13 Moments of Fame

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I was tagged by DayDreamersFantasy!

1; You must post all of the rules
2; Each person must share 13 things about themselves.
3; Answer all three questions asked of you and invite 13 new questions for those you have tagged.
4; Tag 13 people
5; You have to legitimately tag 13 people
6; You can NOT say you, "Don't do tags."
7; Tag backs are allowed
8; You must do a journal entry
9; You must finish this in one week
10; Be creative!


1; "Yo!" This is how I say hello to everyone.
2; My personality differs from each person I talk to (goes from shy to loud)
3; I've watched 27 Animes and I'm working my way up to 30
4; My favorite movie has got to be Zootopia
5; Favorite Book Series is the Lux series by Jennifer L Armentrout
6; Favorite Song is Clarity or Snow Fairy (Japanese version)
7; Favorite TV show is the 100
8; I just finished watching Season 10 of Supernatural (I cried)
9; Favorite Anime is Fairy Tail and Noragami (can't choose between my two darlings)
10; I want to be an Author some day
11; I love to brawl
12; I'm very sarcastic
13; I will scream at characters as if they can hear me

Questions asked of me;

?If you could travel to any country where and why?
Japan, because I can unleash my Otaku self.

?Favorite Movie?
The Jungle Book

?If you could change one thing in the past, what would you change?
I would change so many things. I've messed up a lot in the past. So I would take back all the mean things and actions that I have inflicted upon my loved ones.

?If you died and became a ghost, what would be the first thing you would do?
Gihihi, I'd probably float and cheer. But then I'd most definitely freak people out by whispering in their ear and playing pranks on them.

?Do you have any pets?
Oh my Mavis yas.
They are all my mom's.
3 Cats
4 Dogs
1 Gold fish
2 Parakeets

?If you could be an animal, what would you be? Why?
A Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!
Do I even have to give a reason as to why? Dragons are badass and intelligent. And I can horde GOLD.
Then steal a prince.

?Whats your dream job?
To be a Author

?Do you watch any Anime? If so, what's your favorite and why?
*scoffs* Do I watch any Anime?
Hehehe Yassssss. Fairy Tail is my favorite of course. Listen, I could go into detail and explain about how much I love it. I could talk about the strong, beautiful connection that the characters share of family and so on and so forth. But let's be real.
Natsu Dragneel=my everything 🔥

?Who's my favorite singer?
Three Days Grace/ Breaking Benjamin

?Its your last day to live, what would you do, or say?
I would skydive and right before I died, I would say, "I hid the money under the..."

?Do you play any sports? If so, what?
No, but my thumbs get a lot of exercise from how much I type.
I used to play volleyball.

?Whats your fav season?
XD I thought it was talking about your favorite Season of a show till I saw weather. Let's see, I like the fall. I like to see the leaves fall.

?If a murderer was chasing you, what would you do?
I'd Fire Dragon's Roar them.
But seriously I'd make like Jet and run the hell away. If the killer caught up with me then I'd stab him with my katana or do my ninja moves.
Nin Nin!
(Yas I have a katana)

That's all the questions for me!

Questions for all of you!

1; ?How did you all find me and my Fairy Tail books if you have read them?

2; ?Whats your favorite book series?

3; ?Are you a writer?

4; ?If you could bend an element, what would it be?

5; ?Favorite Anime character or other character?

6; ?Whats your favorite color and what's the meaning behind it?

7; ?What does your name mean?

8; ?If you could say or do one thing to your favorite Anime character, what would you say, or do?

9; ?You have just been sucked into your favorite show's or movie's world! Where are you and how screwed are you?

10; ?You have just found out that you have powers! What powers do you have? Will you use them for good (or the more fun one) evil?

11; ?The love of your life (fictional or real) is dying in your arms! What would you sacrifice for them? Or would you not do anything at all?

12; ?What's your favorite Song or Band?

13; ?If you met me, what would you say or do?

I tag

Make sure you all tag me as well so I can see your answers!


Have fun!

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