chapter 211: jacob vs wattson The cheerfully electrifying man! Part 2

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I want to thank JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

Our electric battle resume with jacob and wattson once again, wattson was down to his last two pokemon

wattson:Go Electrike!

Wattson summoned electrike

Jacob: combusken are you able to do one last battle?

Combusken: yeah i think so.

Jacob: Alright then you're up!

Combusken then got on the battlefield

Jacob: alright combusken use flame charge!

wattson:Electrike try to counter it with Spark!

The two pokemon charged at each other, combusken became outlined in orange flames while electrike became surrounded in yellow sparks, the two then collide into each other at high speed as they tried to overpower each other.

Wattson:Now Go with an iron tail!

Electrike jumped up as it's tail glowed white as he tried to slam combusken

Jacob: catch it combusken!

Combusken caught it right before it could hit him

Wattson: what!

Jacob: now seismic toss!

Combusken grabbed electrike and spins around in a circle after a bit he let electrike go as he was sent flying

wattson:Electrike use thunderbolt!

Electrike released a beam of blue electricity from his body at combusken

The attack struck combusken head on.

Jacob: combusken! You okay?

Combusken:(sarcastic) YES! it's nothing but gumdrops and ice cream!

Jacob: (sigh) if this keeps up you'll get knocked out.

Wattson: use thunderbolt again!

Electrike launched another thunderbolt

Jacob: Quick evade it with dig!

Combusken dug underground right before the thunderbolt could hit him, he then reappeared and struck electrike

Jaraja:(scanning both combusken's and electrike's health) both pokemon are at low health, the next attack should decide the battle!

Jacob:(mind) got it, alright combusken you ready to finish him off.

combusken:Yep I need some healing after this.

Jacob: Alright, then make this count with overheat!

Combusken launched an overheat


Electrike's body became surrounded by yellow sparks as he released a beam of blue electricity from his body

The two beams collided and created a massive explosion that created smoke

Jacob: Run up and use sky uppercut!

Combusken ran into the smoke and then appeared on the other side and finished off electrike with sky uppercut

Jacob: alright nice one combusken!

Combusken:WOOOOO! I need sleep.*proceeds to return into his pokeball*

Jacob: get some rest then bro, alright wattson the final battle hope you got a strong pokemon for this final battle.

wattson: come on out manectric!

Wattson summoned his strongest pokemon, manectric

Jacob: manectric, nice one, heracross you ready to do this!


Jacob: Good, let's go buddy.

Heracross got on the battlefield

Jacob: this is my strongest pokemon wattson so i hope your manectric can pack some power.

Wattson:Well we will see electric terrain!

Manectric's body becomes covered in yellow electricity, he then fires a beam of electricity from his body into the air, the electricity then formed into a dome of electricity

Jaraja:(jacob's mind) this is bad jacob, not only does electric terrain boost manectric electric attacks but it will seriously damage heracross if he touches it

Jacob: heracross don't touch the dome no matter what!

Wattson:Now use rain dance!

Manectric let out a roar as he summoned dark rain cloud that caused heavy rain to pour down

Jacob:(mind) oh crap, rainy weather increases the accuracy of thunder!

Jacob's teammates were watching the battle

Brock:what is wattson up to I mean using both those make a weird combo.

Jaraja then appeared next to them

Jaraja: he's boosting up manectric, electric terrain boosts electric attacks while rain dance increases the accuracy of thunder, as if manectric isn't strong enough this will increase his power a lot.
Brock:Well Jacob must find a way to reverse or find a way to counter this boost or he's toast.

Wattson: manectric use thunder fang!

Manectric ran up to heracross as his fangs glowed yellow with sparks of electricity

Jacob: block it heracross!

Heracross put his hands up as manectric bit one of them delivering a powerful shock

Heracross:OH SHIT! (getting shocked) GAH!!

Jacob: heracross!

Heracross shook him off but got a lot of damage from the attack


Jacob: yep!

Wattson: manectric Time to go in for thunder wave!

The top of Manectric's head sparks with blue electricity, then he released multiple blue bolts of lightning at heracross


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jacob: bullet seed go!

Heracross deflected the bolts with bullet seed

Wattson: Charge Now!

Sparks of yellow electricity surround Manectric's body

Jacob:(mind) crap the next attack will be super powerful next. (Outloud) heracross go use dig and do it quick

Heracross then dug underground

Wattson:manectric Use iron tail!

Manetric jumped up as his tail glowed white, he then slammed his tail on the ground creating a big crater and sending heracross out of the ground

(change infernape with heracross and manectric as luxray)

Heracross:Oh SHIT!

Jacob: heracross!

Wattson: Now go for the thunder wave!

Manectric used thunder wave but this time, yellow electricity raised from his yellow fur on his body and formed a blue ball of electricity that was fired as a beam at heracross

Heracross took the beam head on

Heracross: GAHHHHHH!

The beam then sent him into the edge of the dome which gave him a massive shock

Heracross:(getting electricuted) GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Jacob: heracross!


When then attack was over heracross kneeled to the ground paralyzed from the thunder wave, Jacob's team watched in shock and worriedness

Wattson:manectric finish heracross off with a thunder fang!

Manectric charged up a thunder fang and began to run towards heracross

Jacob: heracross, get up man, I know you can do this, believe man! I believe in you!

Heracross:(mind)Damn it, CMON I AIN'T GONNA LOSE NOT NOW NOT EVER!

Just then his body became surrounded on a crimson aura as he got up and used arm thrust on manectric sending him back shocking everyone but jacob

Everyone but jacob: WHAT!

Heracross's guts ability was activated

Jacob: heracross your guts ability perfect!

heracross:Best get ready to Rumble, you Minature piece of shit!

Jacob: alright now use bulk up repeatedly!

Heracross used bulk up a lot until his attack and defense were maxed

Jacob: alright!

The others were impressed on how heracross survived

Max:that guts mode must've been a lot i mean getting hit but then having to be paralze ouch.

james:True But at least now they are boosted to the max but it would be better if they do it in one go.

Jacob: alright wattson, looks like the tables have turned, use arm thrust again

Heracross charged at manectric

Wattson:oh no you don't Go full speed and try to get heracross with thunder fang!

Manectric ran up and used thunder fang up heracross shrugged it off and struck him three times with arm thrust doing massive damage and sends manectric back to where it was.

Wattson:Let's not give it up. Now go for iron tail!

Manetric jumped and used iron tail

Jacob: not this time, heracross pin missile!

Heracross launched a bunch of pin missile that shot manectric down

Wattson:this won't end well Now with the last amount of energy use it all in thunder!

Manectric fired a blast of blue electricity from his body at heracross

Jacob: heracross, megahorn!

The megahorn and thunder collided as the tried to overpower each other with sparks of electricity,and green particles fly around making the clash glow.

Jacob: cmon heracross, don't go down yet!

Heracross: must....keep....pushing....GRAAHHH!

With a burst of energy heracross sliced through the thunder which shocked everyone but jacob, heracross then struck manectric with a full on megahorn, the force was so strong that it sent manectric through the electric terrain barrier and into a wall making it break into a giant hole but was still up. The dust then cleared which revealed manectric knocked out on the ground


Jacob's team cheered for him

Jacob: YES! You did it heracross!

Heracross:HELL YEAH! (Catching his breath) Oh god, I need some juice stat!

Jacob then gave him some juice as he grabbed it and drank it

Heracross:OH THATS SOME GOOD STUFF! it's oran berry flavored Now that hits the spot!

Jacob: Enjoy it buddy you deserve it.

wattson: Well that Was the mosas electrifying, i was so charged up thanks to you!

Jacob: Well I'm glad you enjoyed the battle wattson.

Wattson: Indeed, you may now take the dynamo badge!

Wattson handed him the dynamo badge

The dynamo badge

Jacob: thanks wattson.

Wattson: anytime, oh and take this as well!

Wattson handed him a tm for the move volt switch

Jacob: thank you wattson, well i'm off to the next gym do you mind telling me where it is?

Wattson: why sure it's in lavaridge town!

Jacob: lavaridge huh, i can already guess what type of gym that is, well i oughta get going, later wattson.


Jacob walked out of the gym as the others were waiting for him

Jacob: Well that was an impressive battle for me.

Brock:I mean you almost didn't cut it out with heracross i might suggest doing a bit more training and techniques.

Jacob: yeah, but hey people and pokemon also get stronger through experience as well!

May:you might even want to start training budew with the others on their level to see if she would and have her become quite strong!

Jacob: yeah true, anyway the next gym is in lavaridge town, probably a fire type gym, also my mom called me last night, she told me that the next Pokémon contest was in fallarbor, we should head there next.

jessie:Well Let's start going cause I've got to win this next contest asap!

Jacob: Let's go!

With wattson defeated our heros head off to fallarbor town where the next pokemon contest is waiting for them,ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF THE POKE KING OF THE MULTIVERSE 2!

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