This nightmare needs to end

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WARNING - this chapter will contain some triggering scenes for some of you, please proceed only if you feel comfortable with reading about violence and abuse. Be safe everyone and never hesitate to seek help, you're not alone and putting yourself first is not a crime, it's so important. Love you guys. 

The feeling of something wet on my neck stirs me out of sleep and with heavy lids, I slowly open my eyes to see Hoseok's face right in front of mine. His beautiful face with soft eyelashes, smooth skin. His aura glows even when he's asleep, I think to myself as I feel a smile creep across my face.

Something wet again on my skin, just what is it? I feel something move behind me and that's when I feel a breath on the skin of my neck, slow and regular. Who's that? I try to turn around as I feel an arm slide on my waist, his head safely settled on mine.

Something wet drips again on my skin like water. "Is someone drooling on me?!" I whisper shout and when I touch my neck, a little hesitant as to what I could find, I realize it is indeed saliva.

"Gross, eww, what" I mumble as I try to scoot away from the head and more into Hoseok's chest. Grumbles are heard from both bodies and the body behind me pulls me backwards into his chest, whoever it is brings his face into my neck, right into his own saliva.

I sigh and close my eyes, now unable to move. Hoseok, so close, yet so far. I want to cuddle my sun too...

"What- why's my face so wet... did I... oh shoot" I hear from behind me and recognize Jungkook's voice. For his pride, I decide to act like I'm still sleeping as he wipes my neck all clean and then proceeds to wipe his face as he sits up.

"I can't believe I drooled on her like a dog" he whispers to himself and I have to stop a giggle from bubbling out. He steps off the bed and runs down the stairs and out of my room, probably going to the bathroom to wash his face properly.

I take this moment to scoot closer to Hoseok, straight into his open and inviting arms. Wait...

"It was nice of you to act like you were asleep" I hear into my ear and look up to see my sunshine gazing down at me with warm eyes. I let a giggle slip and snuggle into his chest again, letting his arms envelop me tightly.

"How are you feeling" he then asks me, a tint of worry in his voice. "Like new" I respond and he hums in relief. I close my eyes and just enjoy being in his arms as he does the same. Then we hear a door open and close again and a body climbs on the bed and back behind me. I grin widely as he scoots close against my back and I let his arm wrap around me right under Hoseok's arm.

"Cuddle sandwich" I whisper and both men chuckle softly. It's all sweet, soft and quiet until the door opens again. The first thing that alarms me after the odd silence that takes place is what takes place in the bond. Oh no.

I open my eyes just in time to see Taehyung start shouting a warrior scream as he jumps on top of the three of us. Luckily the two arms around me save me from most of the shock as Taehyung falls into a giggle fit and snuggles on top of me, his face into my neck.

"Tae! You can't just jump on us like that!" I exclaim before joining him in giggles when his hair tickles my jaw. "But you've been sleeping for ages! I want to cuddle too!" he playfully whines and locks me in his embrace as his arms wrap around me just above Hoseok's arms.

I giggle even more as happiness keeps increasing in the bond and I know it's like a call begging and pulling our other soulmates to us when I hear many feet thump into the room in a hurry to find us in a pile on the bed.

"Well don't mind if I join you guys!" Jin exclaims before climbing on top of Hoseok, squishing us further into the bed. Namjoon laughs but does exactly the same on Jungkook. Jimin giggles cutely and snakes his way on top of Taehyung who starts to laugh from the sudden weight added on him as he tries to avoid leaning too much on me already.  I stretch my neck from behind Taehyung to see a bit of Yoongi's hair still in front of the bed.

"I demand the presence of my last missing soulmate!" I yell and the others join me, begging for Yoongi to join the bed of love as we now call it. With a groan that can't cover the joy emanating from him, he 'reluctantly' climbs on the bed and crawls between Taehyung and Jin, his face meeting Hoseok, Taehyung and I's faces in a circle. Stupid grins take place on our lips as we let the exhilaration from the bond spread through our whole bodies.

It's all cuddly and fun before someone starts squirming and we all groan in pain as chaos starts taking place.

Elbows hitting ribs, Taehyung's arm that holds both his and Jimin's weight gives up and they fall on me. I groan loudly, weight becoming too much for my body, causing Namjoon and Jungkook to try and free me which then causes Jimin to roll off Taehyung to fall on Yoongi, then making him grunt in despair because he didn't sign for that, then pushing him on Jin, who loses his grip as his hand slips, causing his body to fall on Hoseok's face who then screams into Yoongi's ears causing him to try and push us away, so Jungkook makes me roll on top of him and back down between him and Namjoon as Yoongi starts hitting the loud men to free himself.

I can't help but start laughing because this is exactly what I expect to happen from them. Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok join me, laughing loudly while the others try to survive from Yoongi's wrath.

With much difficulty, we finally untangle our limbs and make our way down the bed and to the living room, hairs a mess as we all spread throughout the house. I could do with a shower, I think to myself as I see my reflection on the black screen of the TV. I look at the clock on the wall to see that it's already kinda late in the night. Oops, I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep, I already slept all day. Oh well.

"Guys, I'm going to the bathroom, I could do with taking a shower. I just... we didn't get my products from my apartment right?" I ask to no one in particular. Namjoon, who stayed nearby turns to me. "I think Jin got you some new products? They're in the shower, middle shelf". Nodding to myself, because everyone else is busy in the kitchen, I turn back and enter the beautiful bathroom to indeed find feminine products on the middle shelf.

"Are they alright? If you don't like them you can always switch with one of ours" Namjoon says as he pokes a head into the open door. "Yeah, they're great, thank you, Joonie" I reply and he grins before closing the door behind him.

I go to lock the door because I don't want my soulmates to enter the room and see me naked, no no.

I proceed to undress myself and familiarize myself with the luxurious shower, noting how the machinery seems different. After a few tries, I finally manage to get some hot water at the perfect temperature and dip a toe into the water first before walking inside and closing the shower door.

It feels good to relax after all that happened. The attack, how Waffle protected me, I saw him sleeping when I left the room, his loud snores indicating that today drained him a lot too. If it weren't for him, even the barrier wouldn't have been able to save me for long.

I wash my body and my hair but even when done, I decide to enjoy the warmth some more, it just feels so nice. I hear someone knock on the door but let it be, just ten more seconds and I'll get out.

But the knock is insistent and it's only when I open my eyes that I realize it's not my bathroom. I turn to stare at the door again. The bathroom is old and dirty, and the door looks like it could break so easily. I turn off the water and quickly get a towel that I wrap around me. Did he drink again? I swear, if he did-

The door smashes open and I see my husband walk in with an empty bottle of whiskey in hand. "I told you to not drink again! Where does that bottle come from? I thought I got rid of them all!" I shout, angry. He promised he'd stop drinking, yet look at him now. He scowls and throws the bottle at my feet. I look down as it explodes and shards cut at the skin of my feet. 

"You're going to scream at me now?! The fuck you think you are, huh, bitch? So you're the reason why all my fucking bottles are gone? You think I'll let that pass? Fucking hoe" he screams before taking quick steps my way and pulling at my hair, bringing my face just in front of his.

I try to push him away, but he only pulls me closer and smashes his lips against mine. I grunt against him and try to keep my mouth closed, to resist the kiss, but he bites my lips, causing me to yelp in pain and his tongue darts inside, violating my mouth as if it's his. In a desperate move, I bite on his tongue and he pushes back. It only takes a moment before my cheek burns. He just fucking hit me?!

"You're mine and I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want! It wouldn't have fucking happened if you bitch let me keep the damn bottles!" he shouts and spits into my face. "The fuck! You're the one who asked me to do that! You fucking bastard, you just never stop, do you?" I counter but I see him step back from me before I feel the pain on my nose.

I bring a hand to my face to see blood. He broke my nose.He moved so quickly I never saw him hit me. "I'm not fucking dealing with you right now, get out, I'm leaving" I tell him and try to push past him, stepping on the shards to get to my clothes, but his hand grabs my wrist and he throws me into the bath.

My breath gets caught into my throat from the hit, it fucking hurts. My ribs hit the corner and I think something broke. He takes the towel from around me and the harsh material scratches my skin. I bring my arms around me to try and hide my body, there's no way that fucker deserves to see me naked right now. I see him lick his lips as he stares down at me and his hands start sliding against the skin of my legs that are sticking out of the bath.

"If you're sorry, you could let me have some fun" he whispers sensually, but the result is just gross as his intoxicated self makes him not even aware of what he's doing. "Not today no, when you're sober, after you've fucking apologized, now get off me"  I try again but his hold tightens, it hurts so much. He steps into the bath and throws himself on me, smashing his lips again but I hit him and push him away, using his body to push myself upwards and on adrenaline, I don't feel the pain as I jump out of the bath. I grab my clothes and run to the bedroom, locking the door to change into my clothes so I can get the fuck out of here.

He starts hitting against the door. Man, he's so insistent. "Leave me alone!" I scream but he again bursts the door open. I turn to see him with a huge knife in hand. "What the fuck, are you serious right now? You're going to kill me?!" I shout and step away from him as much as possible.

He takes one more step but suddenly my world is thrown upside down when I trip on something and fall backwards, falling to the ground. And on contact, I feel my neck break before darkness surrounds me.

Come, on, Y/N, get out of the memory, get out. It's over, she's dead. Some faraway loud knocks on the door get my attention. Is this the guys? Damn, I'm still naked, just get out of it first, Y/N, you can do it. I start slipping away, my consciousness becoming hard to keep a hold on. Fuck.

I try to turn and cover my body, forcing it to react. Just a little... I feel so heavy... Namjoon will die too if I don't fight, I can't... I silently cry for help, pulling on the bond to stay, to feel the reality, to feel them. It's full of panic. A loud noise, then hands on me, something soft. A warmth. It pulls me out of the darkness, like a light that shines and brings life back to my oncoming death.

I gasp and open my eyes, currently overwhelmed by the very human sensations that rush back to me in an instant. My blood pumping hard, the throbbing pain on my head, probably from falling earlier in the shower, my heart is beating so fast it hurts. I turn to see Jungkook in front of me, his hands on my cheeks. The towel thrown quickly on my body to hide what it can. The others standing behind, wide eyes just now seeing that I'm awake, alive.

I don't see Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon, but I can hear their voices, Namjoon seems out of breath, just like me.

We almost died.

I almost killed Namjoon with the memories. This can't go on any longer.

"Jin-hyung, make an appointment, NOW. We're putting an end to this nightmare" Namjoon growls at the door. I look up to see him taking heavy steps my way and he falls in front of me, next to Jungkook.

Without saying a word, he pulls me in his lap, making sure that the towel stays in place and wraps his arms around me safely. "You're fine, baby, you're alright, I'm alright" he says like a mantra as he rocks us back and forth. I feel tears run down my cheeks and my throat burns from resisting sobs.

Jungkook looks us both over to make sure we're not hurt in anyway, that our vitals are good. Jimin comes back with warm clothes and he helps me put them on with Namjoon's help, the two careful to not look where they shouldn't while the others turn around, all of them not daring to leave the room just yet.

Once I'm dressed, Namjoon and I both need the help to get up because our bodies are not over the almost death. Jimin and Taehyung help me while Jin and Jungkook help Namjoon and we all walk to the nest.

As soon as we put a foot in the room, the relief is instant. It truly is a magical room. We all settle on the bed and the youngests cuddle close to me while the others cuddle Namjoon, all of us fitting under the huge blanket to bring relief to our anxious souls.

It's quiet for a long time as we slowly calm down. I turn to meet Jimin's worried eyes and he leans forward, setting his forehead against mine for comfort. Since I'm laying on Taehyung's chest, my body between his legs, his slow breathing and warmth bring me peace while Jungkook slides his hand slowly on the exposed skin of my waist, as if doing so eases his anxiety.

"Kookie, can't you just erase all the bad memories?" Jimin whispers softly as he looks behind me. I hear a sigh. "No, Jiminie. Doing so would probably bring her body into shock since she would have to relive all of them and if we get rid of too many, it will create a gap in her soul, it wouldn't do anything good to her" he responds just as softly and Jimin sighs in disappointment.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, feeling guilty for having such a terrible ability. As much as it can do beautiful things, bringing so much pain to my soulmates just breaks my heart. The body under me shuffles before making us sit up and I turn to see Taehyung staring down at me with his beautiful eyes.

"It's not your fault, Y/N-ie, never your fault. We'll get through this, we'll make sure you can enjoy only the beautiful part of your ability. I'll ask doctor Bang if he can lock the memories, if it takes years, then it takes years, but if we can slowly lock them away, then we should do it" he says and I nod my head before leaning into his chest.

"We have an appointment tomorrow at 13h with a special lawyer, we should rest as much as possible for now" Jin suddenly says, cutting our speaking short and Taehyung lays us both down again.

Is it really going to work? Can we step out of this unending cycle?

They'll have to start taking action now if they want this to be over! Let's just hope everything goes well!

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