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Three days had passed and things were starting to settle. I liked having them at home, waking up to them every morning even though a part of me longed for the others to be here too. But all in due time.

"Y/N, we're going to go get our stuff from the apartment, we'll be back later today okay?" Jin screams from the front door while I'm brushing my teeth. I quickly spit and rinse my mouth before running to him to see Yoongi and Hoseok ready to leave too.

I fumble in my purse to get a spare key. "Here, take this just in case, I don't know if I'll be here when you'll come back" I tell them before putting my shoes on, much to their surprise.

"Are you going somewhere?" Yoongi asks with curious eyes, head tilted to the side and I nod. "I have to go to the city for an appointment" I reply, trying to keep it as simple as possible. I don't want to tell them the reason just yet. Sensing my apprehension, Jin just nods and opens the door for us.

Hoseok leads me by the hand outside and wraps me in his arms softly. "Give us a call if there's anything, the others too since they'll be closer, be careful" he requests, the only thing that will put him at ease for the day, so I comply. "Of course, I've been there many times, it'll be fine. I'll call if anything happens". He hums and lets me go to give his place to Yoongi and Jin.

They both hug me at the same time, both chins on my head. "Do you need us to walk you to the station?" Yoongi asks but I hum a no. "It's fine, you only have today left to take care of your stuff, don't lose time, if you're not sure where to put what at my place, just leave them in the living room and we can take care of it together later" I say with a light chuckle. I look at the time and wave them goodbye as I start running to not miss the early train, I don't want to wait.

"Don't get lost like Taehyung okay?" Jin screams one last time and I laugh without turning around. He can find whatever he wants just by thinking about it but gets lost himself? If this isn't hilarious, then Hoseok isn't the sun.

The train station isn't too far, so I reach it quite quickly. Getting my ticket from a nearby machine, I step inside and get into an empty two seats little room for tranquility. I slide the door shut and set my bag on the seat in front of me and look out the window, watching as people hurry to get inside before we depart.

I take my phone out of my pocket and look at my contacts. Should I call them to ask if they want to meet up for lunch? But they're probably busy, plus I don't even know how long my appointment will last. I huff silently and put it back from where it was. I'll see after my appointment, if it's not too late then I'll call them. Satisfied with my idea, my eyes are brought back towards the outside as the train starts moving quicker and quicker until the station is out of view.

Taehyung's POV

The last days have been hectic to say the least. With school, work and figuring out how to leave the city without changing our schedules too much, I haven't had time to slow down and take a breather. Namjoon is in quite the same situation since he too has work while the younger ones just focus mostly on school with their obligatory club activities.

They unsurprisingly both got accepted into dance last year and managed to get their overtime practicing as a club if they got enough members. And being the two good looking men that they are, the club filled quite quickly, forcing the school to keep their promise.

"I miss Y/N" I whisper to myself as I type a resume of today's client's appointment into the computer. The mental health department still had one more appointment to go through before he had to go to school in the afternoon.

I wonder where she is right now, what she's doing. As I think about her, my ability activates and I see her walking nearby. Nearby? She's in the city?! I hurry to take my phone and dial her number. She replies quickly and a surprised voice greet my ears.

"Taehyung?". A smile appears on my face without realizing it. It's been only a few days but I missed her voice so much. "I just discovered that you're in the city, is there something going on?" I ask her with curiosity. Hesitation seeps into the bond from her side and I raise my eyebrows. Oh? "Nothing important, you don't need to hurry. It's an appointment I have to get some answers" she explains and I hum softly. This is her privacy, if she doesn't want to tell, then who am I to insist?

"Alright, it's fine. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. If you're free later, let's meet up for lunch! We could call the others too" I ask in a giddy voice, I really hope she agrees. "That sounds great, let's do that" she replies and I jump on my seat before clearing my throat when my coworker looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Great, call me when you're done!" I say and end the call to resume what I was doing.

She feels happy from the call and my eyes crease from smiling too much. "Was that your soulmate?" my coworker, Kaylee asks me and I nod, eyes now focused on the paper in front of me as I type onto the keyboard. "Yes, she's nearby today so we're going to meet up for lunch" I reply and she hums. "Wait. She? Aren't your soulmates all men?". I look up to see her confused eyes and grin. "Our last soulmate was found. She's a beautiful woman, inside and out". "Well damn, one female for seven men...".

I look away and ignore her comment. I can't help but use my ability again to see if she's still safe, whether she's close or went further away. But my concentration breaks when I hear the ding of the door signaling the arrival of the next client. I stand up from my desk to greet them, leaving the door open behind me and going down the corridor to see someone's back waiting by the counter.

"Welcome-" I freeze when she turns around, the same expression on her face. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" I ask as I take small steps to her, locking her into a quick hug before stepping away to keep the professional image. She's gaping at me, eyes wide as she tries to find the words.

Then the psychologist leaves his office to greet her with a wide smile. "Oh, is she the next one? Are you- wait, Y/N! Haven't seen you in a long time, I almost didn't recognize you, please, come with me" he says and beckons her to follow him, unaware of the current situation.

She looks back at me with a worried look before disappearing behind a closed door. What were the odds that she'd end up where I work? But most importantly, why was she here? This department takes care of heavy cases that need particular care. With worry biting at my nerves, I go back to my desk. I stare at the paper in front of me. "One thing at a time" I mumble before shaking my head to concentrate on my tasks.

Your POV

I sit on the couch while mister Bang takes a seat on a chair next to me. His smile gives place to a more serious look as his intelligent eyes stare at me.

"I'm sure you didn't come here for fun. Is everything fine?" he asks as he sets his notepad comfortably on his lap.

This man exudes so much warmth and comfort that it's the only one I've ever felt comfortable sharing everything so easily. That's why I've followed him around, going from buildings to buildings until he finally settled here for good a few years ago. The last time I came here was exactly six years ago, when we figured I could finally get through the worse and handle myself from then on.

I take in a deep breath. "Do you remember when you locked away my memory of... my family's death?" I start and his eyes widen. "What about it?" he asks nervously. "Well... the nightmares came back. The lock was undone and I have no idea who could have done this" I explain and he stands up from his seat to walk around the couch to think.

"Did you feel anyone, a tickle, a breeze, something that felt abnormal against your soul recently? When did this happen?". I shake my head. "A few days ago. I actually met my soulmates, so my soul has been kind of in overdrive recently, it would have been hard to notice anything, so the people that did this probably was aware of that fact. It's what I think anyway" I explain and he sits back on his seat to take notes.

"I see. That's very possible. On a lighter note, I'm very happy that you found your soulmates. You deserve all the best, I hope they will treat you well" he then says with a smile as he looks up from his notes. I smile at him, eyes creased as I think of them. My lovely soulmates. Sparkles of joy reach me from the bond and I start feeling embarrassed when I realize that my thoughts reached them as feelings in the bond. I shake my head to focus back on what's urgent.

"How did you manage to get over the memory? I would image your reaction to be just the same as before, did you shut down?" he asks with knowing eyes and I nod, looking at my hands on my knees. "I did. It... was tough. I kept seeing it on a loop, over and over again. But one of my soulmate can modify memories, he helped me, put a seal on it and created smiles where there was death, probably. I can't remember how they died now, I just know that it happened".

"I see, I see... that's both a wonderful and dangerous ability. I hope he can make good use of it. Well let's start first and see if I can feel traces of someone else's ability where I put the lock". I watch him take a seat next to me as his hands come to settle on my temples.

"Close your eyes please, think of the memory, just so I can follow you and not snoop around" he says in a chuckle and I smile before doing what he said. And once we reach destination, I let him do what he does best. I can feel him like a breeze as he searches and analyzes whatever it is he's looking for.

"Found it" he mumbles but he doesn't stop there. "What is this...". I can feel a pulling sensation from within my soul and I can't muffle a scream when it hurts. My eyes snap open but his stay closed, hands not letting go of my head. "Bear with me, please, I know it hurts but whoever did this left something behind" he explains between his teeth and I can see sweat dropping on his forehead and neck.

A scream leaves my throat again and I clench my fists as hard as I can to help me endure. It feels like he's slicing my soul like fries, pulling at my skin and tearing it apart. Panic surges into the bond and I feel so bad. I told them it was a small appointment, they're going to think about the worst scenarios. Like on cue, my phone starts vibrating in my pocket but the pain takes my thoughts away from them, making me try to curl away from the hands that are causing this pain right now as tears start to burn my eyes.

"Almost done... I've got it". Just as he says it, the pain disappears like it never existed, leaving me panting heavily and looking confusedly at him as something floats into a small bottle.

Someone starts knocking on the door loudly and mister Bang sighs before going to open it after setting whatever he held on his desk.

Taehyung looks behind him to look at me and he has to resist the urge to shove his boss aside to reach me. When he's crouching in front of me, I feel his relief from seeing me unharmed, just a little shocked from what happened.

"Now, now, are you saying Taehyung here is one of your soulmate? the man exclaims with wide eyes as he stares at our entwined hands. "What happened to her? Why was she in pain?" Taehyung asks with concern, nose scrunched up in confusion.

Mister Bang reaches his desk and takes the bottle. "This was the cause. Whoever destroyed my lock also left this behind, a kind of virus, if you will. I have no idea what he meant to do with it but I will send it to the lab". Taehyung leaves my side to take the bottle in his hands. I too stare at it with wide and disgusted eyes. This is like a larva, white and transparent. This was glued to my soul?

Taehyung hands the bottle back before sitting next to me and taking me in his arms, pushing my head against his chest as he rocks us back and forth.

What is happening and why? Can't I just live an ordinary life with my soulmates? Who's this person that seems to be after me now? Why-

"Shhh, you'll be fine, we'll find whoever did this and protect you, okay? We'll go see Namjoon later and ask him to put a barrier around you, this won't happen again" he whispers in my ear and I nod slowly.

Also guys we reached 1k views !! So thankful for you all, thank you!

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