Chapter 6

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Helen. She stood completely still as she stared at me, looking completely horrified.  

All of a sudden, a shotgun went off. It took Helen one second to hit the floor face down. Blood poured on the beautiful white carpet underneath her. I saw a woman with puffy blonde hair wearing a dingy nightgown standing approach Helen, then she stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"You're going to suffer, Jason!" She yelled. She yelled out many names. As she did, I quickly and quietly squeezed myself underneath the bed. The woman turned around and headed down the hallway and out of sight.

I stared at Helen. Her body shivered and I heard her whimpering. She managed to pull something out of her pocket. A cell phone.

"Hello 9-1-1, what's your emergency." The man on the other line asked.

It took Helen a few seconds to speak but she managed. "I'm shot..." She whimpered. Her voice was too low, which is why the man asked her to repeat herself.

I heard another 2 gunshots go off in the distance. "Help me," Helen said again. The phone dropped out of her hand. I watched as her chest stopped moving up and down. I've never seen a dead person, let alone watched someone die." I felt my body weakened. I looked for a way out. The front door was the only way.

I heard screaming and arguing outside followed by another gun shot. There were police sirens in the distance. I tried to remember what happened in Jakayla's story. The wife would get shot by the police but the father makes it out alive. What happened next? I couldn't remember.

I squeezed out from under the bed. As soon as I stood up, I heard one last gunshot. Before it, I heard someone yell, "put the gun down." I figured it was the mother who was shot. I also figured that it was time for me to get out of here!

The body on the floor terrified me. I didn't want to go near it. Then I had a thought. The police were going to come in here soon. They could get me to safety.

 I sat on the bed and stared at the body, then waited for the police. You know how in scary movies when something bad happens, the person just stands there shocked and they can't move? That's how I felt when parts of Helen's body began to move. First, it was her hand. It sort of jolted up like her hand was the only thing struck by lightning. The same happened to her legs, then head, then the other hand, then stomach.

What was happening?!

I swallowed hard as I remembered what happened next. However, it was too late to run. Her body floated up until it was only two inches away from the ceiling. Her head dangled down, and her eyes remained closed. Like a car hitting a tree, the body quickly slammed against the wall behind me. I fell to the floor as her arms moved in a distorted way, pushing onto the floor to stand. Her legs cracked as it straightened and her eyes rolled back revealing nothing but the whites. Those white eyes looked at me.

In Jakayla's story, she came back to life. She killed her father because she thought since her mom killed her, she couldn't trust anyone. Sometimes in books, there's a good ghost. Not this story. All hope left my soul. There was no chance I'd get away from her alive....

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