chapter 246: jacob vs norman A man in pursuit of power

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I want to thank JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

Jacob was now doing some last minute training with heracross, mawile, trapinch, combusken and octillery. Budew decided to join as well

Jacob: this is it guy, the 4th gym, finally back here, feel like it was yesterday when you defeated vigoroth heracross

Heracross: Yep, I bet it's gonna be even harder now

Jacob: and now we're back here once again

Heracross: Yep

Octillery: Good times

Budew: I've never been here before Papa

Jacob: oh yeah you haven't. Well sweetie this is hometown of your aunt may and while i did battle the gym leader here it wasn't an official battle

Budew: Oh Okay. Will this one be Official?

Jacob: yes it will, this time we'll have a full battle and your gonna watch as your father takes down another gym leader

Budew: Yay!

Jacob: alright budew you go head inside sweetie and go find the others

Budew: Okay Papa

Budew then went inside

With budew

Budew went inside where the rest of Jacob's group along with norman and Caroline were waiting

Budew: mommies i'm here

May: Oh Hi Budew

She then Grabbed her and Placed her on her Lap.

Budew: Papa told me to stay here and watch the fight

May: Well that's Great of him, Someday you'll be big and strong like him

Budew: Really?

May: Yep, May: Wow! I'm so excited to see how this battle is gonna turn out!

Max: Are you trying to say that Dad's even got a
chance at losing?!

May: Uh...

Brock: Relax. No one said you Dad's gonna lose.

Budew: my daddy is strong i say he's gonna win, he always does as far as i know

Max: Well my Dad is Just as Strong, He's not going to give up so easily! *to may* you seem to be forgetting that people are saying Dad's so strong he's gonna end up a member of the Elite Four! But... that's not to say that jacob hasn't gotten stronger too but he's still no match for Dad!

May: Max, maybe you ought to lay off the soda for a while, huh?

Caroline: She's right honey, I think you need to relax. I know this is the first time you've seen your Dad in a gym battle but you should enjoy it. I have a feeling this is going to be a good one.

Budew then began to drink the rest of max's soda


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A/n: 0:16-End

Sabrina: Aww, she had Her first taste of soda

Brock: Yeah and Considering she's way too young, that's not good

Budew: I'm sad, i wanna be held *walks to Sabrina* hold me mama

Sabrina: Aww, Of course Baby

Sabinra then Hugged her and began cuddling her.

Budew: im happy again *cuddles up to sabrina*

Jacob and his team then came in


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A/n 0:01-0:02

Jacob: im ready for a rematch norman and im gonna give you the best battle you ever had

Norman: Good, I was hoping for that because I don't Plan on Holding back

Jacob: You're talking to a king here, kings don't hold back we go beyond our limit, get ready max, your first time watching your father battle will be a battle you will never forget this is going down in petalburg gym history!

Max: R-Right

Jacob: now then *cracking his knuckles* it's fighting time

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Kenny: This Petalburg gym battle will begin now! Each trainer will use five Pokemon! When all the challengers or the gym leader's Pookemon are unable to battle, this match will be over! During the battle only the challenger will be allowed to substitute Pokemon!

Norman: For my first Pokemon...(tosses his Pokeball)... I chose spinda!

Norman summoned spinda

Jacob: alright mawile show em what you got

Mawile: Yes, I will not let you down!

They both got on the battlefield

Mawile: Okay I'm ready let's do this! I can do this!

She then patted her cheeks A Couple of times before getting into fighting Position.

Jacob: alright mawile let's do this focus punch

Mawile ran towards spinda with a focus punch but spinda just step aside and dodged it

Mawile: huh?

Jacob: What the? Keep it up mawile

Mawile kept using focus punch but spinda just kept effortlessly dodged all of them

Mawile: I can't hit her! She's like some Ultra Instinct user or something!

Norman: now spinda dizzy punch

A rainbow colored orb appears around Spinda's fist as she punched mawile in the face

Mawile: gahhh!

Jacob: you okay mawile

Mawile: Yeah... I'm Okay, Not very effective

Jacob: it's gonna take more than a dizzy punch to knock out mawile

Norman: Maybe you're right but I have other Methods, Now use Teeter dance!

Spinda starts dancing by jumping from one leg to the other. Then mawile then starts to dance the same dance uncontrollably as stars appeared in her eyes

Jacob: what the mawile knock it off, stop dancing

Mawile: Huh? I... what Is that?

Jacob: aww crap

Norman: Alright Spinda use Fire Punch!

Jacob: what!

Spinda fist becomes covered in red-orange flames as she punched mawile in the grunt but it wasn't enough to knock mawile's senses back

Mawile: Wow... It's Toasty...

Jacob: dammit mawile wake up

Mawile: Uh...

May: Oh No this isn't good

Max: That's dad for you, he's an expert at this

Misty: I know him for longer than anyone else and I know for A Fact he can win

Brock: Yeah, we know that

Jaraja:(in Jacob's mind) jacob' mawile is under the confusion effect i got idea for it, remember when i told you about the drunken master style fighting

Jacob: (mind) yeah but I thought that only works if your drunk

Jaraja:(in Jacob's mind) it works when anyone is under similar circumstances just look at her now

Mawile: Hey, Hey, I deserve... Respect! I am... I am The customer... Spinda! Don't make me... Don't make me go all Kung fu on you...

Jacob: (mind) good point (outloud) do it mawile go Kung fu on her, your the customer alright

Norman: what?

Mawile: Okay... Okay... I got this... I demand respect You... I am about... to Make you even more... Endangered! HIYA!

She then used Focus Punch and when Spinda tried to dodge as she slipped and uppercutted her.

Norman: WHAT!

Mawile: I-I am, Your... Superior... You failed Bear... You... You can't even live right...

She then Jumped into the air and landed behind spinda and used crunch as she bit into spinda with her huge steal jaws on her head and she then tossed her to the side

Mawile: You're... You're going extinct... You... Panda...

Jacob: i forgot to mention norman the way to counter confusion to embrace it with the drunken master style

Norman: Ah Very Creative, but I still have more. Spinda use Power Up Punch

Spinda hand become surrounded in orange aura as she charged towards mawile

Mawile: Huh? Is that... Is that the sun?

Jacob: block the sun mawile

Mawile: Uh, Okay... Okay

When mawile was about to get hit by spinda her steel jaw become covered multicolored energy as she struck spinda with it

May: Wow, even when Confused Mawile can still Protect herself

Max: Well Yeah, but Dad will find A Counter. I know he will

Jacob: keep it up mawile, your doing it

Mawile: Okay... Got it... Who are you again...?

Jacob: it doesn't matter just keep doing what your doing

Mawile: Okay God... I'm Listening to you...

Mawile then continued blocking the attacks.

Jacob: finish her mawile

Mawile: Okay, God...

Mawile began to charge up a solar beam

Norman: Spinda use Psybeam to counter it!

Spinda released from her eyes at mawile

Jacob: jump into the sky

Mawile: Okay... Okay Dandyman...

Mawile jumped up before the beams could hit her as she then was over spinda


She then launched the solar beam that engulfed spinda

Norman: spinda!

When the attack was over, spinda was seen still standing

Norman: spinda?

But she then fell down knocked out

Kenny: spinda is unable to battle mawile is the winner

Jacob: oh yeah great job mawile

Mawile confusion then wore off

Mawile: uhh my head, why is everything so loud?

Jacob: it's ok you won

Mawile: I did? Oh great, can i sit the next battle out my head is killing me

Jacob: sure go ahead

Mawile: great *walks off the battlefield groaning* does anyone have any aspirins

Jacob: alright norman who you got next

Norman: Alright I got the perfect Pokemon, Go Linoone!

Norman summoned linoone

Jacob: alright who wants to go next *trapinch munches on his head* trapinch you down?

Trapinch: Uh-Huh, Got it

Jacob: ok then *got trapinch off him and places him on the battlefield*

Norman: That sure is A Good Pokemon, but I have A Good counter. Linoone use belly drum!

Linoone got on two and began to repeatedly hit his stomach creating vibrations with each hit and maximizing its attack power in exchange of half of its health.

Jacob: i know that move, it's quite a dangerous one, while you maximize attack power you love half your health while at it, risky game your playing norman

Norman: I Know but A Worthwhile one at that, Now Lineoone use Extreme speed to and speed blitz trapinch!

Linoone body became surrounded in green aura as he charged towards trapinch at high speed

Trapinch: what the...

Linoone then tackled trapinch sending him flying in the air

Trapinch: *in the air* gah! *falls back down*

Jacob: it's speed is impressive, you okay trapinch

Trapinch: Yeah... Just got hit by A Train it's nothing

Jacob: you got the power of a tank in you fight back, use rock smash

Trapinch: Right! HAAAAA!

Trapinch body became outlined in yellow as he charged towards Linoone

Norman: Alright Jump over and slam him with Iron Tail!

Linoone jumped over at the last minute as his tail then became surrounded in a white outline as it then turned into iron as he struck trapinch in the back with it

Trapinch: gah!! Grr this guy is really pissing me off

Norman: Linoone, follow that up with Water Pulse so and make sure he's confused!

Jacob: what!?

Norman: You Like it? I taught my Pokemon A Lot of coverage Moves

Linoone created a huge blue ball of energy in between his hands. He then threw it to the ground, making water come towards trapinch

Trapinch: oh crap baskets

The water then struck trapinch doing massive damage as it sent him to the end of the battle field

Trapinch: *spitting out water like a fountain* blech so much water!

Jacob: hang in there man

Trapinch: i'm trying

Norman: run around him linoone

Linoone began to run around trapinch in a square formation at high speed as trapinch was trying to keep up

Trapinch: Uh, I'm getting dizzy Just looking at him

Jacob: don't give up yet just hang in there

May: Oh No this is Bad

Max: I knew dad would find A Way

Jacob:(mind) on god this linoone is fast, how do i stop him

Just then jacob noticed something

Jacob:(mind) wait a minute *noticed that linoone was running around in a square formation* he's running in a square formation, linoone can only run in straight lines, he has to stop in order to turn, that how i stop him* trapinch i got an idea

Trapinch:Sure if it gets him to stop hitting me

Jacob then began to telepathically speak to him

Jacob: (in trapinch's head) listen, Linoone can only move in straight lines, do you notice how it's running around in a square formation

Trapinch:(mind) Uh Yeah, not until you mention it now, it was kinda hard to see

Jacob:(in trapinch's head) look it has to do that cause in order to turn it has to stop, that's how we beat him, I'll keep track of his moveset once he stops you'll strike ok

Trapinch:(mind) Right, Got it

Trapinch then just stood there doing nothing which confused the others

Norman:(mind) what's he doing, he's not reacting or anything

linoone then stopped at a corner

Jacob: now! Sand tomb

Trapinch's eyes glowed light blue as linoone's legs became surrounded by a sand tornado. When the tornado fades, linoone's legs were trapped in sand.

Jacob: hah gotcha, you can't run with your legs are stuck, not get you health back with giga drain trapinch

Trapinch fired a dark green energy beam from his mouth at linoone, the beam struck linoone as it drained it's heath while healing up trapinch

Jacob: looks like all those attacks were for nothing norman i can just heal him right back up as if nothing happened

May: Wow that's actually really smart, he got Linoone cornered

Max: Well dad will find A Way out

Brock: I highly doubt it at this Point

Jacob: don;t worry ill free linoone, use dig trapinch

Trapinch then dug underground and then emerged and struck linoone stomach sending him flying in the air

Jacob: now rock smash

Trapinch jumped into the air and with his body outlined in yellow, he then fell onto linoone as the two fell to the ground causing a small smoke cloud, when the smoke cloud cleared it revealed trapinch standing on top of linoone how was now knocked out

Kenny: linoone is unable to battle, trapinch wins


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Jacob: okay buddy calm down the match isn't over yet

Trapinch: Right, but man that was hard

Jacob: you think you can keep going

Trapinch: Yeah I did get Healed

Jacob: good

Norman: Well here comes one of my best. Go Slakoth!

Jacob: slakoth huh, this shouldn't be too hard, trapinch

Trapinch: Yeah?

Jacob: take him down quick with quick attack

Trapinch: Right!

Trapinch body became surrounded in blue aura as he then ran super fast leaving behind silver trail but slakoth just stepped aside and dodge it

Jacob: what!

May: (surprised) I never expected that!

Norman: Slakoth! Use Shadow Ball now!

Slakoth forms a black ball of energy between its hands. It then fires the ball at trapinch

Jacob: trapinch use mud shot

Trapinch launched multiple balls of brown mud from his mouth, both attacks countered each other causing a small dust cloud

Jacob: trapinch jump in and use rock smash again

Trapinch jumped into the smoke and came out the other side with a charged up rock smash but slakoth just leaned his back back to avoid the attack as trapinch the fell to the flow

Trapinch: Ow! He dodged it!

Jacob: this maybe harder than i thought

Max: Way to go, Slakoth! That's showing 'em!

May: amazing trapinch hasn't been able to get in even one attack.

Norman: Slakoth! Hidden Power!

Slakoth's body becomes surrounded in a white aura, as he puts his hands together. A ring of white circles appears in his hands and Slakoth shoots the ring at trapinch.

The rings of circles then surrounded trapinch trapping him as they began to come closer to trapinch

Jacob: trapinch use dig before they hit you

Trapinch: Okay but I'm digging as fast as I can

Trapinch dug super fast right before the rings closed in on him as he then dug back up

Max: Wow I never knew Hidden Power could be used like that!

Max: Wow! Jacob's attacks have been missing the mark completely!

Brock: Of course! That's why he used Slakoth!

Max: What do you mean?

Brock: I mean... in battle, doesn't jacob usually like to start things out with a long string of Speed attacks?

May: Yeah...?

Brock: Normally that works, since that's just enough to throw off a regular opponent which is also just enough to give jacob control of the battle! But it doesn't work with Slakoth! No matter what kind of Speed or Power attack jacob tries, Slakoth manages to squirm outta the way! And because of that skill it gives Norman the unique ability to fight at whatever pace he chooses! That makes Slakoth the perfect Pokemon to start things out with!

Caroline: That's exactly right Brock! Well said.

May: I never knew.... Slakoth is an amazing Pokemon.

Max: Which means Dad's been controlling this battle right from the start!

Brock: Well it sure looks that way.

Jacob: trapinch are you ok, can you keep going

Trapinch: Ugh, Kinda sore right now, but sure if you want

Jacob: just do what you can i'm sure you can take the next attack

Norman: Good! That's just the kind of determination I like to see. Now use blizzard

Jacob:...I spoke too soon

Slakoth opens his mouth as the inside of his mouth glowed white. He then fired a blizzard from his mouth at

The attack struck trapinch as he used all his strength to make sure he wouldn't fly away


The blizzard was even effecting the other

Max: (shivering cold) I'm freezing!

Max: (shivering cold) How long can Blizzard Attack go on?!

Brock: (shivering cold) Who knows? It's obvious that Slakoth's been working on offense as much as defense!

Jacob: I can see that! This is too much for you trapinch get back

Trapinch:*shivering* O-O-Okay... I think I have F-F-Frostbite

Jacob: I'll have a look at it later, alright who wants to go next, you can handle the cold

Octillery: Oh Me, I can handle A Little bit of chill

Jacob: this is a blizzard we're talking but i don't have time to complain so get on the battlefield

Octillery: Yes, Sir!

Norman: That's an interesting choice.

Jacob: indeed it is, now show us what you got norman

Norman: Right, Slakoth use thunder Punch!

Slakoth's fist became surrounded by yellow sparks of electricity as he then punched octillery

Octillery:*slowing pushing through* Get... Off me... YOU ALGAE RIDDEN RAT!

Jacob: energy ball!

Octillery launched a point blank energy ball that struck slakoth

Norman: what!?

Jacob: hahaha jokes on you norman i taught some of my old pokemon how to resist their weaknesses a long time ago

Norman: Hmm, Impressive, but it won't save you

Jacob: oh i got more up my sleeve, I hope you do as well

Norman: Oh I do. Skaloth use Seed Bomb!

A green light formed in slakoth's hands, becoming a seed. He then threw the seed at octillery

Jacob: octillery swing it back with string shot

Octillery launched a sting shot that tied up as he swung it back

Norman: Slakoth throws it back with Hammer Arm!

Slakoth's arm glowed white as he punched the seed bomb sending it back to octillery harder

Jacob: fire blast octillery

Octillery fired a blast of fire from his mouth with form into a 大 shape at the seed bomb

The fire blast engulfed the seed bomb causing it to blow up in mid air

Jacob: ice beam the floor

Octillery launched an ice beam to the floor that froze it solid as Slakoth tried to Gain A Grip with it's Long claws but it kept slipping and Just sliding across the icy floor

Norman: Very smart Move, But I have some more, Slakoth use Crush Claw!

Slakoth's claws glowed blue as he then plunged them into the ground

Norman: now use blizzard

Jacob: oh no you don't, heat things up with flamethrower

Octillery launched a flamethrower as the two attacks collide

May: (feeling hot) 'Xcuse me... could we turn down the heat?

Jacob: no may, we need to turn the heat up, increase fire power octillery

Octillery: YES! BUUURN!

He then Began to Unleash More Fire as it began to grow bigger and Molten causing the ice to melt and to completely over power slakoth as he was sent flying to Norman's arms as he catches it while Slakoth dazed out and was defeated

Norman: (gasps) Slakoth!

Kenny: Slakoth is unable to battle! Octillery is the winner!

Octillery Wow! Okay my Mouth is Burning, anyone got any water?

Lanturn: Regular or Sparkling?

Octillery: Both!

Octillery then Began drinking them both down.

Jacob: can't you make your own water since you're water type?

Octillery: Don't sass an Octopus whose mouth is Burning! It feels like I Ate A Ghost pepper

Max: No way! How could Daddy's Slakoth lose this one?

Caroline: Max, it's gonna be fine.

Max and May: Huh?

May: What Mom? What is it you're trying to say?

Caroline: You'll see! Just keep watching.

Jacob: max I. understand this is your father but c'mon aren't you gonna give me any encouragement?

Max: But... But he never Lost his Slakoth, I mean how strong is he really. Dad, never really lost this badly

Jacob: You've never even seen his battles until today so how would you know?

Max: He always told us stories of his Battles and they were always so amazing, but this... This is the first time I've ever seen him Lose

Jacob: this is first you've seen him battle you know it doesn't can we resume please

Max: Well How do you know? You don't know our dad like I do, He's strong, and amazing, and Just Wonderful. I'm Sorry continue

Jacob: thank you, where were again, oh year your about to pick your next pokemon go ahead

Norman: right, vigoroth, I choose you

Norman summoned vigoroth

Jacob: this guy, this one brings back memories, good times, this is the same vigoroth right

Norman: Yes, He has been Training hard for this rematch and he won't lose again

Jacob: let's see if that's true and to see how power it has become, ill use other pokemon instead of heracross, im switching things up here if you don't mind

Norman: Be my Guest

Jacob: we all want to see you at your best norman, i promised i give you the fight of your life and I always keep my promises, now let's get this show on the road, octillery hydro pump

Octillery launched a hydro pump but vigoroth jumped over it

Octillery: what!?

Norman: Vigoroth let's go! Scratch attack!

Octillery: what? Haha how powerful can that move possibly...

Vigoroth then struck octillery hard with scratch doing a lot of damage


Jacob: Are you ok, octillery?

Octillery: Yeah, God that was strong

Brock: I'm so impressed with Norman's strategy.

May: Huh?

Brock: Starting with his slow-moving Slakoth and then going to his high-speed Vigoroth is enough to confuse any challenger! It's a really great plan, it allows Norman to test the limits and abilities of his opponents!

Jacob: alright octillery use hydro pump

Octillery launched a hydro pump

Norman: block it vigoroth

Vigoroth put his arms up as he guarded himself from the hydro pump

Octillery: Okay He seems to be far faster than me

Jacob: and tougher, but don't give up use constrict

Octillery jumped up and used constrict as he wrapped around vigoroth's face

Norman: Smart Move Jacob! I can see you Are thinking outside the Box for this one, but so am I  vigoroth use flamethrower

Vigoroth launched a flamethrower at octillery's face causing him to let go

Octillery: AGH! Hot hot hot hot hot! I think we might be serving Calamari on the menu

Jacob: not for long, get off the battlefield before you get fried up

Octillery: Right, Got it, Oh God I feel like I'll be good with soy sauce

Jacob: think about eating yourself a different time man, this match ain't over yet, guess I'll have to fight fire with fire for this one, Combusken you ready to show off your flames

Combusken: Hell Yeah!

Jacob: Then get out there and show it off!

Combusken: Trust me as Long as I'm A Fire and fighting  type and I have this Claws! I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

Jacob: Could you let me down?

Combusken was holding him up

Combusken: Sorry

He then puts him down and ran to the fighting zone

Jacob: Alright, combusken use fire spin!

Combusken opened his mouth as a ball of fire appeared in his mouth. He then shot a vortex of fire from his mouth at vigoroth

Norman: vigoroth, flamethrower

Vigoroth launched a flamethrower as both attacks collided

Norman: I don't see what the Problem is that fire spin will eventually run out

Jacob: who said it was meant to last long, you already fell into my trap

Norman: Huh? What do you mean?

Jacob; combusken, use sky uppercut while running into the flame

Combusken: Hell yeah! I'm All Fired up!

Combusken then ran into the flames as he then came out on the other side and delivered a powerful sky uppercut on vigoroth

May: Wow I never seen anything like that Before!

Brock: Yep that's Jacob for you, A Master at Battling

Max: Well Uh, Dad will find A Way, he always does

Just then combusken's body began to white as combusken began to feel more agile

Combusken: W-What's Happening? I feel like I wanna go fast

Jacob: it's your ability, speed boost, your speed will increase as the battle goes on, you'll only get faster

Combusken: Hell yeah

Jacob: now show it off with another sky uppercut

Combusken then twice as fast as before and before vigoroth could react combusken struck him with a sky uppercut to the gut

Norman: What Skill! But I think You May have Miscalculated. Vigoroth use scratch!

Vigoroth tried to scratch combusken

Jacob: dodge it

Combusken jumped out of the way just in time as his body glowed white again

Combusken: I gotta go Fast!

Jacob: he just keeps getting faster norman

Norman: I see but Vigoroth is also very Fast. Quickly use Scratch A Bunch of times!

Jacob: use sky uppercut combusken

The two pokemon clashed with high speeds together with neither of them giving in

Brock: It Looks like they're Both going all out!

May: I wonder who's going to win

Max: It's gonna be dad of course he's never Lost A Battle like this before and Vigoroth Just got stronger

Jacob: Now this is a battle! Bet you never had one like this before norman

Norman: Never with A God I'll be Honest, but the results of our Training will Prove ourselves

Jacob: indeed it will

After a few clash both struck each other at the same time causing big damage to both of them as they both stepped back to catch their breath

Combusken: Okay... Okay that was tough...

Jacob: let's finish this combusken, use focus energy

Combusken's body began glow orange

Norman: Vigoroth does the same!

Vigoroth's body becomes outlined in a red aura.

Jacob: alright combusken use brick break

Combusken ran towards vigoroth as his claw glowed yellow

Norman: Vigoroth use Focus Punch!

Vigoroth ran towards combusken as his fist glowed white

They both Then Began to charge at each other at Lightning fast speeds faster than the Human eye as with A Huge dust cloud they appeared Behind each other. They both took deep breaths looking Behind at each other before Combusken Lowered his arm.

Combusken: You had already Lost

And Vigoroth fell to the ground knocked out

Kenny: vigoroth is unable to battle, combusken wins

Jacob: oh yeah, way to go combusken, you feeling ok?

Combusken: Yeah, Did Get hit but I'm Okay, I'm all Pumped up even

May: Oh Man it Looks like Dad is actually gonna Lose

Max: That never happened before, that can't Happen right?

Brock: Anything's Possible with Jacob

Jacob: i am the impossible, people though a half human half pokemon being was impossible and look how that turned out

Norman: You had impressed my Greatly but Here comes my Ace. Go, Slaking!

Norman summoned slaking as he stood up and stomped on the ground

Jacob: woah for a slaking this one isn't slaking off

Norman: Of course, he's been resting up for this fight

Jacob: then i guess it's time i bring out my ace, combusken get back

Combusken: Alright if you say so

Combusken got off the battlefield

Jacob: heracross it's time

Heracross: Heh, Hell yeah

Heracross got on the battlefield

Jacob: this is it norman, our best pokemon against each other, time to see who's the stronger one

Norman: Then we shall

Jacob: now heracross use pin missile

Heracross fired multiple bright green spikes from his back

Norman: stop it slaking!

Slaking used his hands to the stop the attacks with an explosion

May and Max: (gasps)

Jacob: did we get him

At first it seemed that the attack made impact but as the smoke clears Slaking was shown still on its feet.

Jacob: nope, it did nothing

Heracross: Aw, Crap Baskets

Max: Cool!

May: It blocked that whole attack!

Brock: Looks like Slaking's hands have been built so much, they're almost like two steel plates!

Norman: And that's not all! Because Slaking's the Lazy Pokemon a weak attack like that won't arouse any interest!

Jacob: alright then, heracross use arm thrust

Heracross: got it

Heracross charged towards slaking with arm thrust

Norman: Slaking, stop him with Hammer arm!

One of Slaking's arms glowed white and as he slammed it at heracross

Both heracross and slaking's fist collided causing a small shockwave as both tried to overpower the other

Heracross: Nrgh! This is so Hard! He is Deceptively strong!

The two then began to collided fist a bunch of times as dozens of shockwave appeared for every collision

Brock: It seems like they are equally Matched

May: Yeah, they both seem really tough

Max: Oh come on We know Slaking is going to win, he's so strong

Jacob: heracross use megahorn

Heracross stepped back as he used megahorn

Norman: Grab onto that megahorn Slaking!

Just when heracross was about to hit slaking, slaking grabbed him by the horn and held him in midair

Heracross: Oh Crap this isn't going to end well...

Norman: Good! Now send it flying!

Slaking began to spin heracross around my the horn

Heracross: Oh God I think it's gonna Puke!

Slaking then threw Heracross as he slid on the ground and landed in front of jacob

Jacob: heracross!

Heracross:*slowing getting up* I'm fine... Might have scraped my exoskeleton though

Max: You call that power!

May: That's for sure. Slaking's got more than a strong defense.

Brock: Yeah. Like a whole lot of muscle and speed.

Norman: Use Focus Punch now!

Slaking's fist glowed white as he charged towards heracross

Jacob: heracross, low kick

Heracross ducked from the focus punch and his leg glowed white as he swung it at slaking feet tripping him

Norman: (impressed) Hmm!

Heracross: Okay I got him down!

Slaking was groaning for a moment till it got back up  all fired up

Jacob: okay now we pissed him off

Heracross: You think?

May: That doesn't sound good.

Brock: Slaking's really getting into this battle now!

Norman: Alright Slaking Earthquake!

Slaking jumps into the air and strikes the ground, making the battlefield shake

Jacob; oh god our battle is causing one of the worst natural disasters!

Heracross: Oh Geez! I can fly right? I think i can fly! I have wings! Please god tell me I can fly!

Jacob: yes you can fly, fly in the air to avoid this!

Heracross: Right, Thank God

Heracross then flew up in the air avoiding the earthquake

Norman: Alright Slaking knock him down with Hyper Beam!

An orange ball of energy appears in front of Slaking's mouth as he fired an orange beam of energy at heracross

The beam struck heracross as he was sent plummeting to the ground

Heracross: gah!

Jacob: heracross, don't go down yet!

Heracross: Okay! I am Hanging on, Nrgh!

Jacob: use megahorn

Heracross used his remaining strength to charged towards slaking with heracross

Norman: Quickly use Counter!

Jacob: what!

Just when slaking was about to be hit by heracross, slaking's body became covered in multicolored aura as he punched heracross

Heracross: GAH!!

Heracross was sent crashing on the floor as he laid there with as he tried to get up

Jacob: heracross!!

Heracross: *trying to get back up* Okay... That Hurt...

May: Oh No It Looks like Heracross is really hurt now

Max: Yeah, dad is gonna win this

Brock: I don't think so Jacob always has A ace up his sleeve

Norman: now use flamethrower

Slaking used flamethrower as he began to torch heracross


Jacob: heracross, don't give up, we need you, we all do

Soon Jacob's pokemon began to cheer for heracross

Budew: Go Heracross!

Mawile: We believe in you!

Octillery: You can do this!

Sableye: Win this!

Poliwrath: show your true strength!

Charizard: show off your burning passion

Heracross:*being burned* (mind) I can't give up, they're all relying on me, each one, I came this far, I WILL NOT GIVE UP NOW!

Just then heracross's guts ability was activated as he then powered through the flames and landed a power focus punch in slaking's stomach causing slaking to stop and step back as he held his stomach

Norman: Astounding!

Caroline: That's incredible!

Soon heracross activated his swarm ability as well causing a mix of light green and dark red energy to surround his body

Heracross: I Feel THE POWER!

Jacob: thank norman, not only did you activate his guts ability, you also activated swarm

Norman: Very smart. And Incredible, A Pokemon with two Abilities. How strange, but I'll still win this

Jacob: not on my watch, heracross use megahorn

Heracorss used megahorn

Norman: block it slaking

Slaking tried to block it with his hand but heracross overpowered him and struck slaking

May: Woah he's actually doing it!

Brock: That's Jacob for you he always finds A Way

Max: D-Dad, can still win this, I know he can

Norman: My Slaking is still A Beast to be reckoned with Jacob

Jacob: well then I think it's time to tame this beast!

Norman: Good Wording but It won't help, Now use Flamethrower

Slaking launched a flamethrower

Jacob: heracross use dig

Heracross dug underground dodging the flamethrower, he then appeared again landing a critical blow to the chin

Jacob: that's it heracross you're doing it now use arm thrust repeatedly

Heracross began to use arm thrust multiple time as he began to punch slaking in the chest multiple times at high speeds before slaking could even react

Heracross: Yeah! I feel the Power Jacob-Baby! Hahahahaha!


With one final arm thrust he punched slaking sending him sliding back a few feet as it was down it it's final stand

Norman: Woah! Now that is Strong!

Jacob: indeed, now it's time to finish this!

Norman: Of course! Slaking use Hammer Arm!

Slaking charged with a full powered hammer arm

Jacob: heracross use reversal

Heracross's body became covered in a golden aura as aura then appeared around heracross's hand as he charged toward slaking, both pokemon charged towards each other with neither of them holding back and once they got to the center as both then struck each other hard at the same time causing a massive shockwave, they both then stood there frozen as everyone stood there waiting for one of them to drop

May: Is he going to win this?

Brock: I think so


Heracross then got down on his knees

Jacob: heracross


Slaking then smirked when suddenly he fell to the ground knocked out as Heracross then slowly got back up

Heracross: I...did it jacob...I won

Kenny: Slaking is unable to battle! Jacob wins! The winner of this match is jacob jackson!


Jacob's pokemon then cheered

Budew: Yay!

Octillery: Good show!

Mawile/Bellossom: You did it!

Sableye: Good Job!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/n: 0:03-End

May: I can't believe it! Jacob really beat Dad!

Brock: Yeah, in an amazing battle!

Norman: You put up a great fight Slaking!

Jacob: well norman you put up an amazing fight, you put me on the edge for sure

Norman: Thank you, to push you that far I am Proud.

Jacob: that was certainly a battle to remember

Caroline: Dad actually lost one. You can't win 'em all, right Max? (notices) Oh...

Max was groaned and looked rather unpleased


Norman: jacob, I haven't enjoyed a battle this much in a long time! Thank you! You deserved to win! (presents the badge) And this Balance Badge is proof of that. Congratulations!

Norman held out the balance badge

The balance badge

Norman: and take this TM as well

Norman handed jacob a TM for the move retaliate

Jacob: Well thank you Norman I shall...

Max: (upset) NO WAY! (snatches the badge and run off)

Everyone but max:*gasp*

Jacob: max what are you doing!

May: Max, what's wrong? Where're you going?

Caroline: Honey?!

At the greenhouse an upset Max was seen running into the door entrance and shuts it closed and locked. The heroes all came to the locked entrance

May: C'mon Max, why're you doing this?!

Caroline: Max, open the door, please.

Max: (upset with tears) Why Daddy?! Why did you have to lose, huh?! And now you're saying that you had a great time battling but you lost! I don't like it!! It doesn't make any sense at all!

Max: (upset with tears) DAD LOST! Why aren't you upset?!

May: Uh...(sympathizing) Of course it wasn't easy watching Dad lose that gym battle and all. But it doesn't matter! He fought as hard as he could and that's what's important!

Max: (cries and whimpers upset)

Brock: You know, gym leaders don't work hard and hold battles just so they can keep winning all the time!

Max: (upset with tears) THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S OKAY TO LOSE!!

Norman: YES IT IS!

Max: (in tears) Huh?

Norman: Losing is an important part of being a gym leader. If you've battled hard and done your best, then defeat can end up being quite the wise teacher. (Max was silent) Think about how hard jacob and heracross battled together, while never once accepting defeat as an option! Max.... they found strengths they didn't even know they had, and that is what is all about.

Max: (in tears) Huh...(sniff and whimpers)

Jacob then fazed through the walls and stood in front of max

Jacob: max, i can understand why your upset, i would feel upset if my own dad lost, but here's the thing, we learn through losses and victories, but in the end max, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is you do your best, max remember what I told you a few days back


Jacob:(flashback) you know max in case we somehow fail to find water and you pass out i just want you to know that is was great knowing you, your kinda like the brother i never had but always wanted

Flashback end

Max: Thank You... I'm Sorry I ever did that... I Guess you are like my Big brother... Here You really do deserve it

He then hands Jacob the Badge

Jacob: thank you, you know max, i would rather give up this badge than lose the respect of someone like you, your more important than any badge i could ever claim, come here little brother

Max: Okay, Thank you so Much

The two then Hugged each other in A Warm embrace.

Jacob: you know max im gonna help you become like your father, even better, you already got two pokemon, your already on the first step, and I'll make sure you complete the next steps

Max: Thank you. I wanna be Like you When I get Older Jacob, I wanna be Just like you

Jacob: then i shall guide you into being like me, your already on the right path

Jacob then lifted him up and placed him on his shoulders

Jacob: cmon max, let's go back with the others ok

Max: Right, Thank you Jacob

Jacob: anytime Little bro

Jacob then unlocked the door and opened as the others were waiting for them

Jacob: i did it you guys, we're all good now

May: Oh Thank God, Max what were you thinking?

Max: I don't know what I was thinking, But I'm happy jacob is here

Jacob: hey it's ok it doesn't matter what happen before what matters is what we do now and right now...i want something to eat

Caroline: Oh Of course, I haven't met anyone who had Out eaten my cooking Before. I have May as an Example

May: (Blushing) Hehe, Yeah, I do eat A Lot

Jacob:*wraps his tail around her* i like it, just like me, it's adorable

May: (Blushing) Oh Thank you, Jacob

Jacob: well what are we waiting for, let's eat, I call first dibs

May: Aww, Man I should have called first dibs

Jacob:i'm willing to share just try to keep up with me *runs off with her and max

May: Wait up!

She then chased after him.

Jacob: hahaha what a day, this is only the beginning max, more craziness is yet to come

Max: That's Great, I'll enjoy our Adventures big brother

Jacob: yes you will


After having a big dinner jacob and his girls were in a room that norman and Caroline lend them

Jacob:(laying on the bed) uhh man does anyone know how many servings i had I lost track

May: Yeah Probably as Much As I had, I love Mom's Cooking

Jacob: yeah it's good food, and i thought only I could have the biggest appetite, you surprised me may, i like that

May: Thanks, I don't really eat too Much because it isn't all that lady like, but Sometimes I can resist. I Guess I'm like my beautifly in that way

Jacob: i don't understand the whole lady like stuff, I don't get it one bit, then again it probably cause im not a girl, I may never understand it

May: I don't either, I've always been more of A Tomboy I guess, but I do have A Girly streak

Jacob: so your like in the middle sorta, girly and tomboyish, the only other tomboy i know is misty, misty why is it that your the only tomboy i know

Misty: I don't know, I've always been different from my sisters

Jacob: yeah i can tell, well your still cute and i love that

Misty: Thanks

Jacob: i would get up and hug you but im too stuffed to move, plus im in a very comfortable position right now and i don't want to move from it

Misty: Yeah I know how you feel, so Good

Jacob: yeah also I found out where the next contest is being held, it's in Rubello town unfortunately you can't all participate in it

May: Really? Why?

Jacob: it's a R1 theme, my mother told me about these types, you have to have at least one ribbon to enter and the only you, me, janet and grace have at least one ribbon, the rest of you guys can't enter

Jessie: Aww, Man I Guess I can't go then

Jacob: you can still watch it you just can't participate in it, after this contest im heading to the next town for my next gym badge, norman told me it's in Fortree city

May: Oh Yeah, I heard about that, I think the gym leader there uses Flying types

Jacob: perfect, i can handle flying type, the last flying type gym leader battle was easy, this one shouldn't be too hard

Misty: You Mean Falker? That is True but he was Just the first gym

Jacob: yeah but first i got to choose a pokemon for the contest and i got just the one, hey mawile!

Mawile opened the door and walked up to jacob

Mawile: Hey Jacob, what do you need?

Jacob: how would you like to perform in the next pokemon contest

Mawile: Huh? Haa... Haa... YAAAS~!!

Jacob: I take that as a yes, you seem very excited

Mawile: Oh Yes! I had wanted to be in the spotlight! It is finally my time to shine!

Jacob: perfect, get some rest because tomorrow we are gonna train for it, you already got the cuteness part down

Mawile: Awww, Thank you! I gotta get my Beauty sleep

Mawile went back to the room with the other pokemon

Heracross: uhh god i am so tired after that battle, so mawile what did he need you for?

Mawile: Oh Nothing I'm Just gonna be part of the next contest~!

Gardevoir: Lucky Girl, I wish I could have done it

Budew: I've been in one and it's fun!

Octillery: indeed

Gardevoir: You're all so Lucky, when Is it my time to shine?

Mawile: (Smirks) You ever looked yourself Up

Gardevior: (Glares) Have you?

They both then Began glaring at each other as Budew was Just confused.

Budew: What are they talking about?

Heracross: Ask your father...

Budew: Daddy, what are they doing?

Jacob:*in another room* don't get involved, just let them solve it themselves.

Budew: (Suspicious) Hmmm (Normally) Okay!

Jacob:*in another room* good girl, love you, daddies tired now

Budew: Love you too

Heracross then Wacked both Gardevior and Mawile on the head leaving them bumps.

Heracross: Stop corrupting the child

Mawile/Gardevior: We're sorry...

Budew: i forgive you, even though i don't' even know what you two were even doing

Heracross: now we need some rest everyone get on the one king sized bed

The pokemon then got on as they all tried to fit and stay on

Heracross: Okay My Horn is touching something

Gardevior then slapped him.

Gardevior: That's My butt

Octillery: No that's me

She then slapped him.

Mawile: I want my own room next time

Budew: This is so cozy!

Sableye: of course it is for you your so small you could fit in An underwear drawer and you be fine

Budew: Oh, Can I do that?

Heracross: No, Lets Just sleep

Charizard: it's hard to when lantern's light is shining in my face

Lanturn: Well excuse me, But I prefer to sleep with A Nightlight

Charizard: What are you 5?

Lanturn: I Take Offense to that

Heracross: everyone can we sleep?

Huntail: fine, goodnight everyone

Heracross: goodnight

Mawile: no one wake me up i need my beauty sleep, so my rest matters the most

Gardevoir: Must not be working then

Mawile: I will scratch your eyes out

Heracross: ENOUGH!

Everyone: Sorry

They all then fell asleep


That night jacob got hungry again so he snuck out and began searching for a place to eat

Jacob: hmm let's see where can i find a place that is open 24 hours

Just then he found a dinner that was opened 24/7

Jacob: perfect!

Jacob then got in and when he got in he found ghost

Jacob: ghost?

ghost:*currently eating a burger* Hm? Oh sup!

Jacob: What are you doing here at this hour, looks like you got a case of the midnight munchies?

Ghost:Eh Yeah I kinda did and plus were sort of celebrating *points over to houndoom currently eating a basket of waffle fries*

Jacob: oh you evolved one of your pokemon

Ghost:yeah, we had an encounter with an interesting kid named wally, so we battled and he fights like a champ but still needs to work on somethings but for the most part I gave him a galladite and a keystone.

Jacob: cool!


jacob sat next to ghost as they then proceed to eat up the food ghost had at the table currently

Jacob: you wouldn't believe what happened the past few days for me

Ghost: Hm, why's that?

Jacob: i had a lot, I saved a village, prevented a couple from breaking up and i won my next gym badge

Ghost:huh thats so, who was the couple?

Jacob: norman and Caroline, aka may's mother, norman was the gym leader here

ghost:*whistle* damn shit must've been bad.

Jacob: i don't want to talk about it, stay away from marriage situations dude it will eat your heart out.

ghost:Eh true.*takes some of the honey buns that had just arrived*

Jacob: also i found out that the next contest is in Rubello town but it's an R1 so you have to have at least one ribbon to participate in it

Ghost:*stops eating his honey bun* wait... If that's happening then almost all of your girls can't join it.

Jacob: yeah only three of them can join because they have at least one badge

Ghost: well sucks to suck.*twirls around a dusk stone* So what's the plan?

Jacob: Wait a minute, where did you get a dusk stone?

ghost: Oh I was doing some recon on some black market goons and were trading some of the sinnoh and hoenn gems to one another and I did what I usually do and busted that cynicate down.

Jacob: Good, I'm using mawile for the contest.

Ghost:huh that sounds reasonable, Hey wait Jacob you got any extra Keystones?

Jacob: of course *hands him some* my home world is full of them

ghost:Damn comparing your world to ours here, I say Humanity really fucked up on alot of things mainly*shivers* the ultimate weapon.

Jacob: we don't talk about that ghost, it was a dark time and it is meant to be unspoken of

Ghost:yeah... *takes a sip of soda* But.. I would love to have seen the good old era before everything that was before, here Like Heck I heard about some stories on everything about the  hisuian era being a thing, but yeah...

Jacob: that's a story for another day, well buddy i gotta go now, see you later

Ghost:Cya another time, I've gotta test some things with now being able to mega evolve gyarados.


Ghost was now in another hotel sleeping dreaming of his past

In the dream


Axew then returned

Axew: oh good your back again

ghost:Ay! Axew, How's it been!*sits up*

Axew: good, though there's not much to do really i mainly just sit back and watch what's going on in your mind, you ready to relive another part of your past

Ghost:shit, another one, Alrighty Lets do it!*raises his hands in the air*

Axew: alright.

A screen then played in front of them

Axew:(in ghost's conscious) this took place a month after the fire

In the dream we see young ghost lost in the forest looking for food and shelter

Young ghost:Brrr..*looks around at some berry bushes near a river*Well it's something, and it's better than nothing...he went over to grab some berries*

Just then he saw a truck that drove by with the savage hunter symbol

Young ghost:Huh? Who are they....

The truck then stopped as two men got out

Grunt 1: i can't believe after 3 hours and we haven't found anything

Grunt 2: Well what do you expect? It's a goddamn forest.

Grunt 1: the boss is gonna be pissed when we come back empty handed

Young Ghost then went inside the berry bush as the grunts heard a rustle

Grunt 1: hey did you hear that?

Grunt 2:Over their by those bushes *he points to the berry bushes*

The grunts then slowly went to the bush

Grunt 1: come out wherever you are

Grunt 2: don't make us come in there

They both pulled out long tasers

Young ghost:Woah! Ok Sorry Sir But Im not wanting to be Tazed!

When the grunts saw him they began to recognize him

Grunt 1: woah, can it be, uhh wait right there kid

He then grabbed the other grunt and walked a few feet away from young ghost

Grunt 1: dude, is that him, the kid?

Grunt 2: impossible, the boss said the family was gone

Grunt 1: well apparently not all of them, that's the kid

Grunt 2:Hmm. So you want to get him to the boss?

Grunt 1: we could, i don't think we should kill him, for all we know he probably didn't see anything, i don't think he even knows who we are

Young ghost:So, what's the idea, am I just going to be chopped liver and be here?

Grunt 1: uhh no kid umm sorry about scaring you umm how long have you been out here for

Young ghost:OH, you know a month, At this point Im questioning what to even do *eats a tomato berry like nothing*

Grunt 2: well kid why don't you come with us

Young ghost: Hmm... Alright..

Grunt 1: great just hop in the back of the truck

Young ghost:............... Look I know I've just met you, but that kind of sounded a bit more pedo then I've heard in my life.

Grunt 2: no no kid you see there are only two seats in the fronts

Young ghost: ooooh That explains it alrighty.

Young ghost then got into the back of the truck

Grunt 2: the boss is gonna want to talk to us for sure

Young ghost: Alright.

The grunts then got in the truck as they drove off


After a long drive they arrived at the savage hunter base where ghost was in a waiting room meanwhile the two grunt were in the bosses office

???: you found what?

Grunt 2: We found a kid who survived the fire's you did.

???: impossible, how could he have possibly survived it, it nearly burned down the whole forest

Grunt 1:Well the town was first then it crept onto the forest, but I think he ran before the flames were getting into the forest.

???: hmm how much does the kid know?

Grunt 1:Hes in the waiting room as we speak.

???: I didn't ask where he was, I asked how much does he knows! Does he know about what we really do here!


???: you didn't ask him yet! You brought a child who belongs to the family that we got rid of a month ago and for all we know he may know about everything about us and you didn't think about asking him that!

Grunt 1:*shaking and shivering*But sir Hes a kid how would he know shit!

???: it doesn't matter how he finds out what matters is if he knows already you fucking excuses for a grunt!

Grunt 1:*scared* OK,THEN!

???: you know what i'm done with you!!

He then pulled out a gun and shot him in the head killing him instantly as the other grunt stood there in shock

???: you wanna go the same way he went!?

Grunt 2: NO SIR!

???: good, now here's what i want you to do, i want you to go back there and ask that kid questions and don't come back until you finished asking him questions

grunt 2: Got it!

???: good now get out of my office!

Grunt 2 then heads to the waiting room as he notices young ghost currently eating a berry

Young ghost:So what's going on now? Hey where's that other guy?

Grunt 2: uhh he had some other things to do but it's all good now then kid i'm gonna ask you some questions ok. All you gotta do is answer them the best you can ok?

Young ghost: Ok!

Grunt 2: First off, what is your name?

Young ghost: My name is Ace Kurai!

Grunt 2: ok and how old are you?

Young ghost: I'm Currently 9 years old.

Grunt 2: alright now then have you ever heard of a group known as the savage hunters?

Young ghost: No Sir.

Grunt 2: Do you know where we are right now?

Young ghost: Not at all.

Grunt 2: what were you doing in the woods?

Young ghost:*sad* My town had been burned down and Was trying to escape it..

Grunt 2: do you know any other survivors?

Young ghost:Nope.. All i saw were burning houses and ashes...

Grunt 2: ok, well thank you for answering my questions now you wait here

Small timeskip

The grunt was back in the office

???: well what do you got

Grunt 2: well you're right about the kid, he was part of that family, he's 9 years old however he knows nothing about what we do here, he's never heard of us, he's the only survivor of the fire

???:Well, Thats perfect...*he grins* Now that he doesn't know about what we've done... But we'll need to find a way to make him, not think of a way to find out himself...

Grunt 2: how sir?

???: you leave that to me, now get back to work

The grunt then left as ??? Just stood there with an evil grin on his face, the screen then disappeared as the dream ended

Axew: sorry you couldn't see what was going on in the office

ghost:Ay its alright... But still that's a clue and idea on whats going on....

Axew: you'll find out more a different day buddy

Ghost:well Its great seeing Ya Bud, *ghost then begins to fade off back to reality* Well times up Cya again when you're ready!*he quickly hugs axew as he finally fades out*

Axew then disappeared

Jacob:(narrating) after claiming a new badge our heroes shall continue their journey tomorrow where the next badge and contest awaits them

ghost:(narrating) Yep!

Jacob:(narrating) find out what happens next time on the POKE KING OF THE MULTIVERSE

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