My dear siblings

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First of all... 12k views?! What?! I... have I been sleeping for longer than I thought? What is happening lmao!

So happy to see so many sharing this experience with me, thank you for giving this book your time and love, it really warms my heart! I love you everyone! Also, I want to say sorry for not being able to respond to every comments, I'm starting to lose track of some of them, but rest assured that I read every single one of them and they always make me smile and laugh!!! Have a good time reading!

"Y/N, wake up" I hear gently in my ear.

"No" I mumble before snuggling deeper into the body holding me. A soft chuckle. "Come on, the others just arrived, let's go see them" the voice continues and I force an eye open to see Hoseok gazing at me with creased eyes.

I pout but get out of bed anyway, him following close behind and as soon as he's standing up, I wrap my arms around his waist. His own surround me softly in return.

"Alright, baby Berry, come with me" he murmurs before making us head out of the room and to the entry. I see my other soulmates turn to us with relieved eyes, but I make no move to let go of my Hobi.

Waffle makes a run for it and jumps on me to lick my hands and arms, so happy to see me up and smiling. I giggle and scratch his head, ears and jaw, enjoying the not so small pup's happiness as his tail hits Hoseok's leg with force, causing him to laugh and coo at the dog.

Yoongi tilts his head and stares at us intently. Taehyung has a wide grin plastering itself on his face. "Something happened" he coos and I blush. I hide my face against Hoseok's chest and I feel his laugh reverberate through his body as his arms tighten around me.

"Oh it did! Something happened! What? Did you kiss?!" Jungkook exclaims and I feel my blush deepen at the words, luckily I'm hiding well right now.

"She's getting all embarrassed and Hobi too, I think you hit the nail straight on the head" Jin says and the room explodes into different types of screams and cheers.

"So Hoseok was the first one..." Namjoon whines, but his part of the bond feels happy so I know he's exaggerating the intonation. Just a little. Our stronger connection makes me feel some normally well hidden emotions. His longing certainly doesn't go unnoticed.

"Okay well since you kissed, you can stop hugging him and get into my arms instead, right?" Jimin whispers in my ears and his arms start softly pulling me away from Hoseok, But I tighten my hold around the tall man and groan.

"That will be tough, Jiminie. They'll need a few hours before you can pull them apart" Jungkook says in a laugh and Jimin grumbles. "But they already had more than a few hours together! But if it's going to be like that... I'm going to cuddle with the both of them!" he exclaims before pulling Hoseok and I to the couch and once we're seated, he lays down on both of our laps while Waffle sits and cuddles next to me, careful to not drool in Jimin's hair.

Jimin stares up at me and grins as he pinches my cheeks. "My sweet soulmate" he whispers, but somehow, his words come with sadness. Did something happen after I was gone?


When Namjoon asks to talk to Hoseok privately, I nod and, with Waffle right behind me, leave to my room where I find my camera safely put on the desk. Hoseok must have brought it here at some point while I was sleeping.

I get my printer and connect my camera to it. I find the most recent pictures and print them all. The picture of Waffle, the ones of my soulmates and then the few of me with them. I print them twice and as I wait for them to be done, I stand up and walk to the now filled library. It seems almost all of my things have made their way to my room, but when did it happened is a question I will ask an other time.

I find the album photo I'm looking for and sit back at the desk to open it at the last pages to fill them with the new pictures. I place one of each inside and keep the others aside to put in the nest an other time.

Once done, I hesitate, but eventually stand up to grab an older album photo. The one filled with the first pictures I took of my family. My big brother, my parents. Although Mark was only older by a few minutes, he still loved to be called big brother, it made him beam with pride every single time. I turn the pages to find the ones when our little sister was born. She was so tiny, minuscule little being that filled a hole that we didn't know we had, Mark and I. She was our little ray of hope.

I gaze at one where my family is seen smiling brightly at the camera, my young Amy wrapped around Mark while our parents stand behind them with loving eyes. It was Amy's second birthday.

Feeling the need to feel their love again, I let my soul connect to it softly, letting myself become my brother.

"It's picture time!" Y/N screams as she runs to us with her beloved camera in hand. Since the day we gave it to her, she never once let go of it. I grin when I see Amy run up to me with the giggles that I love so much and kiss her forehead when she looks up at me, her arms around my thigh.

Our parents gather us close in front of Y/N and we all laugh when we see her concentrated face, her tongue peeking out between her lips as she plays with the settings to get the perfect picture.

My heart bursts with love for her, she's so pure, the brightest sun to my life. Whenever she smiles at me, it makes me so proud to be her brother, her other half. I can't wait for us to grow old together and see how strong our bond can become, because I know it will be indestructible. We are two halves of the same person after all. She knows all of me, the same way I know all of her.

"Okay, you guys can smile now! I'm ready!" she chirps and mom laughs, her voice ringing in our ears like the sweetest sound ever. Y/N has the same laugh, it's the best in the world. Amy and I got the same one as dad, but I don't know if that's a good thing. He turns to me with raised eyebrows and I giggle. Sorry dad. But it's the truth, I think to myself. He grins at me, a small nudge to my shoulder and I turn to the front when I hear the flash of a camera.

"I wasn't ready!" I scream when I see her smiling to herself, but she only shakes her head. "The best pictures are those taken when the subject doesn't know it's being taken" she retorts, but I only scoff. "You speak like you've been taking pictures for years!" I tease her and she frowns playfully. "Well, at least I've been doing something!". I gape at her, ready to tackle her for one of our tickle fights, but Amy grabs me tighter, a deep frown on her face.

"No fighting! It's Amy's birthday, I want smiles!" she cutely pouts and we all coo at her, watching as a wide smile appears on her face. I brush her short wild hair out of her eyes and pinch her cheeks. "You're right, princess, sorry" I tell her, wishing to appease her. It works, because she falls into a giggling fit.

We all turn to the camera this time and my other sister proceeds to take a few pictures until she's satisfied. It's only when she sets her camera down on the table that Amy abandons me to jump into her big sister's arms.

"I love you, unnie" she says, her face snuggling in Y/N's neck and I watch as they both turn in circle with laughter.

I would give my life for those two. I would die happy knowing that my life could give them a second chance.

I disconnect from the picture and take a moment to come back to myself, let my heart absorb all the love that was felt. I gaze at the picture again only to have a sob tear through my throat. I miss them so much. It pains me to know that there are people in the world that will never get to know their wonderful soulmate, it pains me that I never had the chance to see them grow up with me.

But I'm also so glad for my ability at this moment, that it allows me to see such wonderful memories, to have the chance to see through their eyes, to feel the love they felt when they gazed at me, when we laughed, when we joked, when we cried.

It makes me long to take them in my arms, to give them all the love I couldn't for the past many years, since that fateful day. I would give anything to see them again, to get my other half again.

Waffle whines and walks to me. He raises his front paws on my knees and stretches his neck to kiss my face.

Waffle can feel her sorrow from miles away. He doesn't understand everything, but seeing the way her eyes stare at the pictures, he can tell the ones she's looking at are very important to her. He wish she could smile while seeing their faces, because he hates seeing her tears. He can feel the barrier on his owner pulse in reaction to its owner's feelings and he turns to the door to see it open softly. It's a relief to see her soulmates at the door, maybe they can bring back her smile.

I see my pup turn to the door and walk away from me, so I turn my head to the side to see the door open, revealing seven worried men. I give them a teary eyed smile and motion for them to enter as I grab my album photo to turn the pages.

"Are you okay, Snowflakes? Namjoonie told us you just saw an old memory of your family" Yoongi carefully says, not yet knowing if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I nod and stop at a page in particular where Amy, Mark and I are hugging each other. I was trying the timer at that time and Amy made us hug so it would be special.

Their eyes fall on the picture and they shift closer to stand around me, hands in contact with my body one way or another. "It's such a beautiful picture" Jin whispers and I nod, letting my finger brush against the faces of my siblings.

"I've been avoiding these pictures for years. Not knowing how I would react scared me. What if I can't handle it, what if it breaks me even more, what if I can't stop crying? But I miss them so much and although seeing their faces again hurts, it also heals a wound I've carried with me all my life, to be the only survivor. Knowing how they felt towards me makes me realize that it's not my fault. It's not like I chose to survive alone. I was so young, this was completely out of my control" I say, letting my eyes wander around to room to meet every pair of eyes.

They linger a little longer on Namjoon when I see his glassy eyes. He's feeling my emotions as clear as his own and I feel a little bad. He must be so confused, having a mix of happy and yet sorrow swirling together.

"It wasn't your fault, Y/N, you're right. They could never resent you for what happened, I'm sure they would love to tell you that much" Jimin whispers and I smile. "I know, Jiminie, I know".

We spend the next hour going through my albums. They love hearing the stories about all the pranks Mark would do to Amy and I, how sweet yet clumsy Amy would be. It's such a healing process for me to recount all the good times, focusing on our laughter instead of focusing on the fact that they're gone.

In my heart, they're still very much alive, all the memories proof of that. I'm glad to feel strong enough now to accept these memories back into my life. I have my soulmates to thank, most definitely.

I'm lucky to be able to relive the moments within the pictures, something I know people would kill for.

We then fall on the pictures of the Astro boys and my heart falls a little. I don't spend as much time with them as I used to and I miss them. So much has been happening recently that I haven't taken the time to contact them like I should've done. I know they're aware of what happened only because my soulmates have contacted them. It makes me feel like a failure as their sisters. They should hear from me directly. I'll call them tomorrow, I make a mental note in my mind.

I must stare for a little too long at one of their group pictures because a hand gently slides under my chin to make me turn to the side. I meet Jungkook's eyes and he smiles warmly at me. "You'll see them soon, I promise".

His words ease my heart and I nod as his hand cups my cheek. I lean into the touch as I close my eyes.

"Anytime you want to see them, we don't mind them coming over, or you going to them. I know they'll protect you with everything they've got, they're the only ones I believe in so much to keep you safe besides ourselves" he adds and I feel my heart burst with love for him, for all of them.

"Thank you, really" I murmur and his thumb slides on my skin softly.

"Now how about we eat dinner before it gets too late?" Jin says once his eyes fall on the clock. I chuckle and open my eyes to stare at him. "That's a lovely idea, Jinnie. I'm really hungry" I reply and he grins. Jungkook rises me out of my chair and into his arms, laughing loudly at my cry of surprise and he brings us out of the room and to the kitchen, the others following behind with a beaming bond.

"Put me down, Kookie! I can walk!" I scream, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much but he only shakes his head as his arms hug me tighter. "Nuhuh, I haven't had the chance to spend much alone time with you, so I'm kidnapping you. I won't let go of you until tomorrow morning, you're not getting out of it" he says and I giggle with a nod.

"Alright, then can you bring me to the bathroom please, I need to pee". He freezes and slowly, very slowly puts me down on my feet. I look up to see his blushing face and I coo at the sight. He groans and pouts at me. "Hurry up so I can hold you again" he mumbles cutely.

I raise to the tip of my toes and kiss his cheek, feeling the hot skin warm up even more at the sudden move. The bond between us deepens and a wave of longing hits me strongly. "Stop making this so hard for me! If you don't go pee right now, come here!" he cries with a stomping foot and just as he's about to grab me, I step back with a laugh and run to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I can hear the guys laugh and smother him with love. I giggle, proud of myself and proceed to do my business. Once done, I clean my hands and stare at my reflection in the mirror. Deep dark circles under my eyes, my skin tone looks a little weird, as if I'm sick. I clearly look overworked. My ability hasn't made things easy for me lately.

I really hope the lawyer can free me from the hold the government has on me before I get called to them again. And I hope whoever else is after me can take their sweet time, because I want to spend time with my two wonderful families. Enough shit has happened for now and I need a breather.

I also can't push back the exposition for too long, it needs to happen next month. I've already received a lot of works and I can't make them wait for too long. I sigh and splash some water on my face.

So much to do, so much to take care of and to worry about. But time is scarce. It runs away from me at every possible chance and I don't like the fact that it feels too real in my case. As if I'll run out of it soon.

But whatever feeling it is, I push it to the back of my mind and leave the bathroom, going straight for my dear Kookie's open arms. I want to focus on my soulmates for tonight. 

My worries can wait. Maybe not for too long, but tonight, they will wait.

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