Black Holes and Revelations

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Ailsa stood routed to the spot. She was early for the video shoot of Simon's Bootcamp 10 Year Anniversary. She had entered the dance studio near Seven Dials quietly, lost in her thoughts of 10 years passing since she and Simon shot their first video.

Simon had earned a fortune from the sale of the DVD, the website, the endorsements and of course his YouTube channel. He had celebrities around the globe wanting him to tone their body and uplift their souls.

The more successful Simon had become proportionately the worse a person he had become. He had changed dramatically from the person she had married on the beach in Bali.

Ailsa had grown weary of his consumerism and need to be the top of everyone's most fanciable male list. The worst of his behaviour was metered out on Aurore their daughter. He would faun all over her when the cameras were on and ignore her when they weren't.

Ailsa had dropped Aurore at school. Aurore merrily joined the other six year olds in the playground and cheerfully waved her mother off without as much as a backward glance.

Here she was. In her super expensive Simon's yoga gear desperate to get this morning over and done with. Ailsa knew she had to act all loved up in front of the cameras. This was the team Simsa brand. She loathed having her relationship branded and picked over by tabloids and magazines. It made her feel sick to her marrow.

Instinct told her to quietly enter the studio. She opened the door to find Simon roughly taking Tanya Clift from behind. Tanya was a reality TV starlet from another Mad Cow production ex factor. Where ex lovers are placed in a workplace and made to share a house for a month.

Simon was watching his own performance in the mirror whilst filming the act on his iPhone no doubt to add to his collection. Tanya was exaggerating her pleasure. Her fake boobs exposed over her bra. She tweaked her enormous nipples and screamed Simon's name.  Simon looked immensely pleased with himself.

Ailsa cleared her throat. "Is this a new warm up technique Simon? I think this might get our DVD an 18 rating." Ailsa dropped her bag and made for the refreshment stand. "Green tea anyone?"

"Oh. MY. GAWD." Tanya shrieked hastily putting her boobs away and pulling up her yoga pants.

Simon dropped his phone and shoved himself into his yoga trousers. "Ailsa!" he shrieked like a cat scalding it feet on a hot roof.

"That is I...." Ailsa turned to face Simon.

"This isn't...I mean ...." Simon stammered. He pushed his long hair into a pony tail and walked towards Ailsa open palmed. "I was, you know, in the flow. The energy between us is electric and it naturally went to sex."

Ailsa dropped her cup and punched Simon in the face so hard that he fell over knocked out.

"Oh no... you gonna punch me?" Tanya shrieked running for the door.

"You?" Ailsa laughed. "I wouldn't touch you with his. Hope you enjoy selling this story to the tabloids? Do you want to instagram or tweet this?" Ailsa stood over a laid out Simon  with her middle finger raised.

Tanya for a split second hesitated and decided that Ailsa was being sarcastic and left.

Ailsa picked up Simon's phone and pressed record. She turned the camera on him and her selfie style. "Simon, I have a copy of this and you shagging Tanya. Steve is my solicitor and I am moving out tonight with Aurore. Oh yes, and I have frozen your bank accounts you wanker."

Ailsa left the studio numb and speed dialled Steve for advice. Next call was to the bank to freeze all joint bank accounts after she had transferred a healthy chunk to her account.

The other side of London Guy looked at his phone wearily. A text from Jane saying that she was at another party with some DJs and could he look after Christian tonight as she would be modelling some clothes for a friend.

Guy knew this was Jane speak for being off her face on cocaine, partaking in some sort of an orgy and getting papped. He should have been angry. He felt nothing. Not a thing. Not even a bit of joy that he wouldn't have to have to put up with her drugged up antics.

"It's you and me bud tonight. What shall two boys on the town do tonight?" Guy asked Christian who was kicking a ball around their Primrose Hill Garden.

"Dad, can we play Call of Duty and get a Pizza?" Christian asked grinning. He had hit on his dad's weak spot.

"Go on then, tomorrow do you want to go to the zoo? I need to make a programme with Aunty Ailsa about captive tigers and we can get to see them up close." Guy studied Christian. He saw a lot of his family and very little of Jane. Christian's dark brown eyes and unruly mop of hair was pure Spencer Man.

Guy was aware that Jane referred to him amongst her friends as 'the babysitter'. Their marriage was over. He and Jane's manager had spoken about the announcement that was hitting the press tomorrow. The announcement about him moving Christian out to their new house in Tredegar Square in East London.

Guy had purchased the house and began the renovations over six months ago. He had talked to Jane about the separation however as usual she completely ignored him.

He had approached Steve to handle the divorce proceedings and untangling a long term relationship. The hardest part for Guy wasn't the public humiliation, it was explaining to Christian that he and his mother were no longer living together.

He watched Christian happily dribble the football around the garden and his heart cracked. How could he do this to his son? How could he stay with Jane? Guy decided to text Ailsa

You about? Fancy a cup of tea

He waited thirty seconds and sure enough a response came

                                                                                                                     You got anything stronger?

Guy furrowed his brow. What could be wrong with her. He replied quickly

What's up?

He watched as the three dots indicated her reply turned into a response
                                                                                     Caught twat shagging bitch ex factor bint

Guy stared at his phone. He knew that Simon had a reputation. The production staff at Mad Cow had gossiped about Simon and his affairs. Guy hoped that none of it had reached Ailsa's ears. Here was proof.

He opened the attachment that Ailsa sent on the text. He sat mouth opened at the view that met his eyes. He had to help her. She would be heart broken.

Guy heard his door bell ring and he jumped to his feet. He opened the door to find Ailsa in her yoga gear with Aurore in front of her.

"Uncle Guy can I play with Christian?" Aurore asked.

Guy winced at the thought. All male pride his child could have, Aurore would wipe the floor with him showing off her silky football skills. Worse was he was nine and she was six. Poor Christian. 

"In the garden,"Guy nodded behind him, "go mess him up." Aurore tore past him in her school uniform. "You can have a large glass of wine." he nodded to Ailsa.

Ailsa sat on the stool in the kitchen as Guy opened the wine and gave them both a huge glass each. Ailsa was lost for words. Her anger had turned to sadness when she picked up Aurore. How could Simon forget their child for a meaningless fling?

"I want to celebrate." Guy said softly. He patted Ailsa's hand and pushed a glass towards her.

"Guy....I don't....." Ailsa could not stop the tears from welling up and flowing down her face.

"I am divorcing Jane. I move out tomorrow." Guy said flatly.

"I am so sorry Guy. I didn't know." Ailsa said quietly. "That is awful."

"No it isn't. You know she has been awful for ever. Steve helped. Gave me a discount." Guy laughed. "We move to our new house tomorrow. We have spare rooms if you and Aurore want to stay somewhere until you sort yourselves out."

Ailsa looked at Guy. She watched Christian and Aurore playing in the garden. The children were happy. Ailsa turned back to Guy.

"Is this a good idea?" she searched his face for an answer. Their relationship had changed as they both got married and had children. Guy was now her best friend. Her feelings towards him were platonic. She needed to know he felt the same.

Guy looked at Ailsa. He had never seen her so unhappy. She was his friend. His colleague. He hadn't thought of her in any way other than platonically for many years.

"Ailsa this is what friends do for each other." He smiled. This was an new chapter for them. A new chapter for the children and he knew on a deeper level this would kill Jane. It was a good idea.

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