The Island

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Sydane Is an Island located On the Outskirts of Great Britain, Its Not the biggest Island but don't let It's size Fool you, an island Known for Providing Both steel and ballast

Pinebrook Has been My home for many Years, And over the years it has accumulated Many storys to tell

These are the storys of sydane

It Was about two weeks before our wheels were once again on soild Rails, Sydane our new home, Our eyes were ajusting to the light, We were on that ship for sometime

We weren't The only Form of transportation on that Boat, Mostly Buses, And a few Cars but more on that later

The Formen had Told Us that an engine was going to collect us and Transport us to A workshop for inspection before we can run on our own

While we were waiting, I Looked around, The dock yard was Compact then I'm used to....but Thats the nicest way I could put it

I was In throught snapping out of It when I heard the sound of brakes, A loud squeal even, I Looked over to see 0-6-0 Tender Engine hauling a brakevan behind her, She looked Just like my chap Ted.

But There were differences, Instead of the London South Western green it was replaced with A dark green, Yellow stripping, and the initials PBR on her tender

She Eyed us up, No. 185 felt uncomfortable At the engine's gaze, It was a bit before the engine spoke "I see your south westerners"

"Oi and P-proud of it" No.185 said defensively

"I didn't mean to offend" She said "I was once South Westerner my self"

"An Class 395" I stated still admiring Her paint

"Ah ok" no. 185 Smiled

"Anyways" She started "I best be getting you lot To the works" She Backed down the Junction switching onto the siding we were

She buffered up to the both of us, Her firemen Coupled us together and coupled No. 185 to me, "Come along, Come along" She called as she Started to move down the line "Were coming, were coming"

We were gliding along the rails, As She pulled us along, "Im Nelly by the way" She called out

"Im No. 525, And that is no.185"

"You don't have proper names?" She asked, I felt offended, "No. 525 is a proper name"

"Numbers are not acceptable as names" She Added "All engines On The Pine brook Railway Have names"

I guess she did Have a point, were on a new Railway, were Not on the london south Western anymore

It was some time later before we arrived, Nelly had left in a siding Out side the shed, The Sound of a high pitched Whistle echoed through the air as an Saddle Tank pulled by beside us

"You must be the new engines" He called out "Blimey You lot are fat"

"C-Crikey" No. 185 excamined

"Just Yanking Yer Whistle Chain mate" He Laughed, This engine was a cheeky sort of engine

The small tank engine shunted Us one by one into the work shed

The tank engine backed down next to us on the opposite line "So Your the new engines That were bought to Work on the New branchline"

The Pecket Spoke again "Im Jerry, Whats Yours?"

"We have no names, Just Numbers" I Bluntly say, Jerry started to laugh "You lot are boring, Here on Pinebrook Every engine Has a name"

I groaned in annoyance "Yes we know, Nelly told us"

"Alright Thats enough" Came a reply, From a skinny well dressed man, The pecket had belted up immediately "A name is a mark of distinction, You'll both find names In due Time, But Now I need you both to focus on your work"

"now, Allow me to Introduce myself, I am The Director of this Railway Stanley Brook" He said "But you Refer to me as Mr. Brook he turned to The pecket, "You already met Gavon works shunter" He said referring to Jerry

He turned to us once more "Alright, Any questions?"

"Y-Yes Sir" No. 185 Stuttered "We Heard W-We W-Will be working O-On a branchline S-Sir"

Mr brook Paused "That is correct, Is there a problem?"

"N-Not a-at all sir" Replied the shy engine imminently, "I-I was just wondering ab-about The branchline work, T-Thats all"

"Well" Mr brook started "Its passengers, And Transporting Livestock and goods, Just Like any other Branchline"

"So When would we start work?" I inquired

"Tommarow" Our director told us "We still need to check you both for damage" 

I Raised an eyebrow "But Sir, We were Inspected before We left the London south western Railway"

"A-And chained down T-To the Boat" no. 185 added

Mr. Brook Sighed "Better safe then sorry..."

It sounded like he was speaking from experience, I wanted to ask, But I didn't wanna risk asking a fools question On my first day

"Well The men of gavon works will take care of you, Take care you two" He spun on his heel and Walked away

For the Rest of the day the workmen were giving us thorough Examination, And small Trail runs, I got to admit it was pretty nice to be able to move again even if it was a short distance, while Jerry was standing by just in just one of us broke down

One of the workmen were flipping through paper work "Thats paculier...", He approached no. 185 "Your a Mixed Trafic engine right?"

"T-That is c-correct s-sir" He stammered

"Then why on earth Would you have wooden brakes and no vacuum brake?" The workman sighed pinching his nose at the brim "Thats just great...." He sarcastically voiced

"It's at least gonna take us two to three weeks" added another workmen "Only one engine is ready and the Branchline needs two"

It was decided the next day that i will be sent to the Branchline and another engine will be sent to help from another branchline

You might be wondering whats the problem is with wooden brakes and Vacuum brakes, For those unfamiliar with Locomotive Terminology, Wooden brakes is self explanatory, Brake blocks made of wood, But there are two major problems

Wooden brakes wear out alot quicker then metal Ones, The second reason Is Wood plus friction equals fire And the engine can't stop with its brakes on fire, And the fire may spread to the rest of the train Causing severe Damage even death

A vacume brake Is mandatory for Passenger trains, Its a pipe that Goes along the lengh of a train, From the Engine, The coaches, and then the brake coach It allows the engine to brake and stop quicker, More traction of the ground then just the engine and the brakecoach slamming on the brakes

The next day I was making my way to the branchline with a brakevan as a light train, I was assigned a new crew as well, Jon and Nick they were nice, But strict, As we made out way to the branchline, we saw fields of green full of pine trees I was lost In the beauty untill I heard the tracks ratting snapping me out of my thoughts, An 0-4-2 tender engine bolted past with a rake of 8 coaches, He must be the express engine, quick thing isn't he?

I approch The junction, Whistling to the signelmen to notifity him I was here so he could change the points that lead to the Branchline

Just then i heard a click and the points set into place, I was off again

I went down the line taking in the view of the branchline, It was beautiful Pinetrees, Green grass, And the station's were looking splendid, I even crossed a bridge that went over a small brook

As I Past another station an man was waving his arms frantically and pointing to the tracks ahead

As I looked ahead "BRAKES!, HURRY BRAKES DRIVER!" I called, ahead of me was an tank engine On the same line approaching me whistling loudly "Get out of the way!"She bellowed

My driver Applied my brakes and the guard slammed on the brakes in the brakevan, I could hear the groan of the tank engine's brake shoes against her wheels, I had closed my eyes preparing for the worst.

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