Chapter 123: meet lanturn/ aiding an Ampharos

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Our heroes were now in Olivine City

On their way there, jacob was able to find a TM for the moves snore, he also caught this pokemon

Miltank: female

He also evolved some of his pokemon

Jumpluff: female

Ampharos: female

Forretress: male

Right now, Jacob's group (which included jacob, jaraja, bluey, heracross and bellossom) were by the pier, jacob and bluey were swimming in the water

Jacob: ahhhh, it's feels good to go swimming, right bluey

Jacob turned around and saw bluey playing with this pokemon

Lanturn: male

Jacob: aawww, looks like bluey made a new friend

Jacob swam towards them

Jacob: bluey

Bluey swam towards jacob and nuzzled against him

Jacob: hehehe, I see you made a new friend

Lanturn: wow, are you that half pokemon guy

Jacob: yep that's me

Lanturn: wow, say is he yours

Jacob: yep, this is bluey, my pet

Lanturn: interesting, well he's a pretty fun guy, actually I never really had this much fun before

Jacob: what do you mean, don't you hang out with other pokemon

Lanturn: not really, to be honest, I get kinda bored here

Jacob: oh, well why don't you join us

Lanturn: really thank you!

Jacob then caught Lanturn and then summoned him

Jacob: welcome to the team Lanturn

Lanturn: thank you, say, can I also stay out of my ball pls

Jacob: um sure

Lanturn: also I would like to join you guys on land, however, I can't really move on land

Jacob: no problem

Jacob gathered up some water and created a water orb that levitated in the air

Jacob: alright, hop into the orb

Lanturn hopped into the orb which covered up his entire body

Lanturn: wow, it works

Jacob: yep, this water orb will appear when whenever you want to go on land, it will disappear when you don't want to

Lanturn: alright


Jacob and the other team were now back together as they were a walking around the city

Lyra: so um, is that Lanturn gonna be with us in that orb now

Jacob: yep

Just then jacob saw silver

Jacob:(angry) silver!

Silver:'s you again

Jacob:(angry) what the hell are you doing here

Silver: relax weakling, I'm here to battle you, I came here to battle the gym leader here, unfortunately, the gym leader isn't here

Jacob: what

Silver: yeah apparently she is taking care of a sick pokemon at the lighthouse, Humph! Boo-hoo! Just let sick Pokémon go! A Pokémon that can't battle is worthless! In fact, I think the pokemon of better of dead

This pissed of jacob a lot

Jacob:(angry) what the fuck did you just say

Silver: I said that the stupid, weak, pathetic, sick pokemon is better off dead

Jacob then punched silver in the face like this

The punched knocked silver out

Jacob: fuck you asshole

Jaraja came out and began to calm jacob down

Jaraja: calm down jacob, deep breaths

Jacob took some deep breaths and calmed down

Jacob: (sigh) alright I'm good now, sorry you guys had to see that

Brock: it's fine, I don't blame you, but what are you gonna do with silver now

Jacob: hmmm

Jacob looked around and saw a dumpster which gave him an idea

Jacob: excuse me for a moment guys, I just gotta take out the trash

Jacob picked up silver and walked toward the dumpster, he then threw silver into the dumpster

Jacob the wiped his hands and went back to the team

Jacob: alright, now that that's taken care of let's check out that lighthouse, maybe we can help out the sick pokemon

Brock: good idea


Our heroes were now inside the glitter lighthouse

Glitter lighthouse

They got to the top floor where they saw this girl with an ampharos


Jacob: hello there

Jasmine turned around and saw jacob

Jasmine: oh my, are you that half pokemon guy

Jacob: yep, that's me

Jasmine: wow, uhhh my names Jasmine, I'm the gym leader here

Jacob: nice to meet you Jasmine

Jasmine: same here, but if your looking for a battle you'll have to wait, I'm taking care of my ampharos amphy here

Jacob: well Jasmine, you'll be happy to know that I'm here to help amphy here

Jasmine: really, thank you!

Jacob: no problem

Jacob then went up to amphy and sat next to her

Jacob: alright now what exactly is the problem with amphy here

Jasmine: well amphy usally lights up the lighthouse, but recently she hasn't been able to light it up, I've tried everything but nothing will work, I just don't know what's wrong with her, it so bad that I can't leave her unattended, can you pls find out what's wrong

Jacob: don't worry Jasmine, I'll find out what's wrong with her, now let's see here

Jacob body began to release some blue aura as he examined amphy

Jacob: alright....mmhmm......mhmm...oh my

Jasmine: how is she jacob

Jacob: Jasmine, amphy here is very low on energy, this would explain why she hasn't been able to light up the lighthouse, however it can be cured

Jasmine: I heard that the pharmacy in cianwood has a potion that can cure this, but I can't get it myself

Jacob: okay, then I'll get the potion

Jasmine: you will!

Jacob: sure, we're actually heading there now, I can get the potion while I'm there and bring it back to you

Jasmine: thank you so much!

Jacob: your welcome jasmine

The team then left and headed for Cianwood city

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