Chapter 19: Four People Scream At Each Other And Fundy Teaches History

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Ayup, my Shadows! Tis me, Fire, back again!

Mel did a wonderful job (even if she blackmailed me into a few things) and she's going to help me as I have a Ranboo-level memory when it comes to the arcs. (Seriously tho, Mel, all your suggestions have to do with Y/N and kissing. What the heck is wrong with you, this is a slowburn XD)

Anyways, more chapter, less talking.

The next day, you followed Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, George, Big Q, and a new person called Karl Jacobs up a very thin set of cobblestone stairs. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WHO MADE THIS!??!?!" you screamed as you nearly fell off of the edge. The stairs had, of course, led to an even FREAKING THINNER FLOATING FREAKING PATH, which was about the width of a cat's whisker and just about as thin as a cloud. Behind you, Fundy laughed and steadied you.

"Calm down, it's not that bad," he giggled. You whipped around (well, as much as you could without losing your balance) and glared at him.


Fundy rolled his eyes. "At the moment, I'd prefer to be half Ender dragon." You frowned.

"Ender DRAGON? What the heck is THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH?" you asked, well, screamed, as you almost fell off the edge. You decided to spend less time talking and more time focusing on where to place your feet.

"Seriously?" Fundy said incredulously. "Well, the End dimension is a strange place floating in an orb of void. It's made of levitating islands made of a pale yellow-white crystal known as endstone. From this endstone grows beautiful purple plants known as chorus fruit. When eaten, it warps space to teleport the consumer any random distance. Scattered throughout the End are these weird places called End cities. They're shaped like chorus fruit, with thin, tall towers that defy the laws of gravity and beautiful rooms made out of endstone and something called purpur. These cities have floating airships which contain Ender dragon heads on the end. End cities can have something called Elytra in them, which are like wings you can put on and fly with."

"However, these end cities have been abandoned for centuries, and no one knows why! The only living things in there are these creatures called shulkers, which have hard shells and shoot crystals which make you levitate if hit. Legend says that the shells of shulkers can make boxes which compact any item put inside so small that the box can be destroyed and replaced somewhere else and the items will still be there, normal size one more."

"The main part of the End dimension, however, is the central island. Some call it Zero-Zero, others call it the Zero Point, and still others call it the Crossroads. Here, tall, amazingly thick obsidian towers are tipped with End crystals, gems so powerful they explode if touched. These End crystals give power and health to the Ender dragon, a scaley beast with two wings. The dragon guards the only way back to the overworld from the End, a bedrock temple, tipped with the dragon's own egg."

"However, many years ago, god banned the End." He glanced at you, noting your skeptical face, and laughed. "No, seriously! The god of this world moved the portal to the End far away, to a location no one can ever find. All who go searching never return." He stopped, grinning at you. "Aaaaaand ta da! We're here!"

You glanced up, surprised, to see that you had indeed reached the courthouse. You followed Fundy into it, the two of you standing by the doorway. Tubbo, Wilbur, and Tommy stood on one side of the room while George and Quackity stood on the other. Karl and Sapnap stood in the middle, on a podium reserved for the election mediator.

After a moment, you pulled out two chairs from you pack, setting them up for you and Fundy to sit on. Schlatt had chosen not to appear tonight under the excuse of preparing something with Dream, who was also absent.

Karl cleared his throat, calling the session to order.

"For the first part of our debate night, the presidential candidates will take the stage." Wilbur and Quackity complied, walking to their respective podiums. "Our first topic is the issue of territories. Big Q, you're up first."

"L'manburg has a long history of discrimination against people not from L'manburg," Quackity began, getting straight to the point. "I- I myself am not able to enter L'manburg because of the policies these men have put into their property, and I don't agree with that. I'm going to let everyone into L'manburg because it's a beautiful country and it deserves to be seen by every citizen in the Dream SMP." He stepped back from the mic. "Now, Mr. President, your turn."

"For years, may I say decades," Wilbur said, adjusting his tricorn hat, "the Dream SMP has ostracized my group, my people. My European brethren stood behind me. L'manburg is not a place of oppression, it is a place of sanctuary for our people. What you are intending to do is to come into our land and open it up to the people- the very people we seek to escape, just because we've created a better life for ourselves. This in itself is tyranny and I will NOT STAND FOR IT." Wilbur slammed his hand down on the podium to emphasize his point.

"Wil- Wilbur is embracing tradition." Quackity said, shaking his head. "Here, we don't need to embrace tradition. We- We're a new generation of politicians. Will, I hope you remember that. Embracing your- your old school policies is just going to hurt, uh, progress-"

"These policies were formed by blood," Wilbur broke in, "not long ago."

"Is that so?" Quackity interrupted, attempting to take back the stage.

Wilbur nodded, pyramiding his fingers. "Yes."


"We are oppressed, we are an oppressed people, Quackity. I led these people to freedom and I will keep and uphold these policies. I will uphold the policies which freed us." Wilbur finished, sipping water from his water bottle. You elbowed Fundy, whispering into his ear, "I wish I'd brought my popcorn, this is entertaining." Fundy snorted, glancing back up to watch the drama unfold.

Wilbur sighed. "Borders, as long as I'm in charge, will remain closed to all who are non-Europeans."

"The people get to choose, Wilbur," Quackity challenged, holding up his hands.

"Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please," Karl broke in. "The second topic of the night is you stances on the murdering of pets." Next to him, Sapnap avoided everyone's eyes, staring at the ceiling.

"If I'm reelected as president, I would like to create a police force so no further pets will be killed in L'manburg," Wilbur stated firmly. Beside you, Fundy jumped to his feet, clapping his hands.

"HECK YEAH!" he yelled, racing over to Wilbur's side. You grinned at his enthusiasm.

"I think that moral values of our people are more important than enforcement. You are enacting police enforcement and what I'm enacting is better values of our people," Quackity argued.

Rolling your eyes, you stood up, picked up your chair, and started walking away down the thin cobblestone path. "Enjoy arguing pointlessly," you muttered. You'd heard enough to know that it was going to end in chaos. As you slowly made your way down the path, you were surprised to see Dream coming up the path. As he approached, you called out, "It's going to be a madhouse in there. Please do go die."

Dream snorted. "Oh, I know. Wilbur stole some of my money to bribe Karl into making Wilbur win. I'm here to defend myself."

"Ha. You deserve it. Where's Schlatt?" You asked, unslinging your backpack and riffling through it.

"I left him at the castle."

Finally, you pulled out an iron bucket filled with water. "Have fun getting your throat cut the moment you walk in there." You gave him a mock salute and jumped off of the path, holding back a scream. Just before you hit the ground, the water in your bucket defied the laws of physics and, rather then be subjugated to centripetal force, poured out onto the ground, creating a landing pad of sorts. You somehow managed to not break your legs, feet, or back, and scooped the water back up.

You walked back towards the cameravan, where Wilbur had allowed you to set up your tent. You were still pretending to have no connection to the Dream SMP in hopes that your future endorsement of Schlatt would carry more weight. As far as any L'ameburgian was concerned, you'd escaped from the SMP and was now a citizen of said L'ameburg for the foreseeable future. Finally, you gave up waiting for the debate to be over and fell asleep on your bed, waiting for election day.


1475 words


Guess who got lazy and bored of writing boring dialogue?








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