Chapter 43: I'll Always Be Here.

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Consistant update schedule? We hardly know her!

"What the fuck is he doing here?" you asked Wilbur as you landed in Pogtopia. The former president's head jerked up, surprised by your presence. "Wilbur, what the fuck is he doing here?" you asked again, louder, not bothering to grace Dream with acknowledgement by looking at him. "I thought you two agreed that he wouldn't come here until we were fucking ready for him- the LEAST, the LEAST you could've done was let me know that this piece of absolute fucking shit was going to be here!"

"How was I supposed to know you were coming, Y/N?" Wilbur cried, raising his voice as well. "It's not my fault that you don't fucking let me know when you're gonna be here! This is your fault! Why are you even fucking here?" He sighed heavily, dragging his hand down his face. "And I was ready to talk to him- we never said anything about everyone needing to be ready before he came! Stop making up things that never happened!"

"Shut up and listen to yourself, Wilbur! Think, for once in your goddamn fucking life! YOU'RE the one who asked me to spy for you!" You saw Dream stiffen out of the corner of your eye and felt a rush of fear as you realized that he didn't know that you were... ah, working for both the sides. 

"You're working for Wilbur?" He asked cautiously. "Is that why you were spying for Schlatt?" 

Silence fell, the tension, suspicion, and anger swirling tangibly through the air as Wilbur turned furious glaring eyes on you.

Without thinking, you charged Dream, shoving him up against the ravine walls. Your mind flashed through the memory back in the castle, of him nearly choking you to death in a way akin to what you were doing now. Leaning close to him, you hissed into his ear, "Shut your trap, bitch, if you know what's good for you." Through the corner of your eye, you saw the sliver of a jawline you could see tighten, as though he was clenching his jaw in anger.

Letting Dream go, you turned back to Wilbur. "The bitch speaks lies. I'm not working for Schlatt. Well, I am. Just not spying for him. It's my cover story to keep suspicion off of me." Wilbur's eyes narrowed further, so you continued, "He asked me to spy on you for him and I pretended to agree. However, all the information I've been feeding him is fake. Plus, working on his cabinet is giving me access to resources you need that I otherwise would not be able to get for you. Like those firework materials, for example," you mentioned off-handedly, not missing the way Wilbur's fists tightened. "My allegiance is to one country, Wilbur. And it's not Schlatt's."

You didn't bother to mention that it wasn't to Pogtopia either.

"Very well," Wilbur said sharply, sighing. "I believe you, Y/N." A faint shiver raced up your body as you realized that Dream had come back over and was standing easily within sword-range. "If I find out that Dream was correct, that you are indeed lying to me- the consequences will not be pleasant." With that threat, he swept into one of the tunnels.

The moment he left, your feet were swept out from under you, and you found yourself on the ground, a sword which was beginning to become annoyingly familiar pressed into your throat. "You think you can just threaten me like that and get away with it, Y/N?" You swallowed, fingers tightening imperceptibly around Orphan Slayer, prepared to fight if you had to. The blade pressed closer into your neck. "Not to mention the fact that you lied to me earlier?"

"You deserve everything hell sends your way," you growled, your voice coming out surprisingly strong.

There was a pause, and then, unexpectedly, Dream chuckled. The point of the blade moved away from your throat, going up towards your face instead, where he used it to tip your chin up. Then, he crouched in front of you, the strange white mask smiling emotionlessly as usual, and you were unable to see his eyes. "I don't know what to make of you, Y/N. Are you... a traitor? A friend of a friend? A possible ally? Or just someone who will backstab anyone within a knife's reach?"

You reached up and swatted the sword away from you face. "Make of me what you want. Just know that should you tell Schlatt- or Wilbur -anything, I am going to make sure hell seems like heaven." Then you stood, turned, and left him squatting in the dust of the ravine.


You found your father in his cave, sharpening a sword on his cot. He looked up, red eyes meeting your own E/C ones as you entered, a faint smile on his face. You sunk down onto the cot next to him, closing your eyes and leaning backwards against the wall. "You okay, wǒ de hái zi?" Oh god, sorry if that was completely wrong, Mel's the only one between the three of us who knows some Chinese and it's pretty bad- 

"How do you know if what you're doing is right, Techno? I mean, you always seem so confident and sure of what you believe in? How do you do that?" There was a brief pause, and then the sound of string against string. Cracking open your eyes, you saw that he'd taken off his mask, setting it on the chest next to him, leaving his face open and bare. It was rare you ever saw him like this- he preferred to always have that skull hiding his emotions and thoughts.

"Let me tell you a little secret, Y/N." He looked at you, affection in his gaze. "I don't. Every time I make a decision, I second-guess myself a thousand times over, trying to convince myself it's the right one. And that's okay. It's alright if you're scared and worried and angry with yourself. It's alright to cry sometimes. You don't need to always be wearing some kind of mask around others- it's okay to just be you." He put one of his hands on your shoulder, hugging you. "I have so much faith in you. You're going to do great things, Y/N. Believe in the me that believes in you. Trust me," he said, meeting your eyes. "I'll always be here for you, piglet. Always."

You closed your eyes, and it was like you were a kid again, holding a sword for the first time as he guided your hands, showing you how to cut and slice and stab and dodge. You remembered the first snows of the winters, the villages you would visit. You remembered fighting wars with him, trusting your father to protect you. You wanted to trust him like that again, to put your life in his hands, confident that he could keep it safe. 

And he would.


"Technoblade..." you hesitated, then exhaled heavily. "Dad... I... I've been betraying Wilbur- and Schlatt." You closed your eyes, feeling the tiny stiffening in his posture. "I wanted to keep all my friends, and now I feel like I'm losing both wars. I don't know what I'm doing anymore- I'm just trying not to drown in all of it and there's these little voices in my head and they scream at me and make me distrust myself and- and I'm not sure what's real and what's not anymore."

He was silent for a few seconds, then his voice was gentle. "Y/N, it's alright. Trust yourself. And, as for the voices..." he laughed a little. "You better not have picked them up from me."

You chuckled. "Actually, it could just be the fact that I haven't slept in... oh sweet Thesus, I don't even REMEMBER the last time I slept."

"Go ahead and rest, piglet," Techno said, grabbing his mask again. "I'll be here when you wake up." You closed your eyes, letting your head rest against the wall, thankful for your father. 

Tomorrow, you would deal with everything else. Tonight, you just wanted to let your mind go. 


1359 words


We wanted to a bit of a tribute chapter for y'all.

Fly high, king.

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