun. But she was perfectly content with Colby's company. They had been talking all night long, the topics already slipping from her mind.

The world was a good place to be.

She stared up at the ceiling, another red cup in her hand, almost tipping over. Ashley closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

Someone moved the cup and put it back up so it wouldn't spill. Ashley opened her eyes but had to squint at the sudden flashes of lights. How long had she been lying there with closed eyes? At least Colby was back now.

But it wasn't Colby who had sat down next to her. She couldn't quite pinpoint where she'd seen the guy's face before, but Ashley was certain that she had. Probably another influencer. She politely nodded at him before looking up and searching the room for Colby with her gaze. He was nowhere to be seen.

"What's a cute girl like you doing alone at a party?" the guy asked. Ashley sighed and sunk back into the pillows. She'd had her fair share of experiences with creeps like this, but she would never get used to it.

"I'm not alone," she said with a smile. "Just waiting for my friend."

"Friend, yeah?" he asked. His breath smelled like bad alcohol, and she had to refrain from holding hers.

"Yeah. And I'm not interested in you." Ashley bit her tongue. Bad move, if he was the kind of guy she thought he was, that would only make him more aggressive.

As expected, he scoffed. "Playing hard to get, I see."

"Nope. Respectfully, if you're going to give me that shit, fuck off." He didn't move. Ashley wouldn't, either. She was doing everything wrong. Or was she? The alcohol in her veins didn't let her think clearly anymore.

"Come on, don't give me that attitude. Just relax," the guy said, scooting a little closer. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, but I have a boy-friend who's soon going to be back," Ashley said, getting irritated by the guy.

"What's he gonna do?" he asked, his words slurred. Without looking at her phone, she unlocked it and began recording, hoping that his face would be in the frame as well as hers. He would regret this.

"Get you thrown out of the party," she replied lightly.

"Pfft. For having fun?"

"For harassing a girl who told you to fuck off. I can tell you again if you didn't hear," she offered. "Just leave me alone."

He laid an arm around her shoulders. She was quick to try and push it away, but he held onto her too strongly. Now she wished she could recognize him. She would have to find out if he behaved like this all the time.

"Stop touching me," she said, trying to take his arm off her again. He hardly reacted, only leaned closer. This close, his breath smelled even more disgusting. She scowled at him and swiftly stood up from the couch. Before she came far though, he grabbed her wrist and wanted to pull her closer again.

"Come on, don't be like that," he slurred.

"Yes, I am like this, and if you don't leave me alone..." Ashley began, but she was interrupted by someone laying an arm around her. She spun around, or she tried to, but as she saw Colby, she sighed in relief.

"What is going on?" he asked, frowning down at the guy.

"Not much, this asshole just won't listen," she explained. The guy had stood up and let go of her wrist as he saw Colby, now glaring angrily at the two of them.

"This brat here does not know how to relax a little," he spat. She glared at him.

"You clearly don't know how to accept a no, Derek."

Derek Barren, now Ashley remembered him. A fun guy, judging by his videos. Apparently not so fun in real life. His popularity had been growing quickly after making his first appearance on a bigger channel, climbing with the help of other YouTubers. As far as Ashley knew, his content wasn't that original.

"Enjoy your time as an influencer while it still lasts, Derek," she said before turning around abruptly, leaving him stunned. Colby walked close behind her.

"What was that last sentence about?" he asked after they dove back into the party noise. Ashley held up her phone with a smug smile.

"Oh, he's going to be so done," Colby chuckled. "At least he's still got time to go to college or something after his career flops. Young, as he is."

Ashley let out a drunk giggle. The disgust she had felt only moments before had disappeared, she was proud of herself as soon as she had got out of the situation. The only thing that bugged her was that it had needed Colby to get Derek to finally leave her alone. Stupid toxic masculinity. She'd had everything under control.

"Should we get out of here?" she asked Colby.

"Already?" he asked, pulling her through the sweaty crowd. "It's not even half past one."

Ashley shrugged. "I guess we can stay for another round of drinks."

"If you want," Colby agreed. "But I won't leave you again. Derek won't stop harassing you that quick." He nodded across the room, where the tall, brunet guy was still glaring at them.

Someone turned the volume of the music up and, boosted by the beat, Ashley raised her arm to show Derek her middle finger. His face flushed even more, and he turned away.

"He hates you," Colby yelled over the noise. "Wait, I have an idea. Should we make him hate me too?"

"What?" Ashley frowned, automatically moving in the beat of the music pounding in her head. "How?"

"Oh, just basic jealousy," Colby answered, raising his voice slightly over the music. "What would he think when you gave me what he wanted?"

Ashley laughed, not knowing what else to do. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

"I think I am! But I'm not thinking that it's a good idea!" she yelled. But as she looked around... The people were concentrated on the music, on themselves, their friends, partners, hookups, whatever. "You know what, fuck it!"

And, making sure that Derek was looking at them again, she pulled Colby in her own direction and leaned forward at the same time. Their lips collided mid-air, causing her teeth to dig a little too deep into her lip. She made a noise that sounded like the mix between a gasp and a laugh and pulled away.

"You alright?" Colby asked, brushing over her lower lip with his thumb. She grinned and pulled him in again, more careful this time. She was almost positive that her lip was bleeding, but right now, it didn't matter. She just wanted more of the kiss, of Colby's soft lips against hers, slowly finding the rhythm.

It was definitely not a perfect kiss. They were both sloppy and drunk, tasted like alcohol, and didn't care about how it would feel afterward. But it was the most enjoyable kiss Ashley had ever had in her life. Or was it? She couldn't remember any other kisses right now. She couldn't remember any of the guys she had been with, Colby was the only one right now.

"You're a good kisser," she said as she pulled away finally.

"As are you," Colby smiled. She blushed. Why did she blush?

"I think now is the right time to go home," she stated.

"Good, I'll drive-"

"Like hell you are. You're drunk as hell. We'll both end up in hell if you drive. I mean, dead." Ashley pointed her index finger and looked at him with a serious expression, which made him laugh.

"Then how are you planning on getting home?"

"Walk. I live just around here, I told you... wait no, you told me that. I'll find my way." Ashley nodded determinedly, turning around to make her way out of the party. It was still in full swing, but she didn't really care. Her evening had been nice, and she had managed to pretend that all of this was nothing new to her. Well, it wasn't completely new, but she also wasn't used to this kind of party.

The part where Derek had sat next to her had been uncomfortable but with Colby, she had felt safe enough to get drunk. Which she usually didn't. Ashley was becoming quite rebellious.

She laughed out loud at these thoughts, as she stepped out into the cold air. Walking back would be a pain, but she would be fine.

"I'm bringing you home," Colby determined, grabbing her waist from behind. "There's no way I'm letting you go alone." He laid his chin down on her shoulder, his breath brushing against her neck, and Ashley giggled.

"You gotta let me walk for that to happen," she said, freeing herself from his embrace. "Come on, I don't want to stay in the cold for long."

He rolled his eyes before laying an arm around her shoulders and walking where she led him. Surprisingly, they didn't get lost once, Ashley managed to find the way immediately.


Author's note-
> Don't forget to vote & comment if you enjoy the story <3

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