Welcome to the Homcide Unit

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"I guess it's time to go"
"Homicide Unit here we come"

Due to Coloursun's new product the special victims unit at NYPD has been closed. This means that Anthony Malcom and Maya Phillips had to switch units.

Maya and Anthony have been partners for years but they're very different. Maya plays the nice cop role. She is understanding to those being interrogated. Meanwhile Anthony enjoys the adrenaline if grilling suspects till they tell all.

After a few minutes of silence Anthony decides to speak up."It's going to fail eventually"

"What will", Maya turns to Anthony and looks at his serious expression.

"The pill, it won't work. Someone will get pregnant while taking it."

Maya thinks for a second before replying sassily," Maybe so but until that day no one is worried about the consequences of rape."

By this time Anthony and Maya have reached their office. Upon walking in they see that their new unit head was already waiting.

"Oh Maya, Anthony I'm so glad your here"

Commander Harrison is panicked. He just learned of a brutal homicide. He hears of them all day, but this one was different. Maya and Anthony set their stuff down and Harrison starts talking.

"... she was famous... used to have HIV... took the pill..."

"Harrison calm down. Start over, what happened?" Maya states calmly but in all realty she knows if Harrison is nervous, it's bad.

"I was told this morning. Emma Nixon..."

"Wait as in that old model", Anthony wonders aloud. Why is she coming up in a conversation about a homicide.

Then it clicks. The victim he was getting ready to hear about was ex-model; Emma Nixon.

Commander Harrison sees Anthony's look of realization so he continues on.

"Yes, she was diagnosed with HIV a few months back. Obviously because of this no one wanted to have sex with her. But she took Coloursun's new pill and poof guys are all over her."

Maya wanting for Harrison to get to the point buds in"Every women in America has taken that pill. Heck I take the pill"

"And Emma did to. She was found dead this morning in her apartment. It looks as if she was in the middle of having sex at the time of her death."

Anthony is already pondering theories as he asks,"Who's case is it?"

Harrison looks around suddenly more interested in the empty office the the case.

Looking down Harrison whispers just loud enough to were they can here. "You"

"Us? We weren't part of the scene investigation, how's it our case?" Maya isn't ready for her first homicide case to be one of a famous ex model.

Harrison looks up and responds quickly in hopes they will miss some of it,"Yes, Mason and Bryn were originally called to the scene but upon seeing the victim's body they refused the case."

"Why? They've seen deceased bodies before." Besides the victim being famous the case isn't that different then other homicides.

Harrison contemplates how to say it before looking up and replying," Yes well it wasn't as much the victim as it was her clothes... Her shirt read..."


"It's a serial killer."

The room is eerily quiet, no one knows what to say.

Harrison pager goes off meaning he's needed so he speeds up his talk."Maya, Anthony, listen to me carefully."

Maya and Anthony nod slowly. Their first homicide case involved a serial killer, STD pills, and an ex-model.

"It's been 5 hours since the call regarding Emma's death. Since then five more calls have been made, five more scenes have been investigated, and five more victims have been found."

Harrison sets a case folder on the desk and walks out without another word. Maya opens the folder, there's already five sheets of paper inside. Anthony read them aloud.

Time- 8:02
Name- Emma Nixon
Age- 24
Occupation- Ex-model
Location- S. Fixton Apartments

Page 1

Time- 9:02
Name- Sofia Watson
Age- 19
Occupation- Actress
Location- 135 Manelic Street

Page 2

Time- 10:02
Name- Anna Garret
Age- 22
Occupation- Bartender
Location- 155 Jenden Rd.

Page 3

Time- 11:02
Name- Kaitlyn Carn
Age- 23
Occupation: Dancer
Location- Rivergate Condos
Page 4

Time- 12:02
Name- Jane Mason
Occupation- Waitress
Location- Pickston Apartments
Page 5

Maya and Anthony look at each other then to the clock. It was 1:01.

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