The complete bond

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This is going to be a very long chapter! I promise nothing bad happens here, just enjoy!

When I wake up in the morning, it's with the knowledge that today I'm to be bonded with all of my soulmates. I get out of bed excitedly and stumble on my clothes, falling to the ground with a loud thump.

"I knew I should've cleaned my room before going to bed" I mumble while picking every pieces off the ground and putting them in a pile on the bed. No time for anything else, I need to get ready. I take the outfit that won the war yesterday night and head to the bathroom.

"Be careful" Eunwoo shouts from the kitchen and laughs when I groan loudly in response. Rocky pops his head into the bathroom and stares at the dress in my hand. "Good choice, I'll do your hair once you're dressed". And he leaves the bathroom, leaving my half dressed self gaping at the door.

"ROCKY!" I yell before shutting the door closed. I hear bickering in the living room and know that MJ and Moonbin will take care of him. Luckily I was still wearing my shirt, because I hate wearing a bra under my pyjama. With a sigh, I get completely undressed and put on the sky blue below knee length dress. The sleeves are a little puffy and falling under my arm, the belt at the waist put in a bow. I wear leggings under it because of the wind, I'm not taking chances, and look at myself in the mirror. I decide to wear my necklace and earrings set and leave the bathroom to get some help with my hair.

Rocky sheepishly looks at me and takes tiny steps towards me. "I'm sorry for entering without asking. I didn't even realize you could've been undressed". I glare at him for a while before grinning. "Lucky for you I see you all as brothers, so it's not that bad. Just be careful next times. I don't really want you to see me naked". He shoots me a relieved smile and makes me sit at the kitchen counter.

"I'll make you a french braid" he says and I let him do his thing, his fingers playing with strands of hair carefully. He takes his time and during that time, Eunwoo gives me a smoothie. I thank him and take a few sips. "Man, this is good! What did you put in it?!" I exclaim and he chuckles. "It's a secret. If I tell you, you won't ask me to make it anymore and I can't allow that". I send him some finger hearts and keep taking sips of my drink, hissing when Rocky pulls too hard at my hair.

When he's done, he runs around the house to fetch everyone and turns me around. I hear them gush over me, hands almost brushing me but staying away to not mess my look. "You look beautiful!" MJ shouts and Sanha stares at me, mouth open and eyes wide. Moonbin awkwardly looks at him and closes his mouth with one hand and then gives me his adorable eye smile. JinJin has a proud look on his face and Rocky beams at the reactions.

"Our baby is growing up" Sanha sighs while fake weeping and I slap lightly his shoulder. "Yah, I'm older than you" I tell him and he grins teasingly. "But you're a baby when it comes to love". I pout and JinJin takes me in his arms, careful to avoid my hair. I relax in his arms and when he pulls back to stare at me, he grins too. "He's right though". Everyone starts laughing and I proceed the slap every pair of arms that get too close to me when the bell rings.

My heart skips a beat and I gaze at the door, wondering if I should go. "I'll open it!" Sanha exclaims as he skips towards it and opens it, revealing a very handsome man holding flowers in front of him.

It's Taehyung. His nervous gaze falls on me and the cutest boxy smile appears on his face as he takes the sight of me in. "Wow" he lets out and chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. "You look beautiful" he says and I shyly step closer to him. He offers me the flowers, a mix of red salvias and tulips with white roses.

"It's beautiful, Taehyung" I murmur as I take it in my hands. He gives me a bright smile. "We all chose the flowers together".

I hear my family coo at the sight and my cheeks take on a shade of red. He offers me his arm to help me stay stable while wearing my shoes and I thank him with a smile.

"Should I bring the flowers with me?" I then ask and he shakes his head with a small smile. "You can leave them here, I don't want you to become tired bringing them everywhere".

 I turn around to see Moonbin already stepping closer and carefully taking the flowers from my hands. "I'll put them in a vase, don't worry". I nod and we open the door to leave.

"Have fun! Don't worry about a thing and just enjoy the moment" Eunwoo says and I nod. Just as I close the door, I hear MJ sobbing and the others coo at him. I smile timidly at Taehyung and he guides me on a path that I know leads to a beautiful inside garden on the mountain. Taehyung gives me a knowing look. "I know you probably already know where we're going, but they're all very excited about this, saying they want to make it a surprise". I grin. "I know how to look surprised, but I doubt I'll have to fake it, just seeing you made my heart stop, imagine everyone at once". He burst into a hearty laugh and locks our arms together to keep me close.

After a while we see Jimin and Jungkook waiting by the path. Once they see us coming, they run to us with wide smiles and Jungkook takes my free side, leaving Jimin who stays a little aside. He tilts his head and stares at me with a sexy gaze before giving me a cute smile. My heart can't handle this. "You look beautiful, baby". I stutter a thank you as I look down to hide my red face and everyone chuckles.

When I look up hesitantly, I meet Jungkook's pink cheeks and he shows me his bunny smile. "Very pretty". My heart is now giving up on trying to keep calm and I stare in front of me to try and regain some control.

But when we walk up the path to the garden and I see the others waiting by the glass doors, my mouth drops open. They look like princes, beautiful human beings from an other dimension. We step closer and Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi straighten up as their faces illuminate with smiles, stars in their eyes.

"You look perfect" Namjoon whispers loudly and I jump from one foot to the other, I feel so embarrassed right now. Yoongi knows just how much they're affecting me and his grin tells me he's enjoying this very much, but he decides to help me a little. "Okay, let's not do too much, her heart is beating too fast now. We wouldn't want her to pass out right?"

They all chuckle but decide to give me a break. "Did you like the flowers?" Namjoon asks with expectancy and I nod quickly. "I love them. Moonbin said he would put them in a vase, I'll put them by my bed later". His childlike grin makes me want to pinch his cheeks as his dimples are on full display.

"Let's get inside, shall we?" Jin then exclaims and opens the doors to allow us to step inside. The smell that hits my nose manages to settle my nerves and I breathe in, enjoying the view of multiple colors. "How did you manage to get this place empty?" I wonder out loud, eyes wide when I see that we have the garden to ourselves.

"That's our secret" Jungkook teases me and he takes quick steps to stand by Jin. Jimin takes his place and takes my other arm around his just like Taehyung. "So?" he asks with wide bright eyes looking at me. "It's beautiful. I always wondered what it would be like to be the only one here since this place is always full. It's wonderful". "You haven't seen everything yet" Taehyung chuckles and they lead me towards the center of the garden where stands a gazebo with bushes of pink roses climbing the surrounding logs, forming walls at how dense they are. At the end, there's a bench large enough for all of us and the ground is made of soft grass.

I look around and can see butterflies fluttering by around us and I feel so moved by how much they prepared. "This wasn't here the last time I came" I whisper and Jin motions for me to remove my shoes just like him. "We prepared it yesterday, the owner accepted since the space was empty and told us that in exchange, if it's pretty, he'd like to keep it" Jimin exclaims and I can't believe they made it themselves. I feel tears tickle my eyes and run down my cheeks.

"It's splendid" I murmur and they look very proud. Yoongi being the only one who bonded with me, steps closer and wipes my tears away before taking me in his arms. "It's all for you, little one, all for you".

I never knew love could be overwhelming that much, but my heart feels like it's about to burst by how filled it is, and the only way I can process it all and breathe is to cry. So I do. I burst into tears as Yoongi rubs my back gently, murmuring sweet words into my ears.

Jin and Jungkook start crying too and that does it. Everyone is sobbing, the bonding so happy that no one can keep a straight face. This is the moment they all longed for, the perfect date they dreamed of for their last soulmate. It was happening right now and they couldn't feel more happiness than they did at this moment.

When the tight feeling around my heart lightens and feels less oppressive, my tears now dried and smiles on our faces, red puffy eyes but happy, they all step side by side in front of me. Hoseok takes one step forward with a shy yet hesitant smile.

"Y/N, I'm guessing you already know what we would very much love to happen here, but I want to ask you, do you really feel ready to be bonded to all of us? I don't want you to feel forced, this can still be a wonderful date if you ever change your mind about this". I smile and shake my head. "I'm sure, Hoseok, I would love to bond with all of you". His small smile becomes a wide hearty smile and he nods, eyes sparkling.

I stare at them all and suddenly feel self conscious. "How... do we proceed?" I ask in a small voice and he beckons for me to sit down on the bench before kneeling down in front of me. "We're going to go one at a time. We're going to take our time, let you process our soul slowly, but we'll all be there, ready to welcome you into our family" he explains and I stare at his beautiful almond shaped eyes, the love I can see just waiting to reach my soul through the bond.

His gaze falls on my hand and he slowly offers me his hand, allowing me to make the final decision.

My heart is beating so fast, every nerves in my body thrumming with anticipation as I let my hand reach his, our fingers intertwining together. It's immediate. The red strings that unite as our souls reach for one another.

It's a literal sun that brings light into my soul, taking its place into the hole that used to threaten me with nightmares. My body feels light, buzzing with happiness that comes from the man in front of me. Tears trickle down his cheeks when he cups mine with his free hand, the contact of his palm on my skin sending pleasant sparks to my brain.

I don't even realize when the strings disappear, the light fading around us, I'm simply lost in his gaze as he is in mine. The others are keeping a respectful distance around us, beaming at the sight, tears in their eyes as they wait for their turn.

When I blink, Hoseok shyly stands up, cheeks pink as the others coo at us and he takes a seat next to me while keeping some distance. I follow him with my eyes, registering the link that now connects us together.

My attention is brought back in front of me when Jungkook is faster than the others and kneels in front of me with a huge smile, his cute bunny teeth making me smile. He offers me his hand too and waits for me to put mine in his.

His head tilts to the side as he sees my hand come closer and he grabs it in his. The red strings surround us yet again and his sweet presence takes place in my soul. It shyly fills the hole, a bundle of energy restrained to not overwhelm. His warm eyes seem to take in every one of my expressions, feeding on them like it's the best thing in the world.

His eyes crease in a bigger smile when the bond settles and he takes me in his arms strongly. Chuckles are heard as he stands up and takes me with him, spinning us around with energy, our laughs singing in our soulmates' ears like the most beautiful melody.

When he's calmed down, he brings me back to the bench and sets me down as if I never left it and sits on my other side, leaving some space just like Hoseok did.

Before someone else can step in front of me, Namjoon clears his throat. "Maybe we should give her some time to breathe, I know this can be a lot to deal with". Jin nods and goes somewhere, Jimin following him closely and eventually, they come back with some bottles of juice. Jimin gives me my favorite savor and I stare at him, surprised.

"How did you know?". He just grins and gives the other bottles around. "Sanha told us" Yoongi says and I nod. "Wait... you met Sanha?" I then ask curiously. He nods. "So far, we've met Rocky, Moonbin, MJ and Sanha". "Ah... so you still have yet to meet JinJin and Eunwoo" I say and he chuckles. "We'll have plenty of time for that". I smile at him and he responds with a cute funny smile.

I take a few sip of the juice and enjoy the refreshing feeling it brings me. I now feel three of my soulmates in my soul and it's like the darkness within me is disappearing. It might come back eventually, but for now, the brightness is everywhere and I never want it to leave.

I set my bottle down by my feet and that somehow changes the whole mood. Namjoon sees me stare at him and decides to kneel down in front of me. "Are you really to keep going?". I nod with a timid smile. His dimples stare at me when he smiles and I feel my heart stop for a moment, especially when I hear his now deep voice. "Alright".

He stares at my hand and delicately picks it up in his, the red strings leaving our fingers to intertwine and become one. Namjoon's presence is imposing, yet soft and protective. It feels safe, as if from now on, nothing can harm me anymore, like no matter where he is, he'll protect me.

His forehead comes to lightly bump against mine and we stay like that for a while, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling the bond brings us. "Your soul is just as beautiful as you are" he murmurs and my eyes flutter open. His face so close to mine is fascinating. "Yours too" I murmur back and his eyes close happily.

Taehyung steps forward and crouches, looking around at the others before sending me a small peck in the air and giving me a teasing grin.

I blush and try to hide my face, but he has none of it. He grabs both my hands and make them cup his face just as the strings start to surround us. When Taehyung's soul enters in contact with mine, it's a wave of warmth and love that hits me strongly. It feels so very comforting and makes me understand that behind his often serious face, the amount of love is a never ending source.

It surrounds me like a blanket and it too fills a part of the hole within me, a hole that keeps getting smaller and smaller. His eyes look over me with a glint of something that I don't quite understand. His thumb comes to brush against my cheek and I realize that there are tears, I'm actually crying. He smiles softly and takes me in his arms, making me rest my head against his neck. "You have no idea how wonderful it is to finally have you in my arms" he whispers and I muffle a sob as a lump forms in my throat.

"Are you trying to make me burst into tears?" I mumble and his deep voice chuckles, sending vibration in my body, like the purr of a cat, calming me.

When he ends the hug, it's to go sit next to Hoseok and Jimin takes his place. He seems shy as he takes place on his knees and stares at me, into my eyes with warmth.

"Can I?" he asks, waiting for me to agree before taking my hand in his with small careful fingers. When the bond starts, his soul is like a delicate kiss, a soft fluffy cat, taking place in my soul, not taking more space than necessary. But it brings a comfort, a sense of belonging that I didn't know I needed. "My magnificent soulmate" he timidly says and I can't help the smile that expends on my face.

His gaze falls on our hands intertwined and I follow his sight to find my finger with six red rings. It's almost complete. The soft beating of hearts felt telling me that it's real, they truly are a part of me now. Our eyes meet again and his proud eyes stare at me longingly. His face comes closer and he softly pecks my nose and cheeks, leaving me a blushing mess before giggling and getting up to sit next to Jungkook.

I follow Jin as he takes place in front of me, making me stand up by the shoulders and smiles cutely.

"We kept the best for last" he jokingly says, ignoring the whines of the others and making me giggle. He offers me his hand and I slowly intertwine our fingers. As the red strings appear, his other hand slides on my cheek to remove a random strand of hair and putting it behind my ears.

The bond with Jin feels stronger, probably because he completes the bond we all now share together. At first, it's only him. His love, confidence, patience, proudness overflowing in me, making me feel like the prettiest person, the most loved soulmate in the world. His soft fingers slide down my back and bring me closer to him as he gazes down at me, small tears appearing in his eyes. "Finally" he murmurs and I smile back, brushing my finger against his cheek when a tear falls down.

Soon, it's the feeling of all our soulmates' souls that enter the bond and it's never felt so complete, so... right. The others stand up to surround us and it's all of our happiness that mixes together to create this link, this indestructible bond that now flows through us like a never ending cycle, a river of life that soothes us, the longing of a completed bond satiated.

And it's a rush of energy that passes through us that makes us fall to the ground, a pile of limbs and happy smiles cuddling together.

"Thank you for accepting us all, Y/N".

"Thank you for accepting me".

AHHHHHHH! I really hope this was a satisfying chapter! It took me so much time to write, but I think it turned out fine. They're so adorable, all taking their time with Y/N, each enjoying the new connection.

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