Chapter 17: The Price is Right- No, Wrong Show. It's Let's Make A Deal

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I'm still not done with school :/

You managed to keep yourself from flinching, but you could feel Dream's gaze burning into you. Beside him, Schlatt stood, a mixture of disbelief and joy on his face.

"My name's not Y/N," you lied, the words coming out a little harsher than you had expected. "It's Shadow." You could see the understanding dawn in Schlatt's eyes as he nodded.

"Ah," Schlatt said. "I know someone who looks so f***ing similar to you." He turned to look at Dream. "Do you mind if I speak to her, in private?" Dream frowned, looking unhappy, but nodded and left the room. The moment he was out of earshot, you turned to Schlatt.

"What are you DOING HERE?" you hissed at him. "I haven't seen you since the war ended! Why are you in the FREAKING DREAM SMP?!?" Schlatt looked amused.

"First of all, nice to see you too. Dream has a plan which, if it works out, will give me a s*** ton of power." He grinned. "Ever heard of the 1st annual L'manburg election?"

Your eyes widened. "You can't be serious." You raised one of your hands, rubbing your temples in disbelief. "There's no way for you to win! People don't know you, and they trust Wilbur. There's simply no freaking way for you to win!"

Schlatt rolled his eyes. "Like I said, we have a plan."

You froze for a second, remembering the conversation you'd overheard around a week or two before. "Rigging. You're going to rig the votes. You- you were the 'latt' I heard about! You're going to rig the election!"

"Ah, now you get it, Y/N."

You smacked him. "Schlatt! Get it through your thick skull! I'm not Y/N here, I'm Shadow! If you keep calling me Y/N, they'll get suspicious and then ask questions about why I was keeping my name a secret, and then everything after that points right back to TECHNO!" You paused. "You haven't happened to see him, have you?"

Schlatt shook his head. "Nope. Not since the war." He hesitated. "Y- I mean, Shadow, I'm telling you this because I want your help." You stared at him, shocked, but he barreled on. "L'manburg has a lot of new residents. Quackity, Niki, Jack, Ponk, Purpled. I need more than just the Dream Team on my side. People still don't trust Dream, and if they don't trust me, our plan goes to hell. That's where you come in." He stared at you. "Wilbur, Tommy, Fundy, Tubbo, they know you. You fought with them. If you can support me, Fundy and Tubbo might vote for me instead."

You snorted. "Doubtful. Wilbur and Tommy have a lot people loyal to them. It'll take more than me to sway the public's opinion. What's even in it for me?"

"Freedom," a voice behind you broke in. You turned to see Dream standing in the doorway, watching you. "You help us, and, once Wilbur and Tommy are taken care of, we'll give you your complete freedom. No strings attached."

You frowned, scowling at him. "And how am I supposed to know you'll keep your word?"

"Shadow, we're your friends! We'd never break our promises." He applied just enough emphasis to the one word that it cut into Shadow but could still be easily denied if questioned. You glowered at him again before turning back to Schlatt.

"One other condition." You told him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Go ahead," he replied, glancing at Dream, who started back through narrowed eyes.

"The fox-boy, Fundy." You said, gaze still pinned to your friend. "I want him to be kept safe. Promote him to a position in your government, give him privileges, whatever makes him happy." You smiled softly. "It'll be hard for him to vote against his father, and I don't want him to think he made the wrong choice."

Schlatt nodded. "Fine, the fox-child will be privileged. Do we have a deal?"

You glanced between him and Dream. "Yes, I think we do."


626 Words


Shorter chapter, I just wanted to write this one :D

Also, my friend Mel will be co-writing some chapters and even writing a few of them alone, so this'll be chaotic.

If I start saying stupider stuff than normal, you'll know it's Mel


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