Chapter 116: silver's second wind

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It was now nighttime as our heroes were now in Ilex Forest

They decided to camp out in the forest. Jacob was right now evolving some of his pokemon, so far evolved ledyba, hoppip, hoothoot and wooper into their new forms

Ledian: male

Skiploom: female

Noctowl: male

Quagsire: male

Right now, jacob was with bluey, heracross, espeon, totodile and eevee 8

Jacob: alright, eevee, totodile, are you two ready to evolve

Eevee 8: you bet I am, I'm so excited

Totodile: me too

Jacob: alright then, here we go

Jacob released some of his energy as it was then absorbed my eevee 8 and totodile, the two pokemon then began to glow and evolve into their new forms

Croconaw: male

Umbreon: female

Umbreon and croconaw: umbreon/croconaw

Espeon: wow sis, you finally evolve

Umbreon: I did, I look so cool

Croconaw: so do I

Jacob: well I'm glad you guys like it

Heracross: hey jacob, can we go back to the camp site, I'm getting kinda hungry

Jacob: okay

Croconaw: can we join you guys as well

Jacob: sure

Jacob, his pokemon and bluey went back to the camp site


The team was now eating some sweet apple curry that jacob made

Everyone was loving the curry

Brock: wow jacob, this is good curry

Jacob: thanks, my mom taught me how to make it

Domino: this food is way better than the food at team rocket

Oakley: agree

Wendy: you're cute, handsome, strong and a good cook, your the whole package, I'm so glad you're my boy friend

All the girls nodded in agreement

Jacob: thank you ladies, now I say after we finish our dinner, we should hit the sack, we have to be ready for tomorrow, maybe I'll stop team rocket again tomorrow

???: Not if I stop them first

Everyone turned and saw silver staring at them, this angered jacob

Jacob:(angry) silver

Silver:(angry) jacob

Jacob stood up as he and silver slowly walked towards each other

Misty: uhh how does jacob know this guy?

Lyra: jacob met him a few days ago, his name is silver and jacob doesn't like him on bit

Kris: jacob also punched him for calling pokemon weak

Janine: that bad huh,

Lyra: yep

Jacob and silver were now staring at each other with serious looks on their faces

Jacob: what the hell are you doing here?

Silver: I told you, I'm going after team rocket alone

Jacob: I told you that you can't do it alone

Silver: well I don't care about what you told me, I'm gonna do it no matter what

Jacob: silver, I know you can't do it alone, your pokemon aren't strong enough

Silver: that was before, but after we fought I trained my pokemon a lot so I can beat team rocket, but I also did it so I get make you pay for punching me in the face

Jacob:(angry) you got what you deserved silver, now I suggest you leave now before I punch you again

Silver: no way, I want a rematch against you, the last match was unfair, I only lost beacuse my pokemon was weak and pathetic but now they're strong due to intense training I made them go through, and now we will battle once again and I won't be losing time

Jacob: you wanna go, then let's go, it's fighting time

Small timeskip

The battle began, both jacob and silver were staring at each other from a few feet away from each other, brock then appeared in the middle of the battlefield

Brock: alright, each trainer will use up to 3 pokemon, the last one standing wins

Brock then stepped back as silver took out a pokeball

Silver: get ready to lose jacob

Jacob: bring it on silver

Silver summoned a gastly while jacob chose Umbreon

Silver: alright gastly, take umbreon out

Gastly nodded as he flew towards umbreon

Jacob: big mistake, umbreon use flash

The yellow ring on Umbreon's forehead shined brightly as it then gave off a bright light that blinded gastly

Silver: gastly!

Gastly stood there as he tried to regain his vision

Jacob: that's what happens when you rush into an opponent, now umbreon use dark pulse

Umbreon jumped into the air as she fired out multiple black orbs of energy with a purple outline from in front of her head at gastly like this

The attack hit gastly and knocked him out, silver groaned as he called back gastly

Jacob: haha, good job umbreon

Umbreon: thank you

Silver: im not done yet

Silver summoned a zubat

Jacob: alright espeon, your up

Espeon: alright

Espeon switched spots with umbreon

Umbreon: good luck sis

Espeon: thank you

Silver: now zubat, use supersonic

Zubat launched a bunch of blue sound waves from his mouth

Jacob: espeon, use confusion

Espeons eye's and gemstone glowed light blue as her gemstone relasead a bunch of blue sound wave, the confusion attack over powered the supersonic waves and hit zubat, the attack did a lot of damage to zubat

Silver: grr, zubat use wing attack

Zubat's wings glowed white as he flew towards espeon

Jacob: espeon use zap cannon

Espeon launched a zap cannon at zubat, the attack hit zubat and knocked him out, silver then called back zubat

Silver:(angry) This is ridiculous, there's no way I'm losing to you again!

Silver summoned his quilava while jacob switched espeon out for croconaw

silver:(angry) this ends now!

Jacob: you got that right silver, let's finish this

Silver: quilava use flamethrower

Jacob: croconaw use hydro pump

The hydro pump over powered the flamethrower and hit quilava

Silver: grr, quilava use take down

Quilava began to run towards croconaw

Jacob: croconaw, use strength

A white aura began to surround Croconaw as he ran up to quilava and grabbed him, croconaw was now holding back quilava's take down

Jacob: now throw him into the air

Croconaw threw quilava into the air which shocked silver

Silver: what!

Jacob now jump up and use iron tail

Croconaw jumped into the air as his tail became surrounded in a white outline that sparkled, his tail then turns into iron  as he slammed it into quilava like this

Quilava was sent crashing into the ground which crated a dust cloud, once  croconaw got back onto the ground, the dust cloud disappeared which revealed quilava who was now knocked out

Brock: the match is now over, the winner is jacob

Jacob's team cheered for him while silver just got pissed off as he called back his quilava

Silver:(angry) no, this can't be happening, how could I lose to a weakling like you twice in a row

Jacob: because you have no faith in your pokemon silver, all you care about is strength and you're never gonna beat me or team rocket if you keep this attitude up

Silver:(angry) grrr just shut up with that crap, I don't care about the weak and I never will, this isn't over jacob, I will beat you and I will beat team rocket by myself!

Silver then left as the others watched

Brock: man that guy is stubborn

Yellow: and mean

Jacob: you got that right, well it least he's gone for now, come on, let's hit the sacks, we got a big day tomorrow

Jacob called back his pokemon (except for heracross) as he and his team all went to bed

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