Chapter 29: Well-Placed Cliffs, Squishy Mud, Family Reunions No One Wanted

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When your charger breaks and your computer dies but you can still steal your friends computer to write: 😎

It's raining. It always is.

You're sitting around a covered campfire on the frontlines, roasting potatoes and making small talk as you wait for more replacements for your squadron to come. After a Tnt trap exploded, killing half of your group, the survivors had been told to wait for reinforcements.

Shotgun hands you another potato, taking the one you finished roasting and eating it. Technoblade took first watch; Carson is asleep; and Ballistic (or Ball-Squid, as Shotgun mockingly calls him), Chris, and James are holding a conversation about someplace called 'America'. You wordlessly finish the potato and stand up to take it to Techno, who's perched in a tree a few yards away.

"Any sign?" you ask as you approach. He shakes his head. Sighing, you hand him the potato and pull yourself up onto the branch next to him. "General Keen sure is taking his time sending them. If they're not here by morning, we're going to miss the fight. And we'll have to spend seven hours explaining how we do things." Needless to say, your group's way of fighting a way was... unorthodox. Technoblade, having the most fighting experience, was your leader, and, being an anarchist, had some interesting things to say about the High Command.

"And I'll have to spend another day in this burning hot place. How many mosquitos are there?" Technoblade scoffed, rubbing his neck. Being from the arctic, he wasn't the most enthusiastic about the sticky, hot, and ETERNALLY RAINING swamp of a forest you were camped in.

"Hold up," Technoblade said suddenly, straightening up. "Did I eat the hallucinogenic berries again, or was that a flash of light?" You frowned, peering into the dark, but didn't see anything for a long time. Finally, your eye caught a silver flash of metal.

"That's them!" you cried, hopping off the branch. "I'll go wake the others." Darting back to the fire, you grinned at Shotgun. "They're here." Shotgun grinned back and hopped up to shake Carson awake.

Ballistic glanced at you. "They here, Y/N?" you nodded, placing the last of the uncooked potatoes into the fire and shouldered your pack as you went back to wait with Techno.

Eventually, a pack of eight to ten soldiers marched in, some looking more sleep-deprived than others. Techno stepped forward, introduced everyone, and frowned. "You took your time getting here." The soldiers didn't say anything, but one of them looked like he wanted to. After explaining what they would be doing the next day, he looked at you. "Y/N has a hot meal cooking, and Carson will arrange where you're sleeping. Shotgun, get a list of names and make the amended duty rosters." Shotgun nodded and grabbed a clipboard, going up to each of the soldiers.

After they talked to Shotgun, most of them went with Carson to claim the best sleeping spots before anyone else did, save for the one who looked like he wanted to talk back to Techno. He came up to you, sat down, grabbed a potato, and pulled out a bottle of beer.

"That'll kill you," you said offhandedly as you shifted the cooking spuds.

"Excuse me?" he asked, biting his potato.

"The alcohol. Did I stutter, stupid b*tch?" This guy seemed like the type of man to only listen to someone with a tongue to match his. "One day, you'll die of a heart attack or something."

He scoffed and pointedly took another swallow. "Darling, with how miserable this sh*thole is, I'd be perfectly happy to drop dead."

"I'd be perfectly happy if you dropped dead too." You glanced up at him to find him grinning, and you couldn't help but smile back. "I'm Y/N, by the way."

"Funny name," he said, shaking your hand. "I'm Schlatt."


ANOTHER FLIPPING RAVEN got stuck in your tent at 4 A.M. and proceeded to caw loudly and flop around like a dying fish until you got up and let it out. At that point, since you were already up, you decided to go find Punz and train early, mostly because you and Schlatt were going on a Child Hunt. To your surprise, they were already sitting outside your tent, giving you an impassive stare.

"Is sitting outside of people's sleeping quarters a normal thing for you or should I be concerned?" you asked, handing them a cup of coffee. Punz rolled their eyes but took the coffee and sipped it.

"I figured you'd want to train early since you and Schlatt are leaving."

Shooting him a suspicious stare, you replied, "How'd you know we were leaving?"

"Calm down, child, I'm not stalking you or anything. I was walking by the White House last night and overheard you and Schlatt talking about hunting Wilbur this morning." He gestured to the pile of throwing knives next to him. "I also brought the training material."

It turned out you sucked at throwing knives, but after an hour and a half of practice and Punz correcting your technique, you could hit the target 50% of the time. The outskirts of the target. As in, not a bulls-eye.

After you had finished, you waved goodbye and headed to the White House, where Schlatt had said you could bunk until Wilbur and Tommy were dead. You hadn't, however, had enough time to completely move in, so your stuff was divided between the two locations.

Schlatt, not surprisingly, wasn't awake when you got there, so you headed upstairs and cleaned up. Despite the humid and chilly autumn air, you had sweat so much after the lesson that you decided to ditch your jacket and hood. This left you with the tighter black t-shirt underneath, but the worrying part was that it left the majority of your head exposed. Then again, this was Schlatt. He'd seen you without the hood plenty of times.

The clock above you chimed. Jerking your head up and narrowly missing smacking your head into a cabinet, you grabbed your backpack and slid down the banister to the stairs because it was faster. Okay, screw it, it was fun too.

At the bottom of the stairs, you were surprised to find Schlatt (normally this man is the personification of running late) and Dream of all people.

"What the ffffffffffffffffffffffffu- Schlatt, can I talk to you?" you said slowly. Schlatt sighed but followed you into the other room. "What is he doing here?"

Schlatt yawned. "In case you haven't noticed, Shadow, I'm president now. I can't exactly go running off into the woods to look for public enemy number one."

"Okay, but why him? You do realize April Fool's Day was several months ago, right?"

"He's got a compass keyed to you. If you try to run off, or if you get kidnapped by Wilbur, he can find you." Schlatt sipped his coffee. "Complain all you want, but it made the most sense."

"I am going to rip your arms off one by one someday, and I will enjoy it," you growled at him. Rolling your eyes, you headed back into the other room and held out your hand to Dream. "Give me Orphan Slayer."

His hand drifted to the hilt of the sword, which was tied to his pack, and his eyes narrowed. "Please explain to me why I would give a weapon to someone who wants to kill me? Especially when the person is very familiar with the weapon?"

You dragged your hand down your face. "Because we're hunting dangerous criminals and I'm not going to kill them with my bare hands. Not everyone is as good at choking people as you." Dream snorted but unbuckled the sword and handed it to you.


Screw whatever deluded dreams Schlatt had about you and Dream cooperating, you left him the moment you could.

The forest was annoyingly humid and flies were everywhere despite the cool weather. Not to mention the fact that the ground was half swamp and every other step, your foot sank an inch into the ground. To make matters worse, a fog had rolled in and you nearly ran into tree trunks several times. It was almost as if the world didn't want you to find Wilbur and Tommy.

A noise crackled off to your left and you whirled, eyes narrowed. Cursing the fog, you started inching forward when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Jerking around, you pulled your sword out of your sheath and slashed it down, only to have it deflect off of Dream's blade.

"Calm down, it's me. You shouldn't go running off." You scowled at him, resheathing Orphan Slayer.

"Wow, it's not like you have a freaking compass that points right to me." You opened your mouth to say more, but a large, heavy object slammed into you from your left, knocking you into the mist and away from Dream.

You rammed your shoulder into a tree, but stood shakily, unsheathing your sword. In front of you, the trees were making all sorts of strange shadows. You peered at each one, trying to figure out which was your assailant when someone swept your feet out from under you, laughing triumphantly.

Narrowing your eyes, you grabbed a fallen tree branch and swung it along the ground, hoping to catch the attacker off guard. You didn't, but you did see the ground scuffle as they jumped. Rolling forward, you slashed out with your sword and heard the sound of crashing glass as multicolored liquid splashed onto you. Immediately, you felt weaker and your sword seemed to double in weight. Growling, you stood warily, arms struggling to hold the sword.

Yet again, the weight crashed into you, this time sending you sailing through the mist and into open air. As you fell into the ravine, you could faintly see Tommy, who became more and more visible by the second as his invisibility potion ran out. You twisted in the air, struggling to gauge how far off the ground you were, but to no avail.

All too suddenly, the ground rushed up and you barely had time to drop Orphan Slayer so you didn't stab yourself before you landed with a heavy thump. Your sword clattered to the ground several yards away, and you struggled to get up to get it. Piercing pain shot through your torso as you collapsed to the ground groaning. Tommy had disappeared, but you could hear footsteps on wood coming closer, so you gritted your teeth and slowly crawled over to your sword.

As you stood, you noticed the edges of your vision beginning to blacken from pain, but you shook your head to clear it. Tommy ran at you from the mist, and you barely had time to raise your sword to weakly block it. The blade slid off and nicked you in the shoulder. Struggling to concentrate, you gripped your sword tighter and feebly tried to swing at him. Suddenly, however, like Tommy's invisiblity potion wearing off, your weakness started evaporating. You swung your sword at his head, and he narrowly dodged. By the time he was back standing, you were already slicing across his chest. He cursed, backing up, and you grinned.

Behind you, you could hear footsteps. Tommy alone you could take, but in your weakened state, you doubted you could handle Wilbur as well. Growling, you backed up, hoping to lose them in the mist or at least find some cliff face to climb up and escape. Out of nowhere, a sword blade swung around and pricked into your neck, and you felt someone wrench your arms painfully together from behind. You stomped on their feet to loosen their grip and turned to stab them, but a large weight knocking you to the ground, the sword point at your throat.

Breathing heavily, you noticed that the fog was much lighter now and it slowly drifted away to reveal that you were in a network of bridges spanning the largest ravine you had ever seen. Over to your right, Wilbur helped Tommy up and walked over glaring at you. Finally, you turned your attention to the person pinning you down, and nearly died as you noticed who it was.



2026 words



But Patches content coming soon 😎

In all seriousness, and book-plugging, go check out the choose-your-own-adventure, PLEASE- PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU. It's called Tangled Timelines.


Also, absolute support for Technoblade right now. If you somehow don't know, man found out he has cancer and a tumor in his right arm. 

Don't worry, it's just a live test of 'Technoblade Never Dies'.

Also why do ya'll like the chapter 'Set the Stage' so much it has so many votes and views what the honk-


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